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Volume 6 Chapter 9 One Person¡¯s Decision

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    What happened in the cave did not cause any disturbance. It was bound by an oath. After the unified statement, everyone said that Zhang Tie shared his mining experience with everyone in the cave, and that was it.

    What no one expected was that on this day, among all the trial students, there were already 64 more fanatics who were as close as brothers, abided by their oaths and secret agreements, and wanted to join the Ancient God Society.

    This is the sequelae of the tricks played by Zhang Tie. Except for Zhang Tie, the mysterious and sacred inheritance ceremony of the Great Blessing Technique captured the hearts of everyone.  For Zhang Tie, although this great blessing technique is purely fictitious, it is not completely unreasonable. Just like the Chinese mantra that Zhang Tie muttered at the ceremony, how can you see a rainbow without experiencing suffering.  And more importantly, the biggest reason why Zhang Tie dared to reveal the "Great Blessing Technique" in front of so many people, such a fictitious secret, was Zhang Tie's personal experience of being a human sandbag in the battle hall. He could not fight back when being beaten.  It is painful, but for the same thing, when you change your perspective, change your perspective, and change your feelings and thinking to accept, understand, and find benefits among those things where benefits are least likely to be found, Zhang Tie discovered that,  The feeling of happiness and enlightenment in my heart is really great.

    What happens is not the most important. What is important is how you feel and understand what is happening. All things are neither good nor bad. It all depends on how you feel. You feel it is good.  Then it is good and can make you feel happy. If you feel it is bad, then it is bad and can make you feel bad.  When you open your mind, let go of the baggage of traditional perspectives, and focus on the aspects of things that make you feel good.  Zhang Tie discovered that his heart is like a faucet that has been turned on. After the gate that closes the heart is opened, something that makes people feel great flows through your body from the gate that opens in your heart.  .  This is the ultimate meaning of the Great Blessing Technique that Zhang Tie has personally experienced and summarized - no matter when, no matter what you face, you let your own feelings focus in the positive direction, the direction that makes you happy, that is what you are facing  Your own greatest blessing!

    As for the ancient gods meeting or something.  To Zhang Tie, that was just nonsense. Zhang Tie felt that as long as those guys went their separate ways after the trial was completed, no one would think about such illusory things anymore.  In order for a fictional Great Blessing Technique to have an effect on those guys, to make those guys have devout faith and awe, and to reach the minimum threshold to join the Ancient Gods Association, this body was made up by Zhang Tie to let himself out of this thing.  It was a small strategy and lie to get out of the incident. Zhang Tie did not believe that such a lie could be exposed, because the Great Blessing Technique was invented by him. This kind of nonsense can only make people face it more positively.  Beyond life and its difficulties.  Even Zhang Tie didn't believe it could have any magical effect in making people awe and pious.

    What happened in the entire cave can be regarded as a white lie and blessing that I gave to those guys.  Zhang Tie said to himself.

    After that day, the cave that originally housed only a dozen or so miners became completely lively with the addition of fifty or sixty miners.  Even in the tunnel where Zhang Tie was mining, there were several more people.

    Unlike the former few guys who resigned themselves to mining and looked sad all day long, these guys were successfully brainwashed by Zhang Tie.  The performance of the guys who claimed to have learned Zhang Tie¡¯s mining experience in the mine.  It will definitely make others think that they are a bunch of psychopaths and lunatics.

    Others carry mining baskets on their backs and start working with mining picks, but these guys are different. Before each mining, they will kneel down in front of the hard and cold mineral deposits and stones, and put their hands together.  , perform a sincere and grateful prayer.

    "Thank God for bringing you to me. I know that you are not a cold ore. You are the greatest blessing God has given me. Every time I wave the mining pick piously, every time I carry you through the long journey with gratitude.  I am receiving this great blessing and gift. You make my bones and body feel tired and sore. That is because you are giving me extraordinary strength and will. You are as solid as iron and difficult to break.  Give me the determination and courage to crush all difficulties. Because of you, I can get food. Because of you, I can gain strength. Because of you, I can become strong. Because of you, I have the determination to crush all difficulties. I know, like.  The most beautiful wine is bitter in the mouth. Similarly, I also know that the greatest blessing appears to be suffering and difficulty. From today on, all complaints will leave me. I will see through the appearance of all suffering.  No longer be fooled by its appearance, just like drinking wine, open your heart to accept this blessing. That suffering is the blessing given to me by God. I receive this blessing with piety and gratitude, and I must also be like this.  I continue to draw powerful strength from the blessings! May the ancient gods be with me!¡±

      After reciting this prayer silently, those guys touched and even kissed the cold stones one by one, and then picked up the mining pick, with a satisfied and pious expression, as if they were digging  Like gold, focus and devote yourself to mining.

    At first, only Porter did this, and then slowly, starting from a few "fire bearers", everyone followed Porter and began to silently pray for great blessings in their hearts with such prayers before each mining operation.  With the blessing of magic, even Wood and the other four "sacrifice", although they had not experienced the "sacred" ceremony, also began to pray with such prayers, and through this prayer, Wood and others also  I vaguely felt the essence of the Great Blessing Technique, and my heart became more determined and pious.

    It took Porter one night to come up with this prayer. After Porter came up with it, he anxiously asked Zhang Tie, the "enlightener", for advice the next day. This prayer shocked Zhang Tie on the spot.  You must be in a state of confusion.

    "Did you come up with this prayer yourself?" Zhang Tie looked at Potter curiously, completely confused as to why this guy who was resigned to mining yesterday became so full of thoughts after just one day, even such a  I can think of all the prayers, especially the one about wine, which is so full of meaning.

    "Yes!" Potter got slightly excited when he said the prayer, and his face began to glow with a red light. "I don't know why. I was very excited last night and couldn't sleep. These things started to come out one by one.  It¡¯s in my head!¡±

    "It seems that the Great Blessing Technique has begun to show its effect on you" Zhang Tie said to Porter with a serious face, "This prayer of yours is very good. It is completely the result of the interaction between the Great Blessing Technique and your inner feeling.  , but there is still one problem. If I add another sentence, this prayer will be perfect!¡±

    "What else needs to be modified?" Potter asked nervously.

    "If you add the words 'May the ancient gods be with me' at the end of this prayer, this prayer will be more powerful and more effective!" Zhang Tie pretended to "point".

    So, on the afternoon of the next day, when someone discovered that after a "communication" with Zhang Tie, Porter, the "fire bearer", began to kneel on the ground to pray devoutly before mining, it only took him a whole morning.  Over time, this prayer quietly spread among the 64 people. Everyone felt like they had found a treasure, especially the sentence "May the ancient gods be with me" added by Zhang Tie at the end of this prayer.  It made everyone firmly believe that it was this mysterious god called "Ancient God" that the Ancient God would believe in.

    The Black Iron Age was an era of explosion of human beliefs. It is estimated that no one has ever seen whether there are gods in this world. However, the worship of various gods has spread everywhere where people can live together. What about other places?  Zhang Tie didn't know the situation, but in the Andaman Alliance alone, although the Sun God Dynasty has always been watching, there are no less than seven or eight sects and groups within the alliance that use the sun as their totem and source of belief, and there are various others.  There are so many sects and groups in the world. Each group and sect says that it believes in the real god. However, many groups and sects end up becoming a tool for a bunch of scammers to make money and sex. The situation of bankruptcies and people leaving the buildings is much worse than  Registered business groups and companies will close down more frequently, and these gods will come and go in piles with the rise and fall of these sects and groups. There are so many that it is dazzling that no one can remember them.  Under this situation, Zhang Tie felt that it was no big deal to just make up an ancient god or something like that.

    In the Andaman Union, the sin of casually fabricating a god is much smaller than the sin of casually fabricating a corporate legal person. The latter may still be troubled by people from the tax department, but no one will care about the former.

    Zhang Tie just insisted on digging in the mine for three days with these guys who had received the inheritance and blessing of the "Great Blessing Technique". Zhang Tie was about to collapse. The leak-free fruit had matured for three days, but during these three days, Zhang Tie  Tie Leng did not find an opportunity to enter the Black Iron Castle and complete his plan to advance to the second level combat soldier. During these three days, as long as Zhang Tie appeared in the mine, he would always become the guy who attracted the most attention.  , and the number of miners in the mine now is four to five times more than before. The mine can no longer provide any cover for Zhang Tie to enter and exit the Black Iron Castle, and he can no longer provide any cover for Zhang Tie in the mine.  Iron Keep increases any base energy reserves.

    The time for this trial was almost half over. Zhang Tie knew that if he was still in the mine, he might have to dig mines with these guys for another month. This was certainly not what Zhang Tie wanted.

    So, when he finished digging on the third day, Zhang Tie declared his decision to all the guys mining in the mine with a high degree of righteousness - he would leave the mine and complete the most severe task of being a lone traveler alone.  Survival trials, drawing stronger strength from more dangerous and difficult environments.?¡­
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