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Volume 1 Abnormal Human Research and Rescue Center Chapter 3: Mysterious Price

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    "Bah!" One second, Carter was still on Jingxiang, and the next second, he rushed to the wastebasket and vomited.  "Don't get me wrong, I'm not gay. What I did just now is just paying the price for using my ability. I believe you also know that." Carter quickly explained.  And Jingxiang has been in a fog since the "explanation of terms", and the scene just now frightened him even more, "Paid price?" "Don't you know? No haven't you paid the price?  ?" This time it was Zi Chen's turn to be surprised.  At the same time, everyone around them also had expressions of disbelief on their faces.  Jing Xiang shook his head: "Do we have to pay a price for using our abilities? Then why do we need this kind of thing?" "Tch - don't you know the superiority of superpowers at all? How about comparing yourself to a magician who can also use unknown powers?  "Compared, they still need time to practice and chant, but we use it instantly!" The orange-haired man said fiercely.  Jingxiang found that his brain was not enough, why did a "magician" appear again?  Is the world crazy?  Noticing Jing Xiang's astonishment, Carter adjusted his collar and patiently explained: "There is a price to pay for using superpowers. This is something that almost everyone will naturally realize the moment they awaken their superpowers. The so-called 'price' is to put it bluntly.  Force yourself to do things you don¡¯t want to do; generally speaking, the stronger the ability, the greater the cost. For example, you have experienced it personally. I am not gay, I am a straight man, a straight-laced heterosexual  "Carter glanced at Zi Chen, and everyone smiled. Zi Chen pretended not to notice, "For me, the most unbearable thing is to have sex with a man, so the price for me is to force myself to do it to someone of the same sex.  The more exaggerated and unbearable the act of love is, the longer you can use your superpowers and the stronger the intensity will be. " "Everyone here has to pay a price for using superpowers.  The lowest is Mu Lian." Carter pointed at the girl with long black hair, "Of course, this is just my opinion. In fact, for everyone, the price is something that is psychologically unacceptable.  , We all have psychological barriers, maybe this is also a manifestation of the way of heaven, which prevents us superpowers from doing evil and abusing our abilities. " "Has anyone tried not to pay the price?" Jing Xiang came back to his senses and asked.  "Yes!" Zi Chen interrupted again, making Carter embarrassed.  "But, since then, no one has seen the guy who 'breached the contract'." Zi Chen's cold tone when he said such content was a bit creepy.  Jingxiang couldn¡¯t help but swallow.  "However, I remember that the price is divided into instantaneous and long-term costs. Since you don't feel that you need to pay anything during the use of your ability, then your price should have been paid or will be paid in the future; this kind of price in life  We generally call it a "long-term price" to interfere with fate over a long period of time, but I, Carter, have only seen one person who paid this price. If you are the same, you may be considered the second special case. " "I am.  I've always been very unlucky." Jing Xiang thought about himself and felt that he must have paid it. The price was not small, and it was just paid this morning "Hey, let's not talk about the price. What's going on with your ability?  I can't feel the fluctuation of your ability field at all!" The orange-haired man stood up and looked down at Jing Xiang.  "I" "Oh, don't give power to a random newcomer, Shanyan." Carter slowly walked to Jingxiang, "What I saw in that room was also very strange. It was just a ball of light, but because  In the dark, I felt very scared. Since I could only go in once, I thought I was just a "light bulb" for a long time. It wasn't until I joined the "Wings of Condemnation" that I developed it through the training of the mission.  His true ability." Carter put his hand on Jing Xiang's shoulder, startling Jing Xiang, "Join us. Although this association is just a feather of the 'Wings of Judgment', one day,  It will become a wing that can truly fly!" A strong wind suddenly blew in the closed classroom, and everyone felt a sudden thump in their hearts, and an inexplicable fear came and went away in an instant.  "Your recruiting skills are still so bad. Can you change this ridiculous line? Countless newcomers have been disgusted by your words in the past three years." Zi Chen, who was farthest away, squinted his eyes with a look of contempt.  Looking at Carter like that.  Although the corners of Carter's mouth, which was closest to the center of the storm, were twitching, his eyes were still filled with anticipation.  "As long as -" No one had any hope, but the word Jingxiang said was not 'reject', which made them focus immediately, "As long as the problem of my inability to freely expand and release my abilities can be solved, I will  I am willing!¡±  "Ah hoo ~ Welcome newcomers!" Everyone cheered, as if the momentary fear just now did not exist at all; however, there was an exception. Mu Lian's pupils shrank sharply after the storm, and there was a person hiding behind the crowd shivering.  .  No one noticed "Haha, everyone is so enthusiastic!" Jingxiang was thrown into the air by several people, caught and thrown again, "But I don't know everyone very well. My name is Jingxiang, Jingxiang of scenery, Xiangrui of  Xiang, I don¡¯t know my abilities myself, which often causes people around me to distance themselves from me. Cats and puppies see me as if they are an enemy. ¡°Haha, what a wonderful ability. This ability is actually untapped.  , I was shocked just now!" The orange-haired man Yamahiko took the lead and answered, "My name is Fujita Yamahiko, everyone calls me Yamahiko, how old are you, you can just call me big brother, haha, I am capable.  If you are concerned, I will protect you! Mine is A-level telekinesis, which is the most common ability but few people are proficient in it." Carter added: "Shan Yan is one of the few in our association.  Members who participated in combat missions. As for the other members, it¡¯s getting late now. I think your sister must be exhausted waiting for you~ They will introduce you to you next time. Well, this is a member of our association.  Card, with this card, you can enter and leave any of our strongholds in this city" At this point, Jingxiang could go back to report safely. Who knows, the crowd was suddenly squeezed out of a small path, and he walked out of it.  What came out was the girl with long black hair, Mu Lian - "Fear" "Huh? What did you just say, little Mu Lian?" Carter looked at her doubtfully, and Zi Chen and others also focused their attention.  On this girl.  "His ability" Mu Lian pointed at Jing Xiang with her slightly trembling left hand, "It's fear!" Jing Xiang's pupils also shrank instantly.  The surrounding air suddenly became thicker, as if a storm was about to hit.  But the next moment, Jing Xiang suddenly disappeared into the closed classroom.  At this time, Zi Chen reacted and looked at Mu Lian.  She was sweating profusely and panting, leaning against Carter's side, while her eyes were still flashing an ominous red light.  Zi Chen realized that it was Mu Lian who activated her ability just now What is the origin of the newcomer who can make Mu Lian so nervous?  The fire of doubt that had subsided was rekindled in Zi Chen's heart.  "Uncle Carter~ I'm hotcan you help me take off some clothes?" "Uh, hey, I'm happy to help. I'm not that old, I just" Bang!  Snapped!  Mu Lian and Zi Chen left the classroom side by side, leaving only the president who fell unconscious on the ground "Pfft hahaha, that means you were kicked out by a little girl?" Jing Mo rested his chin on his right hand, drunkenly  smiled.  "That's not the point! What I want to ask is - didn't you go to the coffee shop? Why are you in the bar!!" Jing Xiang growled in a low voice with a red face.  "Well~ When your sister and I were your age, I didn't know how many times we had trouble in taverns and brothels, hiccup! How come it's your turn and you don't even dare to come to a place like this where you can have a drink in peace  "Hiccup!" "Okay, let's go!" "Sir, please pay, the total is five hundred and eighty yuan!" "You are so poor now!" On the other side of the world, the Byzantine Inquisition.  , the bishop was praying to an idol.  After a while, the statue was bathed in sacred light.  "Archbishop, does the Lord have any instructions?" From behind a pillar, a female voice as sweet as an oriole came.  "Your Highness the Star Saint, the Lord said, 'Satan has appeared in the east.'" "Is that so He is the one who controls my future" The Star Saint's voice became smaller and smaller.  , almost inaudible, with a little light, it seems that her cheeks are covered with a layer of blush.  Back to the East, that naughty kid who missed all the college entrance examinations on the first day.  "I've already told you! I'm still a high school student now, so I can't go to a place like this." Jing Xiang's face turned red as he explained his reasons to Jing Mo, and warned her righteously not to take him to such a place.     boom!  "Yeah!" A girl was knocked to the ground by Jing Xiang, who had been staring at Jing Mo.  "Ah! Sorry." Jing Xiang quickly reached out to pull the girl who fell to the ground.  "Go away!" "Huh?!" Jing Xiang was surprised how this girl could be so squeamish, but when she took a closer look, he was stunned.  The girl who fell to the ground hurriedly put on a hat to cover her head and ran away quickly. ?"What's wrong, brother?" Jing Mo finally opened his drunken eyes and looked at Jing Xiang.  "Sheshe" "Huh?" "She has a pair of wolf ears on her head!" Jing Mo quietly stared at Jing Xiang's surprised look, not showing the slightest hint of drunkenness.  In Branch 235, after the two girls Zi Chen and Mu Lian left, the closed classroom fell into dullness again.  "Just now Mu Lian's ability seemed to be abnormal." Tachibana Yamahiko changed his previous ruffian demeanor and calmly analyzed.  There was a fat man wearing a chef's hat next to him, tapping a large spoon he had taken out from nowhere and saying: "Little Mulian's ability has always been our secret, and the reason why we can keep it a secret is that the movement of her ability is very small. This  This timeit seems to have advancedthe movement is not good." The president adjusted his glasses: "In any case, it is a good thing that our ability has improved. Maybe our ability to protect ourselves will be stronger as a result.  , let¡¯s not talk about it. What do you think about the newcomer? Speaking of which, I don¡¯t want you to reject him. ¡°Hahaha, Carter, you are overly worried. If I am not wrong about this newcomer¡¯s ability, it should be psychological.  It's the rarest system. It seems to make us feel fear." Shan Yan levitated a table in the air, and his eyes glowed white, "This kind of ability can be used in any mission.  It's very convenient; if he helps me with this mission, not only will it be successful, but our association will be upgraded." Carter nodded and said nothing.  While at school, Zi Chen took Mu Lian and sat on the lawn to talk.  "Mu Lian, your ability field seemed to have fluctuated too much just now" Zi Chen was scolding her in a cold tone.  Mu Lian lowered her head in silence.  "We agreed that your secret must not be leaked, otherwise not only will your wish not be realized, but we will also be in danger!" Seeing this, Zi Chen could only remind him softly, "Be careful next time, the newcomer this time is He  Just like you, you found the classroom blocked by super powers alone, so we will not abandon him. I hope you and him can get along well. I also hope you can have another companion. You are too lonely" Mu Lian.  He shook his head and stood up to leave.  Zi Chen grabbed her and said, "Although Carter said he is not 'theirs', I will still keep an eye out. If you believe my sister, get closer to him and help her find out about him. In addition, that  Jing Xiang seems to have a sister, please pay attention." Mu Lian was silent for a few seconds and finally nodded in agreement.  When he was about to take action on campus and on the other side of the world, the person involved, Jing Xiang, was worrying about whether he should take the exam.  "Don't worry, you won't be late if your sister sees you off!" "But what will you do at night?" "I'll sleep over there!" Jing Mo blinked.  "But my bed is a single bed!" Jing Xiang was going crazy. Although having a beautiful woman by his side is every normal man's wish, he always thought that he was a reserved boy.  "Then you can only sleep on the carpet." Seeing Jing Mo looking troubled and thinking, Jing Xiang had no choice but to obey.  ¡¾Then - sleep on the carpet.  ¡¿ At night, Jing Xiang, who had experienced strange things all day long, was still digesting it. He couldn't figure it out, so he asked Jing Mo: "Hey, do you know that there is a price for using super powers? I have never had any compulsion.  My own impulse, what is the price for me Will it be dangerous? " "Sister! It's hard for me to tell you this kind of thing. Anyway, believe in yourself. In life, you only need to ask your heart.  As long as you have a clear conscience and live a meaningful life, you don¡¯t need to care about the length; for me, the breadth of life is even more valuable" Jing Mo was lying on the bed, and the bright moonlight shined into the room through the gauze curtains, casting a blanket over her.  A layer of mysterious brilliance.  "How wideSister, you suddenly appeared in my life. Although it was a bit strange, I accepted it quickly in my heartI always feel that you are an extraordinary big shot, sister!" Jingxiang fell into it.  The young man is in lust.  "Don't be such a mouthful, I'm afraid you accepted it so quickly because you have been lonely for too long. Sigh As I said before, I reiterate again, you must never fall in love with your sister, otherwise you will die an ugly death!" Jing Mo  The quilt shook for a while.  "Humph, I know you are laughing at my lack of experience, sister. Don't worry, I am a gentleman. Besides, I will not fall in love with a 'witch' like you. I like the quiet and virtuous one" "  Stop! Do you want to take the exam tomorrow? If you miss it, you will definitely not be able to get into that school. Then just cry!  ¡°???Hey, I'm so angry, I'm afraid you won't get married, sister.  " "Give me some sleep!  ¡± In the mountains and forests of this city, when the happy people are falling asleep, a wolf is carefully looking for food. The sound of the girl sobbing came from the forest, and under the cold moonlight, the warmth of summer is no longer there.  Yes, it¡¯s just the girl leaning on the cold wolf corpse
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