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Blood Curse, Volume 7, Chapter 3: Rampage and...reaching the sky in one step!

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    The blood of giants is a special exchange from the main god. To be precise, it is an exchange between blood and props - just like Lu Ren's Hundred Ghosts Night Silk is between skill trees and props.  ¡ª¡ªAfter redeeming the blood of giants, the owner can freely choose between C-level four-meter giants, B-level 7-meter giants and half-length giants (the thing that Allen used to block the cannon), *-level 15-meter giants, and  Choose between the S-class armored giant and the 60-meter super giant to transform. Of course, the premise is that you pay the corresponding price to purchase this exchange.  In terms of abilities, this blood transformation, which was born out of the cartoon "Attack on Titan", also perfectly inherits the ability in the cartoon to be able to regenerate infinitely as long as the vitals are not destroyed, but the regeneration speed is limited to different levels.  There will be a difference - as for the vital point of the giant's back of the neck, to be honest, Lu Ren completely does not believe that these future people in the main god space can pay attention to such a thing as the back of the neck after hitting the heart and brain etc. ineffectively.  The narrow area, in the animation, is a rule of thumb that all mankind has tried after hundreds of years of war - all factors combined, there is no doubt that Lu Ren's so-called "endurance" will be perfectly reflected in the giant;  After solving the problem of durability, the giant's huge body and aggressive attack method also have inherent advantages in drawing hatred and avoiding being knocked away. It is also very beneficial for attacking the enemy's formation to divide and surround them.  Coupled with the pure defensive skill of Half Giant, it can almost be said that Lu Ren's request has been brought into full play.  Moreover, the blood of giants is a third redemption method other than the level-by-level promotion represented by internal force and the castrated version represented by European and American superhero blood. It does not require the same  You can go up from D to A level by level, and you cannot skip levels; unlike European and American superhero bloodlines, once you redeem the genuine version, the value of the castrated version will be completely covered by the genuine version. As far as the blood of giants is concerned, as long as you have enough  For bonus points and side plots, you can directly redeem S-level armored giants and super-large giants. If you don¡¯t have them, you can also start with the lowest level four-meter giants, and then redeem them for higher-level ones when you have money.  The blood of giants, and the previous exchange is still retained and a considerable degree of strengthening bonus is obtained. In this way, in some relatively narrow environments where giants of fifteen meters or higher cannot be used, it can still be transformed into four meters.  The giant fights, and the defense and attack power are not much weakened compared to the fifteen-meter giant transformation, which greatly enhances the universality and flexibility of this exchange.  To be honest, no matter how you look at it, the blood of giants can be regarded as the perfect bloodline that a defender dreams of Well, if there is no problem of rampage.  In fact, if we really talk about it, the issue of going berserk is not a problem at all in Japanese comics. Shenma EVA, Kyuubi, in short, any guy who looks more sexy can basically go berserk and must go berserk.  , but it is a pity that Lu Ren and the others are not in the Japanese comics now, but in the main god space, so they immediately tasted the bitter consequences of He Zheng's rampage, especially when they collected money and directly exchanged it for him*  In the case of a fifteen-meter giant!  "Huh¡ª¡ª" With a roar of the wind, a huge fist tore through the hot steam in an instant, and slammed into the middle of the East American team. Fortunately, Lu Ren and the others were not completely unprepared, and with the formation  The few people in the middle are also masters, so before the fist hits, they have already grabbed the newcomers around them and jumped out to the side. Then they just heard a "boom", even the hard ground of the Lord God Space was struck by it.  He Zheng transformed into a giant with a punch that caused gravel to fly, as if a bomb was detonated out of thin air. Everyone in mid-air couldn't bear the strength. With nowhere to hide, they were all hit one after another. Their heads were hit by the rocks and they were bleeding.  .  "Back off the newcomer, the senior is ready to wake him up!" Lu Ren wiped the blood from the stone on his face in the air, and suddenly rolled his body into a ball. After landing, he rolled out of the giant's attack range, "  This is the main god's space, and it can be repaired as long as it's not dead, so don't hold back! "Knock him down as soon as possible!" "Boom!" Two blue explosive bombs kissed the giant's head first and blew it up immediately.  Dede staggered back a few steps, but before Lan Xiaoqian could say hello, he stepped forward again and swept his leg straight through the air like a huge steel pillar, heading towards Lan Xiaoqian.  !  "Damn it!" Lan Xiaoqian cursed angrily. When he raised his hand, a strand of spider silk had already stuck to the ceiling of the weapons testing site. With a slight tug, he flew up, narrowly escaping the giant again and again.  With this kick, at the same time, Richard saw the opportunity for the giant to kick up one of his legs, roared angrily, and rushed forward like a wild bull. His shoulder hit the calf of the giant's other leg.Unfortunately, the giant did not fall to the ground as he thought. Instead, after shaking a few times, the kicked out leg landed heavily on the ground. With a kick of his back foot, Richard was thrown away directly.  It fell more than ten meters away like a gourd.  "Attack him on the back of the neck!" Lu Ren shouted loudly, and was about to mark the position of the giant's back with resentment, but he did not expect that a huge slap came first and hit the top of his head. He had no choice but to  He bounced away on all fours, and the resentment that took time to cast naturally disappeared.  "The terrain of the test site has changed." After stepping on a large target used to test anti-armor weapons nearby, Lu Renren gave the order to change the terrain without hesitation in mid-air. Suddenly, towering steel masses rose up.  In an instant, the entire test site was isolated into a labyrinth-like area, which not only restricted the giant's movements, but also made it easier for experts with 3D maneuverability, such as Lu Ren and Lan Xiaoqian, to attack its vital points on the back of the neck.  "Come again!" Lu Ren snorted coldly, flying high and low among the undulating steel masses. From time to time, he would fight with Lan Xiaoqian, who was swinging around on the spider silk, in mid-air to change direction.  As soon as he came, the giant who lost his mind due to the rampage was immediately confused by the highly maneuverable method of the two people. For a while, he could only see two small flies dangling in front of his eyes, and they were firmly restrained.  However, it must be mentioned that although the giant was stunned, Lu Ren and Lan Xiaoqian were also quite frightened by the giant's fighting power. They never expected that they could only fight soy sauce before.  He Zheng, after exchanging the blood of a giant, was able to reach the sky in one step and possess such powerful fighting power!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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