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Blood Curse, Volume 6, Chapter 27: Beat him until he is crippled!

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    "I won't just give in!" Dong Yugang's unruly voice was still echoing over the wilderness, and boiling black flames were already burning in his pupils!  But soon, Lu Ren used his actions to re-demonstrate to him a truth that he already knew but thought he had transcended, that is: a sniper, talking nonsense at such a distance that is almost equivalent to face to face,  You have to pay the price for your stupidity and arrogance!  "If you don't admit defeat, I will beat you until you do!" Lu Ren's cold words gave Dong Yugang a clear and definite answer before the last word fell, and what was faster than the sound was Lu Ren's obscene movements  ¡ª¡ªA silver-white metal ball the size of a lychee slipped from his palm. There was a flowing red light flashing around the small ball. It fell into the shadow at his feet and disappeared in an instant. Almost at the same time,  , in front of Dong Yugang, there was also a white shadow that was surging crazily, and then, a pair of pale arms were suddenly raised to the sky in the light of the lightning. Between the palms of his hands, he was holding the metal ball just now!  "This is" The black flames in Dong Yugang's pupils paused, and then, before he could figure it out, the surface of the metal ball began to wrinkle and crack rapidly under his eyes, then vaporized, and finally disappeared instantly.  A dazzling white light burst out!  "Buzz¡ª¡ª" After a harsh buzz, Dong Yugang screamed "Ah", covered his eyes and staggered back, and finally sat down on the ground!  Shocking bomb!  The grenade thrown by Lu Ren at this time is the most common sound and light shock bomb in the family of non-lethal weapons. It does not produce fragments or shock waves when it explodes, but the chemical reaction inside the projectile can instantly produce strong light and  Violent infrasound waves can temporarily blind and deafen people, and can also damage people's vestibular semicircular canals, making people completely lose their balance in a short period of time and unable to even stand up!  This thing is one of the many weapons that Lu Ren took out from the Lan family arsenal. It was originally intended to be used to deal with the cluster of plot characters, but unexpectedly it was used on Dong Yugang at this time, and it also showed unexpected effects.  It's a miraculous effect, but think about it, Dong Yugang is a sniper who is proficient in pupil skills. Once his eyes go blind, 10% of his combat effectiveness is immediately destroyed. In addition, the Sharingan also has the effect of slowing down visual time. This  It means that even that burst of blinding bright light was caught off guard by him, and the damage caused was so great that it is probably far greater than that of ordinary people!  At this time, it can be seen that Lu Ren has begun to form his own fighting style. He is no longer just going to go for the coconuts, but has begun to use his intelligence advantages to attack the enemy's weak links in a targeted manner, even in some cases.  At certain times, he can also use the opponent's advantages as disadvantages and inflict the most painful blow to the enemy at the minimum cost. This was the case with the previous shadow clone, and this is the case with the current Sharingan.  Strictly speaking, at this time, Dong Yugang was not inferior to Lu Ren in terms of genetic locks or exchangeable items, and was even better than Lu Ren. However, under this targeted restraint tactic, he still suffered defeats one after another, and was defeated step by step.  The fundamental reason is not that Dong Yugang is not strong, but that Lu Ren's tactics are too abnormal. Imagine two people playing cards. One person can't even see the other person's expression and body language, while the other person can't see the other person's expression or body language.  The opponent's cards are all well known, so why is there any need to play such a game?  The so-called "everyone below the fourth level is an ant". Since everyone is an ant, no matter whether he is stronger or weaker, as long as he does not have the gene to lock the fourth level, he will have to suffer from Lu Ren's restraint, no matter what you exchange, not to mention,  Lu Ren also has a group of powerful teammates. With their help, Dong Yugang's remaining range advantage was wiped out in a series of pursuits. Being able to escape to this point and still have the strength to resist is already a sign of his strength.  Outstanding.  "Do you think I, the senior otaku king, are just talking?!" Lu Ren let out a roar in his heart that could not be said to be heroic. Lu Ren suddenly lowered his body. Then, before Dong Yugang regained consciousness, he had suddenly made an unlucky sniper attack.  In front of the hand, a heavy kick swept across!  "Bang!" At this time, Lu Ren was still on all fours, so his height was almost the same as that of Dong Yugang who was sitting on the ground. He twisted his body, using his left leg as the axis, and raised his clawed hands on the ground.  With a forceful strike, his straight right leg was raised high and hit Dong Yugang's face like a steel whip!  "Poof!" A mouthful of blood mixed with broken teeth suddenly spurted out from Dong Yugang's mouth. Unfortunately, he was eaten by a group of greedy female ghosts before he even hit the ground. After eating up this mouthful of appetizer, the female ghosts immediately saw the blood.  He became even more violent, and without waiting for Lu Ren to give an order, he swarmed up and tore him apart.Dong Yugang, who was prone to staggering to his feet, fell to the ground again before he even had time to use Amaterasu. He felt a sharp chill suddenly coming from the two index fingers of his left and right hands, and then he became completely numb and lost consciousness.  I saw a vast white field surging crazily, and then, there was no more The sniper was approached by a group of tough summons. In this case, how could there be anything else Don't be kidding.  !  "He doesn't seem depressed" Shortly after the battle, Lan Xiaoqian followed the team back toward the mother nest, one of the three roads connecting the vampire nest and the giant human city, and took a sneak peek.  He glanced at Dong Yugang, who was caught in the middle of the team. Although this man had recovered part of his vision, there were still tears from the flash bombs in the corners of his eyes. He was still walking a little staggering, but he seemed to have figured something out and looked gloomy.  His face returned to calmness, "I thought someone like him would be very proud." "You've read too many novels." Lu Ren pushed up his glasses and corrected Lan Xiaoqian's words without politeness.  Misconception, "The so-called masters must be the most unscrupulous people in the world. They may have their own airs, but as long as you shatter their surface pride disguised by strength, you will definitely see  Their core is an extremely strong desire for survival. There may be people who value pride more than life, but in this cruel world, most of them are killed before they become masters, and occasionally one or two are left.  , have also been touched by higher masters, I think the basic situation is like this." "What a boring guy, why don't you leave me some thoughts?" Lan Xiaoqian curled his lips, "What do you do?  Why don't you kill this guy?" "Why kill him?" Lu Ren looked at her strangely, and then asked in a tone that didn't understand you at all, "I can only get a C grade by killing him.  As for the side plots, even if the rewards in this world are doubled, there are only two C-level side plots. It is barely enough to buy the Fang of Hellfire, and Dong Yugang himself is already close to an S with all the enhancements and equipment he possesses. Now,  He wants to join our East America team, why should I kill him?" Lan Xiaoqian's face turned red, knowing that she was a bit arrogant in order to change the subject, but out of dignity she still retorted, "But this  This guy has a history of betrayal, and now he wants to defect back to our East American team. Who knows if he will change hands and sell us again when he encounters a stronger team? " Lu Ren's eyes were at this moment.  Suddenly becoming very profound, he looked at Lan Xiaoqian seriously and asked, "Do you still remember what I said when you asked me how to deal with you in the world of Alien vs. Predator?" Lan Xiaoqian  Stunned.  Lu Ren ignored her and said to himself, "I still have the same view now. In order to grow, the team must have stimulation, no matter whether the stimulation is external or internal. At that time, I was not even afraid of the main god, and I still am now.  Are you worried that you can't conquer Dong Yugang?" After a pause, seeing that Lan Xiaoqian was still silent, Lu Ren continued, "Actually, I understand what you mean. I'm just worried that this guy will become a gap in the team battle, right?  I think what you should worry about is not this, but that our team is not strong enough, far from strong enough! Dong Yugang's rebellion will only happen when our team is far inferior to the enemy, but if this happens,  It's too late for us to even worry about our team being wiped out, so how can we have time to worry about whether he will stay or leave? To put it even worse, if it really comes to the point where he is even inferior to the general situation, no matter how strong he is, whether he stays or not?  What impact does it have on the overall situation whether the rebel is dead or alive? " Lan Xiaoqian was completely speechless for a moment when she saw Lu Ren slowly walking away. Even she, a former breeder, was now leading the whole team.  Lu Ren, the semi-leader who came to the disaster, was tolerant and handed over the captain's responsibilities to her. So, where could a mere Dong Yuming jump to?  "This guy" Lan Xiaoqian smiled bitterly and shook her head. However, when she turned around, she suddenly saw Dong Yugang standing behind her in a daze, and was immediately startled.  "He's right, keeping me is more profitable than killing me." Dong Yugang's voice was calm, but there was a hint of sarcasm in it, "You have a good leader." Lan Xiaoqian "hummed" unconvinced.  She made a loud voice, expressing her distrust of Dong Yugang, but her eyes quickly fixed on Dong Yugang's hands!  "Did you see it?" Dong Yugang smiled bitterly and raised his hands a little higher. At this time, you could clearly see that the index fingers of his hands turned completely purple starting from the second knuckle.  It was swollen black and constantly exuding a stench like a rotting corpse.Of course he was poisoned by Lu Ren - as a sniper, if the index fingers of both hands are disabled, then his shooting frequency will undoubtedly be reduced to an outrageous level - although the action of pulling the trigger can  Use other fingers instead, but anyone who has fired a gun actually knows that pulling the trigger of a general firearm is far from as easy as shown on TV. A child can pull it casually, losing the index finger that is most comfortable.  The other fingers are almost in danger of spasming after just a few uses. Especially the stiff index finger is still stuck outside the trigger cover, which can easily hinder the accuracy of shooting.  "Look, he has never actually trusted me." Dong Yugang said lightly. Unfortunately, he didn't know that Lu Ren would do this entirely for the sake of his own life. After all, the combination of saber-tooth tiger blood and resolute shield has its limits.  , for example, based on Lu Ren's current ability, one bullet can at most cause moderate injuries that can be healed quickly, and it is not considered to be a serious injury. However, if Dong Yugang's marksmanship is used to fire continuously, then it is very likely that he will be hit.  A serious injury will quickly expand into a serious injury before it heals, and even lead to death. However, if only Dong Yugang's index finger is destroyed, the consideration of preserving the man's combat power and his own safety will be taken into consideration.  "Now, it's time to seriously consider the mission" Lu Ren thought calmly in front of the team.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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