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Volume 5: The Five Sacred Mountains are Light, Chapter 140: Party Congress (Part 2)

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    At 9 a.m. on December 4, all party representatives began to vote by secret ballot to elect municipal committee members.

    Around ten o’clock, the election box was moved to the small conference room used by the Standing Committee of the Presidium, and the scrutineers and counters began to count the votes.

    The members of the Standing Committee of the Presidium were sitting aside drinking tea and chatting.

    Lu Zheng and Zhang Yugong sat together.  Zhang Yugong, the former director of Wushan People's University, one of the troika, and the oldest comrade among the standing committee members, can now only show his face on such occasions.

    Because he was Lu Zheng’s old leader, he single-handedly promoted Lu Zheng. After Lu Zheng returned to Wushan, more and more Wushan cadres visited Mr. Zhang during the holidays.

    Sitting with Lu Zheng, Mr. Zhang was also very touched. He patted Lu Zheng's hand and said, "I was not wrong about the person back then. You are very, very good."

    The chief vote-getter approved by the presiding committee is the municipal secretary-general Zeng Jiang (former deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Municipal Affairs Bureau) whom Lu Zheng just mentioned, and the deputy chief-voter is Jia Heping, deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, that is,  Huo Qinqun's full-time secretary.

    However, as the vote count came to an end, Zeng Jiang and Jia Heping’s expressions became strange.

    When the last ballot was counted, Jia Heping walked quickly to Huo Qinqun and whispered something. Zeng Jiang also came to Lu Zheng and said in a low voice: "Mayor, Minister Xiong's vote count is particularly low.  Fifty-fourth was over fifty votes lower.”

    There are a total of fifty-five municipal party committee member candidates. After two differences, fifty-three will be elected. Xiong Zongwu ranks at the bottom, and there is still a big gap between the number of votes and the fifty-fourth place.

    "What?!" Huo Qinqun stood up suddenly. The sudden accident made it difficult for him to stay calm.

    Xiong Zongwu, who was chatting with Lin Song, also asked with a smile: "Shuchengji, did something unexpected happen?" He is the leader of the eighth delegation. The eighth delegation is a representative of the economic and trade system and a representative of the publicity system. There are  There were sixty-one deputies. He had already hinted that the ministry representatives would take part in the Eighth Delegation and not vote for Lu Zheng, so that he would not be unanimously elected as a member of the municipal committee. There would be some gap between him and Huo Shunongji, which would be considered an embarrassment to him.

    Looking at the appearance of Qinqun Shuhuoji, Xiong Zongwu secretly wondered, could it be that the difference in votes between Lu Zheng and Qinqun Shuhuoji was too big to explain to the superiors?

    "Is the number of votes confirmed?" Huo Qinqun frowned and asked Jia Heping.

    At this time, Zeng Jiang said to Zhang Yugong who asked him: "Mr. Zhang, Minister Xiong Zongwu's vote count is the last." He estimated the mayor's thoughts and said this in a loud voice.

    The members of the Standing Committee and the staff in the small conference room could hear it clearly and were immediately in an uproar.

    This means that Xiong Zongwu was defeated in the election of municipal committee member.

    Xiong Zongwu never expected that Huo Qinqun's "accident" would be like this. The smile on his face froze, blue and white, and he was speechless for a moment.

    Lin Song stood up and said, "Click it again and take a look." He walked over to the ballot box and signaled for a recount.

    Although he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, his current behavior is too unruly. However, no one can say anything, but Zeng Jiang also followed to the ballot box and continued to perform his duty of supervising the votes.

    After the votes were recounted one by one, the results were still exactly the same as before, with no change in the number of votes for any candidate.

    There was a bit of chaos in the venue, and everyone was talking among themselves. This was so unexpected. Xiong Zongwu was not elected as a member of the Municipal Party Committee. Naturally, he was not qualified to be a candidate for the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee. If he could not be elected to the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, should he, as the Propaganda Minister, win?  What is the reaction of the province and even the central government when they know such election results?

    Since the implementation of differential elections in 1986, at party congresses and people's congresses, unelected party committee members, standing committee members and even political leaders at all levels have often appeared sporadically at party congresses and people's congresses, including in some relatively influential provinces and cities.  But in Wushan, this is the first time.

    what to do?  Many people looked at Huo Qinqun.

    In fact, there was no public counting of votes. During the counting of votes, only the presiding committee and standing committee members were present. If conditions allowed, it would be possible to directly mention the ranking of the defeated members to the front. However, it was Xiong Zongwu who was defeated, and Lu Zheng was present.  , the political situation in Osan is relatively delicate, and it is difficult to get around the election results vaguely.

    "I want to ask the Provincial Party Committee for instructions." Huo Qinqun left the meeting room with a sullen face. If something like this happened, the entire Wushan team, including him, would not be in a good mood.

    Huo Qinqun just walked away, and the members of the Standing Committee looked at each other in the conference room.

    Chen Qin, the political commissar of the military division, frowned and said: "The representatives are all waiting. We can't go on like this. I don't know how long it will take for the province to study and get the results.""

    Lu Zheng looked at his watch and said: "Let's play some music in the venue. Fengrui, you are the Secretary-General. I will add a temporary post to talk about reform and opening up. Then we will adjourn the meeting temporarily and eat first. I don't think the result will be until this afternoon."  Announced."

    As soon as the election results came out, people here felt different when they looked at Lu Zheng. Old Xiong was not very popular. He offended many circles in Wushan, including the media circle, and they hated him most.  However, it is difficult to say that without the above hint, the party representatives would unanimously abandon him. Even if it was not arranged by Lu Zheng, it also means that in Wushan, taking a different route from Lu Zheng would be unpopular.

    After listening to Lu Zheng's instructions, everyone felt a little more at ease. It seems that Lu Zheng is not afraid of angering the leaders of the provincial party committee. There must be a way to resolve it, so that's good.

    Xu Fengrui also hurried to the venue to appease the party representatives.

    Xiong Zongwu occasionally stared at Lu Zheng for a few times. Now he was in a state of confusion. No matter what he thought about this situation, it was hard to get angry.

    After lunch, everyone went back to the small conference room to discuss the matter, but Xiong Zongwu did not show up.

    Until about two o'clock, Xiong Zongwu came up and sat aside, smoking all the time, and it was hard for others to say anything to him.

    It was almost three o'clock when Huo Qinqun entered the conference room, his face looking very ugly.

    "The Provincial Party Committee Gao Shuji said that the choice of the party representatives must be respected, but the investigation team under the Provincial Party Committee will investigate whether there is any bribery or canvassing of votes." Huo Qinqun said briefly, looked at Xiong Zongwu and said: "  Let’s do this, let’s add Zong Wu to our list of candidates for the municipal committee.”

    But Xiong Zongwu had already stood up, his face flushed, and he waved his hand vigorously: "I abstain!" After saying that, he strode out of the venue with a loud bang, and the sound of closing the door shook the door frame as if it was moving.

    Even if you are elected as an alternate municipal committee member, can you serve as the director of the Propaganda Department as an alternate municipal committee member?  Moreover, judging from the number of votes he received, it would be dangerous for him to be elected as an alternate committee member. If he fails to be elected as an alternate municipal committee member, wouldn't it be a loss of face?

    “Furthermore, this is not a transfer. It is impossible that after the party congress, the provincial party committee will directly appoint you as a member of the municipal party committee and standing committee regardless of the election results of the party congress. Otherwise, what is the meaning of the party congress?

    Therefore, alternate members have no value at all.

    So, I would rather not fight for this candidate.

    "Everyone can imagine Xiong Zongwu's thoughts. Ask yourself, if you were replaced, I'm afraid it would be the same choice.

    "Okay, let's go out and announce the results." Huo Qinqun took the lead, and everyone got up and filed out of the small conference room.

    The elections for alternate municipal committee members and municipal discipline inspection committee members ended soon, but there were no surprises.

    The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection held a new session of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in one of the small venues of the Convention and Exhibition Center. They discussed, considered, and elected a new secretary and deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. The result was not surprising. The secretary was still Lin.  Song was elected.

    Afterwards, the newly elected municipal committee members entered a venue that accommodated a hundred people, preparing for the final stage of the conference, the first plenary meeting of the 8th Wushan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.

    According to the original schedule, the first plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee will be held at two o'clock in the afternoon to elect members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary, and Deputy Secretary, and then the fourth plenary meeting of the Party Congress will be held, which is the closing meeting.  At the ceremony, through the work reports of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the election results of the first plenary session of the new Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection were announced. The newly elected Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee made a speech, and the conference concluded successfully.

    But because Xiong Zongwu was unexpectedly defeated, not only did the time have to be postponed, but many arrangements were disrupted.

    While most of the newly elected members of the Municipal Party Committee were waiting for the plenary meeting to be held in the conference room, the presiding committee members of the Standing Committee came to the small conference room to discuss the arrangements for the plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee.

    In fact, the main thing is to discuss the candidates for the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee.

    According to the original arrangement, the current municipal party committee standing committee should be composed of 12 standing committee members, with a gap of one, and a total of 13 municipal party committee standing committee candidates will participate in the election.

    The original candidates were Huo Qinqun, Lu Zheng, Ren Zhonghua, Xu Fengrui, Dong Kuan, Xiong Zongwu, Lin Song, Chen Jiaqiang, Yue Dongfang, Chen Qin, Wang Yubao, He Jinxing and Wang Futing.

    Among them, Chen Qin is the political commissar of the military division, and Wang Futing, the deputy mayor, is the co-elector.

    But now that Xiong Zongwu has been defeated, the number of candidates for the Standing Committee has become twelve. If twelve more Standing Committee members are elected, it means that Wang Futing will also join the Standing Committee.

    Lu Zheng proposed adding another candidate, Gong Aiguo, Minister of the United Front Work Department.

    Although Gong Aiguo joined the Standing Committee of the presidium of the conference, according to the original discussion arrangement of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the new standing committeeThere is no position for Gong Aiguo in the Council. His position as Minister of United Front Work will be concurrently held by Xiong Zongwu, and he himself will be assigned to a more important deputy department-level position.

    Now that Lu Zheng proposed adding Gong Aiguo as a candidate, Huo Qinqun directly opposed it. This had never happened in previous meetings. Everyone could see that Qinqun Shuoji was really anxious and in chaos.

    Huo Qinqun proposed that the number of candidates for the Standing Committee should remain unchanged, but the number of members of the new Standing Committee should be reduced to 11. He said that he had already reported to the province and received support from the provincial party committee.

    “Obviously, when reporting the Xiong Zongwu incident, Huo Qinqun had thoroughly considered what was to come, and had also taken precautions against Lu Zheng’s actions.

    If Gong Aiguo is added as a candidate, it also means that one of Wang Futing and Gong Aiguo will inevitably join the Standing Committee. One of these two people is the deputy mayor who has worked with Lu Zheng for many years; the other is Lu Zheng's appointment in Binhai New Area.  The Minister of United Front Work at the time of Shu Nuoji and an old subordinate.  No matter which of the two made it to the Standing Committee, it was Lu Zheng who helped him.

    The pro -group books are not agreed.

    Everyone present felt like they had a clear mind.

    In front of Gong Aiguo, Huo Qinqun flatly refused to add him as a candidate. Although Gong Aiguo bowed his head and said nothing, he would still be dissatisfied with whoever it was.

    Because all the arrangements were disrupted, the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Presidium discussed his promotion in the presence of the cadres involved. This is also an extremely rare situation.

    Huo Qinqun brought out the opinions of the provincial party committee leaders, and Lu Zheng had nothing to say. He smiled and said, "Okay, I reserve my opinion."

    However, the subsequent election results of the plenary meeting greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. Wang Futing defeated He Jinxing by one vote and ranked eleventh.

    So, according to the voting results of the plenary session, the eleven newly elected members of the Standing Committee should be Huo Qinqun, Lu Zheng, Ren Zhonghua, Xu Fengrui, Dong Kuan, Lin Song, Chen Jiaqiang, Yue Dongfang, Chen Qin, Wang Yubao and Wang Futing.

    The atmosphere in the small conference room where the votes were counted became extremely weird.

    Finally, Huo Qinqun waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's announce the election results." In a short period of time, he had regained his composure, and perhaps he had calmly accepted the unexpected result.

    Immediately, he said seriously: "Comrades, there are some problems at this party congress. I think someone will take responsibility." When he said this, his eyes glanced at Lu Zheng intentionally or unintentionally.

    Lu Zheng just smoked slowly, with no expression on his face.

    When the congress held its last meeting and announced the election results of the Municipal Party Committee Plenary Session to all party representatives, most of the representatives were calm. They did not know what happened, but many representatives were secretly happy that Xiong Zongwu did not enter the Standing Committee in the end.

    And those heads of more important ministries, commissions and bureaus and representatives of higher-ranking government officials in the municipal party committee and municipal government were in an uproar.

    There are eleven members of the Standing Committee, including Mayor Lu Zheng, and there are three unshakable mayors, Chen Jiaqiang, Wang Yubao and Wang Futing.

    In addition, Deputy Secretary Ji and Deputy Director of the People's Congress Ren Zhonghua, who have recently become closer and closer to the mayor, as well as relatively neutral standing committee members such as Military District Political Commissar Chen Qin, in the Standing Committee, the mayor's department seems to be able to cooperate with the secretary.  The Chuoji system fought against each other, and may even have the advantage.

    No one could have imagined that the mayoral faction would win a resounding victory at this Party Congress. Two of the three new members of the standing committee are direct descendants of the mayor. The other new standing member, Yue Dongfang, has an unclear position and may be closer to the group secretary.  However, Zhang Sheng, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee who was transferred, is also from the secretarial department, and Minister Xiong Zongwu, the dismissed member of the Standing Committee, heard that he always choked on the mayor in the Standing Committee, so I am afraid that his dismissal was not an accident.

    Book 垩 书 书 书 书 书 书 书, one person, one person, one person; the mayor of the mayor.  After the change of office, Huo Qinqun's situation of monopolizing everything in the Standing Committee will probably be gone forever.

    The conference came to an end in this atmosphere of doubt.

    After Huo Qinqun reported the situation of the Party Congress and the Municipal Party Committee Plenary Session to the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, the new Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee meeting was held overnight.

    In this meeting, Huo Qinqun didn’t talk about the election anymore. The main thing was to arrange the division of labor.

    The division of labor of most Standing Committee members has not changed. Among the newly elected Standing Committee members, Yue Dongfang also serves as Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, and Wang Futing also serves as Minister of the United Front Work Department.

    Naturally, Xiong Zongwu’s director of the Propaganda Department could not be dismissed just like that. Huo Qinqun originally asked someone to come to a meeting and attend the meeting, but Xiong Zongwu did not come after all.

    After the meeting of the Standing Committee, Wang Yubao and Lu Zheng left the conference room side by side. Wang Yubao felt elated at the moment, but he asked worriedly: "Mayor, is there no problem?" This approach was beyond the ordinary.Regular.

    Lu Zheng smiled and said, "We'll see."

    In the next few days, Wang Yubao had to admire Lu Zheng. He was indeed very foresight.

    At the same time as the Wushan Party Congress was held, several provinces in the south also began to change their two sessions. The two sessions are the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The two sessions mainly changed the heads of political institutions, the National People's Congress, and the CPPCC system.  Leaders and so on.

    There were two provinces in the south that had problems during the election. In these two provinces, the governor candidates nominated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China were defeated and the original deputy governor candidates were elected as governors.

    The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China immediately sent an investigation team to the two southern provinces to investigate. Under such circumstances, the small accident caused by the change of the Osan Party Committee seemed insignificant.

    “And there are various signs that the Central Committee feels that it is no longer necessary to hold anyone responsible for this situation. The top priority is to study and improve the election procedures so that there will be no more extraordinary surprises in future elections.

    In this context, the investigation team from the Provincial Party Committee stayed in Osan for two nights and then returned to the provincial capital. The result of the investigation was naturally that there was no vote-buying or canvassing during the Osan Party Congress.

    Lu Zheng is not a god, but he remembers the accident in the southern provinces from his past life experience. Although the current political situation is not the same as in his previous life, through feedback from all aspects, Lu Zheng feels that the accident in the southern provinces will happen again. Sure enough, everything  Everything is developing at the pace he expected.


    Seeing that Christmas and Iris’ birthday are coming soon, Lu Zheng is very busy.  After the Party Congress, driven by Ren Zhonghua, communities in six municipal districts of Wushan Road South District, Lubei District, Haigang District, Xinhua District, Nanhu District (former suburbs) and Binhai New Area began to implement the people's supervisor system.

    In addition to busy preparations for the city’s two sessions early next year, Lu Zheng also needs to help the National People’s Congress promote pilot reforms.

    Judging from the feedback from the Provincial Party Committee, the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Provincial People's University, it is almost certain that Ren Zhonghua will serve as the director of the Municipal People's University during the new term after the year.

    In addition, Lu Zheng participated in the Provincial Party Congress as a representative and was elected as a member of the Provincial Party Committee. In the election of the new Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, Huo Qinqun was not among the candidates.

    Perhaps Huo Qinqun's appointment to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee was not coordinated well, and there was a problem with Wushan's election. In any case, Huo Qinqun, as the leader, must bear certain responsibilities. He failed to follow the provincial party committee's intention, which shows your ability to control the overall situation.  Not enough, and the matter of mentioning the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee was also temporarily shelved.

    One by one, around the time of the Osan Party Congress, the mood of the cadres in the mayor department and the secretary department changed completely, and they were really in a world of ice and fire.

    Xiong Zongwu never had an explanation, and he was just hanging around in Wushan with his position as Propaganda Minister. But everyone knew that it would be a matter of time before he was transferred. It was even rumored that Qinqun Shuoji had already decided to pick him up.  After he is transferred, Dong Kuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Binhai New Area Party Committee, will concurrently serve as the Propaganda Minister.

    There are very few cadres visiting Xiong Zongwu’s office. Come to think of it, he, who has always been unafraid of the powerful and went against Lu Zheng, has experienced all the warmth and coldness of human kindness during this period.
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