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Volume 5: Battle on the Three Immortals Island Chapter 196: Space Confinement

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    (The first update is coming, please subscribe for support) The first level of innate is to integrate oneself into the heaven and earth, the second level of innate is to integrate heaven and earth into oneself, and the third level of innate is to go one step further, further simplifying and refining the power of heaven and earth, and transforming it into a special mark that can  Use it as you wish, thereby confining the space, disrupting the enemy's attack, destroying the enemy's defense, and confining the enemy's escape.  ** In the realm of congenital triple state, you can restrain the space at will, which is a kind of space.  After possessing this ability, it will be much easier to deal with masters at the second level of innate realm.  Generally speaking, masters at the second level of innate realm are not powerless to resist. They just need to spend time communicating with the power of all things in the world and organizing defensive attacks. This is not comparable to masters at the third level of innate realm in terms of time.  If you miss the opportunity, you miss the chance to win.  Really moved, the strong man in the congenital realm can easily imprison the masters of the congenital dungeon, so that they have no chance to escape.  From this aspect, the control of the three innate realms belongs to the control of space, which is a very terrifying method.  The number of people on Shuiling Island is getting smaller and smaller, but the battle is constantly escalating. From the acquired realm, to the first innate level, then to the second innate level, and now to the third innate level, in less than a year, this  The upgrade speed is also too fast.  The fast-paced upgrade battle has allowed Yu Fei's cultivation level to continue to improve, but compared with the endless emergence of masters in the small world, Yu Fei's speed cannot keep up.  In a pine forest, the flower fairies were released, briefly describing the latest situation on the island.  Most of the Baihua fairies listened silently and did not express any opinions.  Yuzheng, who is good at planning, put forward his own opinion.  "The Tiangang Xuande Realm and the Wuzhou Xuan Sheng Realm are at odds with each other. If the two tigers fight against each other, the Chaos War Heaven Realm will definitely take advantage. From our analysis, it can be inferred that masters who can reach the third level of innate realm will not have an easy time dying, even if they want to.  If we fight each other, we will probably only get injured. Once such an enemy comes to us, we will be in big trouble." Yun Ruowu said: "What we are most concerned about now is whether we can jointly resist the masters of the third level of innateness.  "Great innate artifact, is there any hope of a draw?" Everyone fell into silence. No one knew how powerful and terrifying the third level of innate realm was, so it was difficult to judge whether it could be resisted.  Mrs. Wei sighed softly: "In the seven levels of the innate realm, each level is difficult to challenge. It is almost impossible. The only hope is to use the innate artifact, but no one can tell clearly in advance what the effect will be. Nowadays, the three parties are strong.  The enemies all have masters of the third level of innateness, and it is difficult to define our own strength, which greatly increases the degree of danger. " It is a matter of life and death, and everyone feels very heavy and full of worry.  "Hurry up and improve Baihuamen's overall strength. This is the only thing we can do at the moment." In the current situation, escaping is impossible. Even if you hide deliberately and attack with all your strength, it probably won't last long.  Yu Fei asked all the Baihua Fairies to enter the Baiyuan Garden, and quickly left with Mrs. Wei and Disiya to find a secret place suitable for hiding and sexual intercourse. He planned to use the Hundred Flowers Struggle for Spring to shield the three people's breath and temporarily avoid the strong force.  enemy.  This is a helpless move, and it is also in line with the situation.  The three of them spent half a day finding a remote place and began to meditate.  The three innate triple masters who had just arrived on Shuiling Island did not take action immediately, but each had their own plans.  The first thing the Underworld Emperor did was to fight. He was consolidating his cultivation strength at the third level of the innate realm and wanted to improve his combat effectiveness as soon as possible.  Before entering Shuiling Island, the Underworld Emperor had just been promoted to the third level of innate realm. It was in the early stage. In this aspect, he was far inferior to Zhan Tian of the War Heaven Realm in the Troubled Times and the Shengde Patriarch of the Tiangang Xuande Realm.  In order to protect himself and fight against powerful enemies, the Pluto Emperor hopes to use the abundant spiritual energy on the island to make himself significantly improved in a short period of time, so that he can be more confident even against the ancestor of Shengde.  Zhan Tian led Mai Kidou around the island to collect information on the island. Everywhere he went, everything surrendered, and even heaven and earth were shocked by it.  Mai Guidao is a little afraid of Zhan Tian and appears to be cautious. The reason is that Zhan Tian is very strong and fierce, but Mai Guida is a combination of hereditary and heretical practices. This is what Zhan Tian despises the most.  Ancestor Shengde stood above a deep valley, with flames raging into the sky. It was a newly opened crater, and Tiandou Xingjun was refining the Star Source Chain inside.  This is a divine weapon that Tiandou Xingjun has been cultivating for hundreds of years, but it has never been completed.  Now, with the help of the abundant spiritual energy on the island, the flames in the center of the earth, and the help of the ancestor Shengde?Preparing to refine a peerless magic weapon in one fell swoop, hoping to compete with the Qianqiu Brush in the hands of Mrs. Wei.  The Star Source Chain is quite strong. Considering the current situation, Ancestor Shengde temporarily put aside other things and assisted Tiandou Xingjun in refining it, which can be regarded as enhancing the overall strength of Tiangang Xuande Realm.  This matter cannot be completed in one or two days, but it is estimated that it will not take too long.  Yu Fei was lying on the grass, Mrs. Wei and Disya were not far away, and the surrounding environment was very quiet.  For the past two days, Yu Fei has been doing two things like this, comprehending the Divine Secret of Ten Thousand Beasts while thinking about his next action.  What Yu Fei thinks about most is how to quickly improve his cultivation strength and hit the third level of innate realm.  In the past, Yu Fei could take it easy and calmly, because the situation at that time was not as urgent as it is now.  At present, the three powerful enemies are all innate third level. According to Yu Fei's analysis, even if Baihuamen has two innate artifacts, they may not be able to withstand them.  If it is discovered and blocked by the enemy, it will be dangerous.  Yu Fei is a cautious person, surrounded by outstanding beauties. He does not want his beloved woman to be harmed in any way.  Yu Fei is already a late-stage master of the second level of innate realm, and has obtained the complete Divine Secret of Ten Thousand Beasts. As long as he has resources and enough energy, he can quickly increase his strength and reach the peak of the second level of innate realm.  Judging from the current situation on the island, if he can kill Mai Kidou and Tiandou Xingjun, devour and refine them, Yu Fei will be able to reach the peak state of the second level of innateness in a short period of time.  But if we talk about advancing to the third level of innateness, then it is not just about having strength. We also need to accumulate experience and understand what the true meaning of the third level of innateness is.  After thinking about it, Yu Fei still felt a little heavy.  Even if he kills Mai Kidao and Tiandou Xingjun as he wishes, and devours and refines them, he cannot immediately advance to the third level of innateness and compete with three powerful enemies. Baihuamen will always be at a disadvantage.  As the leader of Baihua Sect, and as a man, Yu Fei must protect the beauties around him, but now he feels powerless.  In deep thought, Yu Fei entered the Hundred Gardens, planning to start with the innate artifact.  Only Su Lingyue can cast the Phoenix Piano, and its power is related to Su Lingyue's level of cultivation.  "Hundred Flowers Strive for Spring" is different. This is an innate artifact that multiple people cooperate and use together. It has stronger plasticity.  If all the Fairies of the Hundred Flowers become innate masters, they will be able to maximize the power of the Hundred Flowers Struggle for Spring. Unfortunately, this is not impossible.  Yu Fei also knows in his heart that not all the beauties around him can enter the innate realm, as they are members of the Baihua Sect, and those who can cross that hurdle are definitely in the minority.  "But Yu Fei can try to upgrade them all to masters of the acquired ninth level. In this way, the power of Hundred Flowers Struggle for Spring will be greatly enhanced.  At this moment, Yu Fei began to deal with this matter, using innate means to activate the Hundred Flowers Struggle for Spring Chart to sort out the meridians of the female cultivators at the eighth level of acquired life, temper their bodies, strengthen their physiques, and allow them to absorb the aura of hundreds of flowers without limit.  Continuously improve their respective cultivation levels.  This is a time-consuming process. It took Yu Fei five days and five nights to upgrade all the Baihua fairies in the eighth heaven realm to the ninth heaven realm.  In this way, the overall combat effectiveness of Baihua Sect is greatly increased, and the Hundred Flowers Struggle for Spring becomes more mysterious and magical.  In the next few days, everyone began to fully cooperate and practice, activating the innate artifact "Hundred Flowers Strive for Spring", to try its current power, and it was obvious that it had been greatly improved.  Yu Fei is building an innate killing array. This is also a tricky attack. It can also explode with astonishing power when used properly.  Disya and Mrs. Wei are both making good progress. Mrs. Wei has reached the peak of the second level of innate realm, and it is obviously not easy to go further.  Disiya¡¯s Greek magical skills are amazing and seem to be constantly improving, which is different from Eastern magic skills.  During this period, Emperor Hades and Emperor Wu have been missing.  Ancestor Shengde assisted Tiandou Xingjun and succeeded in refining the Star Source Chain, which greatly increased Tiandou Xingjun's combat effectiveness.  Zhan Tian walked around the island. He had been observing by the lake for the past two days and did not enter immediately.  After the fire dragon entered the Golden Gate, it never appeared again.  Shuiling Lake has become the most attractive place on the island, and it seems that all the secrets are hidden here.  "The innate beasts in the lake are very scary. How about we first dig out Yu Fei and seize his innate artifact, and then come here." Mai Kidao made a suggestion, using the innate artifact as bait, and wanted to ask Zhan Tian to take action.  "Let's go, let's goI'll be flying around for a while, and I just want to meet this rising star.  " Zhan Tian looked very arrogant, and he disappeared in a flash with Mai Dao, and the next moment he appeared in the quiet woods nearby. Yu Fei, Mrs. Wei, and Disiya were killed here, and the auras of the three of them were all absorbed.  The picture of Hundred Flowers in Spring was blocked, but it was still found by Zhan Tian. Yu Fei woke up immediately and woke up Mrs. Wei and Disiya. Zhan Tian walked over, looking very casual, but.  The nearby space and time has been trembling, becoming completely chaotic, making it impossible for Yu Fei to escape. This is a kind of space blockade, a means of confining space. It is not a deliberate act, but the power of Zhan Tian.  The aura caused the time and space to surrender and not dare to disobey his will (To be continued.)
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