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Volume 5: The Battle of the Three Immortals Island Chapter 185: Disya¡¯s Statement

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    (Second update sent, please vote for support.) For safety reasons, except for Mrs. Wei, Disya, Su Lingyue and Lu Ying, all the other flower fairies entered the picture of Hundred Flowers Celebrating Spring.  Mrs. Wei is currently very weak and is continuously devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replenish her body's consumption and restore some of her combat effectiveness.  Su Lingyue looked at Yu Fei intently, her beautiful face still somewhat worried.  Su Lingyue once tried to achieve spiritual communication with Yu Fei, but received no response, which shows that Yu Fei's current situation is very unfavorable.  Yu Fei has the spiritual mark left by Su Lingyue in his heart, and he can have unhindered spiritual communication at any time.  But Yu Fei didn¡¯t react at this moment. That¡¯s because he was concentrating on using the Ice God Art to communicate with the ice soul and try to melt and absorb the deadly ice.  Yu Fei¡¯s method is correct, but his body has limitations.  The deadly ice is the innate spiritual essence, which is condensed by the peak masters of the second innate realm before impacting the third innate realm.  Even a strong person in the late stage of the second level of Xiantian realm would have difficulty digesting and absorbing it, not to mention that Yu Fei is only at the first level of Xiantian level.  The ice soul is the innate origin, and there is indeed hope that the deadly ice will give up its prejudices, abandon its past resentments, and integrate into Fei's body.  But Yu Fei¡¯s current body cannot digest the deadly ice, which is the most deadly thing.  Of course, the situation is not as bad as imagined. As long as the ice soul communicates with the deadly ice and makes it subconsciously no longer reject Yu Fei or attack Yu Fei, the two sides can temporarily maintain peaceful coexistence.  It will be much easier to wait until Yu Fei reaches the second level of Xiantian realm and then try to fuse the deadly ice.  According to this situation, the key now is how long it takes for Ice Soul to soothe the deadly ice, so that it no longer rejects Yu Fei and is willing to merge with Yu Fei.  The growth rate of the ice ball was astonishing. After an hour, the diameter it covered had exceeded fifty kilometers. All life was destroyed and destroyed by the extremely cold air.  At dawn, the area covered by the extremely cold air reached a diameter of two hundred kilometers. Mrs. Wei, Disya, Su Lingyue, and Lu Ying were all forced to fly into the sky, keeping an eye on Yu Fei's situation from a distance.  By noon, the spreading cold air began to weaken, but it had already attracted the attention of the island's experts.  The extremely cold air froze everything and began to gradually retreat in the afternoon.  Yu Fei was sitting naked in the hot spring pool, his body was crystal clear, and spiritual patterns flashed on the surface of his body, containing the power of all things and unpredictable changes.  At this moment, the deadly ice no longer repels Yu Fei, no longer attacks Yu Fei, and slowly becomes calmer.  Yu Fei's Ice God Technique started to operate automatically and began to draw back the extremely cold air outside his body, causing the ice ball to gradually shrink.  During this period, Yu Fei had already recovered his breath. Taking advantage of the opportunity to absorb the extremely cold air, he continued to stretch the innate spiritual energy in his body, making it more resilient and of higher quality.  This is a process of sublimation. Yu Fei continuously compresses and stretches the innate spiritual energy in his body, increases the frequency range, improves the quality level, and rushes to the extreme again and again.  If Yu Fei wants to advance to the second level of innate realm, he needs to continuously sublimate and have the ability to contain the world before he can control the world.  Changfeng layman from Tiangang Xuande Realm was the first to arrive nearby, Luan Tianhou was the second.  Both of them noticed that Yu Fei's situation had changed, but because of Disiya and Mrs. Wei, they did not get close.  The puck kept shrinking for two hours.  During this period, Yu Fei's body changed a lot. He actually used the power of the innate spiritual energy of the deadly ice to temper the innate spiritual energy in his body, so that the quality continued to improve, and the stretching and compression range was ten times stronger than before.  Two hours were enough for Yu Fei to temper all the innate spiritual energy in his body. Although it has not reached the limit, the saturated meridian pressure has been reduced by half.  Such an astonishing change shocked Yu Fei. After this tempering, the capacity of Yu Fei's meridians has not changed, but the innate spiritual energy in his body has been compressed by more than twice, and it can accommodate more energy.  Turning over, Yu Fei showed a smile on his face, and his body as white as snow released a charming fragrance, which made Disiya, Su Lingyue, and Lu Ying somewhat embarrassed.  Mrs. Wei rolled her eyes at Yu Fei and scolded: "Hurry up and put on your clothes." Yu Fei laughed loudly, walked out of the hot spring pool with a natural expression, and quickly put on his clothes.  Lu Ying asked: "The crisis has been resolved?" Yu Fei shook his head and said: "The deadly ice is innate spiritual energy. I can't absorb it yet, but it no longer rejects me, and we can live in peace." Su Lingyue said: "  If you meet Lord Tiandou Xing, your life will be cold?Is there going to be a change that suddenly hurts you?  " Yu Fei hesitated and said: "This possibility exists, so I must advance to the second level of innate realm as soon as possible to eliminate this danger as soon as possible.  " Mrs. Wei said: "Let's avoid him for the time being. Anyway, there are not many masters on the island, and we are not in a hurry.  " Disiya asked: "How long do you estimate it will take to be promoted to the second level of innate realm?  " " Try to do it within half a month. The sooner the better.  Now let's leave here and find another place.  " The group of people left quickly and found a place to celebrate. This time, Mrs. Wei's crisis was successfully resolved, and Yu Fei was safe and sound. This is definitely worth celebrating. As far as Yu Fei is concerned, he killed three birds with one stone.  He got Mrs. Wei as he wished, turned her into his own woman, and enjoyed the joy of conquest. The second was to resolve Mrs. Wei's crisis, and the third was to temporarily merge with the deadly ice to improve his strength in the future.  Ready. In the valley, everyone gathered together, singing and laughing. Yuan Zixi and Lan Ruoling held Mrs. Wei's hands, comforting and enlightening her in a low voice. Mrs. Wei seemed very uncomfortable because of her status.  Adaptation. But she cared most about Yuan Zixi and Lan Ruoling. With their comfort, Mrs. Wei suddenly felt much more relaxed. Because Yu Fei had to hurry up, this celebration did not last long.  The plan is called a combination of work and rest. At night, Yu Fei needs Mrs. Wei's help, which is called work. In fact, he is infatuated with Mrs. Wei and wants to spend as much time as possible with her. During the day, how can Yu Fei concentrate on tempering the innate talent in his body.  Spiritual energy, continue to refine the essence of Holy Emperor Wu Lie, Holy White Crane, Yang Tian and others, further consolidate and improve their own strength, and attack the second level of innate realm in the most perfect way. Mrs. Wei did not agree at first, she seemed to.  I saw through Yu Fei's mind and knew that he was making a wrong decision. But Yu Fei was eloquent. In order to advance to the second level of Xiantian within half a month, he had to need Mrs. Wei's help in dual cultivation. This was business, let him.  Mrs. Wei could not refute. Others had no objections, so the matter was settled. This time, not only Yu Fei wanted to attack, but Disiya was also concentrating on the attack. The defense was left to the Baihuamen and the flower fairies were in charge.  With two innate artifacts, they are not easy to mess with. During the day, Yu Fei used the deadly ice to temper the innate spiritual energy in his body, and further absorbed and digested the essence of three masters, including Wu Lie Sheng Huang, Yang Tian, ??and Bai He Sheng Zun, to improve himself.  Cultivation strength. At night, Yu Fei enjoyed Mrs. Wei's taste, savored the happiness, and simulated the state of mind of the second level of innateness, so that he could accumulate more insights, which would be conducive to advancing to the second level of innateness.  A week passed in a flash, and Yu Fei was living a peaceful life, while the injuries of Tiandou Xingjun, Heisha Shen, Mai Kidao and others also recovered one after another, once again breaking the peace on the island during this period.  **, looking very calm. Luan Tianhou was in charge of inquiring about the news, and his mood was a little low. Disiya's ** went smoothly. Although everyone rarely asked, Su Lingyue, Lu Ying and others still noticed Disiya's.  Gongsun Jianwu stood beside Disya and said with a smile: "If you leave the Dragon Burial Jedi and return to the real world one day, will you stay with Yu Fei and us?"  ?  " Disya asked back: "Do you want me to stay?  " Gongsun Jianwu smiled and said: "It's not that I hope, it's that everyone hopes that you stay.  The most important thing is, do you think Yu Fei will let you go?  With his character, I think he will never let you walk away from him.  " Disiya sighed softly: "In this case, why do you need to ask?  " "I just want to know, are you really in love with Yu Fei?  " Gongsun Jianwu looked at Disiya, his eyes shining with endless mystery. It was the eye of the soul observing. Disiya said in deep thought: "I didn't like it very much at first, but now I like it a little bit. I guess it's because of your influence.  Impact.  Gongsun Jianwu smiled and said: "Don't put the blame on us. Yu Fei is very charming. There is no doubt about it."  As his cultivation strength continues to improve, the fatal sexual power in him becomes stronger and stronger. The more beautiful and conceited a woman is, the less able she is to resist it.  " "That's because he has a demonic surname, and he releases a lot of demonic energy at all times.  " Disiya's telepathy is very accurate, and she can tell the details of Yu Fei in one sentence. "Your vision is really accurate. The goddess falls in love with you, is this a perfect match?  ¡± Gongsun JianWu said jokingly with a smile on her face.  This week, Yu Fei's progress has been quite rapid. The capacity of the innate spiritual energy in the meridians throughout his body is constantly increasing, the quality is constantly increasing, and he is getting closer and closer to the peak saturation state.  Mrs. Wei has been practicing yin and yang with Yu Fei in the past few days, and she has also changed a lot. She has received a lot of benefits, and her overall strength has been significantly improved. This made her look complicated, and she realized that Yu Fei is really a treasure.  The ten-day deadline given by the Earth Spirit has expired, but the Earth Spirit seemed to be aware of Yu Fei's situation and did not show up to disturb him.  Yu Fei is not in a hurry. He hopes to advance to the second level of Xiantian realm before entering the palace in the middle of the lake. That will have the best effect.  On the eighth day, trouble came.  The masters from three small worlds appeared one after another. Although they did not attack, they looked at them with eager eyes, which brought an invisible pressure to Yu Fei and others.  (To be continued.)
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