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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void? Epilogue: How can history books be taken seriously?

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    "I brought a new friend here today, this Li Xiandi. He came back from Ziliuqiu and is also a fellow historian." There were more than ten people gathered in the private room of Huating's "Tanxiao Building", including the two people who had just come in.  , the older one introduced to everyone.  The young man clasped his fists and bowed: "Hello everyone, my surname is Li and my name is Wan. I have met you." The people in the room got up to greet each other, and their attitudes were very friendly. They are all history lovers. Every once in a while,  We would gather here to exchange some secrets from historians and discuss historical gains and losses.  "I heard that today you are going to discuss the matter of Ye Chang. I am a young scholar. I have seen some historical records in Liuqiu. I have learned some secrets that are unknown to people today. I am willing to share them with you." Everyone sat down.  , Li Wan said impatiently after the waiter served tea and snacks.  Due to its convenient geographical location, Huating is no longer the small county when it was first established, but the leading place in the entire Yangtze River Basin. Huating Port is also one of the most prosperous ports in the world today. Its cargo throughput was as early as in the Second World War.  Ten years ago, it surpassed Port Arthur, the largest port in the north, and fifteen years ago, it surpassed Guangzhou Port.  Economic prosperity has also brought about cultural prosperity. Huating has twelve universities. Li Wan had inquired before that these people who came here were all influential figures in Huating. If they recognized and recommended them, he would  Maybe you can enter a certain university and spread the historical truth you learned in the classroom.  Everyone present looked at him with a smile.  A man slightly older than Li Wan said: "I don't know what historical records are there. Also, when calling Ye Gong, even if you don't call him Xianzu or Shengzong, you should call him King Wei "You are being called.  Brainwashed, that usurper and conspirator is not worthy of being called the sage and sage, even King Wei," Li Wan said fiercely. Everyone exchanged glances with each other without making a sound. At this time, it had been a long time since Ye Chang's death.  Sixty years have passed and the people have become more open. Even those in power today still have people who criticize them, let alone those who have passed away sixty years ago. "I don't agree with what Brother Li said. Ye Gong never became emperor throughout his life. He did.  At the time of his death, his title was only King Wei.  Xianzu and Shengzong are the posthumous titles of two generations of kings. It would be too much to say that he is a usurper and conspirator.  "The others were silent. There was one person who couldn't see it. He was about the same age as Li Wan, but his speech was not as fierce as Li Wan. His voice was gentle and his attitude was gentle. "You are also brainwashed. His wife should be  He became the emperor, his son became the emperor, his grandson is still the emperor, and the current lord of the Tang Dynasty is still his blood descendant. This is not usurping the throne, what is this? Cao Cao never lived to proclaim himself emperor, but who can deny that Cao Cao usurped the throne?  By?  " On this point, Li Wan was right. After Shou'an had been the queen for twenty-five years, she abdicated due to a conflict within the palace, and her eldest son with Ye Chang succeeded to the throne. "Those who insist on this statement,  Another surname is Li, from Liuqiu You should be a descendant of the Li Tang clan.  "The person who refuted Li Wan said with a smile but not a smile. "IAlthough I am a descendant of Li Tang's clan, what does this have to do with me criticizing Ye Chang as a usurper?  " "In the whole world, only the descendants of Li Tang's clan would still say that Ye Gong is a usurper at this time.  The man smiled and said, "It's just that the three emperors Gaozu, Taizong, and Xuanzong are still being worshiped by the royal family. The descendants of the Li family are direct lineage, and the country is also beautiful. I don't know that when the Li family was the emperor, the Yang family was  Is the emperor still in the Ancestral Temple, and are the Yang clan still treated with courtesy?  " These words made Li Wan blush immediately. "If Ye Chang usurped the throne, then the throne of Tang Gaozu was also taken from the orphans of the Yang family in the Sui Dynasty. That is the real usurpation. The Li family has always cherished the Yang family.  There was suspicion, and even during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Longji still used this as an excuse to kill many people named Yang. Although the current emperor was named Ye, his country's name was still Tang.  An outstanding emperor, he still enjoys sacrifices in the Taimiao. The descendants of the Li family are like the Ye family, whether they are doing business or serving as officials. Even in the 25th year of Qianyuan, the descendants of the Li family were unwilling to do anything.  Under Li Mi's secret plan, he tried to reset the throne, which led to the abdication of Queen Shou'an. Ye Chang did not kill them all, but treated them leniently on the grounds that no one was killed or injured, and included Li in the conspiracy.  "Li's family was exiled to exile. It can be seen that Mr. Ye is generous and kind, and he misses his old feelings.  "Some people said. "You are still brainwashed. Where is Liuqiu? It's an overseas desert island, a miasma land. Ye Chang is acting like this, it's clear that he has bad intentions" Li Wan tried to continue to attack Ye Chang on this issue.  "No, although Liuqiu was a place of exile before, during Ye Gong's time, there were four waves of population influx into Liuqiu.  The first time was the gold-seeking craze, when more than 10,000 people poured into Liuqiu in search of gold; the second time was when Liuqiu Mansion was built, and about 30,000 people entered Liuqiu; and the third time was when Liuqiu was building rubber.  This time, 80,000 people entered the garden; the fourth time was the most recent one, when Liuqiu established a county government, and more than 40,000 people entered Liuqiu.  Including the natural population growth and the exiled prisoners, in the 25th year of Qianyuan, the registered population of exiles already reached 30.Above ??, the population of Qianzhong Road was larger than that of Qianzhong Road during the Kaiyuan Period.  "Human who argued with Li Wan said: "When Li entered Liuqiu, Liuqiu was no longer a barbaric place.  Oh, the data I just cited can be found in the article "Population Changes in the Tang Dynasty", written by Liu Zongyuan.  " Li Wan did not expect that the other party had the detailed data at his fingertips. For a moment, he couldn't help but be silent. Among the people present, there were some who laughed in good faith, and some who showed displeasure. After a pause, Li Wan remembered something  , sneered and said: "No matter how many reasons there are, it can't change the fact that Ye Chang is a thief of the people. "This is strange. Ye Gong has been in power for forty years. From the first year of Qianyuan to the forty year of Qianyuan, he invited him to go there.  Prime Minister, in the past forty years, the population of the Tang Dynasty increased from 90 million to 21 million, and its territory extended from Beihai in the north to Champaluo in the south. Silla, Bohai and Tubo donated soil to annex it, and the average life span of the people increased.  By the age of fifty-nine, in the 30th year of Qianyuan, when five-year primary education was popularized, there was one hospital and one middle school for every 200,000 people" The debater with Li Wan cited another series of data, and finally  Said: "If a thief of the people behaves like this, I really don't know what the saints in ancient times would look like Oh, by the way, aren't Gaozu, Taizong and Xuanzong worse than the thief of the people?" "Hmph, you say  To put it bluntly, I was just deceived by the figures fabricated by the court. How can there be so much growth? Moreover, even some growth is just an increase in wealth caused by the natural growth of the population. What does it have to do with Ye Chang?  His family is the richest in the world, and half of the wealth in the world belongs to his own pocket. At the beginning, he clearly made glass, but he defrauded the country of producing it. Such deceitful tactics cannot be concealed in official history books, and you are still clearing his name.  ?" Li Wan retorted: "What this person who deceives and deceives people must do it to deceive people." "What you said about the glass is a fact. Ye Gong is rich in the world. It is a fact." This time it is not that young man.  Someone came forward to argue with him, but it was another older man who probably didn't like Li Wan's appearance. He said unhurriedly: "It's just that you forgot that Ye Gong didn't hide all this wealth."  , but it was taken from the people and used by the people. The hospitals and colleges mentioned by Gu Xiandi just now all came from this. In addition, the three vertical and three horizontal railways of the Tang Dynasty were mainly based on roads, and their funds also came from this, and the rest of the bridges were built here.  Paving roads, caring for the elderly, and raising orphans, many of them come from here. Oh, I remember that fifteen years ago in the Qianyuan Dynasty, Ye Gong formulated a twenty-year literacy plan and determined to use twenty years to make all adults, both men and women, literate.  It can be calculated that this expenditure also comes from this. In addition, since the second year of Qianyuan, Ye Gong has been continuously state-owned his own industries. Basically, every industry he has made bigger will be donated to the national treasury.  , Now Anton Steel, Lushun Shipbuilding, Lingnan Sugar Industry, Sihai Ship, Beihai Machinery, Huaxia Weaving, and Andong Bank, these industries were all donated by Ye Gong to the country. " "These are originally the country, Ye Chang  Stealing its profits for decades" Li Wan still wanted to argue. Seeing the sarcastic looks on everyone's faces, he knew that continuing to debate this issue would be unreasonable and not very interesting.  Everyone here, including himself, knew very well that Ye Chang could donate his wealth, which was extremely wealthy to the country, instead of leaving it all to his descendants. This was a bold move that even the ancient saints could hardly match.  He changed his mind and realized that it would be impossible without some real content.  "What you are seeing is official propaganda, which is actually used for brainwashing. If you want to know the truth, you can only find out the historians with conscience. From them, you will know the depth of Ye Chang's thinking and vision."  I have a book here, I suggest you read it, "Notes may not be like smoke - Memoirs of Secret Agents Recruited by King Wei". The person who wrote this article was a secret agent placed by Ye Chang in Chang'an.  Under the jurisdiction of Ye Chang, Bian Ping, who caused the massacre of tens of thousands of people in Japan, personally planned the rebellion of Li Heng and An Lushan, as well as the rebellion of the deposed emperor Li Qiu - these people's perverse actions were all behind Ye Chang  "Planning, when he first entered Chang'an when he was just over ten years old, he killed the steward of the Princess's Mansion at that time." Li Wan spoke enthusiastically, stood up and danced with great excitement, as if he had discovered some important historical truth.  But he found that his enthusiasm was only met with silence. He kept talking for a while, but no one responded.  The friend who brought him pulled him and signaled him to stop talking.  But Li Wan felt that he could finally shock everyone, and he would stop wherever he could.  If he initially wanted to use these people to break into the Huating history circle, now he feels that these people have been "brainwashed" too much and he needs guidance from someone who knows the truth.  "Everyone, you should read more, don't just read the official historical materials given to you. Those things are all fake. Only by reading more can you expose these lies, discover the truth of history, and avoid being deceived by others." "Ahem,  Speaking of historical falsification, Emperor Taizong got off to a very bad start when he read the Chronicles. But even though Ye Gong organized people to compile the history, he never asked about the Chronicles, right?" The man who was arguing with Li Wan coughed lightly.  He said with a voice.  "Youdon't transfer in. We are talking about the historical truth revealed in this book, not Taizong.""Emperor, has nothing to do with Emperor Taizong," Li Wan said angrily. "You are talking about the book "Notes on Things May Not Be Like Smoke - Memoirs of King Wei's Personal Recruitment of Secret Agents", written by Lu Qi, right?  The person who was arguing with him said with a smile but not a smile: "I'm sorry, I have also read this book, and I also read "From Fisherman to Secret Spy - The Biography of Bian Ping", "The Autobiography of Du Hongxu", "Chang'an Dream"  "Hua Lu", oh, and the most important book "Singing at Night in the Prosperous Tang Dynasty" with a history of several decades, in which Lu Qi and himself are explained.  This person is not Ye Gong's secret spy at all, he is Ye Gong's political enemy. The so-called secret spy is just the words he used to glorify himself after Ye Gong came to power.  By the way, this person also has a book called "The Record of the Most Holy Preaching", but his pseudonym is Lu Muzi, and he flatters Ye Gong so disgustingly that even the official propaganda can't match it.  Even the few books that man mentioned were relatively unpopular, but Li Wan generally knew about several characters. Bian Ping was Ye Chang's early secret spy leader, and was later sent to Japan. During the Conquest of Japan in the 18th year of Qianyuan,  , he led people to burn Pingjing, Japan, and the massacre was very heavy. More than 200,000 Pingjing residents were killed, and more than 10,000 people died. Many of the remaining people were mine slaves.  Nowadays, Japan has long since disappeared and has become the four provinces of Kaito Province. There are many cover-ups in historical records about the original war.  As for Du Honglu's autobiography, it is a personal memoir of Du Fu's later years. It records his interactions with Ye Chang, Li Bai, Gao Shi, Cen Shen and others, especially some major historical events from Tianbao to Qianyuan, such as Ye Chang's visit to Liaodong.  rise, the civil unrest in the fourteenth year of Tianbao, and the rebellion and defeat of Li Heng and An Lushan in the fifteenth year of Tianbao.  Because of Du Fu's status, many things are first-hand historical materials, and are considered by many history enthusiasts to be historical facts.  Li Wan has never read "Chang'an Menghua Lu", but he has read "The Night Sings of the Tang Dynasty", but unfortunately it was mediocre.  Seeing that the historical truth he had exposed turned out to be something that the other party had known for a long time, he felt ashamed and couldn't help but said: "You have just been brainwashed, that's why you don't believe Lu Qi If nothing else, Ye Chang's private life  It was very unruly. In his early years, in order to seek wealth and honor, he married the traitor Li Linfu. Later, he changed his wife and abandoned Li Linfu's daughter. His behavior was disgusting." Everyone looked a little weird, and Li Wan always argued with Li Wan when he mentioned this matter.  Can't say anything.  After a while, a person slowly said: "Everyone knows that Feng is from Lushun. My family has been in Lushun for several generations. There is one thing that I have never told everyone. My great-grandfather once served under Ye Gong.  Later, because he married my great-grandmother, she was a Khitan noblewoman, so she took a military position. He once said that when King Wei was in his prime, he would go back to Liaodong once or twice a year, not just to see the place where he had risen.  To a large extent, I went to see my ex-wife who had separated. I vaguely remember that my great-grandfather once said that the Wei family in Liaodong, one of the ten richest families in the Tang Dynasty, was the queen of King Wei and his ex-wife.  It surprised everyone.  But Li Wan blushed: "Nonsense, you are talking nonsense. Ye Chang and his ex-wife clearly have no descendants. It is clearly stated in the history books that they have no descendants and are separated." Everyone looked at him and said in unison: "What are you doing?  How can you trust history books if you have been brainwashed?" (Complete book)
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