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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star Chassis to Break through the Void Chapter 508: Violent and Cowardly

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    "This is just the beginning." Li Qiu looked at the ministers in front of him with a gloomy face. Each of these ministers looked at their nose, nose, mouth, and heart, but no one was willing to speak.  "You tell me how I want to do it. You tell me." The heads of the thirty-seven chambers of commerce and guilds represent thirty-seven industries, from the stationery industry that sells pens, inks, paper and inkstones to the cloth shops that sell cloth.  These are all industries related to people's lives.  They went on strike together, which was not only a warning to Li Qiu, but also a demonstration of their own strength.  "If it is not dealt with in time, not only the incident may escalate, but also the court will lose face." Finally, a minister recently appointed by Li Qiu came out to report: "With my wishes, I should send troops to capture the leader of the channel.  At this time, he is still suffering from ringworm and scabies and should not be tolerated." He spoke plausibly, but he never noticed that most of the officials in the court looked at him as if they were a fool.  Even Li Qiu stared at him like he was a fool.  If troops can be mobilized easily, why bother? These merchants are just going on strike. What is the reason for mobilizing troops?  If someone closes down, does not do business, and makes no money, how can you still catch them?  More importantly, is there anyone behind these businessmen, and is that person waiting to send troops?  Li Qiu didn't believe that just by relying on some businessmen, he could have the courage to compete with the court's laws, just as he didn't believe that "Minbao" did not have Ye Chang's instructions and protection behind it, and dared to call him Zhou Li.  Like a king.  Therefore, if you want to use troops, you must consider Ye Chang's attitude.  "Your Majesty, the matter has come to this, why don't you take a step back, stop talking about patents, and implement the old laws of the previous emperor?" Yuan Gongdao coughed and came out and said: "All kinds of incidents are caused by the theory of patents. We need to take the right medicine" "That's enough.  , I want you to find a way to share my worries, not to make things difficult for me for those lawless people. As a censor, are you responsible for me, or for those lawless people? " Li Qiu was furious and couldn't speak.  Choi Yan, before Yuan Gongdao could finish his words, he spat him back.  Yuan Gongdao glanced at him in surprise, and then realized that Dugu Ming was secretly winking at him, as if he was laughing at him. He could only silently take off his crown, kowtow and said: "I am incompetent. Your Majesty feels that I am incompetent for my job."  , I would like to beg for my bones to return to my hometown. ""You"" Yuan Gongdao, the imperial censor, has always had a weak presence in the court. Li Qiu knew some of his past events, so he didn't think much of him, so he just scolded him.  He also had no intention of saving face for the former emperor¡¯s veterans.  But now Yuan Gongdao directly resigned, which made him stunned.  Doesn¡¯t this meana showdown?  Yuan Gongdao was Ye Changsai's person at Yushitai. It was Li Qiu's unscrupulous move to force him to resign. But in this situation, did he have to retreat?  " Taking a step back means retreating altogether. Not only will your plan to take over power be frustrated, but where will the emperor's prestige and dignity be put?  "Yuan Gongdao, are you threatening me?" Li Qiu has only been trained by Li Longji as his successor for five years. What Li Longji "looks at as a saint" is his mediocrity. In Li Longji's view, only mediocrity can  Only then can you coexist peacefully with a promising minister like Ye Chang.  Ye Changnian was more supportive of Li Qiuhui based on his kindness.  But he never thought that if a mediocre person sat in the position of the Ninth Five-Year King, the contradiction between the expansion of power status and his own talents determined that such a person would be eager to do something in order to gain success.  Prove your abilities.  Therefore, in this situation, Li Qiu did not choose to give in, but came close to a showdown.  Yuan Zai was covered in cold sweat and couldn't care about anything else. He went out and said: "Your Majesty, the matter discussed today is not whether Doctor Yuan will stay or leave, but how to solve the matter of the Chamber of Commerce's strike. It is not appropriate to create any complicationsYuan Zai  Doctor, when the country is in trouble, it is time for us to take charge. At this time, you have resigned from office. Where have all your years of study, loyalty and etiquette gone?" Li Qiu was reminded by him that it was not with Yuan Dynasty at this time?  In the battle of loyalty, if his plan can be implemented, what does one yuan highway mean? "I made a mistake, and I am also anxious. The late emperor gave me the foundation of the country. In the past, King Wei assisted me in the court, so I don't have to worry. Now Wei  The king just resigned, and something like this happened I don't want to bother King Wei if anything happens in the court. Over the years, I have seen how hard King Wei has worked for the Tang Dynasty.  , To say it privately, he is my uncle, but to say it far away, he is an old minister of the late emperor. You can share some of it with him. " Speaking of this, Li Qiu coughed, and suddenly felt that he had just done that.  The passage is a bit like a former emperor.  He turned his eyes to Dugu Ming, and continued: "As for the method of abolishing patents, there is no need to mention it. The Minister of Yuan proposed the patent strategy to me precisely because of the integrity of the people. If it were not  Private industries and mines are full of disadvantages, so why should I bother to do it? " Dugu Ming lowered his head and curled his lips secretly. The emperor gradually became more mature. At least, he can finally say something nice  Normally, an emperor who speaks nice words would be considered a middle-class king, but at this time, compared with Ye Chang, who does practical things, an emperor who talks nice things can only be disgusting.  "In my opinion, this matter should be handled by the Jingzhao Mansion, why should it be discussed at the court meeting?" However, Yuan Zai felt that Li Qiu's words were very good. He continued: "Your Majesty takes charge of the overall situation and makes the decision.  Just let the officials carry out the strategy. If it is such a small matter, your Majesty will ask the officials in person for advice. "Why can't Jing Zhaoyin solve it?" Li Qiu asked again.  "That's Jing Zhaoyin's mistake. Your Majesty can just punish him." Yuan Zai lifted Jing Zhaoyin up expressionlessly.  The current Jing Zhaoyin is Liu Yan.  Although this person was not a direct descendant of Ye Chang, he was relatively close to Ye Chang and was a candidate that both Ye Chang and Li Longji could accept.  Yuan Zai was eyeing the position of Jing Zhaoyin, knowing that this position was very critical, so he passed the responsibility to Liu Yan with the purpose of forcing Liu Yan to make a choice.  Liu Yan was also on the train. When he heard this, he came out and said: "This is rare in ancient times, and I really don't know how to deal with it. Since the Minister of Yuan is responsible for this, I dare to ask, what is your Majesty's strategy?  I will carry it out." Having said this, Liu Yan glanced at Yuan Zai and said with a half-smile, "If your Majesty thinks that we should use thunder to get rid of them, I will send officers to arrest the leaders of the trouble.  Thinking that we should use gentle means to deal with it, I summoned these leaders to discuss with them how to resolve it. "This is an anti-general army. Since Yuan Zai said that the emperor made a decision and his ministers executed it, then Li Qiu had to make a decision first.  Li Qiu was secretly resentful in his heart. The late emperor was too indulgent to Ye Chang, which resulted in his party members being everywhere in the court. Whatever he wanted to do, he was constrained overtly and covertly.  The ball was finally kicked to Li Qiu's feet, but although he was famous, his football skills were not very good. In the end, it was decided to bring the leaders of the thirty-seven guilds to Jing Zhaoyin first.  As for what to do after inviting Jing Zhaoyin, he did not say.  "After all, today I am less responsible, scheming but never decisive, fierce but timid." This comment from Du Fu's mouth did not surprise everyone sitting here. They were all newspaper commentators, and now they have no idea about Li Qiu.  , it can be said that they share the same hatred and hatred.  "Min Bao" wants to attack Li Qiu not only because of Ye Chang's long-term support for him, but also because it involves the respective interests of "Min Bao".  Today, this newspaper, whether it is Du Fu, the main writer, or ordinary editors and commentators, all have considerable financial resources. The reason is that they accept a large number of industrial and mining advertisements.  Moreover, they are also the group of people who have the deepest understanding of the changes in the Tang Dynasty caused by the prosperity of industry and mining. Unlike those who sit at home and make up random things, Du Fu's requirements for this newspaper are still very strict, requiring them to go deep into the market to conduct investigations.  Reports can only be written based on real evidence.  Therefore, they are all active supporters and advocates of Ye Chang's Taoism. Among them, the radicals even believe that Ye Chang's achievements in benefiting the people over the years can be compared with those of ancient saints, and he should be appointed by heaven.  "What should we do, should we criticize again?" someone asked.  "There's no need to be in a hurry, just wait for a while and wait for things to go further." Before Du Fu finished speaking, there was a knock on the door from outside, three long and two short sounds, which made his expression change: "The minions of the imperial court have really good noses, let's go quickly.  " Everyone laughed, and then went to the backyard and left quietly through the secret door. Du Fu walked to the end and still had time to climb up to a nearby restaurant, order a few side dishes, and watch the excitement while having a drink.  Not long after, I saw a group of guards trotting over, and the person supervising them was none other than Lu Qi, an acquaintance.  Du Fu looked at this guy calmly, shook his head, and sighed secretly.  The guards broke into the courtyard where he had just been staying, causing a great commotion. The diners in the restaurant crowded in to watch the fun, and some bold offenders asked the acquaintances of the guards what they were doing.  The officer said with resentment: "This Lu Langjun reported that a group of criminals from the People's Daily were hiding here, but it turned out that there was no one there at all - this is the third time."  Lu Qi's face turned slightly blue upon hearing this, but he already had a birthmark on his face, so no one would notice it even if he turned blue.  Seeing that the commotion of these servants was over, the drinkers in the restaurant began to talk in low voices.  "The heads of thirty-seven guilds have already gone on strike over this. I don't know what will happen next. " "What else is going on? If the people don't fight with the officials, it really angers the emperor. Isn't it the guild's unlucky thing?"  "That's not necessarily true. As far as I know, in two days, the current thirty-seven lines will not only be on strike. "Oh, what else will be on strike?" While the drinkers were discussing, they saw something  A carriage pulled full of goods stopped in front of the restaurant. Except for a few waiters, the rest of the guys went down to carry the things.  Another good person asked curiously: "Your business is good, why do you buy so many things?" "It's just some rice, noodles and so on."?, if guests want to eat, everything must be prepared.  "The restaurant owner sighed: "Haven't you heard that the grain merchants in Chang'an City are also going to join the strike?  " "What, when was this news, why didn't I hear it?  " The drinkers were shocked. Although the thirty-seven stores had gone on strike before, it would have had an impact, but for ordinary people, it would not directly affect their meals. It would just cause some trouble in their lives. But if the grain merchants also went on strike, then  The trouble is big. Unless the imperial court releases the rice from the official warehouse, where can the nearly two million people in Chang'an City go to find food? "It was just half an hour ago that I received news from others.  To be honest, if this situation continues, our restaurant and teahouse may have to close down.  " "It is normal for the imperial court to implement the patent law and to oppose the establishment of industries and mines. What does it have to do with these grain merchants?  Some people said angrily: "Why are they here to join in the fun? Are they taking this opportunity to hoard food and drive up food prices?"  " "You are thinking wrong now. What is the purpose of the emperor's patent method? It is just to plunder people's money.  Now that I'm thinking about starting mining, the next thing I'm thinking about is starting a rut.  " "Isn't the track controlled by the imperial court?  " "If you double or triple the freight, what else can you do besides scolding me?  Nowadays, the grain merchants in Chang'an City rely on rail tracks for most of their grain transportation. If they target industries and mines today, they will use rail tracks to target them tomorrow." The person who said this was quite knowledgeable. When he mentioned this, he sneered: "And  , Don¡¯t think that this is just their matter. In my opinion, if this commotion continues, everyone will be involved." "How did you know?  " "Reading newspapers, of course, is not reading the Datang Newspaper.  "The man said with a hint of disdain. Du Fu laughed dumbly. He thought that man was knowledgeable just now, but now he realized that he had actually read his article in the newspaper. But he was right. This matter must be dealt with.  Everyone was involved. The grain merchants went on strike to support thirty-seven businesses. The direct consequence of this incident was that it was hard to live in Chang'an, and the prices of all food ingredients skyrocketed after two days.  , one after another announced their closure, and the whole of Chang'an was instantly depressed. Even the football market was no longer lively. "What exactly did Liu Yan do? He asked him to arrest people. He invited the heads of thirty-seven guilds.  There is good food and drink in the yamen, but the result is no deterrent. He is conniving and covering up, and he himself is harboring evil intentions." When Li Qiu heard the news in the palace, he was furious. In his opinion, the fundamental reason for these businessmen to go on strike was Liu Yan.  He had not killed the chicken to frighten the monkey. If Liu Yan had directly raided the homes of the thirty-seven guild leaders and paraded them through the streets, no one would have dared to follow him. "Now it seems that Liu Yan will not be able to resign.  Yuan Zai blinked: "But this is also a good thing."  "    "oh?  " "If not, what reason does your Majesty have to capture Liu Yan?  Yuan Zai said with a smile: "Now I understand that as long as His Majesty does not use weapons, Ye Chang will ignore it. Now our fight is within Ye Chang's tolerance. After all, he has the reputation of being a loyal minister and does not want to put him aside."  This reputation above the Qing Dynasty has been ruined" "In this case, if the decree is passed, Liu Yan will be dismissed from the post of Jingzhao Yin, Yuan Qing, you can reluctantly take over his duties temporarily." Li Qiu felt that what he said was reasonable, so he ordered.  However, he did not dare to go too far. He did not punish Liu Yan, but dismissed him from office. Liu Yan himself did not protest, laughed three times, and left.
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