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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 503: Two Papers of Summons Repeatedly

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    From Ancheng to Lushun, a white dragon-like road is stretching continuously.  In the fifteenth year of Tianbao, after Luo Jiuhe took over his old nest in Anlu Mountain, he returned to the army and arched the border of Liaodong to the north and east.  In the past five years, Ye Chang has concentrated on business. Taking advantage of the war in the Central Plains that displaced a large number of people, he obtained a population of 500,000 from the Central Plains, nearly half of which were young and strong laborers, thus greatly accelerating the pace of construction in Liaodong.  And the confidence that supports the rapid growth of the population in Liaodong is that in his sight, there are two crops full of small white flowers and purple tassels.  Potatoes and corn, two crops originating from Wanli Haibo, are now very popular in Liaodong.  Their planting area has accounted for one-third of the grain planting area in Liaodong, second only to wheat and more than rice.  "Brother Changling, this is all your credit." Ye Chang said with emotion as he stood on a small high hill, looking at the crops on both sides.  Wang Changling nodded proudly: "It's my duty to do my job. The gentlemen from the National Institute and I have spent a lot of effort." Tianbao first tried planting corn and potatoes in its fourteenth year, because there were not many seeds and no seeds.  Due to planting experience, the results were not satisfactory.  Although Tianbao has been fighting non-stop for fifteen years, quelling the rebellion in Anlu Mountain, quelling the invasion of all the barbarians in the four borders, and pacifying the bandits of the Anlu Mountain remnant party, Ye Chang did not forget to treat Maize during the battle.  , concern about potato cultivation.  Therefore, the harvest of corn and potatoes in Tianbao's fifteenth year was enough for Ye Chang to conduct a group experiment in Tianbao's sixteenth year to choose the optimal planting method.  Tianbao¡¯s seventeenth year brought a bumper harvest, and Tianbao¡¯s eighteenth year brought another bumper harvest. Starting from Tianbao¡¯s nineteenth year, the planting of corn and potatoes was forcibly promoted throughout Liaodong, and then there was another bumper harvest.  After hungry people, they were very attentive to this high-yielding food crop, and the efforts Wang Changling and his team spent on research and promotion were not in vain.  "I heard that some people in Qi and Hebei have begun to try to grow corn and potatoes." A staff member next to him said with a smile: "Everyone in the world will benefit from this. King Wei, prince, your merits are immeasurable." "It's prince.  Their merits are immeasurable, and I am just doing things because of others." Ye Chang laughed.  Wang Changling was thoughtful: "Mr. Ye, has no one been able to reach Haidongzhou yet?" "No, although I have offered a reward of one million yuan, no one can reach Haidongzhou anymore." Ye Chang felt very sorry.  typical.  The so-called Haidongzhou is America in another life. Wang Yuanbao's fleet discovered Haidongzhou and brought corn and potatoes. From the mouths of the natives who came with the ship and the surviving sailors, everyone learned about Haidongzhou.  Many rumors about Europe.  Some rumors are doubtful. For example, it is said that there is a lake of gold and pearls and a river flowing with golden sand. Although these rumors have inspired many people to want to find Haidongzhou, they are not reliable after all.  But there are others that make people salivate. For example, Haidongzhou has many products, especially fruits, vegetables, grains, vegetables and livestock, which are not only large in output, but also delicious in taste. Typical ones are the potatoes and corn they see. "Oh, what if  It would be great if someone could bring the rest of Haidongzhou's products." Wang Changling sighed: "I'm old, and I can live for another three to five years at most. I really want to see Haidongzhou's products become popular in my hands and let everyone  "Everyone with the surname Tang can take credit for it." Among Ye Chang's earliest staff, Wang Changling is relatively old. It is normal to feel this way. He also heard that Ye Chang is currently planning a 70-year-old retirement system, and his subordinates will be 70 years old.  At the age of ten, one has to retire and receive a large pension. He can supervise the administration of the younger generation, but cannot directly get involved.  "Brother Changling, why do you say this? Even if you want to retire, I will ask you to postpone it. The saint is almost eighty, and yet" When Ye Chang said this, he was suddenly heard by the bell from the distance.  The sound interrupted.  Since the Han people in the Central Plains have returned to Liaodong, the religious culture of the Han people will naturally return to Liaodong. There are many famous mountain monks in the world. However, during the Li and Tang Dynasties, Taoism was prevalent, so there were many temples and Taoist temples in the famous mountains and rivers in Liaodong.  .  In order to prevent the monks and Taoists from accepting lazy and greedy people, contaminating their doors and corrupting the world, Ye Chang has mandatory regulations in the monks, temples and Taoist temples in Liaodong: Do not beg for food, do not do anything for a day, do not eat for a day, and do not eat for a day.  If you don't weave for a month, you won't have clothes for a month; the merit collected can be used to build temples, temples, rituals, and child care.  These regulations and precepts may seem harsh, but eminent monks and real people with a little knowledge understand that this is a long-term plan for the Taoist and Buddhist schools to coexist and live in peace with the secular world, and it is also the only method that allows them to preach and propagate the Dharma in a short period of time.  , Therefore, the two schools of Taoism and Buddhism in Liaodong tried their best to reject all opinions and accepted them all.  There are bronze bells in these temples. In addition to telling the time, the bells also have the function of sending messages and warnings.  Like just now, if the ring rings nine times and then stops, it proves that something big happened in the court.  ¡°The saint has passed away,¡± Wang Changling¡¯s expression changed.  The nine sounds either represent the death of the old emperor or the accession of the new emperor to the throne. At this time, the most likely thing is of course the death of the old emperor.  They just returnedThinking of Li Longji, the sudden news of Li Longji's death had a huge impact on everyone, so everyone looked at Ye Chang with strange eyes.  Ye Chang frowned.  Although he lived in Liaodong, he had no contact with Chang'an. He had long known the news of Li Longji's serious illness through secret channels. However, because there was no edict summoning him to return to Beijing, he believed that Li Longji was seriously ill.  This illness, like the previous ones, was a near miss.  But why did he die so quickly? Is there anything strange behind this?  He also had his own purpose when he proposed to Li Longji to "watch the saintly grandson". Li Longji's sons were not up to expectations, and his grandsons were also not up to expectations. Perhaps only King Jianning was better, but because he was Li Heng's son, it was impossible.  Inherit a great treasure.  A mediocre emperor is more conducive to Ye Chang's future layout than a wise emperor.  Li Qiu was not Ye Chang's ideal candidate, but he was not the worst candidate either. Therefore, even though Li Qiu was neither distant nor close to Ye Chang, Ye Chang never exerted any negative influence on his succession.  .  And Ye Chang also arranged for someone to be around Li Qiu.  According to the news he received, although Li Qiu was wary of him and occasionally said some grumbling words, he did not mean much hostility.  "Sorry, I originally wanted to plan the autumn harvest with you, but now I can only trouble Brother Changling." After thinking briefly, Ye Chang apologized and bowed his hand to Wang Changling: "No matter what it is, I have to do it first.  Let¡¯s talk about it back to Lushun Everyone, I¡¯m leaving.¡± After he finished speaking, he left in a hurry without waiting for everyone to return the courtesy.  The first thing is to rush back to Lushun.  Ye Chang is very worried about Shouan. If Li Longji really dies, Shouan is still breastfeeding and will be hit by this.  Compared with five years ago, Lushun has not changed much. After all, the city is limited by its terrain and cannot expand indefinitely.  Ye Chang's residence is on a gentle slope on the mountainside, overlooking the city of Lushun. This city without walls is probably unique in the entire Tang Dynasty. Even the other cities built by Ye Chang in Liaodong have walls.  Guard.  "The people's hearts are like a city wall. As long as the people's hearts are there, the road will never fall." When someone suggested building a city wall to him, Ye Chang replied like this.  But the actual reason, he knew very well. With the birth of gunpowder weapons, the protective role of solid city walls in war has been greatly reduced. It is better to build bastions and forts at strategic locations around Lushun to form a protective role.  Thinking of the fort, Ye Chang smiled slightly.  The past five years have not gone in vain. In addition to the practical application of steam engines, which still needs a fire, Liaodong has made huge breakthroughs in military technology.  For example, city defense guns, naval guns and field guns have all become a reality.  Mass-produced flintlock muskets also began to be equipped on his left and right guards.  But as soon as Ye Chang saw that his mansion was full of plainness, he suppressed his smile.  Shou'an's body is plumper than five years ago. In the past five years, she gave birth to two sons and one daughter for Ye Chang, but she has not aged yet.  But now, she looked sad. When she saw Ye Chang, she threw herself into his arms: "FatherFather has gone." Ye Chang gently stroked her hair, sighed, and then advised: "  Your Majesty has passed seventy years of immortal life and is half a hundred years old. His fortune in the world has reached its peak. Now that he is gone, he will only return to the heavenly palace and enjoy eternal immortal blessings. " "II"  Shou An knew what he said was right. Li Longji was one of the rare emperors in ancient times to live a long life. He passed away at this time instead of dying in the Anlu Mountain Rebellion.  Not being able to see each other again, she still couldn't help but feel sad.  In the past, when she had a quarrel with Ye Chang, her father was still her biggest supporter, but now she is the only one left in the world.  No, there is still her child. Even if it is for the child, she has to be strong.  "Is there any decree from the imperial court to let us rush back to Chang'an?" Ye Chang asked after the consolation was decided.  Shou'an wiped his tears and looked puzzled: "The imperial court sent an imperial envoy, but they didn't tell us to rush back to Chang'an. They said that the imperial court had received news that Bohai and Silla were ready to move, fearing that they would take advantage of the national mourning.  The intention is evil" Having said this, Shou'an's expression gradually changed.  She was very smart, but she didn't react for a while because of her father's death. Now she realized that there was something wrong with the decree from the court. Li Longji was seriously ill and never recalled the two of them. Now that he has died, he has not summoned them either.  It was under the pretext that there were changes in the Silla Bohai Sea that Ye Chang was allowed to stay in the fiefdom and take charge. There must be something fishy in this.  Ye Chang sighed: "I have never known about any changes in Silla and Bohai. Even if there is, Jiuhe is waiting here, it is enough to deal with it." Ye Chang said it modestly. Before the muskets and artillery were installed, with the help of  Advantages in steel casting, Ye Chang¡¯s advantages?The troops under the command of the marching general can already suppress Bohai and Silla at the same time.  It can be said that both countries were severely beaten by Ye Chang. Thank God that Ye Chang did not look for trouble with them. There was no time to harass Ye Chang. "Is there something else going on in the DPRK?" Shou An said in a trembling voice.  : "My father passed away, could it be that he died of a dead end, but was assassinated by traitors?" She had this guess, which was inevitable. After all, during the period from Li Longji's serious illness to his death, when the grandson was in charge of the country, the imperial court's general manager  This move is really suspicious.  "Don't rush to conclusions on this matter, wait for other news from the DPRK." Ye Chang did not deny this possibility, nor did he confirm it.  He guessed that Li Qiu did not have the courage to poison Li Longji.  After all, as long as there is a slight flaw in this matter, neither the ministers nor the generals will tolerate it.  However, it is not ruled out that there are villains who want to get lucky and figure out Li Qiu's intentions and do this, but Li Qiu pretends not to know and even goes along with the situation.  "If my father is really harmed by evil spirits, how will you deal with it, Shi Yilang?" Shou'an raised her eyebrows, and her heroic spirit when she stabbed Li Jingzhong with her sword was revealed, and she asked Ye Chang.  "I raised troops to avenge His Majesty." Ye Chang said without hesitation: "However, there is no evidence for this matter. It is just speculation, which is not enough to convince the public. Others thought we were plotting to usurp" "King Wei, the angel has arrived.  , right in front of the door." Before Ye Chang finished speaking, the guard outside reported.  "Huh?" The messenger of condolences just left, and a new messenger came again. There must be something famous behind this.  Ye Chang and Shou'an looked at each other. Shou'an hurriedly called the maid, put Ye Chang into plain mourning clothes, and then invited the envoy to come in.  The envoy looked tired. Ye Chang saw that he looked unfamiliar, so he did not rush to salute, but asked: "Whose order does your envoy come from?" "The order of the grandson of the supervisor of the country is signed by the prime minister.  The envoy also knew that Ye Chang had doubts in his heart, so he explained and said: "Please accept the order from King Wei."  "Messenger, I'm so confused." "The grandson has ascended the throne in front of the late emperor and proclaimed his authority." The envoy lowered his head and said, "That's why he proclaims himself King Wei" "So soon?"  Shou'an raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Is it possible that there are some changes in the court, and you are trying to correct the imperial edict?"  " The envoy secretly complained, knowing that this mission would not go smoothly, but making it so troublesome still gave him a headache. Ye Chang, on the other hand, waved his hand to signal that everyone should stop arguing, then set up the incense table and bowed to receive the order  Li Longji was particularly kind to him and allowed him to worship without kneeling. When receiving the order, the envoy had nothing to say.  He quickly returned to Beijing to preside over the burial of Li Longji's coffin. This order was completely inconsistent with the previous message from the messenger. One was to summon him to the capital, and the other was to ask him not to come to the capital. They contradicted each other, making Shou'an's expression even more solemn.  . There is no doubt that something happened in Chang'an City, so there are such conflicting orders. "I accept the order.  "Ye Chang's expression did not change. His original plan was to enter the capital regardless of whether the imperial court summoned him or not. Now this decision only made him enter the capital without being ordered, instead of being ordered to enter the capital. "  Without further ado, King Wei please hurry up.  "The messenger said.
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