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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 458: Rebelling against father and son against general

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    "Ye Chang was originally a trapped dragon. He named the valley where he lived as a boy Wolong Valley, which shows that he used the dragon to describe himself. The Bohai Sea is water and Liaodong is a river. Originally, his trapped dragon lived in the Central Plains, that is, in the earth.  It can be transformed into dragon veins to nourish the Tang Dynasty. This is what he did when he built the track. However, the emperor let him go to Liaodong. Once the dragon meets the water, the situation will change. Now that it has taken shape, the saint must be careful.  " Around Li Longji, there will never be a shortage of warlocks who use deception to confuse people. This is what one of them said to Li Longji.  Li Longji didn¡¯t know if there were some people behind the warlock¡¯s words, such as Yang Guozhong and others, who bribed him.  But one thing he was sure of was that the warlock's words had entered his heart.  For the sake of imperial power, he could even doubt his own son and suppress the established prince. How could he condone Ye Chang? Therefore, Li Longji summoned Ye Chang to Beijing this time and was no longer prepared to let Ye Chang leave, including  This was also the plan to place him in the Huaqing Palace.  Only when such a person is kept by his side and his life and death is in his own hands, will Li Longji feel at ease.  Thinking of this, Li Longji smiled deeply and said: "Does Ye Qing think that the Huaqing Palace is simple?" "Although I am very extravagant by nature, I dare not underestimate the royal style. I just feel uncomfortable acting in the Huaqing Palace. After all,  " Ye Chang hesitated for a moment, and then said with a hint of embarrassment: "I am already thirty and have no heirs." This statement made Li Longji stunned, and then he laughed.  He had forgotten this point. After thinking about it, he said seriously: "What is going on between Qing and Li's daughter?" "I am worried about this. After her father died of illness, she claimed to have seen through the world and wanted to break away from each other. In fact, she  I understand that she and I have been married for many years and have not been able to have children, and I have never taken a concubine. She feels ashamed and has found such an excuse to leave my side temporarily.  I have no intention of leaving her. When I have some free time, I will think of ways to make her change her mind.  " "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter I'll give you some maids, how about it?"  "Li Longji said with a move in his heart. "I dare not accept it.  "Ye Chang smiled bitterly and stretched out two fingers: "A saint can never be a minister.  " Li Longji laughed, knowing that he was referring to the twenty-nine mother-in-law. Ye Chang kept a beautiful maid in private. The twenty-nine mother-in-law could pretend not to know, but if the emperor bestows beauty, I am afraid that if the front foot is given, the back foot will be blessed with longevity.  The door is open. Thinking of this outgoing daughter, Li Longji also has a headache. Although he has many children, the only one he can really love is Shou'an. Maybe he should marry Shou'an to Ye Chang.   They are also about the same age, and the two have always been deeply affectionate. Li Longji had this idea in his heart again. There were many twists and turns before, and now that Ye Chang has separated from Li Tengkong, it is normal for him to be the master at this time.  , Mrs. Guo Guo, who had always looked impatient, spoke. "She is a woman. Although she is good at blowing the pillow, she cannot understand Li Longji's true intention of controlling Ye Chang in the palace."  Being in the Huaqing Palace means that you will have more opportunities to criticize Yang Guozhong in front of Li Longji just like before. Therefore, it will be more beneficial to Yang Guozhong if you can drive Ye Chang out of the palace.  , since Ye Gong has said this, why should the saint keep him in the palace anymore?  What he said is not wrong. He is in his prime and there are many women in the palace, so it would be better to go out as soon as possible.  "She paused for a moment and looked at Li Longji's expression: "If the saint really doesn't want to let him go, just choose a good place near Huaqing Palace to temporarily place him I remember, I still have it nearby.  Some royal villas can be tidied up and people can live in them.  "Well, since you said so, please go ahead Outside Huaqing Palace, I remember there is a separate courtyard. Although it is not big, it is elegant and lovely, and it is not far from Huaqing Palace. If I miss you,  You can send someone to summon How about you live here?  "This is Li Longji's concession, and it is also his test. Living in this villa, although he is out of the palace, he is still within the control of the imperial army. If Ye Chang has no second thoughts, he should be satisfied. On the contrary,  If Ye Chang wants to leave Huaqing Palace out of fear and guilty conscience, he will definitely not accept such an arrangement. "The sage has considered this carefully for me. If I don't accept it, I will be disrespectful."  Ye Chang smiled and said: "Now, I will come to the palace every day to listen to orders."  " Ye Chang said this and was about to leave, but Li Longji remembered something: "This merit reward cannot be delayed for a long time. I will announce your new official title to the world after New Year's Day, but meritorious service will not be announced to the world.  Soldiers, there is no need to wait until then.  " "Speaking of this reward, there is one thing that my concubine asked me to ask for from a saint.  Mrs. Guo Guo interrupted again, "What's the matter?"  "Li Longji was a little unhappy. In front of Ye Chang, Mrs. Guo Guo wanted to interfere in political affairs, which was a bit embarrassing. But Mrs. Guo still had to talk about this matter in front of Ye Chang. She smiled and said: "It's Luo Fengxian's business.  " "Luo Fengxian?  ¡±?When Longji heard this name, he felt disgusted: "What are you doing with this dog slave? This dog slave has ruined my face. Not only did he pre-military affairs, but also caused me to lose Cheng Qianli, a general, and my maid.  "Bend your knees to serve a thief" "I am also very surprised, how dare this dog slave be so bold?" Mrs. Guo Guo's eyebrows were full of joy: "But the crooked dates bear good results, this Luo Fengxian has adopted a good adopted son." Ye Changmei.  As soon as he raised his voice, his expression suddenly became cold.  Li Longji looked at Ye Chang from the corner of his eye and noticed that Ye Chang seemed unhappy. He secretly recalled in his heart, but he couldn't remember who Luo Fengxian's adopted son was - if it had been more than ten years ago, he would definitely remember it clearly.  Chu, but from Li Linfu to Yang Guozhong, he had become accustomed to relying on the prime minister to handle government affairs. Such a person was only vaguely mentioned by someone, but the impression was not deep.  "What adopted son?" "He adopted his adopted son Luo Yuanguang, who originally served in the Forbidden Army, and he also went with the army this time. When Cheng Qianli was besieged, it was this Luo Yuanguang who rode thousands of miles alone, like Guan Yu in the commentary, and broke through the siege  The request for help came to Mr. Ye." Mrs. Guo Guo's wonderful eyes moved and she glanced at Ye Chang, half happy and angry: "It's just that Mr. Ye defeated Yuan Ying at the beginning, but he didn't have time to clear out the remaining thieves and had no time to rescue him.  Defeated and killed." Ye Chang's expression was even colder, and Li Longji even felt that he was gritting his teeth.  In Mrs. Guo Guo's words, she somewhat accused Ye Chang of not saving him even when he was dead, but Li Longji was still clear about this. The thieves gathered hundreds of thousands of people, divided into Duji and Huainan, and they were so arrogant that they dared to attack head-on.  decisive battle between officers and soldiers.  Cheng Qianli's tens of thousands of regular imperial troops couldn't deal with them. Ye Chang only had a few thousand recruits at the time, so how could he save them?  "It turned out to be Luo Yuanguang who entered the city at night to seize Shangcai." After being reminded by Mrs. Guo Guo, Li Longji remembered it and glanced at Ye Chang: "Did he make the first contribution in Ye Qing's memorial?" Ye Chang didn't move.  He said with an authentic voice: "Exactly." "He is actually the adopted son of Luo Fengxian's thief slave?" "It is true." Li Longji turned to Mrs. Guo Guo again: "What did he do to you?"  "This Luo Yuanguang is a filial son. He wants to use his own merits to avenge his adoptive father." Mrs. Guo Guo said: "He fought desperately under Ye Shiyi, leading troops to attack for hundreds of miles in the snow to capture  Go to Cai and kill all the thieves in order to avoid Luo Fengxian's death penalty." When he said this, Li Longji couldn't help but look at Ye Chang again. Ye Chang had a gloomy face and snorted coldly. Obviously, he was dissatisfied.  Mrs. Guo Guo didn't take it seriously.  The leader of the attack in the snow was actually Ye Chang himself. In fact, except for him, no one else could command the veterans and make them work so hard.  It is for this reason that Ye Chang went to war despite being ill instead of handing over command to others.  After running for hundreds of miles in the snow, one can imagine the hardships he endured. No one but himself could stop him, not even Wang Yang'er or Shan Zhi, not to mention the newly defected Luo Yuanguang.  "But Mrs. Guo Guo almost ignored Ye Chang's contribution and gave it all to Luo Yuan's bald head.  "Ye Qing has never mentioned this before." Li Longji said leisurely.  "Luo Fengxian was treasonous, disloyal, and conspired with thieves to conspire against him. He was already a saint with kindness and atonement for his sins before he was punished? Not to mention that those achievements were only Luo Yuanguang's. Even if they were Luo Fengxian's own, they could not atone for his sins!" Ye Chang said solemnly!  : "This request is too unreasonable, so I didn't report it." "Ye Shiyi reported it to the public, and I admired it very much. However, Luo Yuanguang came to me after many rounds of requests, and all he wanted was for Luo Fengxian not to die.  I think this deal can be done by freeing an old slave and getting a general." "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible." Ye Chang said sternly: "Luo Yuanguang's contribution is his, and your Majesty will reward him with a title.  That is, Luo Fengxian's crime is extremely heinous. If His Majesty lets him go because of Luo Yuanguang, others will be lucky in the future." Mrs. Guo Guo was immediately furious. She said this in front of her, which was completely disrespectful to her. She thought  The treasures that Luo Yuanguang sent to her home were said to have been looted by thieves. There were ten large cars worth at least two hundred thousand guan. She was even more angry: "Your Majesty, I have never asked your Majesty to let him go."  , he can be dismissed from office, exiled, or have his house confiscated, as long as he is left with a miserable life" "Duh!" Before Mrs. Guo Guo finished her words, she heard Ye Chang shout angrily, which frightened her so much that she turned pale and retreated.  After a few steps, I heard Ye Chang say: "Generally speaking, you, a woman, can only pay it back if you interfere. The rewards and punishments of the imperial court are the most important weapons of the country, so you dare to interfere." Ye Chang glared at Mrs. Guo Guo with murderous intent at this time. Although Mrs. Guo Guo  He was so bold and arrogant, but how could he compare with someone like Ye Chang who was rushing to kill hundreds of thousands of people? He was so shocked that he was speechless.  It was Li Longji who saw that the situation was not good and stopped Ye Chang from having an attack.  "Ye Qing, I know this. I will never let that Luo Fengxian go easily. Just don't worry." Ye Chang still glared at Mrs. Guo Guo angrily and said angrily: "I retire." "??Okay, you go and have a rest.  "Li Longji comforted him with a few words of comfort and sent Ye Chang away. When he looked at Mrs. Guo Guo again, Mrs. Guo Guo was already crying so hard. "Your Majesty, you have to vent this bad breath on me before he wants to kill me.  "I, he really wants to kill me." "He has been killed among tens of millions of people, so it is natural that he carries some murderous intent.  " "He really wanted to kill me, not murderous He dared to do this to me in front of your majesty, brother-in-law Mrs. Guo Guo seemed to be frightened, and while crying, she threw herself into Li Longji's arms and shouted  "Brother-in-law" really touches Liang Wan's heartstrings.  If it were anything else, Li Longji would definitely respond with a smile and then comfort him, but today's matter "He is someone who dares to punch me, so it doesn't matter if he scares you. You  , Even if you want to save Luo Fengxian, you don't mention it in front of him. Isn't this a slap in his face? If he can bear it, he will no longer be Ye Chang. " "I don't care, I don't care, you have to vent your anger on me.  If you don't vent your anger for me, I will never enter the palace again. I came to the palace to accompany you, not to be angry with any cat or dog." Mrs. Guo Guo was in Li Longji's arms, but she didn't notice that Li Longji had a strange look on his face.  gloomy.  In his later years, Li Longji was indeed obsessed with success, greedy for pleasure, and tired of political affairs, but he was not stupid, nor did he lose his ability to judge. Just now, Mrs. Guo Guo clearly did it deliberately. Mrs. Guo Guo refused in front of Ye Chang.  If Ye Chang doesn't object, how can he take charge of the government and command the army?  Doesn¡¯t Mrs. Guo Guo know this truth?  Of course she knew, and she knew it very clearly. She deliberately angered Ye Chang and made Ye Chang have a seizure, and then took the opportunity to cry in front of her.  She is taking advantage of herself.  Li Longji doesn¡¯t mind being used by Mrs. Guo for general things, or even for most things, but if he wants to turn the use into a fool, Li Longji will be very unhappy.  "When the emperor is angry" Ten years ago, when the emperor was angry, he would definitely lay down his body and bleed. But now, Li Longji can only smile bitterly.  After coaxing Mrs. Guo Guo, he felt bored, so he claimed that he was extremely tired and wanted to rest, leaving Mrs. Guo Guo where she was with an unwilling look on her face.  Ye Chang came out of Huaqing Palace and saw Luo Yuanguang in front of Huaqing Palace.  Luo Yuanguang was waiting anxiously. When he saw Ye Chang coming out, he looked very embarrassed and even a little unnatural.  "Luo Yuanguang" Seeing him like this, Ye Chang smiled coldly and nodded to him: "Hello, you are very good." Luo Yuanguang lowered his head and did not dare to meet his eyes.  Ye Chang only said this and walked past Luo Yuanguang, never looking at him again.  Looking at Ye Chang's leaving figure, Luo Yuanguang couldn't help shouting: "Ye Gong" Ye Chang turned around and glanced at him coldly: "What's the matter" "I have to repay the kindness of my adoptive father I let Ye Gong down."  " "I said, I will never let Luo Fengxian go. Don't think that you can save Luo Fengxian by following the path of Mrs. Guo Guo." Ye Chang sneered: "You remember my words." After he finished speaking  , and when he was about to leave, Luo Yuanguang's forehead throbbed with veins, and he couldn't help shouting: "You don't want to be open to the public, so you want to stop me from finding other ways to save people? I will use my merits to redeem my adoptive father's life."  "What's wrong with this? If you really value me, why don't you fulfill my filial piety?"
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