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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break the Void Chapter 446: To whom do the remnant and loving people belong?

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    To the people of Luoyang City, Ye Chang's victory was not news, but his defeat was news.  Since returning to Luoyang, Ye Chang has been moving from one victory to another, as if he has never failed.  They naturally don¡¯t know how many intrigues are hidden behind these victories, let alone when Ye Chang started planning for these victories.  Naturally, there is no shortage of discerning people.  "Ye Gong is really a genius he recruited the miners as soldiers. Tsk tsk. If I were the leader of the thieves, I would be dizzy by his methods." The Grand View Garden is very quiet now. Because of the war, there are almost no people.  Businessmen from other places come here, but local scholars are concerned about the war outside the city and would rather go to some smaller and more inconspicuous places.  Therefore, it was Du Fu and Liu Changqing who were talking in the Grand View Garden at this time.  At this time, Du Fu was already famous all over the world, and the influence of "Minbao" was unique in the Tang Dynasty. Although Yang Guozhong also tried to run several newspapers in order to control public opinion, the capabilities of the people he chose were quite inferior compared to Du Fu.  There was a gap, and more importantly, he did not have the determination to fully support the development of the newspaper like Ye Chang. Liu Changqing's praise did not make Du Fu's frown disappear.  "Zimei, what are you worried about? Now that Yuan Ying has been captured, the Central Plains will have nothing to worry about. Just waiting for an order from the court, Ye Gong can command the army to go south to quell the chaos. After Yuan Chao and other thieves' leaders have also been captured,  Killed in the capital, peace will return to the world, just around the corner." Du Fu looked at Liu Changqing and smiled bitterly.  "Is there something on Zimei's mind?" Du Fu did have something on his mind, but he was hesitant to say what was on his mind.  Liu Changqing is a bit loud-mouthed and is actually not a good person to talk to. Du Fu would rather talk to old friends like Gao Shi or Cen Shen, but these two are on the border.  They are all at the border So my doubts are, are they also involved?  Under Liu Changqing¡¯s repeated urging, Du Fu finally spoke.  "Liu Gong only saw Ye Gong sweeping away the rebels, but he never saw the damage the rebels had caused. What I saw along the way from Chang'an to Luoyang this time was really tragic. Although it was not that bones were exposed in the wild and there were no roosters crowing for thousands of miles,  But it was also a state of depression and people's livelihood was in straits and almost desperate Ye Gong had veterans in his hands and could recruit miners as an army. With his ability, he could have put down the rebellion and the people could have returned to peace long ago. But Ye Gong took action.  The delay caused the thieves to wreak havoc on the people. At this time, the people who had lost their homes went to Liaodong, but Ye Gong was very active" "Silence" Liu Changqing was angry and jumped up from his chair and glared at Du Fu,  There was some wheezing in the mouth.  Du Fu lowered his head, a wry smile appeared on his face, his expression was solemn and vicissitudes of life.  There was silence in this room for a while, except for the sound of Liu Changqing's heavy breathing.  Du Fu¡¯s words were more of an accusation than a question.  Liu Changqing initially thought that he was just the president of "Minbao" and came to Luoyang to feel the atmosphere of the war so that he could write better articles, but he never thought that he was actually here to accuse Ye Chang.  Although Liu Changqing joined Ye Chang's staff not long ago, and his physical discomfort made him not very good at his current position, he was very happy with it.  Working under Ye Chang's curtain, you have almost complete autonomy. Ye Chang's rules and regulations are very obvious, and he has his words first. As long as you follow these rules and regulations and do things happily, there are no complicated interpersonal relationships like in the court.  Therefore, Liu Changqing has already felt that his future is completely tied to Ye Chang.  "Ye Gong is loyal to the country, and the sun can tell. He rushed back and forth on the battlefield, and racked his brains in the military camp. Liu saw this with his own eyes. He was sincere, but some people did not treat him with sincerity.  Sitting in this Grand View Garden, it is easy to accuse him after all - I think of something Ye Gong once said, it is always easy to criticize others." Du Fu did not raise his eyebrows, but said stubbornly: "He can do better, let him  The people will suffer less." "Who can do better than him?" Liu Changqing said angrily: "Du Zimei, you broke off relations with Ye Gong at first, and then you attached yourself to Ye Gong again and again" Du Fu didn't wait for him to finish.  He stood up and was about to leave, but at this moment, the door was pushed open.  Li Ye walked in slowly, holding a plate in his hand and smiling brightly at Du Fu.  Du Fugang was about to plead guilty, but Li Ye said: "How anxious is Mr. Du? Ji Lan, a girl in the boudoir, has little knowledge. She heard the dispute between the two gentlemen, but she also gained a little bit. I am willing to talk to Mr. Du." "Please enlighten me."  "Since the eleventh year of Tianbao, Ye Gong has vigorously recruited people to move to Liaodong. Liaodong is now rich and prosperous, no less than Gyeonggi Province, but the people are still reluctant to go there. Therefore, Liaodong is still vast and sparsely populated. Someone once calculated that Tianbao is sparsely populated.  From the eleventh year to the thirteenth year of Tianbao, the average number of people flowing into Liaodong every year was only 150,000. But now, in just one month, there are already people registered in Duji and Henan Province who intend to go to Liaodong.  There are 200,000 people¡± ?Ying's rebellion in Duji Road and Henan Province made the farmers who were already in trouble completely bankrupt and desperate. They either joined Yuan Ying's rebel team, or fled to neighboring counties and counties, and settled in Andong.  Register in front of the offices set up by the Chamber of Commerce and other chambers of commerce. While receiving a relief ration, they also register to prepare for immigration.  Du Fu saw this, so he guessed that Ye Chang did not immediately mobilize to suppress the rebellion at the beginning because of these immigrants.  Therefore, after listening to Li Ye's words, his face became more gloomy and he said nothing.  On the way to Luoyang, he wrote several poems reflecting the displacement of the people.  "If it were not for Ye Gong, these two hundred thousand people would either be thieves or starve to death. Will Du Gong admit it?" Li Ye asked at this time.  "Yesbut" "But if Ye Gong had put down the chaos earlier, they would not have been displaced. Is that what Du Gong thought? "Then could Ye Gong stay in Luoyang for the rest of his life?  Even if Ye Gong pacifies Yuan Ying as soon as possible, as long as there are traitors in the court, as long as he fails to rule the world and implement the government decrees, Yuan Ying, Zhang Ying, and Du Ying will be pacified. Du Gong will not admit it.  admit?  " Du Fu didn't know where to start. Li Ye's words contained some resentment towards the imperial court, but not only Li Ye, but also Du Fu himself, wasn't he dissatisfied with the imperial court's emphasis on Yang Guozhong and neglect of Ye Chang? The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty has never been greater.  In the prosperous age, the fundamental reason for the current turmoil does not lie with Ye Chang, but with the imperial court. This is a conclusion Du Fu has come to long ago. When he thought about it in private, he also felt that Li Longji must abdicate and replace him with a more powerful one.  The emperor who can also give Ye Chang more support. Yang Guozhong must resign. It is best if all his party is driven away from the center of the court and driven to the border to farm. And Ye Chang must become the prime minister and become an independent prime minister.  To be able to dominate the world for twenty years "In this way, the world will be in great order" However, although Li Longji is old and dim, he still refuses to leave. He has lost his enterprising spirit in domestic affairs. Only achievements on the border can make him more powerful.  He will become excited. But Yang Guozhong, not only has no intention of leaving, but is trying every means to drive Ye Chang out of the court, and even wants to kill Ye Chang. "If there is anywhere in the world that can avoid the shackles of the ignorant.  , then only Liaodong.  Li Ye added: "The people are not willing to go, and Lord Ye is not willing to persecute us, but some people will persecute us."  If Ye Gong is motivated by selfishness, the more chaotic the Central Plains, the better. It would be better if millions of people immigrate to Liaodong in chaos. But look at Du Gong, who is going to put down the rebellion, and who really cares about the people?  " Before the words were finished, the door was pushed open again, and a person came in with a panic expression. The person who came was Lu Yu. He came to Luoyang together with Du Fu, but at this time, his expression was very uneasy. "An Lushan has entered the Central Plains.  "He said loudly. "What?  "The solemn look on Du Fu's face was replaced by shock, and the same was true of Li Ye. "They have a close relationship with Ye Chang. When Ye Chang commented on the characters, he once said that An Lushan was ambitious and ended up being the disaster of the Tang Dynasty.  In fact, An Lushan now has nearly a quarter of the official elite of the Tang Dynasty, and almost the same number of private troops. He needs money and food to fight against the Xi, Khitan and other tribes, and also controls most of Hebei Province.  Most civil affairs. For the purpose of checking Ye Chang and controlling Liaodong, Li Longji and Yang Guozhong continued to increase his strength. With such a force staying in the border areas, it would be a serious danger to the country. If it entered the Central Plains, it would mean that the country was in danger. "This  How is it possible? Who allowed him to enter the Central Plains?  "Du Fu said loudly. "The emperor's secret envoy summoned him, and now the government has sent envoys to greet him." Lu Yu said: "I just heard the news from Ye Gong. Ye Gong was so angry that he dropped his cup." Ye Chang  Although his mood and anger are not intangible, at least Du Fu has never seen him throw things in anger. From Lu Yu's words, it is not difficult to judge that Ye Chang is really angry. A woman like Li Ye can't help but look miserable:  "Du Gong, do you still blame Ye Gong?  " Du Fu murmured: "NoI have never blamed him." Li Longji would never have thought that his move to summon An Lushan, although it balanced Ye Chang's influence, also made those around Ye Chang  The people were unprecedentedly united, and even some people who were hesitant to wait and see in the middle made up their minds. After Du Fu finished speaking, he finally staggered out of the door. He had a straightforward temper, but in this situation, he also knew that he wanted to question Ye  What a ridiculous thing. The imperial court no longer wants these people and the country. What else can Ye Chang do? It is the limit of what Ye Chang can do to save as many people as possible before the possible danger.  After leaving the Grand View Garden and coming to the streets, although the news of the victory had come, Luoyang was still under actual street ban. People who came to the streets had to go through detailed inspections in order to find the remaining thieves.  Du Fu looked at the empty streets and the police officers patrolling in twos and threes, and was silent for a long time.At this moment, he heard a sudden burst of urgency in the Grand View Garden. When he looked back, he saw more than 20 soldiers surrounding four or five people.  "This is the Grand View Garden, how dare you be so presumptuous?" One of the besieged was a barbarian, with a big beard and gray eyes, but he spoke fluent Chinese.  He waved his arms angrily and shouted at the people surrounding them.  Hearing the commotion, Li Ye also came down. She was also a little surprised, how could any soldiers dare to arrest people in the Grand View Garden.  "What's going on?" Li Ye asked loudly, "Which general are you subordinates to? Why did you break into the Grand View Garden?" Before she finished speaking, she saw one of the soldiers raise his face and smile at her.  laugh.  Li Ye's face changed slightly: "Bian Ping" She and Bian Ping, one is in Chang'an and the other is in Luoyang, but it is not that they have no intersection. To a certain extent, Bian Ping is actually her boss. She uses various information collected by the Grand View Garden.  The news must pass through Bian Ping and be transferred to Ye Chang.  "It's just that this guy is not in Chang'an. When did he come to Luoyang?"  "Khalid, you have been living at ease for several years. Now if you don't surrender, how long will it take?" Bian Ping did not speak, and another person beside him shouted at the foreigner.  Khalid's face changed greatly. The fact that these sergeants could call him by name proved that he was not arrested by mistake. He was in Luoyang City. Based on the idea that the most dangerous place is the safest place, he hid in the Grand View Garden. Anyway, there are also places in the Grand View Garden.  There are many Hu businessmen staying in the inn, so it is not very noticeable here.  During these days, no one dared to even harass him in the Grand View Garden, but he never thought that as soon as the sergeant showed up today, he would be captured.  He murmured: "I I'm just a big food businessman, why are you arresting me?" "Yuan Ying has already been captured, why do you think we are arresting you?" The man next to Bian Ping smiled: "I advise you to give up resistance.  If you tell me honestly, you can still save your life. Speaking of which, some of your old friends hope to see you." After hearing "Yuan Ying", Khalid knew that he would not be able to escape this disaster.  .  He also knew that Yuan Ying had failed, but according to his understanding of the Yuan brothers, Yuan Ying should have prepared a backup plan to escape from Luokou warehouse.  But now judging from the other party's tone, Yuan Ying was actually captured alive.  It's easy for others to handle, and they may not know his true identity, but there are still any secrets in Yuan Ying. But Yuan Ying was captured in front, and they came to attack him The speed was too fast. "Old friend?"  Although the food general Ziad was killed, most of his subordinates were unharmed, and most of them are in Liaodong now. "The man said slowly: "For your crime, you are bound to die, but if you can be honest, maybe Ye Gong will spare you.  The capital punishment is just to punish you and your original companions to stay in the mines of Liaodong. After ten or twenty years, you may be able to return to your hometown." Having said this, how could Khalid not know his own background?  Yu Jing was taken out. He looked gloomy. Yuan Ying still expected him to be a hidden dagger, but she didn't know that he had been discovered long ago.  If they don't catch him, they just don't rush to close the net. At this time, the overall situation has been decided. Where else can he go? He couldn't help but look to the southeast. With his arrest, the chess pieces that Yuan Chao had left in the Central Plains were swept away by Ye Chang.  What would Yuan Chao do in this situation?
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