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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 444: Willing to Serve Ye Gong to Qing Dynasty

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    An Lushan stroked his beard and looked south excitedly.  Although he has long been accustomed to the climate in Yanbei, the warm Central Plains makes him even more happy, especially the prosperous Chang'an and Luoyang. If it weren't for the fact that he knew that his roots were in Youyan, he would even be willing to stay in these two places forever.  The city hangs among the Hua Tuan Jin clan.  But since I went to Chang'an and Luoyang this time, I shouldn't be able to return to Youyan, right?  "Good brother, I'll leave this to you." Looking at Shi Siming who came to see him off, An Lushan patted his shoulder and said.  "Brother, just don't worry, I will keep this place safe for you. I'm just waiting for your order." A meaningful smile appeared on Shi Siming's face.  "The weather is cold, and it is difficult to do anything in the ice and snow. I think it will be the beginning of spring next year." An Lushan said: "I am in Chang'an City, waiting for your good news." "I will dedicate Jian'an Prefecture to my brother." Shi Siming and An Lushan are  After many years of friendship, they often call each other brothers, but Shi Siming understands that An Lushan has no brotherhood, otherwise his relationship with An Sishun would not be as tense as it is now. Seeing An Lushan's eyes flashing,  Similarly, Shi Siming smiled and said again: "Brother, I am also here waiting for the doctor's good news - when the time comes, the doctor will also take you brothers to go shopping in the colorful world of the Central Plains." "That's natural." An  Lushan said proudly.  ¡°Doctor, it¡¯s not too late, the auspicious time has come, let¡¯s set off,¡± Yan Zhuang next to him urged.  An Lushan nodded, yes, the matter cannot be delayed. It is rare that Li Longji sent an envoy with an imperial edict to urge him to march into the Central Plains. This kind of thing will change if it is delayed, and it will not happen if we do not seize the time.  Looking back, he saw that the army was already moving. A cold light flashed in An Lushan's eyes. At this moment, he saw a horse running in the opposite direction, and after a moment, he came to him.  "What's the matter?" "Urgent report from Luoyang, Ye Chang defeated the rebels outside Luoyang City," the man gasped.  Hearing this, An Lushan's pupils shrank: "This guy is quite capable Where did he get his troops? Did he only rely on those soft worms in Luoyang City?" "He has spent the past few years from Anxi, Yunnan and Liaodong.  The returning veterans were called back, and there were more than 2,000 of them. Most of these veterans worked under the Andong Chamber of Commerce." Upon hearing this, An Lushan was stunned at first, and then burst into laughter.  "Doctor, what's so funny?" Shi Siming stepped forward and asked.  "It turns out that Ye Chang had objections a long time ago." An Lushan did not say it, but Pang Ming's Gao Shang said it first.  "Ah?" "He can recruit these veterans as soon as he can, but he is secretly raising private soldiers." Gao Shang said: "He is secretly raising private soldiers in Chang'an and Luoyang. If he had not rebelled long ago, he would have dared to do this." At this point,  , he exchanged glances with Yan Zhuang, and Yan Zhuang nodded slightly, implying that the two of them had thought of something.  "That's it" Shi Siming also suddenly realized.  An Lushan was mocking Ye Chang. Perhaps the two thousand private soldiers were not rebellious, but were prepared for emergencies. For example, when Li Longji was jealous and had to flee Chang'an, these two thousand private soldiers could  Come in handy.  However, the people's uprising disrupted Ye Chang's plan, and he had to reveal his hidden sword.  Maybe he was solving problems for Li Tang's court, but in fact, what he got in exchange was Li Longji's greater suspicion.  In Chang'an City, before Li Longji could fully recover from the joy of victory, news of Cheng Qianli's defeat followed one after another.  After receiving the urgent report from Ye Chang in Luoyang, Li Longji's heart lifted again after he had just put it down.  He felt that during this period, bad news came one after another, barely allowing him any time to breathe.  "Cheng Qianli is incapable of harming the country." His roar still stopped in the hall. Gao Lishi wiped his sweat and glanced at Yang Guozhong.  It was Yang Guozhong who advocated for Cheng Qianli to be the commander-in-chief and lead the Imperial Guards from Beijing to the south of the Yangtze River to suppress civil unrest.  At this time, Yang Guozhong was still calm, but the beads of sweat on his forehead proved his inner panic.  "You tell me how to deal with it. You are the prime minister. Tell me how to deal with it." "At this time, we should call the border towns to the capital to defend the capital." Yang Guozhong said: "The thieves are powerful. Now I have received news that they are raising their troops to go north.  , want to meet up with the thieves in Henan Road. If they gather together, Henan will be in danger and Guanzhong will be in danger. " "With Ye Chang in Luoyang, they can't do anything," Li Longji snorted.  "Although Ye Chang has been prepared for a long time and has thousands of elite soldiers hidden in Chang'an City, but now that these troops have been used by him, his strength is still insufficient. I think that I should give Ye Chang more troops." Yang Guozhong said calmly.  "More troops?" Li Longji was surprised. Yang Guozhong and Ye Chang had almost openly turned against each other. He knew this very well and looked at Yang Guozhong suspiciously: "Didn't you say before that Ye Chang could not command heavy troops in the capital?  "Before, the saint had not fought with him in large numbers, but he could still hide his soldiers and summon them when they came.War, since this is the case, it is better to give it military power.  "Yang Guozhong replied expressionlessly. Gao Lishi almost wanted to spit in this guy's face. These words seemed to praise Ye Chang for his skill in controlling the troops, but in fact they meant that Ye Chang harbored evil intentions. And Yang Guozhong made it very obvious,  He glanced at it almost without concealing it. Now in the hall, only Yang Guozhong was playing. If it were a real meeting, Yuan Guozhong would be eager to jump out and argue with Yang Guozhong. Li Longji snorted.  With this thought, he didn't understand that he was actually disgusted with Yang Guozhong at this time, but considering Yang Yuhuan, he could bear it for the time being. "Stop talking nonsense", Li Longji looked at Gao Lishi,  Then he said expressionlessly: "Go and urge An Lushan to hurry up.  " Gao Lishi's face suddenly changed. He moved his lips and wanted to speak, but he swallowed it back. It turned out to be for this reason. Yang Guozhong's words were not really intended to slander Ye Changzhi, but to remind Li Longji that he must let  People are trying to balance Ye Chang in terms of military power. When Ye Chang stayed in Dongdu, he refused to be sent by the imperial court to monitor the army, so he would have to let another general restrain him. Yang Guozhong responded, with some joy flashing on his face. Gao Lishi shook his head secretly.  , because he was not a direct party to the conflict, he could see the problem more clearly. It would definitely not be a good thing for An Lushan to enter the Central Plains. Li Longji dismissed everyone. When Gao Lishi saw that he wanted to be alone, he quietly followed suit.  After exiting the main hall, when they arrived at the main hall, they saw Longwu General Chen Xuanli coming from outside. Chen Xuanli looked slightly strange when he saw Gao Lishi. Gao Lishi had something on his mind and didn't take this strange thing into consideration. He just sighed.  He said in a low voice: "Mr. Chen, the saint has called An Lushan in The safety of the imperial court depends a lot on you.  " Chen Xuanli also replied in a low voice: "Don't worry, General Gao.  "How could Gao Lishi feel relieved? He looked to the east, where Ye Chang was fighting against the swarming bandits and mobs, but there were always people in the court holding him back - since ancient times, power traitors have never been heard of  While the general can accomplish great feats outside, it's hard work for Ye Chang. But Ye Chang didn't feel it was hard. He smiled and shook his whip, looking at the enemy troops in front of him quite casually.  The fence is quite decent. It seems that some of the thieves have learned a little bit about the art of war.  "He said to the left and right. "The left and right laughed together. Although there were countless gangs of thieves, which seemed to cover the sky and the sun, with more than 100,000 people, the people around Ye Chang looked at them as if they were nothing. Ye Chang has his own kind of  Contagion can spread one's emotions to the people around him. "As expected, the thieves will gather the masses in order to attack Luokou. After this battle, they will release food to appease them, and there will be chaos in Duji Road and Henan Road."  It can be calmed down.  At that time, Ye Gong can send his troops south to fight with the main force of thieves in Huainan. If they can be defeated again, peace will return to the world." "I hope so.  "Ye Chang said. "It took a few days, but the thieves who were originally scattered everywhere gathered together again. They all gathered outside Luokoucang City, and the number once again numbered 100,000. At this time, Ye Chang took his time and led  Five thousand people came out of Luoyang to rescue. After receiving the news, Yuan Ying initially wanted to withdraw from the siege and go eastward. However, the rebels gathered from Henan Road refused to listen to his order and went eastward to Xingyang again.  It has been looted by the rebels and there is no profit at all. How can they seize the Luokou warehouse? There are millions of stones of white rice waiting for them to eat. "Look at the flag over there, I think it is Ye Chang." The thief  In the meantime, Yuan Ying looked here, feeling a little depressed. He suffered a heavy defeat outside Luoyang City, and finally realized the huge gap between himself and Ye Chang. He originally did not dare to compete with Ye Chang head-on, but he was besieging Luoyang.  He had been attacking Koucang for five days, but still failed to make any progress. Ye Chang arrived with reinforcements, but his subordinates did not agree with him to withdraw from the siege. Now he felt that he was riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off.  Ah After sighing secretly, Yuan Ying suddenly realized that she had been frightened by Ye Chang. Now it was not outside Luoyang City. He had more than 100,000 people without an organization. He was defeated by Ye Chang's hidden elite.  Now that his men are hiding behind fences and trenches, it has always been difficult to defend. As for the numerical advantage, Yuan Ying doesn't dare to think about it. "I have a plan to avoid this battle."  "While he was thinking about it, a man beside him stroked his beard and said. "When the rebel army broke through Xingyang, although Lu Yi died unyieldingly, there were always civil servants who were afraid of death and took refuge with the rebels, and this person was one of them. Seeing him like this  As he said this, Yuan Ying said with a smile but not a smile: "What's Mr. Wang's clever plan?"  " "I followed Lu Yi and once heard him say that Ye Chang and Yang Guozhong were at odds, and the two of them fought before the emperor not once or twice.  Lu Yi once said that Ye Chang should have been prime minister long ago because of his outstanding achievements and erudition.  Yang Guozhong only used the power of his concubine to occupy a high position, and he also went toe-to-toe with Ye Chang in every aspect.relatively.  If we persuade Ye Changqing to side with the Lord, we are willing to help him to attack Chang'an, punish the evildoers, and make him the prime minister, and the Yuan Gong brothers will be the marshals and generals, Ye Chang will definitely be moved: "What, you want my brother to assist Ye Chang?"  ?" A person next to Yuan Ying said angrily: "This guy killed so many of our brothers outside Luoyang City, we are not at odds with him." The man named Wang smiled and said: "Don't mention such stupid things again, Zhan.  When fighting on the battlefield, either you kill him or he kills you. Emperor Taizong could tolerate Wei Zheng who wanted to kill him, but you couldn't tolerate Ye Chang. How can you achieve great things? " " What do you mean? " " The only one the imperial court relies on.  Ye Chang'er, if Ye Chang also rebels against the court, no one from Luoyang to Chang'an can stop the rebel army. After they invade Chang'an and capture the emperor, who will rule the world, Duke Yuan or Ye Chang?  Besides," the man named Wang said.  "What if Ye Chang doesn't rebel?" "What's the harm if he doesn't rebel? It's just the same as it is now. If you don't give it a try, how can you know what he plans to do?" The man surnamed Wang knew a lot about Ye Chang from Lu Yi's mouth.  Lu Yi got the news from his son Lu Qi. Therefore, he felt that what he said was a clever plan and would definitely turn Ye Chang from an enemy into an ally. Moreover, he also felt in his heart that Ye Chang had someone better than the Yuan brothers.  There are many ways to persuade Ye Chang to rebel. Yuan Ying doesn't know what he has in mind, but he just thinks it's okay to persuade him. But who to send to persuade him is a question.  He tried to persuade Yan Zhenqing to offer the city but failed. This time he tried to persuade Ye Chang to rebel, but it was obviously not possible without doing something. He thought in his mind and looked around: "Guard me, I will go to the front.  " Ye Chang was watching the bandit formation when he suddenly saw the group of thieves separate. Several people holding shields were guarding one person, and they cautiously came out of the array. They stopped seventy steps away from him and said, "Is this the person coming from Ye Gongbu?  " Ye Chang is the Minister of Industry, so there is nothing wrong with calling him Ye Gongbu. Seeing this, Ye Chang smiled: "I didn't expect that the thief dared to call the formation I went to see what was sold in the thief's gourd.  "What kind of medicine is it?" He urged his horse forward, but the thief over there immediately backed away, as timid as this. Ye Chang smiled again and motioned to An Yuanguang beside him: "You answer with him."  " "Ye Gongbu is here, who is the traitor? How dare you call the formation?" An Yuanguang said loudly. Yuan Ying looked at him and was surprised: What a strong man. An Yuanguang has a beautiful beard and a majestic appearance, which is extraordinary.  , at first glance, he was a general. Yuan Ying knew that he was not Ye Chang, and the man in purple robe beside him should be Ye Chang. "A certain Taizhou Yuan Ying asked to see Ye outside the gate of Ye Gong in the eleventh year.  Gong, unfortunately, I was blocked by Ye Gong¡¯s disciples.  In front of Ye Gong's gate, it is difficult for heroes to enter, so that's what happened today." Yuan Ying shouted loudly. He was still worried about being kicked out by Ye Chang's family. Ye Chang smiled again: "Reply to him,  There are many heroes in front of my door, but there are no rebels or bandits. Hearing An Yuanguang's response, Yuan Ying felt angry, but she still suppressed it. He said directly: "Ye Shangshu has made great contributions to the country, but Yang Guozhong, the traitor in the court,  Stealing power means that meritorious officials are not rewarded and the people are in dire straits. Our brothers are raising righteous teachers not to rebel, but to punish the country's thieves and slander the emperor, so that talented and upright people like Ye Gong can become prime minister, and keep away from the emperor like Yang Guozhong.  Ye Gong has always been wise, why didn't he change his banner and join us to drive westward to drive away Yang Guozhong and restore a peaceful world to the Tang Dynasty? " These words were really unexpected by Ye Chang. Ye Chang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "  There are also lobbyists among the thieves, but these stupid words can't move me Yuan Guang, if you reply to him, just say that I have the emperor's decree to destroy the thieves and put an end to the chaos. As long as they abandon their weapons and surrender, I will only kill the first culprit.  , the rest can escape death penalty.¡±
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