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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 326: Plan to build a cabinet to connect the Qian River

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    Among the three sisters of the Yang family, this second sister is actually the eldest sister and the most difficult to deal with.  Ye Chang took a step back, avoiding her outstretched fingers, with a smile on his face but no anger.  Yang Zhao next to him frowned, stood in front of him, and stared at Sister Yang: "Sister, you must have some dignity." "You men, all of you are full of bad things in your stomach, but you still have any dignity on your face."  "Second Sister Yang raised her chin and said, "Get out of the way, Mr. Zhao, today has nothing to do with you." A trace of jealousy flashed in Yang Zhao's eyes, and there was also a trace of helplessness, so he could only get out of the way.  He had an affair with Second Sister Yang, and many people knew about it. However, Second Sister Yang was known to be dissolute, and if she really wanted to seduce Ye Chang, what could Yang Zhao do?  She also had an affair with Li Longji, and she was very popular with Li Longji. "Second sister, talk about business before anything else, and talk about business after talking about business." Ye Chang saw Yang Zhao retreating, still smiling and saying.  When Second Sister Yang met his smiling eyes, her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly felt a little ashamed of herself.  No matter how dissolute a woman she is, she still has some sense of shame. Ye Chang's attitude makes her feel a little boring.  "I really don't know why you men like to quarrel." She calmed down her mood and smiled again: "That Mingzhu is a beauty I have always pitied. Now that she is frightened because of you, I have to ask for a favor for her."  "Justice" What made Li Longji determined to deal with Yang Shenjin was the maid Mingzhu.  After learning about her whereabouts, Yang Zhao went to look for Second Sister Yang and asked her in front of Second Sister Yang. Sure enough, he found out that Yang Shenjin had secretly summoned Shi Jingzhong for divination.  After receiving the news, Yang Zhao was overjoyed, and secretly discussed with Sister Yang to take Mingzhu to see Li Longji, pretending to accidentally leak it, which aroused Li Longji's anger towards Yang Shenjin.  Things were done beautifully, exactly according to Ye Chang's plan. Li Longji would never have thought that Ye Chang was actually using his strength behind this.  To a certain extent, Li Longji has become a pawn of Ye Chang this time. Second Sister Yang felt that she had made a contribution, so she came to ask Ye Chang for credit and reward. However, her arrogance was now a bit inflated, so she used it to ask for reward.  The method is very unpleasant.  "What the second sister said is that pearls should be paired with pearls." Ye Chang smiled and stretched out a hand from his sleeve. His hand was full of beads as big as pigeon eggs, which looked crystal clear and very cute.  "Glass Orbs" This string of beads is all made of glass beads. In later generations, they were just balls used by children to play marbles, but at this time, they are rare treasures.  Even if Ye Chang now owns a glass workshop, the output of glass that is round, translucent and bubble-free is very small.  He originally wanted to create something with color inside, but he is still exploring.  Use this as a gift, it is not too precious, but it is excellent for a woman.  Second Sister Yang was filled with joy and took these, but she felt a little dissatisfied: "It's just a string of beads Shiyilang, you must give me a few dendrobiums so that I can reward them." "Reward?"  Yang Zhao was stunned: "Are you using this to reward me?" "You're a vulgar creature, so you don't understand. Nowadays, there are female storytellers in the capital. They make up stories every day and tell them to us. We can't let their hard work go in vain.  If you are happy to hear it, you have to give me some reward. Gold, silver, silk and silk are too vulgar to be like pearls. Now I have these glass beads, which are better than pearls." Ye Chang thought of those poor people who make up stories to flatter you readers.  After a lot of hard work, the final reward is this kind of glass beads that will depreciate infinitely in the future. I can't help but shed tears of sympathy for them.  "What nonsense is the second sister talking about? How can such beads of the same size become dendrobium?" Yang Zhao said from the side: "Okay, thank you for the gift. Let us go over. Don't keep the saint waiting for too long." Second Sister Yang chuckled  He made two sounds, as if he was about to leave, but before leaving, he suddenly leaned into Ye Chang's ear and said ambiguously: "I will go to your house to ask for it at night wash it off and wait for me." After she finished speaking, she still  He blew Ye Chang's ears, laughed twice, and then waddled away.  "What did she say?" Yang Zhao couldn't help but ask.  "A string of beads still doesn't satisfy her." Ye Chang was a little helpless: "Of course you want something else from me Oh, let's go." Yang Zhao still had some doubts after hearing this, but it was hard to ask anymore.  When they arrived in front of Li Longji, Li Longji looked very gloomy. He first waved to Yang Zhao, indicating that he would stand aside and wait, and then asked Ye Chang, "What brings you here today?" "I have been ordered to supervise the river work.  , there is a charter, please ask the saint to read it." Ye Chang took out another stack of paper from his sleeve.  Li Longji took the paper, but did not read it. He threw it on the small table aside and sighed: "You are a thoughtful person. I will read this later. Just tell me what you plan to do."  "I intend to build a road along the embankment of the Yellow River" ?When Chang told him his plan, Li Longji was a little impatient at first, but gradually became focused.  Ye Chang¡¯s idea is to take advantage of the dredging of the Yellow River to build a straight east-west path along the Yellow River, roughly parallel to the direction of the Yellow River.  The straight road extends all the way to Donghai County, which is roughly the Longhai Line in later generations.  This project is very large, so Ye Chang divided it into several sections and planned to complete it in twenty years.  Planning a project for twenty years is extremely rare in the history of the Tang Dynasty.  Ordinary officials are eager for quick success and quick gains, and only want to see immediate benefits so that they can turn into achievements in exchange for promotions. There are a few people who are willing to take a long-term perspective in doing things. "Within three years, first build a section of the road from Xuzhou to Bianzhou, so that the Huainan Road  The property can also be transferred to Bianzhou by land in winter. I checked the map of the imperial court and found that there are roads connecting the two places. This time, the main thing is to straighten and level them, and then pave them with cement  ¡± At this time, the road surface is a dirt road, which is mostly covered with sand and gravel, so large vehicles often get stuck in it, affecting the flow of materials.  Ye Chang plans to unify the distance between wheels and use this distance as a standard to build two cement roads on the road specifically for wheels to crush.  Since it is only equivalent to two cement roads less than half a foot wide, the cement consumption is not very large.  "Will this waste people and money?" Li Longji asked hesitantly after hearing this.  "Sage, it is inevitable to work on the people. How can there be people who do not work on the people in daily life? The key is to make the people feel that the work is worthwhile - for this road construction, the court only needs to advance part of the money and provide policy convenience.  Those who serve in this service will not only take care of their food and housing, but also receive wages." Li Longji knew Ye Chang's "financial management" skills. After hearing this, although he did not believe it, he did not immediately reprimand Ye Chang for speaking out, but  Asked: "Tell me, how can the imperial court achieve great success with such a large project at a low cost." "As I know, from Bianzhou to Chang'an, the price of food becomes increasingly expensive every year after October, and the reason is just that the Yellow River  The waterways are frozen and the food from Huainan cannot be transported. And the silk shipped from Huainan, Jiangnan and other places to Beijing every year is often damaged due to waterlogging on the ship" Ye Changyi  The excuse is nothing more than the reason that after the road is built, it will be rain or shine all year round, and the court can save a lot of money.  At first, Li Longji wanted to shake his head, because such reasons were not enough to convince him, especially since it was impossible to achieve the goal that Ye Chang said that the court only needed to contribute small amounts of money and the people would take the initiative to contribute large sums of money.  But when Ye Chang changed the subject, he mentioned that this road could not only be used by officials, but also by civilians, especially by small and medium-sized businessmen.  Chang'an, Luoyang, and Bianzhou are naturally prosperous, but Beihai, Guangling, and Jiangnan are also becoming increasingly prosperous. There are many trade exchanges between the two sides. If this road can be built, it will be great news for the merchants.  This road can be used by both the government and the people, and can collect tolls and commercial taxes along the way.  If this expected income is used as collateral to borrow money from the private sector, there will definitely be a large number of businessmen willing to provide the money.  "I'm afraid it would be disrespectful for the imperial court to come forward to do this" Li Longji hesitated.  Ye Chang cursed secretly in his heart. The imperial court was not afraid of being dishonorable when collecting taxes and conscripts by borrowing money to build roads. Instead, he was afraid of being dishonorable. He said in his mouth: "I have also considered this matter, so I suggest that the Andong Chamber of Commerce issue it."  The government allowed the Andong Chamber of Commerce to open a counter shop, sell flying money, and use the flying money to offset the rent" If the road construction just now was just the introduction, then the flying money now is the main story.  The commodity economy of the Tang Dynasty is developing rapidly. Goods from Liaodong are extremely popular, but factors restricting its development are becoming increasingly apparent. One of the most important ones is the lack of effective currency.  Although gold is in circulation, its quantity is scarce and its face value is huge. Although silver is valuable, it is actually not in circulation at present. Copper coins are not only heavy, but their quantity is also scarce due to the popularity of copperware. Therefore, Ye Chang proposed the idea of ??setting up a counter shop.  thing.  At this time, cabinets had already appeared in Chang'an City, but their main functions were to store copper coins and lend money.  Ye Chang's idea was to use the reputation of the Andong Chamber of Commerce and Liaodong's products as a guarantee to set up a bank in Chang'an, obtain the right to issue the Tang Dynasty's banknotes "Fei Qian", and at the same time lend money to the Tang Dynasty to build roads.  Of course, Ye Chang will not forget that another function of banks is to attract savings.  At this time, depositing money in a counter shop not only earns no interest, but also requires giving money to the counter shop. Ye Chang firmly believes that even if he sets the interest rate lower, many people will be willing to deposit money.  The only thing to worry about is that the emperor and the powerful regard this cabinet as the imperial treasury and can withdraw it at will.  Therefore, Ye Chang wants to put the cabinet shop under the name of the Andong Chamber of Commerce - infringing on the interests of the cabinet shop is infringing on the interests of the more than 300 shareholders behind the Anton Chamber of Commerce. Even if Li Longji has this intention, he must do something.  Scruples Ye Chang kept talking about this new thing he called "An Dong Bank", and because he was so engrossed in talking, he didn't even notice the sky outside.  The originally bright spring light was gradually replaced by dark clouds. After he finished speaking, there was a rumble and the first spring thunder in Tianbao's six years.??.  Li Longji just woke up from a dream and took a long breath.  As a once brilliant politician, Li Longji felt a strange and fearful power from Ye Chang's introduction. He thought carefully, but because he had been addicted to drinking and sex for too long, for a moment, he thought  I don't know what is hidden behind this.  Even though he is full of energy, he still doesn¡¯t know what kind of monster Ye Chang will unleash. With the addition of the troops from the Anton Bank and the Liaodong Marching General Administration, the armed merchant group has faintly emerged.  "This matter must be left to Li Xiang That's all. Li Xiang is feeling a little unwell now, so Yang Zhao will supervise it for the court." Li Longji thought about it for a while. Originally, it was Xiang who recommended it to Li Linfu, but then he thought about Ye Chang's possibility.  After becoming Li Linfu's son-in-law, he pushed Yang Zhao out again.  No matter what this power will become, Li Longji hopes to control it in his own hands, so it is impossible to give it all to Ye Chang, let alone Li Linfu.  Moreover, Yang Shenjin is about to fall this time, and no one in the DPRK can check and balance Li Linfu. This is not in line with Li Longji's plan.  He thought that the relationship between Yang Zhao and Ye Chang seemed to be good, so it was time to introduce Yang Zhao and use him to drive a wedge between Li Linfu and Ye Chang.  Yang Zhao was overjoyed. This was a very fat job. Although he didn't quite understand the significance of this "bank" to Datang, he could vaguely see the benefits that could be gained from it.  The "bank" that Ye Chang refers to is far from the banks of later generations. It is just a little further than the counters that issued Feiqian that appeared later. The "Feiqian" issued was supported by both the imperial court and the production capacity of Liaodong.  With this flying money, it can be used to offset the taxes paid to the court, and it can also be exchanged for all Liaodong products in big cities such as Chang'an, Luoyang, and Bianzhou. It can also be directly exchanged for copper coins or silk in big cities such as Chang'an, Luoyang, and so on.  In order to prevent too much impact on the market, the annual issuance of Feiqian should be fixed, which will be slightly increased based on the previous year's figure. The specific amount will be approved by the imperial court at the end of each year when the Andong Chamber of Commerce sends a dividend to Chang'an.  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT out of the industry is the small base Ye Chang established in Liaodong, and the rest only relies on scattered family handicrafts or workshops, so this can only be done for now.  Ye Chang's purpose is to build roads through this bank, promote the circulation of commodities in Datang through road construction, and then obtain profits through the circulation of commodities.  As long as you push it, with the factories in Liaodong, money will flow continuously and form a river.  After the matter was agreed upon, Li Longji felt better when he thought of the wealth that was rolling in. He turned to Yang Zhao with a smile and said, "How is the situation?" "This is Yang Shenjin's confession. I dare not be expert in it. It all depends on the saint." Yang Yang  Zhao quickly handed over the confession.  Li Longji took the confession and read it hastily. He was shocked and angry: "It turns out that this happened" He was really furious. One of the people involved in the case was someone he planned to promote to replace him.  The other important minister of the old Li Longji was his son-in-law, and he was once one of the sons-in-law he paid most attention to. He was not a fool, otherwise he would not have been able to seize power from Empress Wei and Princess Taiping in the first place, but the smarter he was, the more powerful he would be.  The more suspicious you become, this has been true since ancient times.  Coupled with Li Linfu's previous slander and Ye Chang's various arrangements, even if he didn't believe it all, he believed 80% of it. "Come here," he said sharply.
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