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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 249: Planning for the Han People

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    "Official positions and titles are important matters of the military and state. Concubines and women in the harem should not speak." Yang Yuhuan smiled. She said that she should not speak, but in fact she had already spoken. Then she said: "Jin  Ye Shiyi has the ability to earn silver, silk and silk, but I feel that there is nothing to reward Oh, this is really difficult. Officials and titles cannot be rewarded, and money and silk cannot be rewarded Could it be that they reward others and him?  " Li Longji was moved when he heard this. He looked at Ye Chang up and down for a while: "Ye Qing, you haven't gotten married yet?" Ye Chang's heart suddenly jumped. His marriage Could it be that Li Longji wanted to reach out?  There were ten thousand reluctances in his heart, but in his mouth, Ye Chang had to tell the truth: "I lost my father when I was young, and I am from the countryside, so I have not gotten married." "Well I have remembered this, your  Don't be good at marriage. After a while, I will show you a good marriage." Although Ye Chang was unwilling in his heart, he couldn't refuse it openly. He could only complain secretly, and at the same time he had to thank Li Longji.  kindness.  No matter in another life or in this life, I am most afraid of the kind of uncles and aunts who want to be matchmakers for me. Although they have good intentions, they bring so much trouble to people with their good intentions. Ye Chang¡¯s gift made Li Longji and Yang  Yuhuan was very satisfied, and Yang Yuhuan could hardly live without the mirror.  Li Longji smiled and waved to Ye Chang. Ye Chang was stunned for a moment and then followed him to the side.  "Lao Qing is attentive." Li Longji said.  "This" "Why, let me praise you. You have always been smart, but why don't you know how to deal with it?" "Uh, I'm not used to it." Ye Chang said honestly.  "Haha tell the truth about what happened in Liaodong, I won't blame you." Li Longji suddenly changed his tune, and Ye Chang felt a chill in his heart.  He originally thought that there would be no problem in hiding this from the increasingly dim emperor, but he didn't know where he saw the flaw.  "Everything I said is true. There is only one thing I didn't elaborate on. I also had some selfish interests in regaining Jili Prefecture." Li Longji smiled with satisfaction. He liked this feeling, controlling the thoughts of his subordinates and understanding their selfishness.  What he said just now was not that he really saw any flaw, it was just the intuition of a shrewd old politician. "You said it was selfish.  " "My Majesty did not agree with the policy I proposed at the time. Some of the ministers in the court who were ill-informed also accused me of being a madman and talking nonsense, so I wanted to show them my madness and prove what I said. If the border affairs are handled properly,  , not only will it not strain the national strength, but it will also bring wealth to the country.  " Ye Chang was talking nonsense and thinking quickly in his mind. He couldn't guess what flaw Li Longji had seen. In this case, he would bring the topic to what Li Longji was interested in. What Li Longji is most interested in now?  Interested? Of course, he can make money for him and can give him a lot of money. In the past ten years, among the officials he has promoted to important ministers, there are not only three or five who have been promoted because they can make money for him, but Li Shi can't compete with Li Linfu, and even Li Linfu.  Part of the reason why Zhang Jiuling was driven out of Chang'an was that they did not have Li Linfu who could make money. Li Linfu managed finance for Li Longji and tried his best to make the most of it. However, Wei Jian, Yang Shenjin and others completely ignored the people and continued to pay attention to them.  Sure enough, what Ye Chang said made Li Longji very interested. He smiled and said: "Instead of hurting the country's strength, it will make money for the country?"  " "When I returned to Chang'an this time, I brought a lot of local products from Liaodong, which I planned to sell - naturally, this is not a one-time transaction, there will be more later.  "    "oh?  "Li Longji is not ashamed of his words. What's more, there are no upright ministers around to advise him. He asked curiously: "What are they?  " "There are two husks of Dongzhu produced in Bohai, and hundreds of leather goods from Heishui Ah, speaking of this, I only focused on giving gifts to the empress, but I forgot to prepare a gift for Your Majesty, which is a white tiger skin.  " "The white tiger skin is dispensable to Ye Chang, and it is said to be a sign. He kept it privately, but it would be unsightly to report it to others. It would be better to give it to Li Longji in exchange for Li Longji's further development.  Sure enough, Li Longji was overjoyed, not because of this gift, but because of Ye Changshi's advance and retreat: "There are also a few white tiger skins in the palace. I want to see what the difference is between the white tiger skins you got in Liaodong.  "Continue to say" "I have this idea. I will sell Liaodong through bidding in Chang'an City, and then part of it will be controlled by me. I will continue to build docks in Liaodong and buy huge logs to build big ships. The other part will be based on the previous investment by various companies as profits."  Return to all the ladies who invested.  Naturally, with such a big profit, there is no need to pay commercial taxes and the court. When Li Longji heard his distribution, he was happy at first, and then solemn.  After a while, he laughed again: "Ye Chang, if that's the case, wouldn't you get nothing if you are busy in Liaodong?" "How can I get nothing? I have to work hard in Liaodong, so I have to be paid, right?"?And when I contributed the capital, I also contributed a share, and at least there was a rebate The most important thing is that I have a shipyard. It is profitable to build a shipyard and build large ships to go to sea, even if I can't find the overseas fairyland for the time being.  The matter of the picture, otherwise, where did the treasured mirror that I presented to you and your empress come from?  " Li Longji suddenly became speechless: Exactly, from Ye Chang's seemingly comprehensive distribution of benefits, he himself got a lot. But this did not make Li Longji angry, but made him even happier. If Ye Chang does not love officialdom,  , and he doesn't love money, so what does he love, is it the country? "You are not a scholar after all," Li Longji said. "Any other scholar would have been angry, but Ye Chang was calm: "The world.  In all industries, everyone performs his or her duties according to his or her own abilities. If everyone is a scholar, the fields will not be cultivated and the soldiers will not work, and there will not be so many actors in your majesty's pear orchard.  " "Haha" Li Longji laughed. "Since the saint asked about this matter, I have an idea and bring it to His Majesty's Holy Judgment.  " "Well, you tell me" Ye Chang has had an idea for a long time. The Han people are actually a nation with a very pioneering spirit. Not only in the Central Plains and Jiangnan, but also in the barbaric and inaccessible corners of the country, the Han people have been here more than once.  However, it often retracted, so that the surrounding barbarians took advantage of it and regarded the Han people as their natural wealth.  Profitable. Originally unprofitable, since Ye Chang is determined to change this, he must set an example. "The benefits I have gained from Liaodong are not just this one. As long as I can stand firm in Liaodong, I will be able to do so in the coming years."  Available every year.  "Ye Chang said: "I want to establish the Andong Chamber of Commerce based on the capital contributed by the noble ladies. I am not talented and would like to be the general manager of the chamber of commerce. The court can send people to manage the profits of Liaodong.  " "The Chamber of Commerce it's the business of merchants" "Exactly, it's the business of merchants.  " Li Longji is not some old antique in the court. Although he also looks down on businessmen, he is very tempted by the huge profits behind Ye Chang's proposal. How could he not know that the appointment of officials who are good at looting over the years has made him  His reputation was very damaged, but on the one hand, he wanted to make great achievements and conquer all directions, and on the other hand, he wanted to maintain his luxurious life and indulge in extravagance. The expenses were too great. Between a good reputation and practical benefits, he could only choose the latter.  But if Ye Chang manages his business properly, Liaodong can bring him huge profits every year without damaging his reputation. Why should he disagree because it is a matter for merchants?  What does it mean to plan?  " "I am in charge of the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, but the money and grain collection and expenditure are all recorded in the book by the chief accountant. The court can use this book to collect taxes, and each investor can use this policy to receive dividends at the end of the year, and I can use this book to plan matters for the coming year.  , a job that can be done in one fell swoop.  " "I understand" Li Longji really understands that this position of accountant is not only equivalent to the accounting office of an ordinary merchant, but also a pawn for the imperial court to supervise Ye Chang. As long as the money and grain income and expenditure are clearly recorded, he can  In Chang'an, we can also notice what Ye Chang did in Liaodong. Although Ye Chang is bold, he is also careful, and he knows how to avoid suspicion. With this master plan, no one in the court can gossip and make false accusations.  He is trying to stand on his own feet overseas. ¡°Please give me your Majesty¡¯s sanction.  " "It's really not appropriate to bring this matter to the court" Li Longji thought for a while: "Let's do this, the chief planner will be appointed by me, and then all taxes and taxes will go to the inner government.  " Ye Chang cursed secretly. It was originally income for the country, but Li Longji opened his mouth and gave it to him personally. Emperors have been like this since ancient times, so future generations call the emperor a tycoon. It is not wrong. These money  It could have been used for rectifying national defense, building roads, dredging waterways, education and health, but instead it was used for Li Longji's personal arrogance and lust. However, Ye Chang did not want to try to persuade Li Longji. As long as Li Longji recognized it, then the Anton Chamber of Commerce would be used.  With legitimacy, since he is the general manager of the Chamber of Commerce, even if Li Longji really appoints officials to Jili Prefecture, he will not be able to shake his power in Jili Prefecture. More importantly, with this title, he can.  By leveraging its power, the Andong Chamber of Commerce's trade routes were open to the world, and it could issue orders to Silla, Bohai and other Tang vassal states. In a sense, this was the East India Company of the Tang Dynasty. "About the principal of the Andong Chamber of Commerce.  Shares, this is what I think" Ye Chang continued, "Half of the shares come from the support of the noble ladies in the capital, 30% come from Ye Chang's own investment, and 20% come from Yang Yuhuan's support¡ª¡ª  In fact, it was the support of Li Longji himself. Hearing what he said, Li Longji couldn't help but smile, half in praise and half in admiration: "Ye Chang, if you go to bribe, I'm afraid no one can refuse you.  " Ye Chang laughed twice. Li Longji was easy to talk to. He was greedy and greedy. After all, he paid attention to his image and didn't ask why Yang Yuhuan's shares were less than Ye Chang.??Then there is the so-called chamber of commerce tax. Since Ye Chang knew what was going on, Li Longji did not dwell too much on this issue and set the chamber of commerce tax at 100%.  After discussing the matter, Li Longji asked again: "Is that glass mirror produced in Liaodong?" "Since I want to seek a fairy island, I have to go to sea. Once when I went to sea, I encountered wind and waves and deviated from the route. I had to go to an island. There was an island on it.  The people have formed a country of their own, and the country is proud of it. This mirror produced in this country claims to be the inheritance of Nuwa Mending the Sky. "Ye Chang knew the true meaning and said with a smile: "As for the products of Liaodong, they are nothing more than giant trees, ginseng, and donkeys.  Pearls, furs, horses and sheep, when Emperor Taizong conquered Goguryeo, he had never heard of glass in Liaodong. "I don't know where the Aolai country is. Is it true that the Tang Dynasty is Zhengshuo?"  : "If you go again, you might as well bring his envoy to Chang'an." Ye Chang suppressed a smile and responded.  This is the limitation of this era. What Li Longji cares about is whether the country regards Datang as Zhengshuo. As for what products the country has and whether it has strategic significance, he doesn't ask at all.  "Let's go back. By the way, have you prepared any gifts for the other concubines in the palace?" Li Longji was originally going to go back, but after taking a step, he remembered something and asked again.  "Well there are many concubines in the palace, and I am very frightened. I only know that Madam Yang" "Haha, I won't cause you to bleed. Others will pay it back Baojing wants you to bring back more than just one, Concubine Mei.  There, send one quietly and ask Gao Lishi to send it over for you." Ye Chang was stunned for a moment, with a bitter look on his face: "Your Majesty, there is only one as big as that precious mirror. If there is another one of the same size.  "Do you dare not to offer it?" "Oh, you don't understand yet. It doesn't matter if it's smaller, but you have to give one away Don't let Yang Zhao know, if he knows, Yuhuan will also know." Ye Changkan  Seeing Li Longji's irritable look, he immediately understood that the man in front of him seemed to be facing a situation that was beneficial to his intelligence, such as a palace fight.  He felt strange in his heart. He was fairly familiar with the history of the Tang Dynasty, and Concubine Mei had been mentioned in some books, but they were all non-official histories. There seemed to be no mention of Concubine Mei in the official history.  And since he first entered Chang'an, he only knew Yang Yuhuan. As for Concubine Mei, she was too low-key.  Ye Chang is not willing to get involved in this matter. The result of trying to please both sides is that he cannot please both sides.  Therefore, he said with a smile: "I will present another mirror and saint, which is smaller than the one of Empress Yang. Your Majesty must not dislike it." Li Longji suddenly felt a headache: "I will let you hand it over to General Gao." "Yes, I will.  General Tuo Gao dedicated it to the saint. "Seeing Ye Chang's pretending to be stupid, Li Longji was angry: "It is the duty of a minister to share your worries. You can't handle such a trivial matter, so what's the use of you?" "Don't blame me, saint?  , the empress' wrath was calmed down by the saint, but if it fell on the minister, something might happen. I am afraid of the empress, but I am not afraid of the saint. " "You" Li Longji was about to get angry and stared at Ye Chang.  He said: "If you don't come up with a reason today, I will send people to raid your house." "Your Majesty is wise, Yao, Shun, and Yu were nothing more than this. Even if I offend your Majesty, Your Majesty will let me tell you the truth. But on the side of the empress can I have anything?  Does that make sense? " Li Longji never thought that he was flattering him again. He just felt that what this young man said was in line with his thoughts. He was stunned and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "It's hard to raise a villain with a woman, as the ancients said.  Don¡¯t be fooled by me, you are just a villain.¡±
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