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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 172: Desire and Huangfu are not in love with each other

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    "That being the case, now I have an idea, and I would like to ask Ye Shiyi to serve as my adviser." Bian Lingcheng certainly sneered at Ye Chang's words of "a favor as heavy as a mountain", but he would not say it himself.  Instead of exposing it, he climbed up the pole and said with a smile.  "I don't know what Mr. Bian thinks. Ye Chang is willing to serve for Mr. Bian." "Now, I won't hide it from you. I am here to supervise the army this time. I am actually here for you. The saint sent you to the border.  , after all, I have a caring heart, and I am afraid that something will happen to you here, so I asked you to serve as the military supervisor." Ye Chang also did not believe what Bian Lingcheng said. Li Longji may really have some caring heart.  But the main purpose of sending Bian Lingcheng here was definitely not him. Ye Chang still had this self-awareness.  "But the border area is not a place to live for a long time. Ye Shiyi, your great future is in Guanzhong, in Chang'an Don't you want to go back after making meritorious service here?" "Of course I do." "We also think about it, that's the case.  , we can discuss it You can think of a way to let us take credit for this great victory, so that when we send the prisoners back to the palace, we can put in a good word for you and ask your Majesty to transfer you back. " "This.  " Ye Chang showed a look of excitement, and when Bian Lingcheng saw that there was a way out, he said a bunch of good things.  There are three places in the world that can best cultivate people's ability to speak well. The first is brothels, the second is officialdom, and the third is the harem.  Bian Lingcheng was able to stand out in the harem and win the attention of Li Longji. Even Li Bai, who was known as a eloquent man, could not catch up with him.  Ye Chang listened with excitement, and finally said: "This matter is easy to hear. If I were Bian Gong, I would go to Hualong City." "Go to Hualong City Yes, that's right, we should go to Hualong City." Bian Lingcheng  Fu Gu laughed, a little annoyed in his heart, why didn't he think of going to Hualong City just now? Not only could he stay away from Hongji City, the center of right and wrong, but he could also be said to be using himself as a bait. In this way, the first achievement after the victory would be done by someone other than himself.  It was none other than But the eunuch's suspicion made him frown immediately: "Is Hualong City in danger?" Ye Chang smiled and said: "Hongji City and Hualong City are dangerous everywhere, but there is Yang Jinghui over there in Hualong City.  He is a veteran of the frontier army. I have talked with him and he is quite extraordinary. However, he has never been reused by Huangfu Weiming, so he has been left idle. " This made Bian Lingcheng's heart move again.  Huangfu Weiming had eleven armies and three guards and envoys under his command. He ran several camps here, and most of these people followed his lead.  Bian Lingcheng wanted to recruit a thousand people to protect him, but it took a lot of effort to get them.  This Yang Jinghui was talented but was not valued by Huangfu Weiming, so he was suitable for his use. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  It would be better to move to Hualong City and join Ye Chang. At least Ye Chang still has an army general beside him.  "Okay, okay, we serve the country and share the worries of the king. How can we fall behind others? We will move our troops to Hualong City right now and use our bodies as bait to lure the dogs and soldiers to attack." The border officer Chengyi Zhengyi said.  , Ye Chang quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Eight days passed in a blink of an eye. The wheat fields near Kuozhou had been harvested, and all the food was sent to Hualong City. Everything was ready, and they were just waiting for the curtain to slowly come up.  On the seventeenth day of the seventh month in the third year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, when the sky was bright, Nan Jiyun led more than ten riders out of Hualong City. "How can the Dog Rong bypass Hongji City and attack our Hualong City?"  "It gets cold early in Kuozhou, and the frost has already fallen. It's extremely cold when we go out in the morning. Nan Jiyun has a cotton-padded jacket, so he doesn't feel it too much. However, the border soldiers who are still wearing autumn clothes are a little unbearable from the cold, and they can't help complaining. "  Even if there is no attack, we can go out hunting and wander around, which is better than being depressed in the city.  Nan Jiyun said with a smile: "In charge of the building, don't complain all over the place. Even if Ye Langjun punished you, you were always caught at fault."  " "It's just bad luck that I was caught doing a job. Nanba, you know that you have been with your brothers these days. How many people are not doing it?  He doesn't care about others, but he cares about so-and-so. He is just bored every day and doesn't know what to do in the craftsman's camp. ""Guan D Ling, if you say that again, don't blame so-and-so for being ruthless.  Nan Jiyun glared at him: "If Ye Canjun blames you for other things, I will go and intercede for you. This matter in the army By the way, you are under General Wang, how dare you be so negligent? Isn't this bullying?"  "Ye Canjun is young." The manager of the building chuckled and did not explain. A person next to him laughed and said: "The manager of the building has no eyes. Ye Canjun has people like Nan Ba ??and Shan Zhishi to protect him. How can he be fooled? But he is stupid.  This meal of military sticks was not unfair.  " "Don't think that Ye Canjun doesn't know the tricks behind the military stick. If he really beats the general, can the building manager still come out to patrol?  Why did Ye Canjun come to the building every day these days? He just knew that the military stick was just for show." Nan Jiyun warned: "You areI have been at the border for a long time, but I don¡¯t know Ye Canjun¡¯s reputation in Luoyang. He hung dozens of assassins from the Bohai Kingdom on pillars and exposed their bodies at the north gate of Luoyang. The number of heads he chopped off is no less than yours.¡± ¡°No way.  , Ye Canjun was gentle and gentle, smiling before he said anything. Even the gentlemen who came with him were more murderous than him.  "That Li Taibai, I heard that he is a person who has been summoned by the emperor, but he is good at swordsmanship" Everyone changed the topic to the people around Ye Chang. Those who were a little concerned were surprised to find that several important people around Ye Chang,  They don't seem to be ordinary people. They are military men who respect bravery the most. People like Nan Jiyun and Shanzhi are even more admired by them. His shooting and bravery in recent days have impressed everyone.  It is admiration, and Nan Jiyun is proud of his superiors and does not bully his subordinates. Although he is very capable, he can get along well with the soldiers. Therefore, the man in charge of the building is not convinced by Ye Chang, but he is very impressed by Nan Jiyun. They walked out of the city.  Take the main road, looking for a high place to overlook, and when you are ten miles away from the city, the Guan Building said: "Okay, okay, today's mission is completed again, we can go back" Nan Jiyun frowned and hesitated for a while.  Said: "No hurry, let's go another five miles." Ye Chang asked them to go out of the city and patrol ten miles to the west, northwest and southwest. Although the distance is not precise, ten miles is enough. Hearing what Nan Jiyun said,  Guan Dalou smacked his lips, but said helplessly: "Nan Ba, later you have to shoot a rabbit or something to satisfy everyone's cravings.  " "It's easy to say, it's easy to say." They moved forward for only more than three miles, and when they got here, they felt something was wrong. There was a vague dust rising in the distance. They climbed up to a high place and looked over there, and then everyone changed their colors. " Quan Rong  The Quanrong people are really here." The manager's teeth were chattering. If he returned midway and didn't find the Quanrong people, then after the matter was revealed, he would only die. But Nan Jiyun looked excited: "I thought I wouldn't be able to catch up with the big battle.  Fight, now it seems we still have to go." "How many people?  "Someone asked again. "It's boundless, at least there are tens of thousands The Quanrong are really attacking in large numbers, but how come there's no attack on the doctor's side?  "After being excited, Nan Jiyun suddenly thought of this serious problem. "According to Ye Chang's advice, Huangfu Weiming nominally dispersed the soldiers to harvest in the autumn, but actually ordered them to stand by. As soon as he learned the news of the Quanrong attack, he would immediately  Gather troops and attack suddenly when the opponent is halfway through. It is precisely for this reason that Guan Daode felt that it was unnecessary for Ye Chang to arrange for them to conduct reconnaissance. Could it be that Quan Rong could bypass Hongji City's reconnaissance cavalry and appear directly under Hualong City?  The result was just as Ye Chang expected: "Ye Canjunhow did he know?  "A sergeant couldn't help but asked. "Do you think I joined the army with Ye because of his family background?  Nan Jiyun solemnly said: "His character may have some problems, but he rarely makes mistakes when he judges people and things. Let's go back quickly. There are more than ten thousand dog soldiers. They are obviously a large group of powerful enemies. We must  He went back in time to report the news, "I don't know what tricks Quan Rong used to avoid Dr. Huangfu's reconnaissance riding." Everyone turned their horses' heads and started running wildly. They were all riding one person and two people, and they were well prepared, so they returned very quickly.  Although Quanrong also saw them from a distance and sent people to chase them, it was too late after all after being separated by several miles.  There is no need for them to report the news. There is naturally a police post at the head of Hualong City. When you see the endless smoke and dust from a distance, you immediately sound the gong to warn.  During these days, Ye Chang was not only with the craftsman camp, but also training according to the plan. Therefore, when the alarm gong sounded, everyone was already in place.  Everything was busy but not chaotic. Seeing this scene, Bian Lingcheng said with a smile: "Ye Chang, today's training" "Today is not training, Quan Rong really showed up." Ye Chang dropped this sentence and boarded the  Tower.  Bian Lingcheng was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed behind and climbed up the tower. He saw smoke and dust billowing in the distance, which showed that it was a large-scale attack by dog ??soldiers.  He was so shocked that he almost sat down on the ground. At this time, Ye Chang turned around with a ferocious look on his face: "Mr. Bian, you killed us." "Wha, what?" Bian Lingcheng was originally going to scold Ye Chang.  , if Ye Chang hadn't abducted him to Hualong City, how could he have encountered such a situation?  "The imperial court has set up some military envoys, but Dr. Huangfu is clearly dissatisfied with this, so he did not attack the dog soldiers as agreed." Ye Chang was really furious at this time. The worst situation he expected really happened, Huangfu Weiming really general Hualong  "Whatwhat?" "Mr. Bian, if you don't come to Hualong, Doctor Huangfu will definitely attack Quan Rong. If you come to Hualong, he will seize the opportunity to deal with you with the help of Quan Rong."  "Ye Chang said more directly this time: "It's a pity that it has affected us." The surrounding soldiers looked at Bian Lingcheng with unkind expressions. This is due to the selfish nature of people. Even Bian Lingcheng himself had forgotten it at this time.  He blamed Ye Chang for inducing him to come to Hualong. His mind was full of Huangfu Weiming's attitude towards him. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Ye Chang said was reasonable. He shouted sternly: "Huangfu Weiming, we swear that we are not in conflict with each other and have no communion with you.""Sky" At this time, Nan Jiyun and others had arrived, and the others had withdrawn into the city, but Nan Jiyun stopped in front of the door. "Ye joins the army, come with my two fast horses, I will go to ask for help."  Nan Jiyun raised his head and shouted, "No need" Ye Chang said: "There are many enemies, you come into the city quickly." "Two fast horses with me." Nan Jiyun was too lazy to say anything more, and saw a few horses in the city gate.  He went over to exchange his horse for two horses that had had enough rest, then turned around, mounted his horse and galloped away. "This guy" Looking at his back, Ye Chang was stunned for a short time, and then shouted loudly.  He shouted: "Nan Ba, be careful, I will defend Hualong City." Nan Jiyun waved his hand and took off the bow on his back. Where he was running towards, the dog soldiers had begun to disperse, preparing to attack Hualong City.  Longcheng was surrounded. Ye Chang ordered the suspension bridge to be pulled up and the city gate to be lowered. He squinted and saw Nan Jiyun Chuo with his bow in hand, raising his arms and firing. Wherever he went, the dogs and soldiers fell off their horses one after another, and they were killed by him.  They found a road and rushed out before the Quanrong encirclement closed. The city was filled with cheers. Ordinary soldiers may not know the arrangements of the higher-ups. They only knew that Nan Jiyun rushed out of the encirclement and could attack the Hongji City army as soon as possible.  "Ye Join the Army" Ye Chang was shocked when he turned around, because Bian Lingcheng's face was pale at this time, floating behind him like a ghost, and he called his official title "Join the Army" for the first time.  Seeing Ye Chang looking at him, Bian Lingcheng said: "You have been doing emergency drills these days, could it be that you expected this?  " "I didn't expect this, I just think that if everything is done in advance, it will be ruined. Without these days of practice, how can we defend the city now?  "Ye Chang easily pushed away Bian Lingcheng's question: "Mr. Bian, you are the ambassador of the Supervisory Army. Everyone in the city will obey your orders. How to act, please give me a charter." Where can Bian Lingcheng get it?  According to his original intention, he would send someone to discuss with Quan Rong to see if Quan Rong could let him go. Even if he gave Quan Rong all the food, grass and craftsmen in the city, it wouldn't matter. But no matter how stupid he was.  , also knew that the consequences of doing so would be disastrous, so he waited for a while before he figured it out: "Ye Canjun must be prepared and have a strategy in mind. How to deal with it is up to you." "Bian  When my father-in-law said this, Ye did my best to do it. Don't worry, my father-in-law, some of us have food and sufficient equipment. I dare not tell you how old I am, but I am still sure that I can keep it for ten days and a half.  In ten days and a half, Huangfu Weiming had to crawl here to rescue himself, otherwise he would not be able to communicate with His Majesty. "Humph, he would never even think of communicating with Your Majesty." Bian Lingcheng really hated Huangfu Weiming with all his teeth.  Xiang Xiang: "When I go back, if I can go back" Since Ye Chang had his authorization, he had no time to listen to his nagging. After a few perfunctory words, he hurriedly discussed the city defense matters with Yang Jinghui.  At that time, the Quanrong people had already surrounded them, but they were careful to hold down their position about three miles away. A group of Quanrong people came closer and pointed, and they must have been the leader of the Quanrong people.  A man holding a white flag slowly approached, "The dog soldiers also know how to attack the heart.  "Ye Chang sneered. "This man is from Tuyuhun. He used to work under the doctor's account. Now that he appears, it is obvious that he has joined Quanrong.  Yang Jinghui said from the side: "We can't let him make a sound. Unfortunately, he is not within the range of the winch crossbow." Ye Chang's heart moved. The winch crossbow is said to be able to shoot 700 steps, which is approximately equivalent to 1,050 meters in later generations, but in fact  It is not that far to be able to aim at the target, which is about three hundred steps. Since Tuyuhun once joined the Tang Dynasty, he must be very familiar with this range.
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