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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 153: Fighting with force and forgetting the danger of war

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    Is there any reason not to drink? Nan Jiyun put down the wine cup in front of him, picked up the wine jar, looked up to the sky and drank like a whale sucking. After drinking, his burps sounded like thunder. He drank from the jar of wine in this way until not a drop was left.  .  "What a strong man!" Everyone praised him one after another.  Ye Chang nodded: "He is indeed a strong man, but Nanba's drinking ability is second to none, and his marksmanship is outstanding - I have always known that among the princes, there are quite a few people who are interested in the frontier. A strong man like Nanba is in the Eastern Capital.  "To be a gatekeeper is really a waste of talent. When the princes go to the frontier, they should be recommended to the army so that their talents will not be buried." After he said this, there were a few poets.  As he was thinking, Nan Jiyun turned to look at him with a very strange look.  Nan Jiyun is now over thirty, but he is still just a small archer. If he had not met Ye Chang, he would not have the position of team leader.  He is proud of his abilities, but his years are still wasted. How can he not be depressed in his heart?  Ye Chang introduced him to these people - although these people were unsuccessful, Nan Jiyun just asked Dong Chaoqiu outside and knew that these are all famous people today. As long as one of them can go to the border, then Nan Jiyun  Now that he has the opportunity to display his skills, "Whyis this happening?" Thinking that he had always been cold-hearted to Ye Chang, Nan Jiyun felt ashamed: Ye Chang is indeed not the ungrateful person in the legend.  He cupped his hands towards Ye Chang, then saluted everyone, silently retreated behind Ye Chang.  "Speaking of border affairs, there are brave generals on all sides now, and we can't afford to fight. Only on the Quanrong side, Huangfu Weiming is confronting the Quanrong, I am afraid there will be a war in the coming year." Ye Chang raised this idea, and Gao Shi said  Cen Shen, Wang Changling, and Wang Wei were all interested in side affairs, and so was Li Qi. In any era, beauty and military affairs were the eternal topics on men¡¯s tables.  Then he was ready to make a move" "Huangfu Weiming is a good general in the world. How can the barbarians who are like dogs and soldiers be Huangfu Weiming's opponents?" Everyone was talking about it, some of which were right, and some of which were just whitewashing, such as the saying that "the flames of war cannot stand"  , Ye Chang knew he was wrong - it can be said that the border conflict has never been cut off, whether it is with the Quanrong (also known as Tubo) in the people's mouth, or with the Xi and Khitan in the northeast. "I heard that my Majesty is interested.  Fan Yang was ordered to send Pei Kuan to the court, and he was choosing someone to replace him, but he didn't know who could replace him. Now Li Gong Shizhi and Pei Gongkuan have entered the court from Fan Yang one after another. If he chooses someone improperly, there will be trouble in the future.  "After talking about the western frontier for a while, Li Qi turned the topic to the Northeast. When talking about this, Zhang Xu frowned and lowered his voice: "The Xi and Khitan tribes in the Northeast have always been princesses, and now the second division  , each established a new master, and someone in the court was pushing to send another princess to marry.  " "If we can get married, maybe Northeast China can be peaceful for a while" "Absolutely impossible," Ye Chang suddenly said. Before everyone discussed border issues, Ye Chang listened with a smile, looking like a young and backward person who was humble.  When he spoke, he spoke decisively, making everyone aware of how determined his opposition was. "Ye Shiyilang, why did you say this?  " Ye Chang pondered for a while, and then said: "There are so many princesses and relatives in the Han Dynasty. Is it the princess who can retreat from the Huns? Is it Wei Qinghuo Qubing?  " After saying this, everyone shook their heads. "The Eleventh Man is only a scholar of poetry and internal affairs. I am afraid he is not familiar with military affairs.  If there is no peace policy, the Xiongnu invade the border every year, and the Han will be overwhelmed. How can the country become strong during the Han Dynasty?  Without the support of a strong national power, how could Wei and Huo and their ilk be allowed to display their talents?  "Chu Guangxi sat next to Ye Chang. The two had talked a lot just now, so they were already familiar with each other. He also said directly: "Besides, how can fighting on the battlefield be like peace in the world?  Wu of the Han Dynasty attacked the Xiongnu in the north, and the country's power was completely wiped out. Millions of soldiers shed blood, but they only exchanged for some Dayuan horses and sweet apples. What benefit did it have to the country and the people?  " When Chu Guangxi spoke, the room was quiet, and Ye Chang had not yet responded. Over there, Li Qi hit the bowl with chopsticks, and sang in a generous and sad voice: "In the daytime, I climbed the mountain to watch the beacon fire, and at dusk, I drank my horse by the river.  Pedestrians are fighting against the wind and the sand is dark, and the princess Pipa is full of resentments.  There are no city walls in the wild clouds, and rain and snow cover the desert one after another.  Hu Yan flew away every night crying, Hu Er shed tears.  If you hear that the jade gate is still covered, you should throw your life away.  The bones of battles are buried in the desert every year, and it is rare to see Pu Tao entering the Han family.  " When this poem was sung, everyone was stunned. Even Ye Chang did not expect that this eternal famous poem would be released so freely in his presence. "Wonderful, wonderful" Everyone was in awe,  Over there, Li Junlan had already lowered her eyebrows and thought about it. After a while, she invited several musicians to whisper. After everyone had a drink and congratulated each other, she smiled and said: "When I heard this sentence, I felt really itchy in my heart. I am willing to sing it.  To help you enjoy drinking.  "After saying that, the music of the musicians' silk and bamboo strings changed, like the sadness of the frontier fortress and the frost in the desert. Immediately afterwards, Li Junlan lightly opened his red lips and sang. "A song."??, she came to Li Qi and saluted and toasted. Li Qi drank the wine in one gulp, and everyone praised her.  "Although Chu Gong's eloquent words are full of compassion for the people, it's a pity that what he saw is not far away." Everyone thought that after Li Qi's poem, Ye Chang must be speechless, but they never thought that Ye Chang stood up and raised his glass to everyone.  He also said: "You have only seen that Emperor Wu's Northern Expedition wasted the country's strength, but you have not seen that during Wenjing's time, the Xiongnu went south and made all the border areas miserable? Have you ever thought deeply about why the barbarians repeatedly invaded the Central Plains?" No one thought about this question in detail.  Barbarian invasions are a common occurrence in history. Perhaps because it is a common occurrence, everyone does not think about the underlying reasons.  "The barbarians on the border, who have not been educated by the Chinese, are no different from animals. The barbarians are lazy, but we, the Chinese, are diligent, but the barbarians are stupid, but we, the Chinese, are wise. The barbarians govern the country with cruelty, but we, the Chinese, govern the people with benevolence. In this way, the barbarians benefit the poor, and the Chinese  The barbarians are getting richer and richer. What they do is just because they are motivated by wealth. Everyone knows that what he said is true. "Everyone nodded, and everyone agreed on the nature of the surrounding barbarians' robbery.  "Can a princess marry a mere woman in a faraway land and turn the barbarians into summer? If not, sending the princess among the beasts is no different from sending a man to the tiger's mouth. Besides, when a princess marries far away, she will need craftsmen and craftsmen.  Servants accompany them, and they must be accompanied by silk, gold and silver as dowries. Craftsman servants pass on the art of making Chinese utensils to other countries. Silks, silk, gold and silver are used to strip away the anointing of our Chinese people to support the enemy." "It's not like this  "Someone exclaimed.  "Isn't it like this? Let's not mention the distant events. Let's just talk about this dynasty. Princess Wencheng entered Tibet and brought countless books and craftsmen. Originally, the dogs and soldiers were not affected by ringworm and scabies. Since then, the Tubo has become stronger and more arrogant, and there is almost no peace in the west.  "This is a direct criticism of Taizong Li Shimin's misstep in sending Princess Wencheng to Tibet. Everyone looked at each other. Although some of them did not agree with the marriage, no one here had the courage to directly criticize Emperor Taizong.  "In my opinion, how can we guard the border if we don't get along with each other?" someone else asked.  "Guard the border? Why guard?" Ye Chang said: "A certain person once said to someone that if you seek peace with your relatives, peace will not exist, but if you protect peace with war, peace will last forever." "Otherwise, otherwise, the eleventh man will  If words are wrong, war will end with force, and war will lead to death. "Zhang Xu was older, and although he had a quick temper, he felt something was wrong when he heard Ye Chang's words, so he immediately retorted.  "What Zhang Gong said is true, but I think it can be said the other way around. To stop fighting with force, if you forget to fight, you will be in danger." The two of them were tit for tat, but they did not harm their harmony, and whether they stopped fighting with force or used force to stop fighting, they were both men of letters.  The usual trick of splitting words, as for those who are willing to fight, they will be destroyed, and those who forget to fight will be in danger, both come from "Sima Law", but they each took the meaning out of context, so the meaning is exactly the opposite.  So everyone laughed.  "It's enough to defend the border with force. Just now, Ye Shiyi, you meant to attack." Chu Guangxi said.  "Of course it is to attack, and offense is the best defense. Every autumn when the horses are high and the grass is dry, the barbarians have nothing to do, so they think of entering the Central Plains to plunder. This happens every year, so the Qin and Yan kingdoms have  Build the Great Wall. Although the Great Wall is strong, there are always areas that cannot be defended. How to attack proactively? As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to be a thief, but a thousand days to guard against them." Everyone knows some soldiers.  Of course, they understand the importance of gaining strategic initiative, so on this point, everyone nodded in approval.  But Li Qi thought for a while, stood up and said: "Even so, it is inevitable that he will go to war and use force like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to waste money and waste people. At least the people will suffer."  However, it is not only peach that entered the Han family, but the officials at the time of Emperor Wu had little knowledge and did not know its use. The people used alfalfa as the best forage to make wine.  , can make up for the shortage of horse farms in the Central Plains, and planting alfalfa in the raw land can increase the fertility of the land. The Dawan horse is a famous horse in the world. If we use it as a breed to improve our Central Plains war horses, why worry about the horse power not being as good as the žñáñ?  It is not advisable to wage war in foreign lands, but what if we use weapons for the benefit of the people of the world?  If we can choose key areas and collect taxes from the merchants who come and go, every additional point in commercial tax will reduce the amount of taxes levied on the people of the Central Plains.  Isn¡¯t it a great good to have wealth and nourish the people of China? Ye Chang talked eloquently, and everyone listened to him comment on the actions of the ancients. Although it was not a profound truth, his perspective on the problem was quite unique. For a moment, there was no  Who was going to refute him? Wang Wei originally wanted to speak, but when he thought that his relationship with Ye Chang had just eased, he shut his mouth tightly. Seeing that no one was responding, Qi Wuqian stood up and said, "Shiyilangzhiyan."  Although this is reasonable, military affairs are a major matter for the country, so we must not be careless and use weapons rashly, which is not a blessing to the people of the country.  " "What Qi Gong said is true. War or peace are all for the benefit of the country and the people, and should not be based on the king's personal preference.  "Ye ChangHe pursed his lips and finally decided to say what he was thinking: "There is something that I am worried about." "What is it?" "I have read history books and observed the rise and fall of dynasties, and I have gained a little bit. Take the Han Dynasty as an example, the Han Dynasty  At the beginning, due to the decline of war at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the population of the world was only 15 million, but by the time of Emperor Wu, it had increased to 30 million, and by the time of Emperor Xuan and Emperor Yuan, the population had reached 50 to 60 million.  "It was originally a scene of prosperity, but it planted the cause of troubled times." Everyone was moved when they heard this: "This dangerous situation is exaggerated." "Please think about it, gentlemen, during the reign of Emperors Xuan and Yuan, the population was three times that of the Han Dynasty.  In the early Han Dynasty, the arable land, mountains, forests, and rivers were three times that of the early Han Dynasty. There were 30 to 40 million more people than there were in the early Han Dynasty. They exhausted the land, had no food and clothing, and were even deceived by traitors. In the Western Han Dynasty, there were green forests.  , the Red Eyebrow Rebellion, and the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the cycle continued like this until the Yellow Turban Disaster." Speaking of this, Ye Chang said loudly: "At the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the population was 15 million, which was similar to that of the early Han Dynasty. Taizong Zhenguan  In the twenty-three years, it was 19 million. In the first year of Zhongzong Shenlong, the population was more than 37 million. Today, in the first year of Tianbao, the population is 45 million. As everyone knows, these numbers are,  Not counting the slaves, if the number of thirty million slaves is added, it would be more than seventy million. Just now, everyone thought that Ye Chang was alarmist, but when this series of figures were reported, they did not know where Ye Chang got the information.  Yes, but I can't help but feel cold in my heart.  "The land is limited, and it is almost exhausted to support more than 70 million people. The saint traveled east from Chang'an to Luoyang, not for luxury, but because the land in Guanzhong has been exhausted, and it is not enough to support the millions of people in Chang'an. It can still be maintained now, but the population  What should the country do when it reaches ten million? What should the country do when it reaches twenty million? " "Bah" Ye Chang drank the wine in one gulp.  Then sit down.  All the poets in the audience were dumbfounded, and some even couldn't hold the chopsticks in their hands and let them fall to the ground.  Population is the wealth of the imperial court, but Ye Chang revealed another terrifying fact, that is, when this wealth expands to a certain amount, it will become a burden to the imperial court.  Those who are present are all smart people. Among them, those who read history books also concluded from Ye Chang's hints: war, only the war of changing dynasties can we eliminate excess population.  Thinking of that result, everyone felt chilled.  After a while, Zhang Xu forced a smile and said: "It was just a side story. How did Ye Shiyi get involved in the population increase and the rise and fall of the Han Dynasty Drink, drink. Everyone raised their glasses as if to cope, but everyone found it difficult to drink.  Swallowing. Wang Changling couldn't bear it anymore and asked again after putting down the cup: "Eleventh Lang will not let go of unfounded targets. From the border affairs, talking about population - could it be that Eleventh Lang wants to use war to limit the population?"  "No, wiping out the country's population through war is a strategy of external oppression and internal cruelty. It is absolutely impossible and impossible."  "Ye Chang said this and shook his head: "Although I am not talented, I will not make such a desperate plan.  That's all, that's all. Without spoiling your interest, let's get back to side things - I also have a poem that I would like you to comment on.  " When the poet finally talked about it, he naturally had to turn to poetry, but what Ye Chang said just now was too shocking, and few people responded. Ye Chang had already made up his mind, looked at everyone, and said slowly: "This poem  It was something I saw in a dream" Everyone was suddenly speechless.
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