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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Night singing in the prosperous Tang Dynasty

Volume 1: Who Rides the Star Chassis to Break through the Void Chapter 139: The Secret of the One-Character Seal in the Palm

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    Jia Maoer had lived in Chang'an City for a long time and had many interactions with the envoys sent by Japan to the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, he could identify their identities from the accents of these two dwarf monks.  "Japanese people?" Ye Chang asked calmly.  "Japanese." The two monks agreed.  "What is Japan?" Ye Chang was surprised.  "It means the place where the sun rises." The attitude of the two monks was very respectful.  "As far as I know, even in your country, the sun also rises in the east." Ye Chang smiled and shook his head: "The red sun is scorching. If the sun had risen in your country, then your country would have been a hell of fire. Where would it be?  "Two eminent monks?" Speaking of this, he remembered something and blinked meaningfully: "However, your country hopes that the red sun will rise from your country, and sooner or later it will come true." The two Japanese monks looked at each other. They didn't know.  Why does Ye Chang seem to be a little hostile to them? The two parties have never met before. Since the two met, they have always been respectful and polite, but Ye Chang commented on the name of Japan in a very disrespectful manner. However, two monks were in the Tang Dynasty.  The time they stayed was not short, and they were reported as pirates many times, and they had the experience of being imprisoned by the officials of the Tang Dynasty. They didn't care about this disrespect, so the two of them saluted again: "Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your kind words, poor monk."  That's why I'm here.  "    "ah?  "Ye Chang was stunned. The sun he said rising from Japan was not the same thing as the two people talking about. It was the two nuclear suns rising over Japan in another life. "There is no Buddha in the world.  Like a dark night without sun, we in Japan admire the Tang Dynasty, the Buddhist country where Manjusri preached and Avalokitesvara appeared.  In the past, Master Xuanzang from your country went west to Tianzhu to obtain the true scriptures. We also determined to obtain the true scriptures from your country.  If my Buddha truly spreads the precepts to Japan, he will be like a red sun rising over our country." Ye Chang looked at the two monks suspiciously, and then asked tentatively: "Master Jianzhen?  " This time, the two Japanese monks changed their expressions. They could no longer maintain their respect. "It turns out that Buddhism has been very prosperous since it was introduced to Japan from China and Korea, but none of the Japanese monks can teach it. At this time,  Buddhism in Tianzhu declined, but it was the Tang Dynasty. Because Bodhisattvas such as Manjusri and Guanyin appeared after the death of the Buddha, monks from all over the world came to worship. Even the monks from Tianzhu also came one after another. To a certain extent, the Tang Dynasty had already begun.  Therefore, Puzhao, Rongrui and other Japanese monks who accompanied the Tang envoys to the Tang Dynasty traveled to various places to invite eminent monks from the Tang Dynasty to teach the precepts in Japan. The first person to accept their invitation and successfully travel eastward was this great blessing.  The former monk Daoxuan was not well-known and did not master the Buddhist teachings. When he arrived in Japan, although he became the master of the clan for a while, some people were still dissatisfied, so Puzhao, Rongrui, etc. went to recruit the "unique and unparalleled Taoist monk".  Jianzhen, the master of Daming Temple in Yangzhou, is a famous eminent monk. He is already in his old age. The two monks persuaded him and wanted to go eastward. However, Emperor Sanlang Li Longji did not allow it. Although Jianzhen wanted to  Fazi won the support of Li Linfu's brother Li Linzong, but due to internal strife, the first eastward voyage failed, and even the sea-going ship he built was confiscated. At this time, Jianzhen was preparing for the second eastward voyage and bought one.  The retired old ship of the Tang Navy, while Puzhao and Rongrui sneaked to Luoyang, hoping to get more support. In any case, Jianzhen's eastward journey was not allowed by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and there were not many people who knew about it at this time.  How could Chang not shock the two Japanese monks when he suddenly mentioned the name of Jianzhen? They looked at Ye Chang, hesitated for a few words, and then hurriedly left.  After saying goodbye to Ye Chang, he was so anxious to leave. After saying goodbye to Ye Chang, he chased after Ye Chang and asked, "Two junior brothers, why are you like this?  " "Is this Mr. Ye Lang a ghost?  "Puzhao turned around and asked. "Why do you say this? The poor monk also talked about his deeds with the two of you. Brother Chunxin of Shifang Temple said that he was a figure of the Sanxian group and had a close relationship with our Buddhist family.  "Sure enough, it's no wonder that everyone in the world is ignorant" Puzhao sighed. Another monk, Rongrui, also recited the Buddha's name. The two of them were interested in Ye Chang because of his kindness and obscurity.  When they were in the Tang Dynasty, they had been paying attention to collecting a lot of information about the Tang Dynasty - they, the envoys to the Tang Dynasty, were originally responsible for such tasks. Therefore, they were extremely interested in Ye Chang, who had become famous in the past year, and came to visit him at night.  They wanted to see what kind of person this person was, but unexpectedly, the other party exposed him after just one meeting. Naturally, they did not dare to stay in front of Ye Chang for a long time, which also made Ye Chang's companions think.  Surprised, Jia Maoer scratched his head and said: "When we see envoys from the Tang Dynasty in Chang'an City, Japanese people are the most respectful and cautious But these two Japanese monks are a little weird.  " "It's very unpleasant. The poor monk feels that he is not like a Buddhist.  Shanzhi nodded. "Is there anyone less like a Buddhist than you, monk?"  "Ye Chang said with a smile.He said straightly, and then added in a low voice: "It's just a ghost in my heart Haha, Jianzhen's eastward journey" Those two Japanese monks didn't know that Ye Chang's knowledge of Jianzhen's eastward journey was limited to historical textbooks.  As I once said, it took seven attempts to achieve success. I lost my sight and built the city of Tangshoti in Nara, Japan.  As for the specific process, he didn't know anything about it. He didn't even know about Li Longji's refusal to allow Jianzhen to travel eastward.  It¡¯s just that these two Japanese monks had a guilty conscience and acted like this, which made Ye Chang couldn¡¯t help but want to get involved: Do you want to sabotage this matter?  But the matter was not urgent. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was better to go step by step and complete the plan at hand first.  The Dafuxian Temple was extremely lively the next day. Those noble gentlemen came early, just waiting for Cao Shaokui's arrival.  Cao Shaokui was not in a hurry at all, so he was bored in the temple. Those noble princes invited their friends to visit Ye Chang. Ye Chang did not refuse everyone who came and met them one by one. Later, the small courtyard where he temporarily stayed was full of people.  Unable to accommodate the crowd, everyone moved outside the temple.  Winter is approaching at this time, the surrounding trees are bleak and the scenery is withered, so everyone's conversation inevitably turns to poetry.  Ye Chang's poetry has become famous, so some people ask Ye Chang to criticize his poems. Ye Chang is not polite and makes it difficult for him to write original poems, but it is easy to criticize - there is nothing easier than being a critic in the world.  As long as it is said tactfully and tactfully, it is a critical word, and people have to accept it humbly in order to maintain their good image.  But seeing that everyone wanted to come up with poems, Ye Chang was moved in his heart, and smiled and said to everyone: "Speaking of poems, I remembered a strange person. This person is an oil seller, his surname is Zhang, and he is also known as Zhang Oil Seller.  . Last winter, when the snow was heavy, he recited a poem, which can be said to be an eternal masterpiece. "Everyone was stunned. Everyone here has heard of Ye Chang's reputation, but it was not Li Taibai who had a bad tongue. He was somewhat mean.  He was rated as "the best song of all time" by Ye Chang, and he was just an oil salesman. The contrast was really too great.  Everyone's appetites were whetted, and they all asked about Zhang's masterpiece. Ye Chang smiled and said: "The world is general, and there is a black hole in the well. The yellow dog is white, and the white dog is swollen. The whole house was silent at first, and then everyone fell down. This Zhang  There was indeed a person named Zhayou, and it was around this time, maybe later. However, people around him didn't think so. It was obvious that Ye Chang was tired of commenting on those really mediocre poems, so he just used this person as a excuse.  He did it skillfully, and instead of feeling angry, everyone found it interesting. "It's really a five-character quatrain, a quatrain" When everyone was laughing, Ye Chang realized that it was Cao Shaokui and stood up to salute: "Cao Taile has arrived.  " "It's better to arrive early than to arrive at the right time. If it hadn't been for the right time, I wouldn't have heard the joke you told me.  "Cao Shaokui said. "Cao Taile has arrived, Ye Shiyi, you can write in the palm of your hand.  "After everyone had just laughed, the aftertaste had not yet rested. At this time, someone urged again. "Dare you disobey your order?  "Ye Chang said with a smile. "Calling Ye Shiyi directly is like calling Lao Li Xiaowang in another generation, which means to show closeness. These Luoyang nobles call like this, to a certain extent, they accept Ye Chang's intention.  This will be of great help to Ye Changzhen's business in Luoyang, so Ye Chang is naturally happy. Wu Guli brought him a pen - but it was not a brush, but a quill.  Then, calmly, he wrote a word in his palm, and then pinched it, "Mr. Cao, it's your turn.  " Everyone started shouting again. Cao Shaokui was also a lively person. Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "It hasn't come to me yet, it hasn't come to me yet Where is Master Shanhui?  " "The poor monk is here, this I wonder what I want the poor monk to do?  Shanhui said with a frown on one side. "The monks like them carefully concealed the evil happening in Dafuxian Temple, not wanting people to know about it, but today it was so big that dozens of people came."  , are all young men from wealthy families in Luoyang, the eastern capital. These meddlesome people will inevitably spread the news everywhere. This is why Shanhui is worried. "Have you prepared Su Xi?"  " "It's over. No matter whether things succeed or not, Cao Gong's will be indispensable.  "Shan Hui said. "Well, let's see someone go to succumb to the demon.  " Cao Shaokui said as he pulled Ye Chang away. Ye Chang followed him with a smile. They walked through the door and passed through the courtyard, and soon arrived in front of the Buddhist hall. Because there were so many people, no one felt scared. On the contrary, everyone was curious.  Staring at Cao Shaokui, not far from here, on the 16-foot-high stupa of Dafuxian Temple, the two girls, Li and Cai, were also staring at this place, but they were too embarrassed to talk to Luoyang.  The young men in the city crowded together and went to the pagoda to watch. The two of them had special status, and someone told the temple that pilgrims were temporarily prohibited from climbing the pagoda, so they and a few followers were alone on the pagoda.  Look at that Ye Shi??, I always feel that he smiles incorrectly.  "Miss Cai whispered to Miss Li, but she blinked twice. "Good sister, don't lie. When you lie, you blink as hard as you can.  Miss Li joked: "Is it possible that you have taken a fancy to this Ye Shiyi?"  No wonder, he is a handsome young master, he is talented and famous, and he is of a similar age" "Sister, what are you talking nonsense about? I have a strong Taoist heart and am determined to be an immortal. How can I value this earthly thing?  The girl surnamed Cai blushed slightly: "Sister, why don't you invite him to your window?"  " "I have a stronger Taoist heart than you.  "Speaking of this, Miss Li frowned slightly: "How can the glory in this world be immortal Only the path to immortality is the most reasonable." Miss Cai nodded, and for a moment, the two of them were silent.  Then I saw Cao Shaokui dragging Ye Chang into the Buddhist hall. Although there were many people, the noble gentlemen gathered around the door and looked around.  Immediately afterwards there was a burst of surprise, and then Cao Shaokui was seen pulling Ye Chang out and running out again, holding an iron object in his other hand and shaking it.  "What is that?" the girl surnamed Cai asked strangely.  "I never knew what is that?" The girl surnamed Li said in the same way: "It doesn't look like a Buddhist vajra, nor does it look like a sword for subduing demons Could it be a mace? It's just like this, is it too small?"  He was so pampered that he had never seen such a thing before. However, a follower beside him interrupted: "Ladies, that's a file." "That's a file?" The two women were stunned: "That thing can drop  Monster?" She and others were surprised, and everyone around Cao Shaokui and Ye Chang was equally surprised, and everyone stared at them.  "Is this okay?" The first person to ask the question was Shan Hui, and he asked nonchalantly.  "Didn't you say before that every time the temple bell rings, this evil spirit will rise? The lunch bell will ring soon, just listen." Cao Shaokui said proudly.  Sure enough, a moment later, the temple bell rang, but there was no sound from the copper bell in the temple. "This is such a magical thing, Mr. Cao, where did that iron file come from?"  "Haha, what kind of magic weapon? It's not surprising to say it, but it's just common sense among musical instruments. Sometimes when one instrument sounds, the other instruments will also sound." Cao Shaokui didn't know the principle hidden in this. He just dealt with musical instruments a lot.  , so this experience is summed up.  His explanation was unconvincing to everyone, and everyone started asking questions, which made Cao Shaokui feel overwhelmed.  He couldn't explain it clearly, so he raised his hand: "He Qiduo asked me out of curiosity, what is the reason for the words in Ye Shiyilang's palm Ye Shiyilang, can you reveal the answer now?" Everyone's attention suddenly attracted attention.  Turning around, indeed, there was another thing waiting for them to watch.  Ye Chang smiled and stretched out a hand. He slapped his hand, and everyone shouted. The two girls on the stupa also stretched their necks to see.  It's just that the stupa is far away, separated by several layers of courtyards, so where can it be seen?  "It seems there is no writing in his hand?" The girl surnamed Li strained her eyes and murmured to herself.  Then I heard the fulang disciples in the courtyard making a fuss: "Ye Shiyi, you are cheating and there is nothing written in your palm." Ye Chang smiled and did not defend himself, but Cao Shaokui over there stared and blew his beard and shouted: "Shut up.  "Please be quiet." Everyone was quiet for a moment. Cao Shaokui raised the hand held by Ye Chang and said, "The word Cai Cai was written on this hand, not that one." Ye Chang then laughed and raised his palms. He saw him  In the palm of your hand, the word "file" is written squarely on it.  Although the writing is not big, people around can see it very clearly.  "Ah!" The noble princes of Luoyang who were about to scold Ye Chang for his shamelessness suddenly changed their scolding words to Jingpei and shouted out with a cry of surprise.
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