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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 133: Borrowing a Fairy Boy to Guard the Household

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    Originally, Jia Maoer and others had changed their colors, holding guns and sticks one by one, and were about to rush towards the man.  But the man bowed deeply as a courtesy and shouted "Ye Langjun, help me", which made everyone stunned.  Ye Chang himself was stunned.  After a pause, Ye Chang realized what he was doing and squinted at the man: "Why did Yuan Shaofu say such a thing, letting his horse run rampant in my valley and asking me to save his life?" The person who came was none other than Yuan Zai.  Anyone else, Ye Chang would not be so surprised, but Yuan Zai, especially this good horse, suddenly reminded Ye Chang of the assassin outside Chang'an City.  That group of assassins were also riding good horses, and they were almost the same as Yuan Zai's horse. Although there was no mark on the horse, Ye Chang did not pay careful attention at the time, but at this moment he was reminded that behind the assassins, there was a high possibility that Yuan Zai was behind them.  related.  Yuan Zai himself did not have this strength, but his father-in-law Wang Zhongsi had many dead warriors under him. The more he thought like this, the more suspicious Ye Chang felt.  Yuan Zai is by no means a good person. With his current appearance, I am afraid that he will be in even greater trouble.  Moreover, there was a deep hatred between the two sides, so Ye Chang would not do stupid things like helping the enemy.  The panic on Yuan Zai¡¯s face is definitely not a lie, and there is no need for him to lie.  After receiving a profound lesson from Ye Chang, he finally learned the lesson. For more than half a year, he did not dare to provoke Ye Chang.  In the county, because of his discredited reputation, he was almost a transparent person, and his government orders could not leave the government office.  But he could only swallow his anger.  Hearing Ye Chang's words, he ignored his identity and bowed down to Yu Jian: "The matter is urgent, and your husband won't let me in, so it's rude. Please, Ye Langjun, for the sake of my father-in-law, please save my bride."  "One life" Ye Chang was finally surprised. Yuan Zai had clashed with him several times before, but he never mentioned the name of his father-in-law Wang Zhongsi. But this time, he actually said it directly, and also said that he would save his bride's life?  People in the Tang Dynasty called their daughter-in-law a bride, even if they had been married for many years.  Ye Chang frowned and avoided Yuan Zai's gift: "Why did the Yuan Shaofu say such a thing to make my father-in-law the commander of a town, and you are the county's young man. How can I do what you can't do?"  "The bride is having a difficult childbirth. I heard that Ye Langjun has gathered a group of famous doctors here to stabilize the wife, so I came to ask for help. Please ask Ye Langjun to save Zhuojing in the name of the commander-in-chief of the country." Yuan Zai suppressed his shame and anger and mourned.  He begged bitterly.  He did this out of desperation.  His wife Wang Yunxiu is pregnant with Liujia and has been having labor pains since yesterday. She thought the baby was about to be born, but until now, it still hasn't actually been born.  Yuan Zai also invited Wen Po, but she said that it was a difficult childbirth. Yuan Zai was terrified when he thought of this terrible thing.  Wang Yunxiu is not only the one who got his wife, but most of his current official robes depend on the strength of the Wang family.  If Wang Yunxiu died due to dystocia, the Wang family would not think that he had invited a doctor and Wen Po. They would only think that Wang Yunxiu died because of Yuanzai's birth of a child.  What's more, Wang Yunxiu has been angry with him because of what happened at the beginning of the year, and the Wang family knows about it.  If he was blamed for this, Yuan Zaixiao couldn't bear it.  The most straightforward thing to say is that his future is completely gone.  Thinking of this, he even had the urge to kneel before Ye Chang.  The woman he invited into his home, Na Wen, made it very clear that if anyone could save his wife, it could only be Ye Chang. Ye Chang would invite famous doctors to compile the obstetrics and gynecology. This matter caused such a stir that Yuan Zai was trapped in the county seat.  Among them, I also heard something.  Nowadays, although the famous doctors are gone, most of the Wen Pos are sent home with gifts. However, because Ye Chang's sister gave birth not long ago, Ye Chang still has two famous doctors and three Wen Pos.  On the other hand, he was taking care of Ye Chen.  Yuan Zai came here to beg Ye Chang to borrow the help of a famous doctor and Wen Po.  Although he was anxious, he did not panic. When he spoke, his articulation was still clear.  Ye Chang quickly understood the cause and effect, and his brows furrowed tightly.  "Yuan Shaofu" "There is something that Zhuo Jing did. Ye Langjun went to Chang'an and was assassinated outside Chang'an City. It was indeed Zhuo Jing who mobilized his family's men to do it." Without waiting for Ye Chang to say more,  Yuan Zai said again.  This sentence confirmed Ye Chang's suspicion that the assassin who almost killed him outside Chang'an City was indeed Wang Zhongsi's subordinate. However, Yuan Zai actually revealed the matter at this time. What was his intention? Could he be using it as a threat?  ?  Before Ye Chang could think it through, Yuan Zai bowed down again and presented a piece of silk.  What was written on the silk was the secret transfer of servants to assassinate Ye Chang.  Moreover, the signature below was none other than Yuan Zai himself, with a red fingerprint and his official seal of the Shaofu. Ye Chang was stunned.  This is evidence delivered to the door. If this is delivered to Li Linfu, Li Linfu, who has long been suspicious of Wang Zhongsi and is afraid that he will collude with the prince, will definitely find a treasure. To mobilize private soldiers in Chang'an City, for Li Longji, this is a crime.  Even if he trusts Wang Zhongsi again, he will definitely pursue the matter that he taboos  Yuan Zai lowered his head and begged in a pleading voice: "It was Yuan who was wrong before. Yuan deserves it, and he is guilty of this crime. But how could the baby deserve it?" "How could the baby deserve it?" This sentence "How could the baby deserve it" made Ye Chang feel a little soft-hearted. His sister  He had just given birth to a baby, so he would go to Xiaoliu Village to visit him almost every two or three days. Watching the wrinkled little thing grow up rapidly in less than two months, he felt really happy.  What surprised Ye Chang even more was that Yuan Zai was able to make such a decisive decision. Yuan Zai had done the best he could, and he even gave Ye Chang a handle. This guy who only had the potential to be a traitor before has now begun to turn this guy into a powerful person.  Potential becomes real ability.  The fact that he has done this is also a threat to Ye Chang. If Ye Chang refuses to help, then the next step will be endless and crazy revenge.  Thinking of this, Ye Chang took the piece of silk and put it away without saying a word.  Yuan Zai was very happy.  Ye Chang took this, indicating that he would lend a helping hand. After all his pretentiousness, it was not in vain.  Although his handle, and even Wang Zhongsi's handle, fell into the hands of Ye Chang, it was a long-term worry. At least now, he has passed this difficulty.  Ye Chang was very impressed by his ability to make such a strong man's wrist-cutting move. Naturally, his objections to him increased by seven points.  "Please Ning and Han, as well as Madam Sun and Madam Lu, please prepare a car immediately and let them go to the county seat." Ye Chang said.  "Please Ye Langjun, please come with me." Yuan Zai bowed deeply again.  "Me?" Ye Chang was stunned.  He is neither a doctor nor a stable woman, and has no other skills besides causing trouble. What should he be asked to do?  "Na Wenpo said, you are Sun Zhenren's disciple again. With you here, all evils can be warded off." Yuan Zai was really ill and rushed to the doctor. He was like a drowning person trying to grab a straw, so he had to move Ye Chang too.  go.  Ye Chang did not refuse. Since he decided to help him, it would be better to be more cautious: "Well, I will go too, but life, death, wealth and honor all depend on heaven. I will ask these two famous doctors and Wen Po to give their full help, but in the end  "No matter what the outcome is, I think it was Ye Langjun who saved the lives of a certain bride and their baby," Yuan Zai said without hesitation.  Ye Chang didn¡¯t know whether he really thought so when he said this in his mouth.  However, since the other party had the handle, he was not afraid of what tricks Yuan Zai would play, so he immediately joined the famous doctor and Wen Po, and rushed to the county seat at full speed.  Thanks to Ye Chang, the road from Wu Zepi to the county seat has been renovated, so it is easy to walk.  Coupled with the fact that they were working hard without any effort, it only took them an hour to arrive at the newly built County Lieutenant's Mansion.  The servants and maids inside were all anxious, and the two gentlemen who had been invited were even more anxious.  But when they saw Ye Chang, they suddenly rejoiced: "Okay, okay, the little master is here, everything will be fine." Because Luo Shouyi accepted Ye Chang as his junior disciple on behalf of his master, some of the local people  Seeing Ye Chang as a god, they originally called him "Little Master", but these stable women and doctors changed their name to "Little Master" after Ye Chang compiled the "San Jing".  Ye Chang nodded: "How is the situation?" "The fetus moved yesterday, and we knew that the situation was not good, so we urged the young master to invite Xiao Zhenren to come." A stable woman said cautiously: "The young master just went today  As he said this, he suddenly shouted, "It's moving, it's moving." A maid inside ran over in a panic. It turned out that Wang Yunxiu had been in pain since her fetus moved, but there was no movement.  He couldn't tell what happened, so he asked Yuan Zai to urge Ye Chang. At first, Yuan Zai couldn't save his face, but this morning he didn't dare to delay anymore, so he went to Wolong Valley in person. It was a coincidence.  There was no movement. As soon as Ye Chang arrived, there were sounds of movement inside. Naturally, Ye Chang could not go in. A servant brought a bed for him, so he sat high in front of the door. Po Wen went in to inspect the situation, and the doctor.  They kept asking questions at the door, and then discussed countermeasures. They were busy, but Ye Chang was completely idle. Yuan Zai next to him was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Looking at Yuan Zai, he was dripping with sweat.  Although Ye Chang was funny, he also had some sympathy. No matter what conflicts Yuan Zai had with him before, at least at this moment, he was just a husband who was worried about his wife. Yuan Zai was walking around and murmured, and he accidentally bumped into her.  He was stunned for a moment on the bed where Ye Chang was sitting. Remembering that this person was there, he clasped his hands and said to Ye Chang: "Ye Langjun, if you have any means, please use it." "Just meditate. At this time, you can't be messy."  , if you are messy, there will be even more mess inside.  "Ye Chang said. "Yuan Zai also understands what Ye Chang said, but when he says it from Ye Chang's mouth, it has a strange persuasiveness. "Perhaps he suffered too much loss in Ye Chang's hands, but instead let  Yuan Zai developed a sense of trust in him: Ye Chang is so coldTo be quiet, you should be confident.  I don¡¯t know how long it took, but Wang Yunxiu¡¯s cries in the room became hoarse. Obviously, she was exhausted from all the hard work.  Yuan Zai felt uneasy again. He looked at Ye Chang, who also frowned slightly.  After a while, Mrs. Wenpolu hurriedly came out, looked at Ye Chang and said: "I have been tossing for too long. The young lady has no strength, and the child's position is not right. I need to use that treasure." "You can use it." Ye Chang  Somewhat speechless.  The so-called baby is forceps.  The Wen Po carefully held out a box, clasped her hands together and muttered a few words to the box, and then entered the house.  After a while, the smell of strong alcohol came from the room, and Yuan Zai couldn't help but look at Ye Chang: Could it be that Po Wen was also afraid and was drinking to strengthen her courage?  "It's okay, just wait." Ye Chang said.  The forceps that Wen Po took out could not be made by just finding a blacksmith. After summoning these doctors and Wen Po, Ye Chang put forward the suggestion of forceps, and they determined the specific shape of the forceps based on the characteristics of the baby's head.  Then, we hired famous craftsmen to cast it from fine steel, and we maintained it even more carefully.  When using it, it must first be boiled in boiling water, and then soaked in the alcohol provided by Wolong Valley. Ye Chang does not understand this. He just uses all the disinfection methods he can think of. As for the specific effect, he will put it forward later.  At that time, he had no idea.  After a while, I heard Mrs. Wen¡¯s cheers coming from inside: ¡°It¡¯s out, it¡¯s out.¡± Then, the baby¡¯s cry rang out.  Yuan Zai was so excited that he almost broke in, but was blocked by a woman.  Then, Po Lu Wen came out first, still holding the box in her hand.  "How is the situation?" Yuan Zai asked urgently.  "Congratulations, young master, you are a young man." Po Wen said with a smile: "Both mother and son are safe, the Taoist Lord is on top. If it weren't for the young master, I might be in trouble this time." Ye Chang did not dare to take credit: "It's you who  At this time, Yuan Zai couldn't care less about his quarrel with Ye Chang. He took Ye Chang's hand and shook it violently: "Ye Langjun, thank you, thank you very much. From now on, I will only be Ye Langjun's order."  Without waiting for Ye Chang's reply, Yuan Zai waved his hand again and said: "Bonus, give it to the doctor and Wenpo who came today" At this time, his heart was completely filled with joy. After letting go of Ye Chang, he danced and wanted to  He went into the house to see Wang Yunxiu and the baby, but when he got to the door, he was kicked out again. It was another lady, Wen Po Sun, who said: "A place like this is not a place where a husband should come. Don't bump into the bride and the baby."  Mr. Lang, the young master should be calm and calm. Yuan Zai scratched his head and head with joy. He even claimed that it was true, but people started to circle around the yard again.  Seeing him like this, Ye Chang shook his head with a smile and left his house without saying hello.  Originally, Ye Chang was still hesitant about whether it was right or wrong to lend a helping hand to Yuan Zai, his enemy, but now, he feels that this choice is the right one.  Walking out of Yuan Zai's house with his hands behind his back, he went onto the street and saw a group of people gathered in front of the street. When they saw him coming out, they all saluted him: "Little Master." Ye Chang was stunned, but saw Madam Wenpolu who had come out earlier.  When he was in the crowd, he knew that this long-mouthed woman was talkative again.  This Lady Lu is the most resourceful among the stable ladies invited by Ye Chang. She is also literate and learns things quickly. Her only problem is that she has a long mouth, which makes Ye Chang speechless.  When everyone is saluting, he is not good at standing, only Tuanxuan.  As a result, everyone's scorching eyes stopped on him, making him feel very uncomfortable, and he could vaguely hear them whispering.  "Ye Langjun was taught by the real King of Medicine in his dream, so he was able to save the young master's wife." "The young master and Ye Langjun have always been at odds, and only the descendant of the real King of Medicine has such a compassionate heart" These words  , which made Ye Chang a little surprised. He couldn't stay any longer, so he took the horse and prepared to go back.
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