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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star to Break through the Void Chapter 127: There are wise men in the village who bless their neighbors

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    Bai Quan, the magistrate of Yanshi County, rubbed his forehead in distress and let out a long sigh.  The county magistrate Jiang Qing next to him also sighed.  "I'm afraid it's hard to keep this crown." Bai Quan sighed again: "Yanshi is the gateway to Dongdu. It is said that the saint intended to visit Dongdu, but something like this happened. "How can this be so strange?  Mansion, who would have thought that a heavy rain would cause the Yellow River to overflow its banks?  "The county magistrate reluctantly comforted him and said: "Besides, now, only three villages have been damaged, and only 180 households have been damaged. This is already the Ming government's contribution to maintaining the river embankment on weekdays.  If we really want to pursue the case, the land and water transport envoy will not be able to escape. "Now the water and land transport envoy is still Wei Jian. He is gaining the favor of Emperor Sanlang. Even Li Linfu has to avoid his sharp influence for a while. The overflowing of the Yellow River embankment is a natural disaster. If you want to resist it,  , this big man should be the first to take the lead. But Jiang Qing was confident in his words. His father was Jiang Qinxu, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and he originally said that he would be awarded the title of Gongxian Cheng.  But later, for some reason, he became Yan Shicheng. Unlike Bai Quan, who had no backing in the court, many of the people promoted by Jiang Qing's father held important positions in the court, so he was not afraid of this.  ¡°Xiaokuang Village is the lowest and closest to the overflowing embankment, so the disaster here is the worst.  When I came to visit, I didn't find anyone. The whole village was wiped out. I'm afraid no one was spared.  The officer leading the team pointed to a waterway in front of the boat: "The situation in this village is the worst."  " "Alas" Bai Quan sighed again. If he could not avoid it, this village would probably be destroyed. Judging from the current situation, it is quite pessimistic. The other two seriously affected villages are not as bad as Xiao Kuang.  The villages were generally completely submerged, and some people were waiting for rescue on the roofs. Even so, more than half of the people in those two villages were drowned, and dozens of people were sick, and there were even vague signs of the disease. This was only seven days after the disaster.  On the 1st, this situation happened. If it spreads, the situation would be unimaginable. However, Bai Quan had nothing to do about this disaster. This was a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster. What could he do? "Hey, is that a raft?  "There's someone on the raft." Just when they were worried, they suddenly heard the guard shouting. They saw a raft coming around a clump of treetops and appearing in their field of vision. On the raft were five people, one holding a pole and four others.  Then he sat on the raft and rested. In addition to the four of them, there were also many things on the raft, including wooden boards, baskets, and even a puppy, wagging its tail and barking at this side. "  Are they the people from neighboring areas or from this Xiaokuang Village?  Bai Quan cheered up a little and asked with a glimmer of hope. "The police officer often goes to the countryside. He squinted at it for a while, and then said happily: "Mingfu is from Xiaokuang Village. I know two of them.  The fourth son of Kuang Hui, the old man of Xiaokuang Village, we all call him Kuang Silang." The news that "there are still people alive in Xiaokuang Village" made Bai Quan clenched his fist tightly: "Call him to come closer to answer, call him to come closer.  "The officer shouted loudly, and the raft on the other side looked at the boat on this side and pushed it over here. After a while, the two sides were not far apart. "Master Mingfu and the county magistrate are here. Kuang Silang, are you ready yet?  Come up and salute," the officer shouted. "Kang Silang had already seen the people wearing official robes on the boat. Hearing the officer's scolding, he immediately saluted on the raft: "Kang Si, I'm paying homage to the Ming government and the county magistrate.  " "Are you from Xiaokuang Village?  Bai Quan ignored the greetings and asked eagerly: "How many people died in the village and how many survived?"  " "Two people died in the village, but the rest are safe and sound.  "Kang Silang replied. "Poor, pitiful, there are only two of you left" Bai Quan was distracted, but when he said this, he immediately realized something was wrong: "Only two people died?  You mean, only two people died in the village?  " "Exactly, Ye Langjun came to warn in time, so the village had enough time to evacuate. The two people who died refused to leave the house.  " "It's great, great." Bai Quan was overjoyed when he heard this. In this sudden disaster, this was the best news he heard. The rest of the villages near the Yellow River have all suffered more or less.  There were some disasters, there were no casualties, just the fields were flooded, but some of the disasters were serious, they all suffered heavy casualties, even more than half were killed or injured, but in Xiaokuang Village, which was the hardest hit, only two people died, and two  How did the old man who was determined not to evacuate Xiaokuang Village achieve this? Bai Quan was so happy that he forgot to ask for a while, but Jiang Qing was still a little doubtful and said: "Are the old and weak okay?  Where are the victims resettled?  Also, how have you spent these days?  Are there any diseases?  " This series of questions were thrown out, and Bai Quan nodded repeatedly. Obviously, he wanted to know every question. "So that the two officials know that there are six old and weak people in the Central Plains who are sick, but they have gradually become sick in the past two days.  alright.  Everyone was settled on a hill in Beimang Ridge. In the past few days, we relied on the equipment we brought with us during the evacuation.?Food support, but now the food is a little tight, so we will search around to see if we can find some food.  As for epidemics, there is absolutely no such thing.¡± Kuang Si was the smarter among Kuang Laohan¡¯s five sons, so he answered the questions in a very orderly manner. After he answered Jiang Qing¡¯s questions one by one, he said with a smile on his face: ¡°Two officials are here.  There must be food for relief?  " "A certain person has asked the imperial court for an order to open a righteous warehouse.  "Bai Quan breathed a long sigh of relief. The situation in Xiaokuang Village was actually better than what he imagined. This was a real contribution. He was originally worried about being held accountable for overflowing the embankment. Now it seems that there is no problem in taking away the merit.  At most, he was scolded by his superiors. But after he relaxed, he realized that something was wrong. Wasn't the situation in Xiaokuang Village too good? When he left, the floods rose and not only did they kill most of the people.  After being evacuated, they could still carry food for several days - this alone was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. At least the victims in the other villages who had escaped from the flood had almost no food on them. Jiang Qing also had no food at all.  Realizing this, he whispered to Bai Quan: "There must be capable people in this village.  " "Yes, there are wise men in the countryside who protect their neighbors.  Bai Quan nodded: "Fourth situation, your village is led by a wise person, and that's why it's like this. I wonder who this wise person is?"  " The county magistrate has the obligation to recommend rural sages to the court. The situation in Xiaokuang Village will definitely make Yanshi famous. Under such circumstances, Bai Quan cannot take all the credit even if he wants to  , it would be better to gain the merit of educating the people in a good way, and then gain the merit of recommending talents.  what is that?  " Kuang Si was stunned. He was very eloquent, but he always lacked knowledge. He really didn't understand what a "sage" was. "There is some capable person in the village who took you to avoid the flood and did it again.  So much preparation.  "The officer understood and shouted. "How can there be any wise man in our village? He is a gentleman named Ye from a foreign country." Kuang Si shook his head into a rattle: "He passed by here by boat and encountered a heavy rain on the way.  , had to go to the shore to take shelter from the rain, and then realized that the water was about to overflow the embankment, so we arrived at our village.  " "Ye Langjun?  " Bai Quan was a little disappointed to hear that they were not the people under his rule, but he still had to see what the situation in Xiaokuang Village was like. So he asked Kuang Si to lead the way back to their temporary shelter.  Then he felt a little regretful. He was able to develop such sharp tongue among a group of boring villagers because he kept nagging him a lot along the way.  Situation, the same thing, told over and over again, and presented from multiple angles, what this person thought at that time, what the other person thought, and what he himself thought.  Bai Quan and Jiang Qing realized that Kuang Si could not guess what one person was thinking. That person was the "Ye Langjun" he called him. "Why don't you tell me what Ye Langjun was thinking at that time.  ?  "How dare you, how can you?"  "Hearing such a question, Kuang Si looked surprised. He seemed to think the question was stupid: "What kind of person is Ye Langjun? He is like a god. How could a common man and fool like him guess what he was thinking?  Even ordinary scholars can't guess" Having said this, he looked at Bai Quan and Jiang Qing. He knew he shouldn't say anything, but he couldn't help but add: "I see it's the Ming government and the county.  I'm afraid the two officials, Cheng, can't guess" "Haha" Bai Quan and Jiang Qing looked at each other and smiled. Naturally, they would not be the same as this stupid villager. Seeing that they were not angry, Kuang Si started to speak again.  Although he was wordy, they gradually understood how Ye Chang led the victims of Xiaokuang Village to overcome the flood in the past five days. "This Ye Langjun is really extraordinary.  .  "Jiang Qing said to Bai Quan: "In Ming Mansion, a foreigner can make the people of Xiaokuang Village so impressed, and it's not just one person. You see, every time Kuang Si praised Ye Langjun, several other villagers also praised him.  "Nod" "Yes, and this Ye Langjun has a far-reaching plan, and he has the wisdom to arrange everything step by step."  "Bai Quan also appreciated it very much. The two of them were becoming more and more curious about Ye Langjun. They didn't know what kind of person he was, who could do this. When Kuang Si talked about it, Ye Chang took them to build a temporary shack to shelter from the wind.  When they took shelter from the rain, they had already reached the top of the temporary shelter. Looking around, they saw an open space on the gentle slope of the mountain, with four rows of simple sheds set up on the open space.  , but the layout of these sheds is neat and orderly. According to Kuang Si, this shed is about twenty steps away from the four rows of sheds.  The water around the shed is drained into the gully, and then flows along the mountain.Valley.  Outside the ditch, there are several small sheds. As Kuang Si just said, these small sheds are "public toilets", which are used as toilets for nearly 300 victims.  Ye Langjun was very concerned about this. Everyone, regardless of age or sex, must go to public toilets. Anyone who dares to defecate in public will not only have to clean up the stains himself, but also have to eat a meal. If he does it again, he will be punished.  To be whipped.  This rule makes Bai Quan and Jiang Qing a little confused. However, after hearing the introduction before, every request of Ye Langjun has a hidden meaning. I am afraid that the same is true in this matter.  "When you see Ye Langjun, just ask him in detail." The two discussed in a low voice for a while, but they couldn't figure out the reason, and finally Bai Quan said.  When the boat and raft reached the shore, the two of them saw that the road under their feet was actually made of firewood tied together and then padded, so that they did not have to step directly on the mud.  The two looked at each other again, and this detail surprised them: Could it be that Ye Langjun had mysophobia, and that was why he did this?  At this time, asking the victims to do such things seems to be a bit of an abuse of people's power, right?  "Perhaps this Ye Langjun comes from a wealthy family and is not used to muddy roads, so he has this order?" The two of them guessed.  They were even more curious about Ye Langjun. Although the children from the Zhongming Dingshi family were impressive in their bearing and knowledge, not many could do practical things - they called these practical things "mundane affairs."  , the officials who manage these practical matters are called "Zhuo Li".  "Where is Ye Langjun?" Bai Quan couldn't wait to see Ye Langjun. After walking a few steps, he asked Kuang Si.  "I want to ask, Ye Langjun patrols around every day, and sometimes he has to help himself." Kuang Si looked at it, then pointed over there and said, "Here, here, isn't that Ye Langjun?" Bai Quan  When Jiang Qingshun went where he expected, he saw a man carrying a large bundle of firewood and walking cautiously on a gentle slope.  Although the man was careful, he was still covered in mud. When he heard someone calling him, he looked over here.  "Ye Langjun, two officials from the Ming government and the county magistrate are here," Kuang Si waved his hands and shouted.  Ye Chang was delighted when he heard that it was the county magistrate and the county magistrate. These two local officials finally appeared.  Their appearance means that the Tang Dynasty court has responded, and the subsequent disaster should be controllable.  He threw down the firewood on his back, walked over quickly, and saluted the two of them: "Ye Chang, a martial arts practitioner, has met these two officials." "Ye Chang, a martial arts practitioneris a football actor?"  Finally hearing the name of Ye Langjun, Bai Quan was still thinking that the name seemed familiar, but Jiang Qing asked in surprise.  "A cheap name is insulting to the respectable. It's just a trivial matter." Ye Chang said with a smile.  He was covered in mud, and his smile, although his eyes were bright and his teeth were white, still didn't look very impressive.  At this time, Bai Quan also suddenly remembered that the martial arts cultivator Ye Chang had become famous in the past year, and was once considered the emperor to return home with money. However, he looked like this, but he could not see the charm in the rumors, let alone  Kuang Si spoke of a fairy-like figure. Ye Chang also knew that he was dirty, which was not a courtesy for meeting guests. He smiled and cupped his hands and said: "I look like this now, which is really not a courtesy for meeting two officials. Please wait a moment."  , allow me to be rude for a moment." After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, and soon disappeared into one of the shacks.  Bai Quan and Jiang Qing looked at each other and felt that this Ye Chang looked a bit like the legendary hermit.
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