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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star Chassis to Break through the Void? Chapter 114: The way to return the enemy is to the other side.

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    It was another extremely hot summer day. There were umbrellas and fans, but Zhang Bian still felt hot.  He suddenly regretted that he should not have accepted Wang Wei's appointment.  But since we have an appointment, it would be bad if we didn¡¯t come.  The car drove out of Chunming Gate, where it met the Wang Wei brothers, and then headed east with a large number of followers.  After a while, I saw green trees like clouds, which was a cool scene.  This made Zhang Bian think that it would be a good idea to come here to escape the summer heat and enjoy the cool air.  "I heard that some people call this forest Happy Forest, and they also intend to build mansions here, thinking that they can go against the journey and bring in some actors and actresses" Wang Jin was pointing around and talking to Zhang Bian. Suddenly, his expression changed and he looked at the place.  A figure beside him said: "Hey, isn't that Ye Shiyi?" Zhang Bian raised his eyebrows when he heard this and turned his face away. Sure enough, he saw a familiar figure sitting under a big tree enjoying the cool air.  Ye Chang probably felt that something was going on here. When he turned around, he saw Zhang Bian's shocked face.  There is also Wang Jin next to him.  Ye Chang casually picked up the glass cup next to him, then raised it and gestured towards Zhang Bian.  This action seemed natural and unrestrained when he made it. Behind Zhang Tang, a group of female voices took a breath, and then started chattering.  "Ye Shiyi, Ye Shiyi, he is such a handsome young man!" "It's Ye Shiyi who has an infinitely beautiful sunset. You sang his song yesterday." "A song was sung from last year.  This year, are you bored or not?" "Other songs are naturally annoying, but the sunset on Ye Shiyi is so beautiful that I can sing it for hundreds and thousands of years without getting bored!" "Like Zhang Bian's outing, how can there be different female musicians?  Therefore, he also came with his own Kabuki.  These little ladies didn't know the past grudges between Zhang Bian and Ye Chang. When they heard that it was Ye Shiyi, they all screamed excitedly.  "Talented, young, and dashing, it can be said that he has all the conditions to make these little girls scream. Oh, and one more thing, rich in gold, and the ability to attract money in the football market has spread throughout Chang'an.  Zhang Bian¡¯s veins jumped, then he turned his face and looked at Wang Wei.  His first suspicion was that Wang Wei was hooking up with Ye Chang, and he deliberately invited him here today to make peace between him and Ye Chang.  If this is really the case, he would have to consider whether he really reconciled with Ye Chang.  But the look of shock on Wang Wei's face was even worse than his, which made him realize that Wang Wei probably didn't know that Ye Chang was on the reverse journey outside Chunming Gate.  It seems like it was a pure coincidence If so, I would have to give Wang Wei a hard scolding, so I don't have to save any face for Wang Wei.  He never suspected Wang Jin.  After pondering for a while, Zhang Bian finally did not go to Ye Chang.  In his eyes, Ye Chang is like a mad dog. If you have a big stick in your hand, it doesn't matter if you beat the mad dog, but if you hit him without a stick in your hand, you have to be careful about being bitten by him.  Zhang Bian¡¯s performance almost made Wang Jin¡¯s jaw drop.  He had known Zhang Tang for a long time and knew that this man's character was not only vain but also jealous.  The conflict between him and Ye Chang was caused by this kind of personality. It was unbelievable that at such a young age, he could become famous in Chang'an without going through powerful people like them.  "So what if the name of the poem is like Li Bai? You still have to pay homage to them in order to stay in Chang'an."  Therefore, Wang Jin originally thought that as long as Zhang Bian was allowed to see Ye Chang, Zhang Bian would find a way to drive Ye Chang away, or even throw him into prison.  It turned out that Zhang Bao was obviously avoiding Ye Chang? Wang Jin would not mistakenly think that Zhang Po was afraid of Ye Chang. There were only a few people in the world who could make Zhang Bao afraid of an emperor.  So what was the reason that made Zhang Bian leave as soon as he saw Ye Chang? In a hurry, he had an idea and pulled his brother and said: "Brother, why is Ye Shiyi still here? A few days ago, he led the barbarians in  This has caused a conflict. Did your brother know about this?" "Barbarian?" Zhang Bian suddenly became vigilant.  Wang Jin smiled and said: "Is it possible that the bachelor didn't know about this? The situation at that time was a bit strange" He told the story of that day in great detail, especially the matter of Ye Chang helping Yue analyze the edict to resolve suspicions.  After finishing speaking, he sighed: "It would be fine if Ye Shiyi could only write poetry. Since the founding of the Kingdom of China, there have been many people who are good at poetry at a young age. But he actually has such wisdom. He was originally clueless.  It won't take long for a brainless case to be solved in his hands. It's a pity that such a talent cannot be used by the court" Wang Wei stared at his brother talking lies.When he heard this, he could no longer hold back and asked Wang Jin: "Xia Qing, what are you talking about!" Ye Chang was not used by the court, and Zhang Bianjin's slander was the key. Although outsiders did not know it, their brothers never  Princess Yuzhen got the letter from her side.  Wang Jin said this in front of Zhang Bian, which was like a slap in Zhang Bian's face.  Wang Jin showed a look of astonishment: "Brother" "Huh, he is just a person whose name does not live up to his name. Although he has some cleverness, he is just a rooster and a dog thief." Before Wang Wei had time to speak, Zhang Bian snorted coldly.  After finishing speaking, he strode towards Ye Chang.  Wang Wei stared at his brother. Even now, he still doesn't understand! All this is caused by his brother, and he made the trick! Wang Wei was really angry and anxious. Princess Yuzhen repeatedly talked to him.  It has been said that Ye Chang can only be used as a friend, but not as an enemy.  Maintaining a relatively friendly relationship with Ye Chang will bring huge benefits, but if you do the opposite, you may be targeted by this guy.  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  It is enough for his brothers to take advantage of Ye Chang through the influence of Princess Yuzhen. According to Wang Wei's idea, he should consider how to mend the relationship with Ye Chang next.  As a result, his brother repeatedly provoked Ye Chang - Wang Wei always felt that his brother was better at being an official and a better person than he was, but with Ye Chang, he was confused.  But he didn¡¯t know what Wang Jin and Wang Yuanbao were planning.  "Brother, don't be surprised, don't be surprised." Wang Jin patted Wang Wei's hand and said with a smile.  I saw Zhang Bian walking towards Ye Chang, and Ye Chang, who was sitting under the tree, did not get up to salute. He still raised the glass cup in his hand and gestured to Zhang Bian:.  Bachelor Zhang is rare.  " "Bold, you are so arrogant when you see a bachelor!" A person who was holding his own feet shouted at the side. "A certain person has always heard that Zhang, a bachelor in Chang'an City, was very magnanimous and the best at raising scholars. People at that time regarded him as Mencius.  Try it.  "Ye Chang said slowly and calmly: "In the past, Mao Sui played the harp and sang, Mengchang didn't think he didn't have a letter, Wang Meng talked about it, Huan Fuzi treated him like a distinguished guest When I see you today, the name does not live up to the reality.  " As soon as he said this, Zhang Bian knew that his evaluation of Ye Chang just now was heard by this guy! Ye Chang compared Mengchang Jun and Huan Wen to him. It seemed that he was praising him, but in fact he had bad intentions. He just said  It was evaluated that Ye Chang was a rooster and a dog thief, and Meng Changjun was a rooster and a dog thief. As for Huan Wen, although he had a great reputation, he was too selfish and Wang Meng did not bother to work for him. The problem with Zhang Bian was that given his status, it was impossible.  He didn't want to go to Ye Chang to scold him. Therefore, he could only force a smile and said: "What a sharp mouth, Su Qin and Zhang Yi are just talking about you, Ye Shiyi?" He began to regret in his heart, why was Wang Jin  As soon as the words got aroused, he couldn't help but come to Ye Chang for trouble! Ye Chang slapped Wang Jin in the face and paused for a moment. Zhang Tang came here because of Wang Jin's instigation. There is no doubt about this.  , just now he heard Wang Jin's words, it seemed that Zhang Bian didn't know this, Wang Jin didn't expect Ye Chang's ears to be so sharp, his face couldn't help but change when he stared at him, "Isn't this Wang Xiaqing, just the day before yesterday.  We parted ways in Princess Yuzhen¡¯s farewell. We met again today and didn¡¯t say hello. Could it be that we don¡¯t recognize someone?¡± Ye Chang said slowly and leisurely: ¡°The Wang family of Taiyuan is a famous family that has been honored for generations, but I never thought that you, Wang Xiaqing,  He is also interested in football market management.  " Wang Jin was dumbfounded, while Zhang Bian was stunned for a moment, and then became furious! Wang Jin'er was dumbfounded because Ye Chang not only saw what he was thinking at the first time, but also tried to seize the ball market from him without hesitation.  The matter of control was brought up. According to common sense, this was a contest and bargaining behind the scenes. Ye Chang said it, which was a great loss to his own reputation - Princess Yuzhen was originally his patron, but now  But he helped Wang Jin to seek the football market! He revealed the private transaction so lightly and skillfully, completely disregarding his own face This kind of thing is completely the way of a fool, and it has nothing to do with Ye Chang in Wang Jin's heart.  No! But this idiot¡¯s behavior made Wang Jin¡¯s mouth full of bitterness. He was completely a mad dog. Even if he had no image, he still wanted to bite off a piece of his opponent¡¯s flesh. Hearing Ye Chang¡¯s words, Zhang Bian was stunned.  How could he not understand that he was being used by Wang Jin? In other words, today's outing was simply a trap set by Wang Jin. The purpose was to use his discord with Ye Chang to deal with Zhang Bian.  He didn't like Ye Chang, but he didn't like being used by Wang Jin even more, so he stood aside without saying a word, and the anger on his face turned into a smile.?.  Watch the excitement and see how Wang Jin responds to this matter.  He now secretly hates Wang Jin, but he is not Ye Chang, and he cannot turn against Wang Jin without any scruples like Ye Chang. Therefore, if Ye Chang can deal with Wang Jin severely, Zhang Bian will be very happy.  His action has shown his position louder than words.  Wang Wei's face suddenly turned pale and he looked panicked, but he barely maintained his composure.  "Wang Jin fell back to normal after the initial panic.  He stared at Ye Chang with sharp eyes, and then laughed.  "You, Ye Shiyi, live in a remote countryside. I don't know how big the influence of this football market is now. If you fall into the hands of those with evil intentions, corrupting the morale and cheating are the second best, I'm afraid it will be more harmful to the country and the people. My king, Xia Qing Shijun,  How can we let the matter of being loyal to the emperor go unchecked?" "Okay, okay." Ye Chang nodded and said nothing more.  It¡¯s enough to expose Wang Jin¡¯s face to avoid Zhang Bian really coming out to drive him away. In that case, he really won¡¯t be able to stay in Chang¡¯an.  Zhang Bian wanted to watch the excitement, and Ye Chang wanted to see the excitement even more. It was only right to slap Wang Jin and Wang Yuanbao in the face in the city competition.  "And Wang Yuanbao's 80,000 yuan has not yet been received. Ye Changke has already planned the use of the money.  "Huh?" Zhang Bian found that there was no excitement to see. Ye Chang, who was originally like a mad dog, stopped after taking a bite, which surprised him.  Then his attention turned to Wang Jin¡¯s intention to reach out to the ball market.  There are many powerful people in Chang'an City. With Wang Jin's status, he is not qualified to reach out to the football market, which earns 100,000 yuan a year! Zhang Bian himself has never been dissatisfied with the amount of copper coins in his family.  Wang Jin also wanted to understand this. The ball market was a bone thrown by Ye Chang. Just one sentence separated the relationship between him and Zhang Bian, and the ball market made them fight even more.  Therefore, Wang Jin smiled again: "Besides, I don't really want to interfere in the announcement of the football market. It's just Master Zhiying Jingji who is thinking about it. She has always had a reputation of supporting the football market. Seeing that this year, the football market  The fuss was a bit outrageous, so I asked someone to come up with some advice. That was enough. Zhang Bian's twinkling eyes were a bit dim. Everyone had their own secrets, both Zhang Bian and Wang Jin.  They didn't dare to provoke Ye Chang anymore, it would be troublesome if this guy said something shocking again, so they didn't even say goodbye, and just dispersed, staring at Mo Ming.  With his wonderful bull's eye, he looked at the group of people who came and left in a hurry. Seeing that they clearly came together, but separated into two groups when they left, he said with some confusion: "Ye Shiyi, what are you doing again?"  What trick was used to cause this group of people to start a dispute?" "Hey, monk, you can see it too?" "Monk is not stupid, he only looks a bit stupid when he is following a cunning fox-like figure like you.  "Shan Zhi said something that made Ye Chang look at each other. "After they go back, they will have to scheming and scheming to find something for Wang Jin to prevent him from always coming to trouble me.  "Ye Chang said with a smile. "As he said, Wang Jin has a lot of things to do now. The first thing Wang Jin has to solve is the complaint from his brother Wang Wei. In front of Zhang Bian and others, Wang Wei naturally didn't  It was easy to say anything, but when the two brothers returned in the same car, he couldn't help but nag him. At first, Wang Jin remained silent and allowed him to criticize. Wang Wei thought that he also felt regretful and felt that this was an opportunity, so he talked again.  He said a few words. Wang Jin, who was worried about how to completely dispel Zhang Bian's covetousness, couldn't help it anymore and suddenly shouted: "Is that enough? You know what's going on!" Wang Wei was stunned.  A Hanlin scholar, a noble official, but he doesn¡¯t know that it¡¯s not easy to lead a family when it¡¯s difficult to farm! For a family like ours, if you live in Chang¡¯an for a year, a few thousand dollars or even the favors and gifts are not enough! If you¡¯re happy, go back to Chang¡¯an.  If you are not happy, you will go to Nanshan to live in seclusion, live in Nanshan, and build a business. All of this will cost money. How can you make a living on the family farm?" At this point, Wang Jin felt in his heart when he saw his brother's stunned look.  He felt weak and couldn't continue talking. They were brothers of similar age. Although one was more indifferent and the other was more profit-seeking, they had a deep brotherly love and almost never quarreled. This time, they quarreled just because of Ye Chang, which made Wang Jin heartbroken.  He was even more angry. He sighed: "Brother, please help me think of a way to deal with Zhang Bian. Let's get over this hurdle first"
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