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Volume 1: Who Rides the Star Chassis to Break the Void Chapter 25: Plowing Long Mu Zhuge Lu

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    The sky in the east was getting brighter, and Ye Chang got up. The little girl Xiang'er who was sleeping outside was grinding her teeth slightly. In order not to wake her up, Ye Chang quietly put on his clothes and shoes, and then walked quietly to the outside room.  Under the dim light, the little girl Xiang'er was sleeping with her arms and legs crossed, her clothes were in a mess, and half of her breasts were exposed - a nine-year-old girl with no breasts or buttocks. In addition to making people feel cute, this posture did not  Any spare time to think about.  Ye Chang looked at her bedside quietly for a while. The little girl was probably having a sweet dream. Her long eyelashes flickered a few times, and then she smiled sweetly.  There is a small dimple on the right side of her face when she smiles sweetly.  The softest part of Ye Chang's heart was touched again: Sure enough, she was just like his daughter in that life.  Resisting the idea of ????kissing her face, Ye Chang slowly came to the door, pulled the latch as quietly as possible, and pushed the front door open.  A burst of "fresh air" mixed with the smell of chicken manure and pig manure hit his nostrils, making Ye Chang give up the idea of ??taking a deep breath.  At this time, in the Middle Ages, rural people did not pay attention to environmental sanitation. People and animals mixed together, and garbage was littered, making the village chaotic and dirty.  It was really difficult for Ye Chang to endure such a situation. For example, if he went out wearing a long Tang Dynasty coat, the hem of his clothes would always be stained with many strange things, and he couldn't tell whether it was feces or soil.  Standing on tiptoes, Ye Chang carefully walked around the various traces left by the chickens who got up early, greeted the old man who got up to pick up manure, and trotted out of the village.  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:  Now that everything has finally come to an end, he can act according to the plan beforehand.  For example, when he gets up every morning and goes for a morning run, Ye Chang knows how important it is to have a good body. In this era, there are no antibiotics and special medicines. A small infection may kill someone!  His running also attracted the attention of the villagers, but everyone looked at his trotting body with awe, but no one asked a question.  Too many things have happened to Ye Chang recently, so much that the villagers who were familiar with him were no longer surprised.  Ye Chang often went to the mountains to collect herbs before, so his body was relatively strong. It took Ye Chang half an hour to run from the village to the valley where he was going to settle, and then back from the valley.  When he returned home, the sky was almost bright, and Xiang'er, who looked depressed, and Chunming, who looked confused, had also woken up.  It was already late when I got home yesterday. Ye Chang just arranged Chunming to live there casually. As for the matter of Bodhisattva's trial, he did not mention it to them.  Therefore, Xiang'er and Chunming looked at Ye Chang very strangely. Ye Chang knew that they were frightened by his "asking Bodhisattva to review the case" and did not explain to them. He just smiled and said that he wanted to welcome Chunming to his new home.  , kill a chicken and prepare a delicious meal for lunch.  This immediately turned Xiang'er's attention to the food, but for Chunming, when the aroma of cooking reached his nose, all the Bodhisattva and gods were thrown out of the sky.  When he picked up the bowl, looking at the meat and vegetables piled in the bowl, Chunming burst into tears as he ate.  Xiang'er was about to say something when he saw it, but was stopped by Ye Chang coughing.  Ye Chang knew that there was a reason why he was sold into slavery at such a young age.  Moreover, during the years of being a slave, Chunming must have suffered a lot. When he suddenly encountered other people's care, that kind of touch came from the bottom of his heart. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? From now on, if Xiao Chunming is asked to do something, he will definitely do his best.  This incident allowed Ye Chang to temporarily get rid of the trouble of having three bedrooms and long branches. He could finally concentrate on building the "thatched cottage" in the valley, and at the same time, he also taught Xiang'er and Chunming well. These two children are not stupid and are easy to teach.  He will become Ye Chang's right-hand man in the future.  The residents of Wu Zepi are now more respectful to Ye Chang. Everyone greets him when they see him. If something happens at home, they all like to come to him for advice and judgment.  However, everyone was careful not to mention the Bodhisattva's trial, and Ye Chang was happy to pretend to be confused.  And soon the focus of everyone's discussion about Wu Zepi also turned to another matter.  The third branch of the Ye family fell apart!  Ye Mei left home and left almost all his property to Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu returned to her natal family with her children, while Ye Mei stayed in Wu Zepi with the remaining two concubines.  ??Mr. Liu was also cruel and did not allow Ye Mei to live in the big house in Changzhi, so Ye Mei could only build a shack in the village. A family of ten, old and young, huddled in the shack and cried.  At this point, he had no face at all, so he asked his concubine to take several young children to beg from house to house, while he sat on the threshold of Ye Dan's house and built a shack next to the ancestral hall.  He threatened that if he didn't solve the problem, he would live inIf he is forced to go to the ancestral hall, the whole family will go to the ancestral hall to hang himself.  Ye Dan had no choice but to allocate a small courtyard to him from an unused house in the clan, and gave him fifteen acres from the sacrificial field.  The matter has come to an end for the time being, but Ye Chang knows that there is still a storm brewing behind it.  Mrs. Liu can bring her wealth back to her parents' home, and she can take her servants back to her parents' home, but those fields and houses cannot be moved.  Wu Zepi and Xiaoliu Village, Ye family and Liu family will inevitably have disputes over farm matters in the future.  After lunch, Ye Dan brought several of his disciples to Ye Chang's door: "Eleventh Lang, Eleventh Lang, while we are still free, let's go to the valley to fix the foundation line?" "Okay!" Ye Changyuan  I thought Ye Dan would not be so anxious, but I never thought that what happened yesterday made Ye Dan deeply realize that the future of the Ye family would depend on Ye Chang, so he was extremely dedicated to his affairs.  Seeing Ye Chang coming out, Ye Dan smiled and said: "I have predicted the time. It is an auspicious day and it is time to break ground. Eleventh Lang, I also asked the village and every household is willing to contribute. What do you think should be done?  Dominating people, right? " In the past, Ye Dan did his part in organizing work, but now he knows that he is definitely not as good as Ye Chang.  "The soldiers and horses go ahead with food and grass before they move. The first priority is always to prepare food and drink. I don't have enough food at home. Uncle, you can take the money and send two smart bargainers to the city to buy some food. If there is a butcher,  Kill the pig and buy half of the pig." Ye Chang was not polite and took out the money first: "Also, although it is a hut, there should be some beams and rafters on the house. I have to buy this myself, uncle.  "It's easy to say, easy to say!" Ye Dan was so happy when he realized that Ye Chang had handed over the most important financial power to him: This not only meant trust, but also meant that Ye Chang didn't treat him as an outsider at all.  If it were the matter of other families in the clan, he would have to enrich himself, but when he took the money bag from Ye Chang, Ye Dan secretly decided that not only would he not be able to enrich himself, but he would also have to pay for it!  "This is the Ye family's great horse. The future is limitless. Even if it is just for the sake of a good relationship with his mediocre descendants, we must fully support him."  "The second is the blacksmith You need to ask Uncle Zu to come and ask a few brothers and uncles to help. Whether it is cutting wood or digging, you will need iron tools. Hoes, picks, shovels, and hatchets must all be prepared." Ye  Chang said again.  "Yes, I will ask someone to go later No, I will go and talk to Zu Dalang myself." "This will help uncle Lao." Ye Chang saluted and said, "I will show the carpenters and masons where they are.  It¡¯s convenient for logging, and it¡¯s easy to get soil anywhere.¡± The two of them had decided on a plan, and Ye Chang went to the carpenter¡¯s house.  The carpenter Ye Zhi was from the same family as him, and he had been asked to help when he was building the Hong Canal a few days ago. Hearing that he was going to inspect the terrain, he put down his work and followed him.  The plasterer Fan Kaishan was one of the more than 20 families who benefited from the water diversion, and he immediately followed him.  The three adults took Chunming with them to the valley. They first climbed up the ridge on the back of the valley and looked down at the valley.  This valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides to the north, east and west. The valley mouth in the south is also very narrow. Even if all the miscellaneous trees are removed, it is only about three feet wide. There is also a stream flowing out. Ye Chang plans to build a fence and a  Door.  The stream goes up and close to the mountain on the west side of the valley. The volume of water is not large, but the flow of the water is very fast.  Ye Chang pointed to the corner and said to Ye Zhi: "Uncle Fifteen, I plan to build a water reef house here. In the future, when our village needs to pound wheat and grind flour, we can use it here." "Ah, this water reef  I can't do it. "Ye Zhi is really not a good carpenter. He usually has no problem building houses, but the complex structure of the water reef is not what he can do.  "Don't worry, I'll draw the picture by then. Uncle Fifteen will just give it a try." Ye Chang said with a smile: "If it doesn't work, I'll spend more money to hire a famous craftsman, and Uncle Fifteen will learn from him." Ye Zhi laughed.  He said twice without saying anything, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart.  He has not been a carpenter for many years. Ye Chang only knew how to collect herbs in the past. Where can he do this?  Ye Chang laid out a piece of paper, drew the general terrain around the valley on the paper, then marked the place he just pointed at and wrote the word "Ë®íÔ".  Ye Zhi saw that he was making plans as if he was an expert in construction, so he felt something in his heart and secretly wrote it down.  "Then, Brother Fan, the water reef must be far away from the residence, so as not to make it too noisy and prevent me from studying. Therefore, a road must be built to lead to the residence. Brother Fan has helped people build many houses. Where do you think is suitable for building a house?  , Now it only needs three or four huts, but in the future it can be expanded into a yard of several feet." Fan Kaishan grinned and pointed to the recess between the two mountains in the northeast of the valley without hesitation: "Of course it is here.  This place is backed by a northern mountain, and the north wind cannot blow in winter. Although the place is small, with only about three-thirds of the flat land, if you look around it, the slope is gentle.For expansion, only flat slopes and soil can be used to expand the land to more than an acre, which is enough to build several yards.  " "What if you still want to think about it more?  " "That's okay. Look, about fifteen feet west of here, around a rock, there is another open space. After it is leveled, it is about half an acre.  Further south, there is the middle of the valley. Although it is difficult to expand and is relatively narrow," "Fan Kaishan talked about it very eloquently and thoughtfully. It can be seen that he, a mason, has specialized in the art of construction.  Ye Chang nodded repeatedly. Although Fan Kaishan was explaining entirely based on his own experience, Ye Chang still felt that he had found a skilled craftsman with the potential of a planner. Generally speaking, this valley has a "Y" shape, but it is horizontal.  The two valleys extending to the south should be long, and the one extending to the south should be short. According to Fan Kai's idea, the one extending to the northeast will be used as a residential area, while the one extending to the northwest can only be left empty because of the stream.  As Ye Chang said, there is not much room for building a water-breeding house due to the small space extending to the south, but you can consider growing vegetables here because the mountain is not steep, so you can also plant some fruit trees on the surrounding hillsides.  Something like that. "Brother Fan said it well. Please see, how about this?"  " Fan Kaishan said there, Ye Chang drew on the paper. After Fan San finished speaking, Ye Chang handed over the sketch in his hand. Fan Kaishan laughed awkwardly: "Eleventh Lang forgot, I can't read.  .  " Ye Chang immediately patted his head, and had indeed forgotten this incident. "Brother Fan, I think you should learn to read and do arithmetic when you have time. You are extremely talented. If you can read and do arithmetic again,  One day, you will be able to build buildings and buildings that are unimaginable now!  " "Ah, haha, I've been like this all my life, but Shiyilang, you will definitely become a general or a prime minister in the future. Then don't forget us Wu Zepi, don't forget us fellow villagers.  " Speaking of this, Fan Kaishan's words were a little bitter. "How could he not know that being literate and arithmetic would definitely allow him to advance further in his architectural skills, and it could even be said to be a qualitative leap. However, he was born in a humble background, so how could he have the opportunity to study?  Literacy is a job that can only be learned from the master's apprenticeship. Even so, after working with the master for six years, the master found that he was smart and talented, and saw that his skills were about to surpass his own, so he simply let him become a disciple.  Chang pondered for a while and said with a smile: "If Brother Fan doesn't mind, I will teach Xiang'er and Chunming how to read and count in the future, and Brother Fan can also come and listen.  Hearing this, Fan Kaishan was stunned. Then he solemnly said: "Shiyi Lang, your knowledge was taught by immortals. How dare a lowly person learn it?"  " "Just come, unless you don't want to learn, I don't have any particular requirements.  "Ye Chang said. Fan Kaishan hesitated and said nothing more. After the three of them drew pictures from a high place and planned out the future uses of the valley, they then found their way down the mountain and into the valley. The entire valley is as long as  In the past two miles, just building the road would take a lot of man-hours. However, they had their own methods. At this time, they would use fire to clear the way. When the time came, they would clear the isolation zone, and then set off a fire to clear away the weeds and shrubs.  Just burn it. "The road needs to be made wider. Horses and cars may come here in the future. If it can't be done now, space must be reserved.  "Ye Chang said again. "That's natural. There will be many dignitaries coming to visit Shiyi Lang. Wouldn't it be extremely inconvenient if the carriages and horses cannot be moved?  "Ye Zhi nodded repeatedly. "It will take time to be completely completed, maybe a year.  "Fan Kaishan said. Ye Chang smiled and said: "How can it take so long? The Dragon Boat Festival will be in four days. According to my arrangement, it will take shape in one month, and it will be basically completed in two months, just in time for the autumn harvest.  Before!  "    "This is impossible!  "Fan Kaishan and Ye Zhi said in unison.
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