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Volume 1 Chapter 280 Looking for a way out

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    As an explosion expert, Ning Xiaofan has a strong psychological quality and always maintains a calm mind. While sneaking, he looks up from time to time, hoping to find a temporary place to stay before the air tank is exhausted.  The current situation is already very dangerous. Ning Xiaofan and his party may drown alive if they find a place where they can't stop and take a breather in a short period of time.  Of course, if you find a place to stay, you have a chance of survival. Even if you can't find the exit to the mining area, or you can't swim back, you can still send a distress signal to the outpost, and when the time comes, the outpost will send people to rescue you.  Watching the air tube continue to be consumed, even Ning Xiaofan felt a little nervous. At this time, there was a faint bulging shadow above the water in front of him.  Ning Xiaofan felt happy and swam towards the shadow.  Arriving under the shadow, Ning Xiaofan turned off the booster and began to float toward the surface of the water. He did not dare to float too fast to avoid hitting the dome.  Fortunately, when he was about to reach the water, the overhead lamp had already shone on a rock wall above the water that was not submerged. Ning Xiaofan didn't have any scruples, and then kicked his feet towards the water, and surfaced.  Seventy percent of the air in the air tank had been consumed. In order to save the remaining air, Ning Xiaofan took off his respirator as the first thing he did when he surfaced. Then he took off his goggles and took a closer look. Only then did he see clearly.  , that so-called shadow is a rock wall.  This rock wall is relatively steep, more than ten meters high, with an almost 90-degree slope. The bulge where you can reach is about one meter away from the water, and you can't reach it with your hand. The bottom of the bulge is extremely smooth. If you want to  To go up, you have to find a way to find a support point.  At this time, everyone had surfaced one after another, and they all had a headache when they saw the condition of the rock wall in front of them.  Without a place to start, you can¡¯t climb. In desperation, Ning Xiaofan dived underwater again to observe the underwater wall.  The so-called road is boundless. Ning Xiaofan soon discovered that there was a small protruding rock on the underwater wall. He could hold it with both hands. In this way, he only needed to find a lighter person to step on it.  With your own shoulders, you can use your strength to jump up, and then grab the bulge above where you can get your hands on.  The lightest person among everyone present is probably Hou San.  Ning Xiaofan immediately called Hou San forward and explained to him how to go up. After Hou San understood, Ning Xiaofan signaled Hou San to lighten his load and only took out the rope and wrapped it around his body.  He also transferred the weight to Lao Wang, then dived into the water again, holding the raised rock under the water with both hands.  Hou San knew in his heart that Ning Xiaofan couldn't hold on for long, so he quickly stepped on his shoulders, kicked off his feet, and jumped upwards.  The distance of one meter is not high. Hou San successfully grasped the raised rock above. With the leverage, it was relatively easy to climb.  Before long, Hou San lowered the rope.  With the help of ropes, Ning Xiaofan, Xiang Yi and others climbed up the rock wall one after another.  To everyone¡¯s great joy, there was a foothold with an area of ??more than 300 square meters above the rock wall. There were strange stalactites piled on the ground, facing water on two sides, and higher rock walls on the other two sides.  After some swimming, although everyone did not use up much physical energy, the mental pressure was not small. You must know that before finding this place, once the air is exhausted, this small life will be over. Looking for such a sight  As if they were in a desperate situation, everyone was still very relaxed, and they all felt like they were surviving a disaster.  After a short rest, Ning Xiaofan called everyone together to discuss the next move.  There are not many choices in the current situation. One is to continue climbing the rock wall and see if we can find a way out from the high rock wall.  The second is to continue sneaking in the water and find a way out underwater.  Everyone discussed for a while and decided to go up the rock wall to find a way out first. If there was no way out behind the rock wall, they would then consider going underwater.  The rock walls on both sides of the platform are about 100 meters high. They are steep and slippery and extremely difficult to climb. Only Hou San among the people present has the ability to climb up with bare hands, so this task was left to Hou San without hesitation.  Climbing a cliff of nearly 100 meters with bare hands is extremely dangerous, but Hou San showed a very confident look, took off his diving suit, prepared a bundle of ropes, and started climbing upwards.  Hou San deserves the nickname "Monkey", his movements are quite flexible, and he can climb more than ten meters in just a few movements.  The higher you go, the more difficult it becomes, but Hou San can always find a way to find the starting point. Sometimes he hangs with one hand, sometimes he jumps sideways, and the thrills are constant. Everyone is scared to watch, for fear that he will accidentally fall from a high altitude.  Fortunately, Hou San lived up to expectations and climbed all the way up. When his thin figure disappeared at the top of the rock wall, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.  What¡¯s on the top of the cliff?  Everyone didn't know. Next, they could only wait patiently for Hou San to send back the message. There was an unbearable silence, and the time passed by. Hou SanNo news came back, and just when everyone was secretly anxious, an electromagnetic sound came from the walkie-talkie in Ning Xiaofan's hand, followed by Hou San's words: "Brother Xiaofan, we found a passage  However, there is still water down there. " Still water?  What's the meaning?  I heard Hou San continue: "I found a crack that could accommodate two people walking side by side, but the terrain was downward, and the end was submerged in water. I drifted forward for a while, and the water was not deep, about waist deep  " "Is there a way out?" "I don't know. I'm at a fork in the road and I don't know which way to go. Why don't I ask you if I want to continue to explore the way? If so, where should I go?  A road? "A fork in the road?  Ning Xiaofan frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "Have you tried the water depth of the two forks?" "I have tried it, but I didn't dare to go deep. It was almost waist deep. I don't know how deep the water is inside.  "How deep is it?" "Well, wait a moment, I'll discuss it with them." After Ning Xiaofan finished speaking, he turned to look at Aunt Xiang, Fatty and the others and said, "You all heard it, Hou San found a way.  I don¡¯t know where the road leads to, but there is water. It¡¯s waist-deep right now, but I don¡¯t know if the road behind it is flooded. What do you think? Should we go up? Or should we ask Hou San to come back and find another way out from here?  Lu Fatty said without thinking: "Let's go up. The air bottle doesn't have much oxygen. We can't guarantee whether we can continue until we find the exit. The water on the road Hou San found is not deep. After all, we can continue to move forward."  , when there is really no way out, it is not too late to look back.  " "Aunt Xiang, what do you think?  "Among all the people, Ning Xiaofan had to respect Aunt Xiang's opinion. Aunt Xiang pondered for a moment and said: "Little Fatty is right, let's go up.  "Little Fatty? That's so unmanly. The Fatty couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he knew in his heart that this beautiful mature woman had a high status in the company, so he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. Since Aunt Xiang agreed with Fatty,  Ning Xiaofan stopped consulting other people and immediately used the intercom to inform Hou San to go back to the top of the rock wall. After a while, everyone took off their diving suits and started to pack their equipment.  It was very convenient for all the grown men to take off their wetsuits on the spot. They were all bare-chested and only wore a pair of underwear. However, it was not very convenient for Aunt Xiang. She only wore underwear under her wetsuit.  She was still very sexy, so she had no nerve to take off her diving suit in public. She saw a group of grown men stripping off their clothes almost completely naked. She was so embarrassed that she quickly took her backpack and hid behind a stalactite that looked like a pillar.  , and also greeted Ning Xiaofan: "Xiaofan, come here.  " Ning Xiaofan had just taken off his underwear, and before he had time to put it on, he heard Aunt Xiang's greeting. He didn't realize how indecent it was to be naked with most of his body. He immediately walked over and asked, "Aunt Xiang,  What's going on? Aunt Xiang came over when she saw him wearing a pair of underwear. Although they were black underwear, the underwear was in a tight triangle shape, leaving a very conspicuous mark on the key parts.  Aunt Xiang saw it inadvertently, and her pretty face could not help but blush slightly. She couldn't blame him, so she could only pretend to turn a blind eye and said: "You can help me stay here for a while, I want to change clothes." Ning Xiaofan listened to her  After saying this, I realized that I was so dizzy that I forgot that there was a member of the opposite sex in the team.  But Aunt Xiang didn¡¯t wait for his response, she hid behind the stalactite pillar and began to take off her diving suit. Ning Xiaofan couldn¡¯t leave or stay, and felt very embarrassed.  After waiting for a while, Aunt Xiang changed into outdoor clothes and came out. Her face was slightly red and she said, "I'm ready. Thank you. You can change here too. I'll get your backpack for you." Aunt Xiang said, as if she was ashamed.  Seeing his current indecent appearance, he left in a hurry, and soon came over carrying Ning Xiaofan's backpack.  After everyone changed their clothes, without further delay, they climbed up the rock wall one by one, carrying their own backpacks.  With the help of rope buckles and pulleys, and with Hou San supporting them, it was relatively easy for everyone to climb to the top of the rock wall.  When they reached the top of the rock wall, everyone did not rest. Hou San led the way, and soon they arrived at the crack where Hou San was.  The crack is three meters high and one and a half meters wide. It is relatively narrow. The wooden box carried by Lao Wang and Xiao Shanzi is large and cannot be brought in. Everyone can only open the wooden box and pack some useful equipment into their own backpacks.  , as for the less important items, they can only be discarded temporarily.  I don¡¯t know how this crack was formed?  It is dark and narrow, and after entering, the terrain slopes downward, forming a steep slope.  Fortunately, the inclination of the slope is not as exaggerated as UU, and there are bumps and bumps under your feet. There is no problem in landing, just be careful not to roll down.  With Hou San leading the way and reminding everyone, everyone reached the slope smoothly.At first, just as Hou San said, the passage at the end of the slope was full of water. When everyone waded into the water one by one, the water was just up to their waists.
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