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Volume 1 Chapter 263 Death-defying

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    Huh¡ª¡ª Pounce forward, the huge figure of the Tyrannosaurus rex is like a hill, crushing towards Ning Xiaofan. Ning Xiaofan¡¯s body turned flexibly, and flew down towards the ground, doing several forward rolls in succession.  Turning sharply, jumping forward and rolling, even though Ning Xiaofan was running slowly, the series of movements were very smooth. The ground trembled with a rumble, bringing up a large cloud of dust and smoke. The huge body of the Tyrannosaurus jumped into the air. The Tyrannosaurus jumped into the air, "Ouch"  With a roar, the huge body turned flexibly, arched its back, and was ready to pounce. Suddenly, a cold light flashed out. The cold light drew a dazzling light in the air, as fast as lightning and accompanied by blood splashing.  The cold light sank into the bloodthirsty eyes of the Tyrannosaurus. The cold light disappeared, and there was a dagger that went straight into the end of the Tyrannosaurus's eyes. Needless to say, Ning Xiaofan's flying knife took action. No matter how tyrannical a creature is, its eyes are fragile after all.  , the Tyrannosaurus's eyes were severely damaged, and it roared in pain, its huge head swinging from side to side in pain, as if trying to get rid of the dagger inserted in its eye socket.  Ning Xiaofan was convinced that the knife worked. He touched the side of his leg and found another dagger in his hand. The dagger whirled out a knife pattern in his hand. He held it and waved it, and a cold light shone out again. "Pfft."  The cold light flew like lightning, and a ball of blood burst out from the other eye socket of the tyrannosaurus. A dagger was inserted into each eye. The tyrannosaurus went crazy with pain, and its huge body was spinning around in circles, with its mouth wide open.  Letting out bursts of roars, the powerful sound waves actually brought out an invisible air current that spread rapidly, causing Ning Xiaofan's ears to buzz. Several ear-shattering beast roars were heard not far away, and another tyrannosaurus seemed to  Hearing the screams of his companions, he stopped chasing Yang Hai. His huge head swayed, and his cold and bloodthirsty eyes turned to stare at Ning Xiaofan. He followed the thick lower limbs and roared towards Ning Xiaofan.  Yang Hai, who rushed over and was panting, saw the tyrannosaurus charging towards Ning Xiaofan, and quickly shouted: "Captain Ning, be careful." As soon as the shouts fell, Yang Hai picked up the 95 style and shot at the tyrannosaurus.  Ta-ta-ta-ta- There was a burst of continuous shooting, and the tyrannosaurus was hit several times, but it was completely fine. It still rushed towards Ning Xiaofan aggressively. After a few strides, the tyrannosaurus was far away from Ning Xiaofan.  Xiaofan was less than ten meters away. His huge body bowed, and his strong legs kicked hard towards the ground. With a cry, his body rose up, his thick neck straightened, and his bloody mouth shrouded Ning Xiaofan's body.  Facing the fierce attack of the giant creature, Ning Xiaofan remained motionless, as if he was stunned. "Hurry up!" Yang Hai was so frightened that he shouted loudly, looking at the bloody mouth less than a foot away from Ning Xiaofan.  Mi, you can even smell the strong smell coming out of the big mouth. Ning Xiaofan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly waved his hand. A tube-like object came out of his hand, drew a beautiful arc, and flew in accurately.  In the bloody mouth, the thrown liquid bomb exploded with a delay of five seconds. However, Ning Xiaofan pressed the detonation device. Three seconds had passed. The liquid bomb was thrown out. There were only two seconds left. The time was just right, and it flew in the air for a while.  Second, it fell into the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus. Almost at the moment when the liquid bomb flew into the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus, with a dull roar, the huge head of the Tyrannosaurus exploded like a smashed watermelon, red and white.  Mixed fragments flew down from the air like raindrops, and boom¡ª¡ªThe huge headless body of the Tyrannosaurus rex fell heavily to the ground. While splashing a large cloud of dust and smoke, it also slid forward for several meters and kept sliding.  He barely stopped when he was two feet in front of Ning Xiaofan. Fortunately, he almost hit him. At the moment when the Tyrannosaurus volleyed down, Ning Xiaofan was so focused that he stood still just for the sake of it.  It ensures accurate throwing, but only two seconds are not enough for him to make evasive movements. If he is hit, he will have to admit that he is unlucky. With the huge size of the Tyrannosaurus, if he is hit like this, he will probably escape without death.  The skin was thin, and no matter how bad it was, it was certain that a few bones would be broken. Fortunately, he was lucky. Although the inertia of the Tyrannosaurus rex falling to the ground was strong, it finally didn't hit it.  After finishing off one tyrannosaurus, the other tyrannosaurus was blinded but still had hearing power. The explosion of the liquid bomb and the rumble of the tyrannosaurus falling to the ground not only made the tyrannosaurus extremely manic, but also followed the sound.  Rushing towards Ning Xiaofan.  After this experience, Ning Xiaofan calmed down a lot. Taking advantage of the moment when the charging Tyrannosaurus rex opened its mouth and roared, Ning Xiaofan followed suit and released another liquid bomb.  The roar of the Tyrannosaurus is enough to deafen the ears, but the arc of the bloody mouth is also wide enough. It is much easier than shooting a basketball. There is no surprise. The liquid bomb that was released accurately fell into the bloody mouth. Boom  Along with the sound of the explosion, there was another rain of blood, and the head of the tyrannosaurus was also blown to pieces and fell to the ground.In just a few seconds, the two behemoths were eliminated.  The scene was filled with dust and smoke, and the two Tyrannosaurus rex's huge bodies like hills were lying quietly on the ground. Not far away, Yang Hai was stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.  With the same expression as Yang Hai, there were Li Wanting who had just stood up from the ground, as well as Fatty, Professor Zhao and others who heard the explosion and turned around to see this scene.  Everyone knows that Ning Xiaofan is a master of bombs, but using such a life-threatening method to deal with the Tyrannosaurus is beyond their imagination.  The huge Tyrannosaurus carcass was so close in front of him that he could reach it with his hands. Ning Xiaofan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and felt a little scared. He was very confident in the power of the liquid bomb he made, but the Tyrannosaurus was huge and skinny.  It is thick and rough. If it detonates on the outside, it is unlikely to cause much damage. If you want to hit it with one hit, you can only put the liquid bomb into the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus and detonate it from the inside out to get the maximum killing effect.  The idea is good, but how many people dare to face the visual shock caused by the ferocious and abnormal behemoth?  Ning Xiaofan also rushed to the shelves. If Li Wanting hadn't fallen to the ground and her life was hanging by a thread, he probably wouldn't have dared to risk his life even if he was beaten to death.  "Xiaofan" Li Wanting, who had regained consciousness, exclaimed, trotted all the way to Ning Xiaofan, threw her delicate body into his arms, and looked at him with a pair of watery eyes: "Xiaofan  "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Ning Xiaofan hugged her soft waist and smiled slightly: "It's okay, it's okay. It's okay. You scared me just now."  It's broken" Li Wanting said with joy on her face.  Perhaps because of the fright she received when she said goodbye, Li Wanting wrapped her arms around Ning Xiaofan's body, her body pressed tightly against her, unwilling to leave his arms no matter what.  The two hugged each other quietly until Yang Hai came over.  "Captain Ning" Following Yang Hai's greeting, Yang Hai walked closer and gave Ning Xiaofan a thumbs up, the admiration in his eyes was obvious.  Ning Xiaofan smiled at him: "Captain Yang, we meet again." "Yes, I thought I would never see you again" Yang Hai sighed.  While talking, Fatty, Professor Zhao and others returned one after another. Fatty, Hou San and others gathered around Ning Xiaofan and Li Wanting to greet them. Regarding the previous escape for their lives, Fatty and others were very shameless and pretended that it had not happened.  Ning Xiaofan didn't take it too seriously. Everyone was happily laughing and joking for the rest of their lives.  However, Professor Zhao and Professor Wu couldn't get into Ning Xiaofan's circle, and their occupational diseases occurred again. The two of them just circled around the two dead tyrannosaurs Despite the huge movement in the canyon, there was no other tyrannosaurus.  Appearing, it was obvious that only these two tyrannosaurs existed in this canyon, and everyone felt a lot more at ease.  Everyone was frightened by the two tyrannosaurs and felt a little exhausted, so Ning Xiaofan decided to rest on the spot for a while.  During the break, Ning Xiaofan pulled Yang Hai aside and asked about the situation after the separation.  Yang Hai's answer was not complicated. After they separated, Yang Hai also looked for everyone. However, maybe because of the wrong direction or other reasons, Yang Hai did not meet Fatty and his party. Naturally, he did not know that Fatty and others had been captured.  Labelle and others were captured.  Unable to find anyone, Yang Hai could only rely on the route map displayed on his tablet computer until he reached the canyon.  Yang Hai arrived one step ahead of Ning Xiaofan and others, and obviously knew more about the situation in this canyon than Ning Xiaofan and others.  As far as he knew, there was no way out at the end of the canyon, only a huge cave. At that time, he entered the cave to find a way out before he was chased by two tyrannosaurs. According to him, that cave was probably a tyrannosaurus.  As for the cave's lair, he knew whether there was a way out.  Knowing that there was only a cave at the end of the canyon, and that it was most likely the tyrannosaurus's lair, Ning Xiaofan couldn't help but feel hesitant.  According to the main line of the map, traveling along this canyon is the closest route to the main line, but there is no road ahead. If you want to return, you don't know how far you have to go around?  Ning Xiaofan was hesitant, so he called Fatty and others together to discuss.  Most of the people present were undecided. After the fat man asked about the distance to the cave, he said: "Xiao Fan, the cave is not that far away. You should go and check it out before making a decision. Maybe you can find a way out in the cave. As for  You are worried that there is a tyrannosaurus in the nest. I think it is unlikely. The tyrannosaurus has not appeared even if there is such a big movement here. There should be no other tyrannosaurus. Therefore, this worry is unnecessary. Also, even if the cave  There is no way out, the worst we can do is turn back. " Ning Xiaofan thought about it after hearing what the fat man said. Especially if he was hesitant here, it would be better to go to that cave to get lucky. It would only cost him time.  Just physical strength.  With the decision made, everyone had almost rested, collected their emotions, and continued heading into the canyon.Go deep.  ?The New Year is over, and I¡¯m going to write my heart out
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