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Volume 1 Chapter 260 "Big Pheasant"

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    From the information revealed by Lao Wang and the information obtained from Ning Xiaofan's own observations, one thing that can be determined at the moment is that Wang Zhipeng and Labelle should be old acquaintances.  As for Wang Zhipeng's status being higher than LaBelle, Ning Xiaofan could only boldly speculate that LaBelle and his group were probably members of the Xinao Group.  Of course, this is just speculation based on the information currently available.  Ning Xiaofan is a little confused. If Labelle and his gang belong to Xin'ao, why would they attack their own people?  Even if Wang Zhipeng can be higher than La Belle and others, does La Belle have to obey this kind of behavior that hurts his own people?  With this question, Ning Xiaofan also speculated backwards. If Labelle and his gang do not belong to the Xin'ao group, then Wang Zhipeng will have a problem. Maybe they are undercover agents of the other side lurking in the Xin'ao Group.  Or maybe they were bribed by another force with a lot of money.  Both conjectures are possible.  Ning Xiaofan can't get a definite answer yet, so he can only wait until he goes back to see if he can get some useful information from Fatty and others In addition to endless crises, the virgin forest is also rich in products. Looking for ingredients  It's still relatively easy.  Just the green and tender buds of ferns are ready-made bracken.  In addition, mountain delicacies such as mushrooms and fungus can be found everywhere.  The backpack that Ning Xiaofan carried had been emptied out long before departure. It didn't take long to fill most of the backpack, and dinner could be easily dealt with.  The two of them did not dare to go too far into the primeval forest. They were almost done and planned to return.  Just as he was about to leave, he heard a fluttering sound, and several brightly colored birds emerged from the bushes in front of him.  Those birds are quite large, standing upright about three meters high.  The head is like a vulture, the beak is like a hooked eagle's beak, the whole body is covered with a layer of bright red and blue feathers, the wings are spread out to about five meters, and there are several long blue tail feathers trailing from the tail. The legs are slender and the soles of the feet are long.  It has four hooked claws.  It looks very beautiful at first glance, and a bit familiar, a bit like I have seen this large bird in a movie.  Ning Xiaofan's mind flashed, Ten Thousand Years Ago was right, weren't those large birds the raptors that appeared in the movie "Ten Thousand Years Ago"? What were they called?  Moa?  That¡¯s right, moa. Ning Xiaofan was horrified. He clearly remembered that the moa that appeared in the film was going to attack humans. At this time, Ning Xiaofan didn¡¯t think about how the moa from 10,000 years ago could appear more than 100 million years ago.  The Triassic before?  He just wanted to leave this primeval forest quickly.  Just as he was about to ask Lao Wang to leave, he saw Lao Wang staring directly at the moa birds and muttering in his mouth: "Meat, there is meat to eat" "What are you doing, get out of here quickly."  Ning Xiaofan urged in a low voice.  "No, brother Xiao Ning, haven't you seen the big pheasant? We can hunt a big pheasant and go back," Lao Wang said with excitement.  A big pheasant?  I felt dizzy. Being uneducated is really scary. Ning Xiaofan suddenly broke out in a sweat.  The moa seemed to hear the noise, and their heads that looked like vultures turned around. Their golden eyes seemed to be staring at the two of them curiously, but Ning Xiaofan felt that there was a glimmer of light in the eyes that were looking at them.  Full of wild and fierce light.  Cack-clack¡ª¡ªseveral moa suddenly let out a harsh cry, spread their wings, spread out their long legs and flew towards where Ning Xiaofan and Lao Wang were standing. Ning Xiaofan turned pale with fright and shouted  He said "Run quickly" and didn't bother to pull Lao Wang, so he just gave in and started running.  The big pheasant wants to eat people. Seeing those "big pheasants" flying towards them in a menacing manner, Lao Wang was startled. He didn't dare to stop, so he turned around and ran away.  Compared with his speed, Ning Xiaofan was extremely weak. He was panting and had not run very far. Lao Wang took several long steps in a row and overtook him in one go.  Ning Xiaofan was so depressed that he was not afraid of running slowly, but was afraid of running slower than his companions. At this time, the sound of "thumping" behind him was getting closer and closer.  There was no way to escape, so Ning Xiaofan hurriedly ran diagonally, made a sharp turn, and ran towards a big tree diagonally in front of him.  Ning Xiaofan made a sharp turn, and the moa that was chasing him was so nimble that it also made a sharp turn. The moment its huge body turned around, it swooped sharply with its sharp claws.  He violently grabbed the back of Ning Xiaofan's head. "Whoosh" The wind was howling. Ning Xiaofan felt the sound of wind approaching behind his head, and the big tree in front of him was already in front of him. He was about to hit him. He didn't have time to think too much, and fiercely rushed towards the big tree.  The ground on the side of the tree pounced. The moment he fell to the ground, with the help of inertia, he rolled forward. The moa that flew towards it seemed not to have expected that the prey was so cunning, and could no longer stop the flying bird.  The momentum, with a "bang" sound, hit the thick tree firmly. This collision directly knocked the huge moa into pieces. Not to mention, the huge body was still hit by the strong force.  The force of the impact caused it to rebound and fall to the ground.    Ning Xiaofan quickly got up, looked back, and saw the moa kicking its legs wildly, struggling to get up. Then he looked at the other moa, and he secretly thought that luckily, maybe those few  When the moa saw that its companion had locked onto a prey, it did not come over to fight for it, but pursued it straight in the direction where Lao Wang was running away.  The opportunity came. Ning Xiaofan touched his hands behind his waist, and two daggers flashed in his hands. With a flick of his nimble fingers, two gorgeous daggers spun out. Then, Ning Xiaofan waved one hand, and one of them  The dagger came out of his hand, and a trajectory that was almost invisible to the naked eye passed through the air. With a soft sound, the dagger instantly dodged into the chest of the moa. "Cack¡ª¡ª" The moa let out a mournful cry, and it was as if it was about to stand up.  Suddenly he fell to the ground.  "It's just that the moa's vitality is extremely tenacious. It fell to the ground, but it still struggled violently, and seemed to want to stand up again.  It is obviously unrealistic to kill this fierce moa with just one knife. However, this knife is as deep as the hilt. It is not intended to be fatal, but at least it can cause serious damage. Facing the dying moa, Ning Xiaofan was already feeling relieved.  .  There was also a dagger in his hand. He threw it casually and the dagger flipped upside down in the air. The handle was on top. The moment the blade fell into his fingertips, the fingertips holding the blade were swung out. The cold light shone and the dagger slashed in the air.  A beautiful arc made a "puff" sound, blood exploded, and the arc drawn by the dagger accurately sank into the golden eye. It seemed like a light and fluttering knife, but the impact was not weak. The strong impact made the moa  His head tilted, and his long neck drooped to the ground.  The body of the moa is still twitching, but its life is passing rapidly, and it no longer poses the slightest threat to Ning Xiaofan.  Ning Xiaofan was not in a hurry to leave. Lao Wang was right. This was a "big pheasant". If it was edible, this one would be enough for everyone to eat for several meals.  However, Ning Xiaofan still maintained a cautious attitude. He waited for a while until the body of the moa stopped twitching, and then cautiously walked towards the motionless moa.  When he got closer, Ning Xiaofan raised his leg and kicked the body of the moa. There was no response. It seemed to be dead. However, the size of the moa was too large, and there was absolutely no way he could get it back by himself.  I don¡¯t know where Lao Wang has fled to now?  Don't be caught up by those moa birds.  Just when Ning Xiaofan was worried about Lao Wang, suddenly, he heard a "high" sound, and a faint beast roar came from the depths of the forest. Accompanied by the beast roar, there was a burst of "dong dong" footsteps.  The sound made even the earth tremble. The expression of Ning Xiaofan, a large creature, suddenly changed. Hearing the sound, it seemed that it was coming from the direction where Old Wang fled.  Giggle -just listening to the screaming sound, and saw a few gorgeous figures appearing in the forest and wood in front of him, and the terror birds chased to Pharaoh turned back.  The seemingly panicked moa flapped their wings, but the huge wings seemed not enough to bear the bulky body, so they could only use the flapping of their wings to increase their running speed.  The speed was not slow, it was whistling like a gust of wind.  qP¡ª¡ª With the ear-splitting roar, a huge creature suddenly flew out of the forest. One of the running moa let out a shrill scream and was pounced by the huge creature.  The sizable moa looked extremely weak in front of the larger and more ferocious creatures. The huge mouth closed with a "click" sound, and the sharp teeth directly penetrated the body of the moa, and blood rained down.  , was bitten in half instantly.  Tyrannosaurus Ning Xiaofan was dumbfounded when he looked at it. He recognized the huge creature at a glance as a Tyrannosaurus. Not only that, there were two Tyrannosaurus, one far away and one nearby. He didn¡¯t know when this Tyrannosaurus was.  Touch something nearby?  Ning Xiaofan, such a smart and terrifying creature, never expected that the two tyrannosaurs would divide their labors and cooperate. One end would make a huge noise, playing the role of knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, while the other end would quietly lurk in the middle of the road.  Quietly waiting for the fatal blow qPqP¡ª¡ª Dong Dong Dong¡ª¡ª As the roar of the beast and the sound of footsteps sounded, another tyrannosaurus was seen charging from a distance. Wherever the huge body passed, branches and leaves flew everywhere, and along the way  The trees and shrubs were torn apart by the impact. When the Tyrannosaurus rex rushed forward, the Tyrannosaurus responsible for the ambush flicked its head and threw half of the moa body in its mouth towards the approaching Tyrannosaurus.  Alas -the Runtelska made a bid, and he took a big mouth, and then chewed it.  The ambush Tyrannosaurus was not idle either. He picked up half of the moa body that fell on the ground and chewed it with big mouthfuls.  How dare Ning Xiaofan be stupid?Standing there awkwardly, while the two tyrannosaurs were feasting there, he shrank his body and shrank behind the big tree. Then, using the obstruction of the big tree, he nimbly scurried into a fern bush behind the tree to hide.  stand up¡­¡­
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