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Volume 1 Chapter 258 Gasification

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    Chapter 8 Qi Transformation After everyone was woken up by Ning Xiaofan and Fatty, they were still a little confused. When they woke up, everyone fell into ecstasy.  Fortunately, Ning Xiaofan and Fatty took appropriate measures and did not let anyone make any noise.  It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Ning Xiaofan made a brief inquiry and learned that everyone suffered some abuse after being captured. They had many minor injuries and their bodies were much weaker. Fortunately, it did not hinder their walking.  Since Fatty and others could still walk, Ning Xiaofan immediately signaled everyone to prepare to evacuate. He went to the door of the tent, opened a gap in the door curtain, and carefully observed the movement outside the tent.  It was quiet outside the tent, and the disguised body of the guard was sitting in a napping posture by the tent door. Ning Xiaofan breathed a sigh of relief, and walked out of the tent first, then gestured towards the tent, signaling the fat man to wait.  People evacuated in order.  He himself was guarding the surrounding area with a captured assault rifle.  So far, the rescue operation has been going smoothly. However, things are unpredictable. Just when Fatty and others arrived at the exit of Pingdi and were about to go down the slope, an accident happened. At this moment, the curtain of another large tent moved.  , the door curtain suddenly opened, and a white man came out.  The white man looked sleepy. As soon as he came out of the tent, he hadn't noticed Ning Xiaofan. However, the white man soon felt something was wrong. He turned his eyes and looked towards where Ning Xiaofan was standing.  The location looked over.  Ning Xiaofan did not expect that such a person would suddenly appear at this time, and the two of them immediately stared at each other. The white man was still a little confused, but then there was a trace of fear in his eyes.  With a look on his face, he opened his mouth and shouted "Ah". The reaction time was only one second. After all, Ning Xiaofan was not a special soldier. There was no time to stop him. Fortunately, his reaction was not slow. He raised the assault rifle in his hand.  A "bang" gunshot hit the white man between the eyebrows. The gunshot was dull, but it was enough to wake up the sleeping group. There was a sound of restlessness in the tent. However, the group obviously had rich experience. The restlessness  It quickly disappeared, and only the sound of pulling the bolt could be heard.  Exposed. Feeling that the group of people in the tent calmed down in a very short time, Ning Xiaofan, who had the upper hand, felt his heart sink. How dare he play a gunfight with those people? He rushed towards the exit while shouting loudly.  Shouting: "Go down, go down quickly" Because the slope is relatively steep and everyone is relatively weak, their movements cannot go any faster.  At this time, only Hou San among the people had descended halfway down the slope, while the rest were still going down one by one, and there were still several people blocking the exit on the slope.  The exit is narrow, and even if everyone knows they have been exposed, they cannot leave quickly.  Ning Xiaofan rushed forward. When he saw the situation in front of him, he felt anxious and kicked the fat man in the back on the butt.  "Holy shit" the fat man exclaimed, staggering, his fat body rushed forward involuntarily, and hit the person blocking the front, just like dominoes, falling into pieces, accompanied by the sound of "ouch"  It kept ringing, and it rolled down the slope.  Ning Xiaofan kicked the fat man down, and the hairs all over his body suddenly exploded. He felt that he was enveloped in an inexplicable crisis. Without thinking much, he threw himself towards the ground and just when he fell to the ground, he heard "ta da da"  A burst of gunfire rang out, and the trajectories of more than ten bullets passed above the head in an instant. Ning Xiaofan took a deep breath. If he moved slower, he might have been shot into a hornet's nest. He lay on the ground.  Ning Xiaofan didn't even get up. He took out the micro remote control and pressed it lightly. With a few dull roars, he saw several dazzling light groups flashing out of the campsite. The light groups were only as big as basketballs at first.  The center of the light group released an astonishing high temperature, and those light groups also fissioned at this moment, splitting into countless fist-sized light groups. The light groups suddenly exploded into dazzling flames, and the flames contained  The explosive energy was completely released in a thousandth of a second. "Whoosh" - an invisible shock wave spread rapidly in all directions. Where the shock wave passed, several tents in the camp seemed to be blown by a strong wind, and were lifted into the air with a huff.  You can also see several human bodies mixed in. The tents and human bodies were flying in the air. They seemed to be complete, but they were soon torn into small pieces by an invisible force. The small pieces flew everywhere and were almost invisible to the naked eye.  It vaporized instantly at such a speed. The explosion only lasted a moment, but it produced astonishing destructive power. In just a few seconds, the campsite disappeared. At this time, the heat wave was overwhelming, the flames were soaring into the sky, and the thick smoke generated by the explosion was still in the air.  Constantly tumbling and rolling, all the creatures in the center of the explosion have been turned into nothingness by the astonishing energy generated by the explosion. Fortunately, Ning Xiaofan has a clear understanding of the destructive power of the explosion. He has rushed out of the center of the explosion before detonating, and was in front of the other party.  Fire in time?Thrown to the ground, just in time to avoid the strong shock wave.  The destructive power of the shock wave was about one foot away from the ground. Ning Xiaofan did not suffer direct damage from the shock wave, but he still suffered indirect damage. The clothes on his back were in tatters, and the high temperature contained in the shock wave also caused damage to his back.  A layer of burning blisters appeared on my back.  At the exit of the platform, there was originally a huge rock as tall as a person. At this time, only a rock pile more than a foot high remained. The upper part of the rock had been torn apart by the strong shock wave and turned into pieces.  Palm-sized stones were scattered on the ground.  Even the huge rocks can't withstand the destructive power of the shock wave, let alone Fatty and others blocking the exit. If Ning Xiaofan hadn't kicked Fatty and others down the slope, they would have turned into countless pieces of meat by now.  Of course, if you fall down a steep slope, you will probably be injured a little bit, and if not, you will break a few bones, but compared to being torn into pieces by the powerful shock wave, this injury is nothing.  .  Ning Xiaofan walked down the slope and saw everyone lying on the ground in various directions. Some of them seemed to have fallen badly and were still groaning.  Ning Xiaofan frowned slightly and said, "Don't lie down anymore. Check your condition quickly. Get up and get up. If something happens, just say something and we have to get out of here." Hou San was the first to go down the slope. Although he was also caught  The person behind was hit, but it was very close to the ground, so there was no damage at all, so he quickly got up and replied: "Brother Xiaofan, I'm fine." "I'm fine." "I'm fine too" Lao Wang and Xiao Shanzi followed.  Respond aloud.  "Ouch, I'm in trouble, my ancestors are so stupid. Some turtle kicked me just now. I'm afraid I've broken several of my bones" the fat man cursed.  Ning Xiaofan was very angry when he heard what he said. He knew that there was no big problem with him and was too lazy to pay attention to him. Seeing Professor Zhao still lying there humming, he walked up to Professor Zhao and asked: "Professor Zhao, can you move?  " "I don't know, let me try" Professor Zhao was a little older. He sat up with some difficulty. After trying to move his hands and feet, he said: "I seem to be fine, but I still have a little pain  ¡­¡± Ning Xiaofan felt a little relieved when he saw that he could still move his hands and feet, and said with a smile: ¡°Since you feel okay, it should be okay. If you feel pain on your body, you should be knocked by something. As long as you can walk  Then, Ning Xiaofan helped Professor Zhao stand up, turned to Chen Biao who had already stood up and said: "Biaozi, come here and help me, you will help Professor Zhao walk later, and I will go see the others.  " Chen Biao agreed and came over to help Professor Zhao. At this time, except for Fatty, who was still lying on the ground and unable to get up, the others seemed to have no injured bones. They had already stood up and moved around. "Fatty,  Did it really hurt your bones?  " "No, Xiaofan, Fatty, I can't walk anymore, you have to carry me.  "The fat man blinked his little eyes and said, "The fat man is a master who doesn't want to suffer. How could he not know that he was kicked down the slope by Ning Xiaofan? He was clearly pointing at the bald man and scolding the monk just now. His injury now is fake.  , it was just that he was angry that Ning Xiaofan had kicked him and wanted to get some advantage. Ning Xiaofan had grown up with him in an orphanage, so he knew the fat man's virtues very well, so he would not fall for it, so he immediately pretended to be embarrassed.  : "Uh, I'm so sorry. Brother, I'm covered in injuries. I can't carry you. How about you just lie here and wait for me to send the others away and pick you up later?"  " "Your sister, I know you are unreliable. Come on, Fatty, I'm slightly injured and can't get out of the line of fire, so I can just leave" Seeing that he couldn't take advantage of Ning Xiaofan, the fat man muttered and got up on his own.  Come. After some self-examination, everyone was fine except for some scratches and bruises. Fortunately, Ning Xiaofan learned that everyone was fine and immediately asked everyone to leave quickly. The explosion was caused by the explosion.  There was too much movement, and it would be bad if it attracted some large creatures. Ning Xiaofan's worry about the so-called good but bad spirits was not unreasonable. Just as everyone was about to set off, there was a faint sound in the primitive forest.  The heart-stopping roar of the beast is extremely penetrating. You can feel that the roaring creature is not only large in size, but you can also feel that the roaring creature is moving towards this direction quickly. As soon as it is out of danger, danger is coming.  Everyone's faces turned pale. They didn't dare to drag themselves where they were, and quickly evacuated. Ning Xiaofan originally wanted to get the backpack hidden in the tree. The backpack contained life-saving items and couldn't be discarded easily.  The roar of the beast is getting closer and closer. It is obvious that there is no sign of it now, and it can only be retrieved when it is safe. Unlike when they came, Ning Xiaofan and others do not need to enter the virgin forest to hide their tracks, they only need to follow the route under the cliff.  It was not far from where Li Wanting was hiding, and everyone hurried along.?,More than ten minutes later, I vaguely saw Li Wanting standing on the slope
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