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Volume 1 Chapter 241 Strange Rock Mass

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    Ning Xiaofan's biological clock has always been accurate. Even if he went crazy for half a night last night, when he woke up in the early morning, the error was less than 5 minutes.  Opening his sleepy eyes, the tent was still dark. Ning Xiaofan felt a warm and soft fragrance in his arms, and a faint fragrance drifted into his nose.  Feeling the smooth and delicate curve under her hand, Ning Xiaofan couldn't help but pinch it. It was her buttocks, which were round, full, soft and plump, and felt extremely wonderful.  "Well, don't make trouble" Li Wanting's greasy murmur came to his ears, and her weak and boneless body arched into his arms.  She was a little clingy in his arms, and there was a hint of tenderness in Ning Xiaofan's eyes, as well as a trace of confusion. The madness of the night came too suddenly, making him a little embarrassed and at a loss.  Outside the tent, there were faint voices, it was time to get up.  Ning Xiaofan calmed down, reluctantly moved her delicate body away, sat up, then put on his clothes lightly, lifted the curtain and left the tent.  Ning Xiaofan left, and Li Wanting opened her eyes.  Her body was a little soft and there was a slight pain there. Li Wanting felt a fever on her face, her eyes were blurred, and there was a hint of shame Time passed quietly, and as more and more people got up early, the camp became lively.  Li Wanting has been lying in bed without moving. She is a little entangled at the moment. Last night, she was too proactive and enthusiastic. Once the desires she had accumulated for many years were released, she seemed to be a different person. She kept asking for more and more.  As for her not knowing how to face him?  This is her first time. She doesn¡¯t think she is a loose woman, right?  However, she didn¡¯t struggle for long. Ning Xiaofan went back to the tent twice, once to bring face wash and once to bring breakfast. Both times he came in, he didn¡¯t say a word and came and went in a hurry.  Silence is better than sound. His thoughtfulness made Li Wanting feel much better, with a hint of sweetness.  It seems that this little man has some conscience and does not look down on himself The team continued to set off. Just like yesterday, Li Wanting followed Ning Xiaofan. In the eyes of everyone, both of them behaved normally, just like what  Nothing happened.  However, Li Wanting looks a little different. Her delicate cheeks are white and rosy, and her eyebrows seem to be a little more charming and seductive.  This valley is very large, the mountains are rolling, and the terrain is undulating.  Fortunately, there was no danger along the way. Ning Xiaofan and his party did not waste any time on the road, and the speed was much faster than yesterday.  On the way, Ning Xiaofan took out his tablet computer several times to check the route map. The direction did not deviate, and the main line signs displayed on the map were also shortened a lot. If nothing else happened, he would be able to reach the grotto by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.  However, Ning Xiaofan always had a question in his mind.  Along the way, I encountered many strange things, including glowing plants, mutated creatures, and even extinct ancient creatures. These strange things I encountered were unexplainable and unscientific. Why did the company provide  Not even a single hint of the top-secret information was revealed?  Did you deliberately not disclose it?  Or has the previous inspection team not traveled this route?  Or is this team taking the wrong route?  The first two questions are easy to explain, but the latter question is difficult to explain. If my team took the wrong route, wouldn't Professor Zhao and the others also take the wrong route?  Regarding this question, Ning Xiaofan asked Li Wanting privately.  According to Li Wanting, her team originally followed the route shown on the map. Later, after being attacked by an unknown team, everyone fled into a long cave, and then found a vertical downward passage at the end of the cave.  At that time, Li Wanting and others did not dare to return to the correct route, so they went down the vertical passage and came to the luminous forest.  The information provided by Li Wanting is not complicated. The team she belongs to must have taken the wrong route just like herself.  So, if the company did not deliberately not disclose everything in its heart, there is only one explanation, and that is that both my team and Li Wanting's team have taken a route that no one has ever touched.  Fortunately, it¡¯s not a big deal to take the wrong route. According to the information provided by the company, the sinkhole is connected in all directions. Even if you take the wrong route, as long as you don¡¯t deviate from the general direction and there are main line reminders marked on the map, you can still reach your destination By noon  , everyone had a simple lunch, and after a short rest, they continued their journey to the grotto.  Maybe it was because they had not encountered danger all morning, and everyone felt relaxed for a while. However, when Professor Zhao encountered strange plants or minerals, he couldn't help but stop to collect samples and study them.  Of course, Professor Zhao restrained himself a lot and did not dare to delay the schedule too much. After all, after losing a member yesterday, this joint expedition team had very few people engaged in academic research left.  Although the valley is big, it will eventually end.An hour later, a small but steep cliff lay in front of everyone.  There is no road ahead, but there is a huge cave.  I don¡¯t know where this cave leads to?  But according to the main line displayed on the tablet, everyone must either climb over the cliff or pass through this cave.  The cliff was steep and there was almost no place to stay. Ning Xiaofan decided to enter the cave first. If the cave could be passed, there was no need to risk climbing.  Entering the cave, the space inside is extremely spacious. All you can see are stalactites in various shapes and sizes, and you can hear the sound of dripping water in your ears.  However, there are no luminous plants or luminous ores inside, and the light suddenly becomes dim.  No one likes to walk in the dark. Originally, everyone was mentally prepared to walk in the dark before entering the sinkhole. They never imagined that the world deep in the sinkhole is extremely strange, with luminous plants and luminous plants.  ores, and glowing creatures.  In the past two days, everyone has been accustomed to traveling with light sources, but suddenly coming to this dark cave was really a bit unfamiliar.  Having no choice, everyone turned on their helmet lights or turned on their flashlights.  Everyone walked meanderingly, and soon, there was a faint light ahead. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Out of the depths of this tiankeng, the things that can shine are either plants or ores. If they are not ores, it means they are about to pass through this cave.  Speeding up the pace, everyone soon saw several plants hidden at the entrance of the cave.  Ning Xiaofan couldn't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, this cave ran through the entire cliff, so there was no need to go back.  Outside the cave, there is a platform. The platform is relatively spacious, with plants of different heights growing. About three meters below the platform, a river meanders.  The surface of this river is nearly twenty meters wide. The water is gentle and not deep. Through the radiant plants on the shore, you can not only see the fish swimming in the water, but also the river full of sand and stones.  end.  The landform on the other side of the river is a bit strange. It is so vast that you can't see the edge at a glance, and on the vast horizon, there are still huge and strange rock masses standing.  The tallest of the strange huge rock masses is about twenty meters, and the short one is over ten meters, and its shape is irregular.  The shape is simpler, either narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, tapered, or wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like a giant mushroom.  The more complicated ones may be shaped like plants or animals, and are in various shapes and forms, as if they are miraculous workmanship. One of the rocks even looks a bit like a woman's head, lifelike, lifelike, and breathtaking.  I wonder if it was formed naturally?  Or is it artificially carved?  Of course, this is deep underground, so the possibility of natural formation is higher.  Looking around, the distance between each rock mass is at least about one mile, and lush vegetation grows between the rock masses. You can faintly hear the sounds of birds and beasts roaring from the lush vegetation, which is mysterious.  , and full of life and interest.  The world in this tiankeng is indeed too magical. There are forests and valleys, wilderness rivers, and even mountains and valleys. Everything that exists on the ground is not lacking in this underground world. Compared with the ground, the topography here is not only weird.  It gives people a sense of eternity.  Even so, when everyone saw this vast and incredible landform, they were still amazed.  There is still no road ahead, and the river under the platform blocks everyone's way.  It is obviously unrealistic to wade through the river. It seems that you can see the sand and gravel at the bottom of the river, but according to visual inspection, it is at least waist deep.  Fortunately, the river is not fast and you can put down the rubber boat to cross the river.  Soon, the two rubber boats were inflated. The platform was about three meters away from the river. Everyone also made a simple bracket and connected it to the hook at the tail of the rubber boat with a rope to put the rubber boat on the river.  The rubber boat can carry six people, Ning Xiaofan¡¯s team has a total of seven people, and Professor Zhao¡¯s team has eight people left. According to common sense, one of the two rubber boats must return and be divided into three groups to cross the river.  However, with the space of the rubber boat, it can accommodate two more people. In order to save time, Ning Xiaofan motioned for everyone to squeeze in and planned to cross to the other side all at once.  So, Ning Xiaofan took his team and added Li Wanting on one boat, and Professor Zhao, Yang Hai, Wang Zhipeng and others boarded the other boat.  The river was only about 20 meters wide and the water was gentle. It didn¡¯t take much for the two rubber boats to cross most of the river, and everything went smoothly.  "Wow, there are so many fish." Xiao Shanzi suddenly pointed to the river and said.  There were fish in the river. Everyone had already seen it on the platform. It was not surprising. However, after hearing Xiao Shanzi's words, everyone couldn't help but look into the river.  At this sight, everyone couldn't help but be stunned. At some point, densely packed fish gathered around the rubber boat. These fish were slender and smooth. The longest ones were about a foot, and the smallest ones were only about the length of a palm. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??There are too many, densely packed, and black, with almost no gaps. Perhaps it is because the fish schools are too dense. Fish are constantly jumping up and down from the river surface, making a popping sound, and at the same time, there are circles of fish.  ripple¡­¡­
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