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Volume 1 Chapter 236 Paleontology

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    After everyone met with Professor Zhao and others, they did not dare to stay any longer. Ning Xiaofan accidentally discovered that there were not many corpses of little monsters on the ground, and he couldn't help but wonder.  On the way, Ning Xiaofan pulled Fatty aside and asked, "Fatboy, you didn't seem to have killed a few little monsters, how could you scare away a large group of little monsters? " "This must be  Fatty, I was so angry that I scared the little monster away.  "The fat man blinked his little eyes and said. Ning Xiaofan sweated: "Can you be more shameless? Tell me, what is going on?  " The fat man smiled and hummed for a while but did not respond. At this time, Hou San smiled and said: "Brother Xiao Fan, it's like this. The fat brother was running ahead, but he accidentally fell and fell.  Before we had time to get up, the group of little monsters caught up with Fat Brother, and we couldn't save him even if we wanted to.  Just when we thought Fat Brother was definitely doomed, gunfire suddenly came from your side.  The sound of the gunshot scared the little monster away.  Later, Lao Wang reacted faster. Seeing that the little monster was afraid of the gunshots, he opened fire first. No, the little monster was scared away by the gunshots" Hou San spoke very quickly, and explained the cause and effect in one breath.  Clearly. Ning Xiaofan didn't need to think too much to know that Hou San's words were close to the truth. When he was facing a crisis, he asked Li Wanting to continue shooting. Wasn't it because the group of little monsters were afraid of the gunfire?  I couldn't help but glare at Hou San, gritted his teeth and said: "Damn monkey, no one will think you are mute if you don't speak.  " Hou San was so stunned by the fat man that he quickly said: "Brother Xiao Fan, in fact, fat brother is the most loyal. As soon as he got up and saw that you were not there, brother Xiao Fan, he asked for a gun from Lao Wang and pointed it at the little monster.  It was just a random sweep, and they were still shouting that they wanted to avenge you, Brother Xiaofan.  " After hearing this, the fat man looked a little better. He raised his chin and looked like he was very loyal. "This forest is not small. Everyone walked quickly, and the deeper they went, the thick and tall redwood trees with dense crowns appeared.  The trees are getting denser and denser. And this species from ancient times has a long lifespan. Just look at the trunks that can only be hugged by a few people. They are at least more than a thousand years old. Being in this ancient forest with dense trees is very impressive.  A feeling of ancient desolation. The forest path is not flat, the terrain is high and low, rugged and winding. Clusters of ferns and shrubs sprout out of the fragile branches, and the halo is shining, like a dream.  Through the dense branches and leaves, you can occasionally see gurgling streams and waterfalls. From time to time, you can also hear the crisp chirping of birds and the faint sounds of roars of beasts. I don¡¯t know how many years ago.  The virgin forest was quiet and beautiful, but there were endless dangers. Although everyone felt tired, they did not dare to take a break. At this time, Hou San, who was walking in front, suddenly made a gesture.  , my heart tightened, and I quickly stopped, and everyone¡¯s expressions became nervous. ¡°Brother Xiao Fan, something is not right.  " Hou San's voice came from the headset Ning Xiaofan was wearing. "What did you find?  " "I didn't notice it, but it's too quiet here.  " Too quiet? Ning Xiaofan's heart skipped a beat. It was really like this. When he was walking in the forest before, he could still hear the chirping of insects and birds, but now the surroundings were silent, terrifyingly quiet. "Housan San, you  Go back to the team first.  "Ning Xiaofan felt a little bad and didn't dare to let Hou San explore the way. "Understood.  " "Xiaofan, there must be something wrong with this place.  "The fat man came to Ning Xiaofan and whispered. "You mean there are monsters nearby?  Ning Xiaofan said thoughtfully: "The fat man said with a nervous look on his face: "It's almost the same. Think about it, this forest is so big and there are many kinds of creatures. You can hear some movement, but suddenly there is no movement nearby.  What does this mean?  It means something big is coming.  " Ning Xiaofan is not a rookie. Even if Fatty didn't say anything, with his own field experience, he felt that something was not right. "Everyone, pay attention, load the gun." Ning Xiaofan quickly conveyed the order to everyone through the micro-communicator. Everyone  Hearing the warning, they didn't dare to neglect, they drew their guns and turned on the safety. Ning Xiaofan subconsciously touched the back of his waist and found nothing. Then he remembered that his pistol had been taken away by Li Wanting.  . Sands and sand -accompanied by the faint abnormal noise, a shrub in the front began to shake.  There is some kind of creature hiding in it, and the size is not big enough. Among the shrubs, the sound of "rustling" comes and goes, and the dense branches and leaves sometimes sway and sometimes stand still. It seems that some kind of creature is sneaking cautiously, and it seems a bit like that.  The cautious reaction before the attack was approaching, and everyone could already see it.There was a rustling sound, and the branches and leaves near the outer edge of the bush began to sway. The bush shook a few times, then stopped. After waiting for several minutes, there was no movement. It was completely silent, and everyone knew in their hearts that the bush  There must be some creature hidden in Zhongtie, but for some unknown reason, the strange creature has not revealed its true face. There is no insect chirp, no bird cry, and no faint roar of a human-seeking beast in the distance, giving people a sense of being.  The deathly silence was also because it was too quiet. Everyone's heartbeats were getting faster and faster, and they were getting more and more nervous, so that the slightly rapid breathing could be heard clearly. Without any warning, a head suddenly emerged from the bush.  The head is bald, and at a glance, it looks a bit like a turtle's head. It is dark red in color, with a few wrinkles on the forehead. The two eyes are large, and the black eyes are slightly moving, and the eyes are somewhat human, alert, curious, and curious.  There was also a hint of cunning. It was not a large creature, and it looked harmless. However, another head popped out of the bush, one, two, and a total of more than ten bare ones.  The head came out. "Impossible" Professor Zhao lost his voice in surprise, which shocked everyone who was in a nervous state, for fear of disturbing the creature in the bush.  The creature seemed to be very courageous and did not retract its head. Its big black eyes flickered at everyone. "Professor Zhao, what's wrong with you?"  "Ning Xiaofan asked quickly. "Raptor, it's a raptor. It's impossible. How could there be a raptor here?" Professor Zhao's voice was trembling, with a look of surprise on his face. "Raptor? Ning Xiaofan was stunned for a moment and didn't respond.  , I heard the fat man say nonchalantly: "I told you, old man Zhao, if you have some psychological quality, everything is possible in this ghost place, don't be surprised" "The fat man can be regarded as a well-informed master. He has met him before.  I saw a lot of weird things. After entering this sinkhole, even weirder things emerged one after another. Giant pythons, giant creatures, glowing woods, and even the group of little monsters I encountered not long ago were none other than the prehistoric creature Compsognathus.  Professor Zhao said hurriedly: "That's not what I meant. You don't understand. Raptors lived in Australia and South America hundreds of millions of years ago. We have never found any fossils of raptors in Asia. There are none in Asia."  Raptor fossils have been found, but the logic is a bit wrong.  "The fat man sneered: "Tsk, Old Man Zhao, you are really a bit unconventional, logic?  Is there any logic left here?  Don¡¯t talk about raptors, if a five-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared here, I wouldn¡¯t be surprised at all, Fatty.¡± ¡°What do you know, paleontology also has regional differences, climate, geography, and the living conditions of organisms have different  There are certain restrictions. For example, can polar bears appear in Africa?  "Professor Zhao glared at the fat man angrily. "What's weird about that? No raptor fossils have been found in Asia. It doesn't mean there aren't any. It might be buried thousands of meters deep. Besides, it's not a living raptor.  Dragon?  "I don't know why, but Fatty seems to especially like to argue with Professor Zhao. "I'm using strong words to make sense, and I can't explain it to you clearly." "Humph, I don't have enough knowledge, so of course I can't explain it clearly to you.  " "You" Professor Zhao blushed and had a thick neck. He was so crowded by the fat man that he could hardly speak. "What are you dissatisfied with?" Ning Xiaofan felt a headache when he heard it, and quickly said: "Stop it, stop it, let me tell you, are you two?  I'm so idle. How long have you been arguing with Professor Zhao? Let me ask you, was the raptor a carnivore or a vegetarian?  " Ning Xiaofan's question is very realistic. It is a matter of life. Everyone present couldn't help but look at Professor Zhao. Professor Zhao pondered for a moment and said: "It should be meat" When the fat man heard this, his eyes popped out: "  Damn, that's right. Old man Zhao, can you give me an accurate answer?  Professor Zhao said angrily: "I haven't finished speaking yet. What are you panicking about?"  When I say that Raptor is a carnivore, it does not mean that it wants to eat humans. According to the research and discussion of Raptor by foreign experts, it is said that Raptor is a timid creature, behaves cautiously, and likes to eat dinosaur eggs, or small newborns.  Dinosaurs do not have the consciousness to actively attack.  " "That's not right. You said that Raptor was timid. Why do you think Fatty is a bit timid? He's still staring at us right now.  "The fat man's words were not purely arrogant. In fact, the dozen or so raptors in the bushes had been poking their heads there. Everyone listened to the fat man's words, and they all agreed. Chi Chi Chi Gu Gu - Suddenly, the bushes  One of the raptors in the bush made a strange cry. Following the cry, there was a sound of rustling, and several raptors jumped out of the bushes. Everyone was surprised and cheered.  , all the long and short guns in his hands were aimed at those raptors. "Don't shoot."Professor Zhao shouted urgently.  "Hey, why don't you shoot? Are we here waiting to die?" "Damn it, fat man, this is an extinct ancient creature, do you have some damn brains?" Professor Zhao was annoyed by the fat man and couldn't help but burst out.  A foul language.
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