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Volume 1 Chapter 223 Camp

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    "Sister Ting Zhao How old is Professor Zhao?" Ning Xiaofan asked out of breath.  "You're 57, what's wrong?" Li Wanting's breath was much calmer than Ning Xiaofan's at the moment.  "Damn, you're 57 years old and you're still running so fast? You're running in front of us" Ning Xiaofan's breath calmed down a little, but his face was extremely ugly.  Li Wanting saw that Ning Xiaofan's face was so dark that she almost burst into tears. She couldn't help but chuckle: "You said this, don't underestimate Professor Zhao. He often works in the field, and his physical fitness is no worse than that of young people.  . But for you, I found that you really need to exercise. You are running so slowly. If you hadn't been holding me back, you might not even be able to run" "Isn't it?  Ning Xiaofan rolled his eyes several times, and he kindly pulled her to run away with her. His feelings were like a peacock's tail, he was so sentimental, and after doing this for a long time, he became a burden. ?????????????? Your sister, you don¡¯t exercise too much yourself, why can¡¯t you outrun others?  Ning Xiaofan has had this question since he was a child. From childhood to adulthood, running has always been his weakness. No matter how powerful he is, he just can't run fast.  When it comes to the physical examination, there is nothing wrong with my constitution. It¡¯s really fucking weird The dreamlike place is not a kind place. The appearance of giant monsters makes everyone dare not stay longer and calm down a little.  After taking a breath, we set off quickly.  Fortunately, there was no movement behind them, no roar of beasts could be heard, and the giant monster did not seem to be chasing after them. Everyone could not help but feel relieved.  Professor Zhao and others obviously realized that this place was too dangerous, so they did not stop to do research from time to time like they did at first, but just hurried on in silence.  An afternoon passed in a flash. In this canyon full of luminous plants, the setting sun could not be seen. The alternation of day and night could only be judged by the time displayed on the watch.  According to the scheduled arrangement, it is almost time to find a place to camp at this time.  However, while Professor Zhao and others did not cause trouble midway, Ning Xiaofan simply postponed setting up camp to make up for the missed schedule.  Along the way, you can occasionally see birds jumping on the branches of the trees. These birds have crowns on their heads or long tail feathers. Their feathers are colorful and they emit a soft halo.  , not only beautiful, but also very dazzling, and the cheerful chirping of birds is endless.  In addition to these beautiful luminous birds, you can occasionally see rabbits or golden pheasants emerging from the bushes.  Of course, whether it is a rabbit or a golden pheasant, their whole bodies exude a dazzling halo.  The birds chirped happily, and the presence of these strange little creatures meant that there would be no danger nearby, and everyone's mood became lighter. Professor Zhao and others seemed to have healed their scars and forgot about the pain, and committed the crime again.  If you get an occupational disease, you either have to take a quick photo with your camera or you have to stop and collect samples.  The team's march slowed down, and seeing Professor Zhao and others starting to struggle again, Ning Xiaofan felt helpless and had no choice but to inform Hou San, who was exploring the road ahead, to find a suitable place to camp.  Soon, Hou San got a response and found a place with a water source that was very suitable for camping.  Seeing that Professor Zhao and others were still hanging around, Ning Xiaofan was too lazy to go to Yushe. He immediately signaled Yang Hai and one of his men to protect them on the spot, while he called Li Wanting, Fatty and others to go ahead and set up camp.  There are no specific roads in this glowing forest, but the plants are widely spaced, so you don¡¯t have to worry about running out of paths.  Even if there are dense bushes blocking the way ahead, you only need to go around it or just use a machete to cut a path out.  Following the route suggested by Hou San, the direction deviated somewhat. After walking for a while, Ning Xiaofan and others discovered that they were closer to the canyon wall, and the terrain also tended to gradually increase.  ¡°Obviously, Hou San has quite a lot of experience in surviving in the wild. There are giant creatures appearing in this dreamy forest. He chose a higher place to camp, which not only has a wide field of vision, but is also easy to defend.  Bypassing several strange trees with thick leaves, there is a slightly open gentle slope. At the end of the gentle slope, there are towering canyon rock walls. Between the rock walls, a waterfall comes into view.  The waterfall is not big, just over two meters wide, but very long. It is like a silver ribbon that flows down from the top of the rock wall and merges into the clear pool below.  On one side of the clear pool, there is a meandering stream. Through the crystal clear stream, you can see fist-sized pebbles exposed at the bottom of the stream.  Pebbles are rich in color, either red, green, purple, or blue there are many, and their surface also exudes a faint halo, which is overflowing with color and looks quite strange.  When Ning Xiaofan and others saw these luminous pebbles, their eyes turned green, and a thought flashed in their minds, could this be the priceless spiritual stone?  As soon as the idea came to mind, they were not slow in their actions. They almost jumped to the bank of the stream with their hands and stretched out their hands to fish. The people made such anxious actions, but Li Wanting looked at it.I was stunned for a moment, wondering why these guys were interested in these pebbles?  With the pebbles in hand, Ning Xiaofan and others hurriedly took out the infrared detector and scanned it. Soon, everyone was disappointed. The test showed that there was nothing surprising about these pebbles except that they glowed, and the reason for the glow was also found.  The surface of the pebbles is covered with fine particles. These particles contain phosphorus substances and naturally glow.  A burst of faint laughter passed into my ears, and I heard that it was coming from Hou San.  Everyone looked up and saw Hou San coming to the other side of the stream at some unknown time. He said with a gloating look on his face: "You must be too impatient. I was just about to tell you that these stones are useless, so you just start fishing them out."  , Hou San had already started testing. Ning Xiaofan and others couldn't help but feel hot. It seemed that they were really impatient. In fact, they only needed a little thought to figure out if these pebbles were real.  If it¡¯s a spiritual stone, Hou San will definitely make a fortune by himself, so he won¡¯t have to wait for others to come here to take advantage of him.  , grandma, she didn¡¯t even inform me in advance, which made me happy in vain.  "The fat man stared at his little eyes and cursed. "Fat brother, I'm not too late, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Hou San smiled and apologized, but there was no trace of gloating in his eyes.  Dissipated, it was rare for the fat man to be embarrassed, so he would be weird if he didn't enjoy it secretly. "You kid, please remember, I will deal with you later." The fat man glared at him fiercely, and felt that he had lost face, so he quickly changed the subject and said: "  Where is the campsite you found?  He won't take us there yet.  " "Oh, it's not far over there, just go around the waterfall" Hou San stopped and followed his words and pointed to the other side of the waterfall. "The stream is not wide, so you can cross it by raising your legs.  . Everyone crossed the stream one by one and walked around the waterfall under the guidance of Hou San. Soon, they saw a steep slope with higher terrain on the other side of the rock wall and climbed up the steep slope.  Pingliang is located in Pingliang, which covers an area of ??more than 300 square meters. The terrain of Pingliang is flat. There are several huge rocks standing there and a few plants that emit halo. The environment is quite beautiful and it is condescending. It is an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack place.  Not only that, there is a sunken cave at the end of Pingliang. The armed man who was exploring the cave with Hou San entered the cave. It was probably very small.  It can accommodate two or three small tents, but the temperature in the cave is not as cold as expected. Instead, it gives people a warm feeling, and you can hear the sound of dripping water in the cave as you approach the rock wall.  At first glance, I found that there was a trickle of water seeping out of the cracks in the rock wall, and it gathered in a pool of clear water at the bottom of the rock wall. "Is this water drinkable?"  "Ning Xiaofan looked at Hou San and asked. "It has been tested and the water is fine. You can drink it directly. I took a few sips just now.  " Ning Xiaofan said happily: "That's good. You can add some water when you leave.  Since there is enough water here, we can also take turns taking a bath.  " Hou San smiled and said: "Brother Xiao Fan, I have found a good place to take a bath. From here, go left and climb up the big rock. There is also a small platform. There is a hot spring on the platform"  "spa?  Can I soak it?  "Ning Xiaofan's eyes suddenly lit up, and even Li Wanting who was following him had a glistening look in her eyes. "Yes, it's a natural sulfur hot spring, but the smell of sulfur is not strong. I measured it with a thermometer.  One click, 40.  Up and down, waist deep, but the terrain is a little bit more dangerous, and there is a cliff on the other side of the hot spring.  "Ning Xiaofan smiled and said: "It's okay, as long as you can take a bath, as long as you don't get close to the cliff at most. Speaking of which, while soaking in the hot springs, you can also enjoy the scenery outside the cliff, which is also a good enjoyment.  " "Hehe, with a glass of Bordeaux red wine, the Havana cigar will be even more wonderful" Hou San joked with a smile. As soon as he finished speaking, the fat man reached out and patted Hou San on the head: "You are so beautiful, why should I give you a red wine and cigar?  , If you don't go and help set up camp, why are you dawdling here? Why don't you get out.  " Fatty is a typical petty person, and he will retaliate. Regarding Fatty's petty revenge, Hou San looked bitter, how could he dare to talk back, and hurried away After coming out of the cave, Lao Wang and Xiao Shanzi had already set up a big tent, and were waiting  Building another one At this time, Zhang Chun came over and whispered: "Captain, the tent may not be enough.  "    "not enough?  what happened?  "Ning Xiaofan was stunned for a moment. "When Lao Wang and the others were setting up the tent just now, I asked Xiao Zheng, oh, he was the security guard who was exploring the road with Hou San.  I asked him why he didn't set up a tent. He said that when he was attacked by an unknown team this morning, he just ran for his life. Except for Professor Zhao and others who desperately grabbed a few backpacks containing instruments, they didn't have time to get the rest of the backpacks.  The tent was also left there.??, their group now has no tents available
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