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Volume 2 Chapter 35 Shang Yucheng regains control of Xiaoshang Village

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    The wine table is the easiest place to quickly get closer. After three glasses of wine, everyone talked a lot. Zheng Jiatu briefly introduced the legendary experience of He Kuan to Liu Handong. He was a top student who graduated from a normal college and taught in a middle school for five years.  When I was studying mathematics, one day I suddenly felt that I could no longer live in such a muddle-headed state, so I resolutely resigned and joined the business world. Within three years, I had accumulated a net worth of millions.

    In He Kuan's words, he has done everything, speculated in futures, opened a supermarket, worked as a plantation owner, contracted oil wells in Indonesia, and dumped red sandalwood in Myanmar. Because of his wide connections, he was specially recruited by the military.  He holds the rank of lieutenant colonel and has served the country for several years.

    "Now these businesses have stopped, mainly real estate." He Kuan said, "There are a few real estate properties in Beijing, and we can barely make ends meet."

    Zheng Jiatu said: "Brother Kuan is being humble. You are a person with a name on the wealth list. If you can only make ends meet, we will starve to death."

    He Kuan raised his glass and said: "It's not all about the help of friends, just one."

    Liu Handong had a good impression of He Kuan. This guy had a good drinker, a bold personality, and was generous. He spent hundreds of thousands that night, and He Kuan's assistant paid for it.

    This was Liu Handong's first meeting with He Kuan, and they met several times later. They mainly drank and chatted, and did not talk about cooperation. In Zheng Jiatu's words, He Kuan loved making friends without any obvious purpose.  .

    "He is like this, very loyal, one friend and three gangs. Although Brother Kuan is not well-known, in terms of soft power, he is much stronger than Pan Shiyi and Ren Zhi. His weight is comparable to that of a deputy mayor in Beijing.  Long." Zheng Jiatu always looked at him with admiration when he mentioned it.

    He Kuan also gave Liu Handong a landscape painting painted by himself. It is said that he studied under Fan Zeng and was very knowledgeable in Chinese painting. Later, Liu Handong asked someone to appreciate it, and they told him that the painting was worth at least 50,000 yuan.

    Finally one day, He Kuan asked Liu Handong for help. He specially arranged a bureau to mention this matter. It was simple to say that he wanted to get someone back from New York, but this person was under the protection of the local Chinese community.  , Liu Handong needs to find the right person to bridge the gap and say hello, so that things can be done without any use of force.

    ¡°I have limited resources in the United States,¡± Liu Handong said, ¡°I am not familiar with the gangs in New York¡¯s Chinatown.¡±

    He Kuan said: "I know, but you know the local mafia family."

    Liu Handong's mind was quick and he immediately thought of Isabella. It had been a long time since he had seen her and he had no contact with her at all.

    "Are you talking about the descendants of the Chen family in New York?" Liu Handong asked.

    He Kuan smiled: "Yes, Chen Zikun's granddaughter married a family friend of theirs, the youngest son of the Pacino family of the Italian mafia in New York. Although the Pacino family has washed their hands and gone ashore, they are still very capable in New York's black and white world.  You can cover it up, this matter is just a phone call away for you, you don¡¯t even need to go to New York in person.¡±

    Liu Handong didn't ask He Kuan who he wanted to bring back to China. He Kuan didn't want to tell him, so he didn't need to ask. It was just a favor, and it was just a small favor, but it still depended on whether he had enough face.

    He chose a suitable time and made a call to New York based on the number provided by He Kuan. He found Isabella, exchanged pleasantries, added each other's Facebook accounts, and then switched to Skype to chat so as not to appear so  Abrupt.

    Liu Handong only mentioned this matter on the third day. Isabella was a little surprised, but she still conveyed his intention. Twelve hours later, He Kuan opened the phone and beamed with joy: "Han Dong, the matter is done, thank you very much."  I sent someone to give you a gift, I hope you like it."

    After a short time, He Kuan's younger brother came to the door and delivered a bunch of keys and an access card. These were the room keys of a foreign-related apartment. The house was in a prime location and was valuable. Although it was just the right to use it, it was still a big gift.

    There is also another car, an Audi A8, Beijing A license plate, a cool car with a pass under the windshield, which was also lent to Liu Handong for use during his stay in Beijing, and it also came with a driver.


    Shang Yucheng was forcibly brought back to the country. He had already found a job in Chinatown, New York. Although it was just a job as a chef in a Chinese restaurant, he could support himself with his own hands, and this restaurant had Fuqing Gang.  background, so when people from China came looking for him one day, the restaurant owner tried to help, but did not let those people succeed.

    He didn't know the background of those people, but his intuition told him that there was danger. These people made ridiculous claims and asked Shang Yucheng to go back and take over Xiaoshang Village. Fools all know that there are only two possibilities for going back, one is to be used by others, and the other is to  It's going to jail.

    In the end, the restaurant owner still failed to save him, and the Fuqing Gang stopped intervening in the matter. Shang YuchengThe only choice he had was to follow those people back to China. The flight he took took off from Newark Airport and was destined for Shanghai. He bought a business class ticket. The accompanying staff were also very polite and spoke of Mr. Shang. Before boarding,  He also specifically asked him to call his father in custody to prove his strength.

    After eighteen hours of flight, Shang Yucheng returned to China and immediately transferred to Omi. After getting off the plane, a special car immediately took him to the Hot Spring Hotel. This place was once one of the industries of Xiaoshang Village and now belongs to Shang Yucheng.  And know.

    In the presidential suite of the hotel, Shang Yucheng met the mastermind behind the invitation to return to China. This man called himself He Kuan and was a businessman. He was currently planning to intervene in the mess of Xiaoshang Village. Of course, in his words, he wanted to restore the past glory.

    He Kuan was extremely eloquent and had a strong affinity. It took him half an hour to convince Shang Yucheng and encouraged him to take over Shang Yonggui's baton and lead the people of Xiaoshang Village out of the quagmire.  The eager expectations of thousands of villagers are also the expectations of countless supporters of the small business village system.

    "Heaven is going to give a great responsibility to a person, and he must first work hard on his determination" He Kuan cited scriptures and spoke sincerely. He said that he had studied Shang Yucheng's past and believed that he was the only business successor who was qualified and capable of taking the lead.

    "You must have learned a lot about life during these years of experience in the United States. You have to do something in life, otherwise you will be ashamed when you get old and ask yourself, don't you think so?" He Kuan said, "Small businessman  The failure of the village is not in the system, but in the political struggle. This is a series of interlocking events. However, there are no absolutes in things in the world. Chairman Mao said well that everything can be solved using dualism. To put it simply,  A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. To be honest, if there are any problems in the business development of Siu Shang Village, there must be some! But we cannot veto the overall situation because of some small problems. In my opinion, Siu Shang Village is a smaller version of Singapore, and the old man is Lee Kuan Yew.  A great man, but his era is over. Now is your era, Shang Yucheng¡¯s era!¡±

    Shang Yucheng was very excited when he heard this, but he still kept his sense and asked cautiously: "Then, why did you help me?"

    He Kuan smiled and said: "I am a businessman. I am in business. I am interested in the development potential of Xiaoshang Village, so I want to cooperate with you. Of course, I have the funds and the market. I can go to any province in the mainland  "If you want land or policies, it's all a matter of one sentence. Why did I choose Xiaoshang Village? Because in addition to being a businessman, I am also a person with feelings."

    Shang Yucheng was in awe, although he didn't understand what feelings he was talking about.

    He Kuan said seriously: "Let's put it this way, I am a person who adheres to communist beliefs. Do you understand?"

    Shang Yucheng nodded: "I understand. Like my grandfather, you are a person of faith."

    He Kuan said with compassion: "The lack of faith is the tragedy of the country. To rebuild faith, it starts with you and me. To achieve success, are you willing to fight side by side with me?"

    Shang Yucheng said resolutely: "Mr. He, you are the only one who is following the lead!"

    The two hands were held together tightly.

    Shang Yucheng is the only adult male in the merchant's direct lineage who has not been imprisoned. At this time, Shang Yonggui has died of illness in Beijing. His father and uncles are also being held in the detention center waiting for his death. According to the lawyer, the most ideal sentence is  It¡¯s also a ten-year sentence, so the merchants really have no one left.

    " Xiaoshang Village is also in a state of disintegration. The people have dispersed and the economy has collapsed, but the hardware is still there, as well as large tracts of land, factories, and loyal village laborers.

    He Kuan is indeed very energetic. Under his operation, the sealed factories have restarted operations, and long-overdue wages have also begun to be paid. This alone has used hundreds of millions of funds.

    As early as the 1980s, Xiaoshang Village claimed that every household had a household worth ten thousand yuan, but instead of hiding wealth among the people, a large amount of wealth was accumulated in the hands of the collective. The villagers only had stock certificates and savings cards issued by the village committee, and cars only had  For the right to use, the owner on the driving license is the village committee, and the house cannot be bought or sold, and it is not even considered a small property right.

    The hard-earned money accumulated by the villagers was used by the village to invest in business and open factories, which had been operating well until the crisis occurred. Because the stalls were too big, they owed billions in bank loans, and the collective assets of the village were wiped out.  The bank has frozen, so now every family in Xiaoshang Village is in difficulty and cannot eat.

    Shang Yucheng's return was like a clear spring, nourishing the poor and thirsty hearts of the people in Xiaoshang Village. Under He Kuan's package, Shang Yucheng took off his suit and put on an improved version of the Chinese tunic suit, made of silver-gray imported woolen material.  He has a high stand-up collar, tight trousers, and black leather shoes. He is handsome and traditional. When the older villagers saw him, they thought of the old secretary. They held his hand with tears in their eyes and said, "Yucheng, everyone listens to you, Xiao Shang."  A village cannot live without its masterPeople.  "

    At this time, Shang Yucheng would help the old man sit down, and ask with concern what difficulties the family had, whether there were any children who needed employment, and other thoughtful words.

    Shang Yucheng is not without competitors. Not only are people with foreign surnames coveting this big piece of meat, but there are also several people with Shang surnames from the side branches who also want to seize power. Xiaoshang Village is still an administrative village, and universal suffrage is implemented in grassroots rural areas. Who can  When you become the village director, you become the head of the family.

    He Kuan fully supported Shang Yucheng¡¯s candidacy for village director. His strategy was very practical. He spent money to buy votes. If others offered one thousand, I would give two thousand. If others offered five thousand, I would give ten thousand. I am determined to win!

    Shang Yucheng also has a campaign team like that of a U.S. presidential candidate. There are dedicated people responsible for publicity, organization, image design, and scheduling. There is also an independent team dedicated to discrediting competitors. In short, they do everything they can to protect Shang Yucheng.  Yucheng's election was successful.

    In the end, Shang Yucheng lived up to expectations and was elected as the new village committee director of Xiaoshang Village. Under He Kuan's operation, he successfully joined the party organization and was appointed by the town party committee as the secretary of the Xiaoshang Village Party Branch.

    The big thing has been accomplished, and the long journey is next. Shang Yucheng, who was full of emotions and ups and downs, found He Kuan and wanted to learn from him. At this time, Shang Yucheng had completely regarded the other person as a trustworthy father.

    He Kuan said: "It just so happens that I want to find you too. It's time for us to settle the accounts. This is the breakdown of your expenses after you come back. Take a look at it."

    Shang Yucheng took a look at the long financial statement and was dumbfounded.

    "Two ways, first, repay the debt, which is almost 684 million, just a fraction." He Kuan said, "The second way, these loans are turned into investments, I buy shares in Xiaoshangcun Group, I  After calculation, it probably accounts for 51.85%.¡±




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