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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1238 The Past

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    Chapter 1,238 The scenery of the past is no longer important.  The cavalry scouting the road in front had to pull down their masks. Even though the force of the wind and sand hitting people's faces was not great, the density was so dense that it was impossible to open their eyes.  In the northwest, such weather is normal.  Fang Jie, who was sitting in the carriage, looked at the yellow sand rolled up by the whirlwind outside the window, and couldn't help but think of the years when he was a scout in Fan Gu.  The young man who was hiding in the snow nest and shooting cold arrows without daring to kill anyone has now come to the front of everyone.  Sometimes, Fang Jie always suspects that his experiences over the years are just a big dream.  When he opened his eyes, he was still lying on the bed in the small bedroom of his previous life, with a few comics and novels beside him.  The temperature under the quilt made him reluctant to get out of bed, and he would stare at the branches outside the window in a daze for a long time.  But, this is not a dream after all.  He thought of himself in his previous life, such a simple self.  But now, he has to become a cold and calm person who sometimes even feels a little scary to himself.  "What kind of person will we see?" Xiang Qingniu, who was sitting next to him and dozing with his eyes closed, suddenly asked.  "Form?" Fang Jie repeated, then shook his head: "Maybe it's not a person at all. When we mentioned it before, we used the word "that thing"." "Fang Jie, you have many  He didn¡¯t tell me anything.¡± Xiang Qingniu said.  Fang Jie was stunned for a moment and did not answer.  Xiang Qingniu opened his eyes, looked at Fang Jie and smiled: "I know that everyone has their own story, a story that is unable or unwilling to be shared with others. So I never asked, and when we were there yesterday  When I saw all that in Fan Gucheng's underground palace, I became even more sure of my guess. It was obviously your first time seeing those things, but your understanding was different from ours. This can only be attributed to  You know these things." "Why do you know these things?" Xiang Qingniu said with a smile, "When you are willing to tell me your story, I am willing to listen to you quietly."  There was silence for a moment, and then he took a deep breath.  "Wait a minute, I can't tell you a complete story until I get to Dalun Temple in the Snow Mountains and know everything about me." "But I'm curious." Xiang Qingniu said pitifully: "  How about a prelude?" "I have died before." Fang explained.  Xiang Qingniu kept waiting and waiting. After waiting for a long time, he still couldn't find a way to continue talking. He couldn't help but complained: "Isn't this prelude too short? Have you considered my feelings?" "But this short  The prelude is very exciting, isn't it?" Fang Jie said with a smile.  Xiang Qingniu curled his lips and said: "If I were sure I could beat you, I would beat you up right now. But a smart person like me has guessed something from your words Although it is a bit scary to think so, but  Are you really trying to revive a dead body?" Fang Jie was slightly stunned and did not answer.  Xiang Qingniu obviously found something in Fang Jie's expression, and he immediately became interested.  This nervous guy showed no fear at all, and even became more and more curious.  You know, most people would tremble when they think of the words "Borrowing a Corpse to Resurrect a Soul," but he actually wanted to get to the bottom of it.  "Come on, let's talk about it, I don't discriminate against you." Xiang Qingniu was like a tempting criminal, squinting his eyes and said: "In our Taoist sect's classic stories, there are no records of reviving the dead. Look at King Dalun Ming  Isn¡¯t this the same way for reincarnation? It just requires a living bodyOh, your body is also alive, damn! You are not the child of Lord Dalun Ming!" He said it himself.  Shaking his head: "It's a bit nonsense Tell me quickly, otherwise I will choke to death." "Actually, it doesn't hurt to talk about it now." Fang Jie took a breath and said, "Maybe we have reached the big wheel.  After entering the temple, you will get a truth that will surprise you more than my life experience. By then, you will also know my origin, and it will no longer be a secret What I just told you is not a lie, I really am.  He died once, but not in this world. " Xiang Qingniu immediately moved forward. If there were a melon seed and peanut bench, he would definitely set it up to listen to Fang's explanation.  "I vaguely remember what it was like when I died." Fang Jie said slowly: "In my previous life, the world I was in was in the underground palace with us.The ones that appear are much closer.  There were no practitioners in that world, and people relied on technology to live.  People benefit from various tools in their lives, such as the iron bird you mentioned that can carry people flying.  This kind of iron bird can reach Yongzhou in one day from Chang'an City.  " "Ifuck!  Xiang Qingniu opened his mouth wide with a look of disbelief on his face. "But in the world of my previous life, the technological level has not yet reached the level we saw in the underground palace."  But it was already somewhat close, so I could almost distinguish the functions of some things in the underground palace.  " "No wonder!  " Xiang Qingniu was really not surprised at all. In other words, his surprise was not that Fang Jie died once, but that Fang Jie came from such a world. Fang Jie glanced at him and wanted to continue. " Then Xiang Jie  Qingniu suddenly moved back: "Oh my God!  You really died once!  " Fang Jie sighed: "Can you be more of an idiot?  "    " How did you die?  I'm asking about your past life.  Xiang Qingniu finally calmed down, huddled up and asked Fang Jie: "First of all, can you be sure that you are not an injustice?"  Although Daozong has business in this area, I don't know how to catch ghosts.  "    "roll!  " Fang Jie cursed, and then continued: "Actually, there is no pain when dying, it is a bit more clich¨¦.  Although I have never been a good person, sometimes it is not so difficult to do stupid things that good people would do.  I remember when I was going out, I saw the neighbor¡¯s little girl playing with her dog outside. The dog was too big and the child was too small As a result, the dog got mad and dragged the little girl forward, and the little girl fell to the ground and tore her apart.  She cried heartbrokenly, but she couldn't let go of the rope around her wrist.  " "The big dog just dragged her forward, and I chased after her.  After finally catching up and rescuing the little girl, she was hit by a car and died.  Xiang Qingniu asked: "Then what did you mean when you said it was clich¨¦?"  Fang explained: "Many people died like this."  Xiang Qingniu nodded in admiration: "For someone who even despises the way he died, you are indeed extraordinary."  " "Where is the little girl?  Xiang Qingniu asked. "The moment I handed her to her mother, I was knocked out."  After flying for a while, I lost consciousness. In fact, I don't remember any pain at all.  The pain only occurred when I woke up in the hospital later. Of course, that might not be my awakening, but just an illusion.  " "A hospital is a medical center?  Xiang Qingniu asked. Fang Jie rolled his eyes at him: "Can you listen to the key points?"  " "Okay, okay" "When I woke up in the hospital, the doctor that is, the doctor had already declared me dead.  But I clearly felt that I still had consciousness, at least I could see.  I could even see the crying parents, the crying relatives, and the little girl standing aside holding a rag doll at a loss.  " "Then I heard a voice.  "When Fang Jie reached this point, he paused for a moment. Xiang Qingniu immediately interrupted: "Did you hear the gods say, go, young man, you are going to a distant place and become the king there!  " "Get out of here!  " Fang Jie glanced at Xiang Qingniu with disgust: "I heard a voice saying that what we lack now is physical experiments, but this kind of experiments cannot be put on the surface, so the best choice is to look for it instead of  recruit.  If our experiments were exposed, we would be condemned.  "    "What does it mean?  Xiang Qingniu asked. Fang Jie shook his head: "This is the last memory after my death in my previous life. I have been thinking about what these words mean."  When I said these words, I didn't see who said it. It was definitely not my relatives, and it was definitely not the doctors I saw.  Where did this sound come from, I have never found the answer.  " "Then when you wake up, you are already in this world?  Xiang Qingniu asked. Fang Jie nodded: "But I was very groggy when I first came here, and I didn't feel anything at all."  I couldn't see or hear, so I had no idea what was going on during that initial period.  When I woke up, I was already on the road to escape.  Xiang Qingniu breathed a long sigh of relief, and then asked seriously: "Are you sure you didn't make these up to tease me?"  Fang Jie sighed: "Did I deceive you for money or sex?"  ¡±  Xiang Qingniu thought for a while and replied: "So is all this true? Ifuck, it scared me to death!"     "Actually, sometimes I have been doubting that I came to this world behind the scenes.  Is there some huge conspiracy hidden there? The reason why I doubt it is because the last words I heard before my death seemed to come from my ears, but I could never see the person who spoke them.  The sound seemed to come from some kind of instrument, and it was different from the sound produced by talking face to face. " Fang explained: "It's like we heard the voice of the thing in Daxue Mountain Dalun Temple in the underground palace.  Almost." Xiang Qingniu frowned: "You mean, the people who said these words were not with you at all, but they knew that you were dead and were watching you like that. Judging from your words, they should.  Do you want to use your body for experiments? You are so unlucky that you will not be able to live in peace even if you die. "That is to say, your current body is actually different from your soul.  Right? You happened to be reborn in the body of this child, and the child was already dead at the time. This is a typical case of resurrecting a dead body. It is indeed a bit clich¨¦. " "Luo Yao sent people to find this body.  On the surface, he wants to resurrect Luo Wu, but it is actually a body that Luo Yao prepared for his own reincarnation. In other words, this body is particularly suitable as a container for the soul. " Fang Jie explained: "It may be easier for you to understand it.  Well A person's body and soul are fixed, and it is not easy to seize the soul. If the body is not suitable, it will be difficult for the soul to find a home, and the child Luo Yao found must be suitable as a soul container.  Because this will facilitate his reincarnation. " "So" Xiang Qingniu said: "Is it a coincidence that you came in?" Fang Jie nodded: "This step should be a coincidence.  , who sent me to this world.¡±
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