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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1236 Come to Me

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    Chapter 1,236 Come to Me The entire underground palace was extremely quiet, not even the sound of footsteps.  Although the simplified Chinese characters are a bit difficult for Wu Yiyi and others to read, it does not affect their understanding after all.  The first half of the note was of little interest to them, but the last part gave them an immersive and suffocating feeling.  There are no words to modify the notes, but this kind of plain and simple record is even more shocking.  Although the weapon that could destroy the world could not be concretely imaged in Wu Yiyi's mind, they could feel the despair and helplessness at that moment.  He didn¡¯t know how long he had been here, but Fang Jie let out a long sigh of relief.  "According to normal analysis, if the entire human race is extinct, it will be a very long process until the emergence of human beings. Judging from this person's notes, it did not cause the extinction of the entire human race at that time. But the ecosystem, that is, the environment  The world has suffered devastating damage and has become uninhabitable. The subsequent effects of that kind of world-destroying weapon will last for a long, long time, so" "So, the development of civilization will take longer than normal.  Much faster?" Wu Yiyi asked.  Fang Jie nodded: "The survivors should all be the indigenous residents of very remote places. They are extremely backward. But precisely because of this remoteness, they were spared the disaster. Maybe some people who did not leave also stayed.  The tribes of these indigenous residents taught these residents to use writing, but for some unknown reason, the influence of these remaining people was not great. " "The indigenous people still walked slowly in their own development direction, and in the next few decades.  For years or even hundreds of years, brave men continued to leave the tribe and explore new living environments. However, due to the destruction, this time may last for a long time. When the impact of the world-destroying weapons on the environment gradually improved, these people began to migrate.  "Xiang Qingniu hummed: "After all, places that are attacked by that kind of world-destroying weapon will recover faster and survive after a few hundred years.  People began to settle in these places, and then gradually multiplied the population. "So what about the people who fled here?" The soldier who had been silent suddenly asked: "Left this world?" Fang explained: "According to  Given the level of development at that time, it was not impossible to leave here. The notes mentioned that they had a base in the far south, which was not damaged by the war, but that place should be extremely cold and unsuitable for human survival.  They don't have enough tools to survive, so they must evacuate. "Maybe there is an aircraft at that base." "What is the aircraft?" Xiang Qingniu asked.  Fang Jie said: "It should be the kind of thing you have imagined before, which can take people off the ground and fly into the sky." Xiang Qingniu was stunned for a moment: "So are they settling above our heads now? The moon?" Fang  Jie shook his head: "I have seen the speculations of the ancient sages about the world from an ancient book. In his speculations, our world is not the only one. We live on a continent, and there are such continents elsewhere.  , but they don¡¯t know each other because they are too far away. He believes that there are such continents far away in the sky. If we can fly away from here and have a clear goal, we may not be able to reach other worlds. " "We.  Not the only one?" Wu Daodao's expression obviously changed. This kind of thinking was undoubtedly a very strong impact on him.  It was as if the barriers of thought in his head were broken, allowing him to see another, larger space.  Before, his thinking was limited to this world, but what he knew now made him feel insignificant instantly.  Fang Jie said slowly: "We sit on the beach and look at the sand. Every grain of sand is an individual. Maybe, for the whole world not our world, but the whole world. A small world like ours  The number is just like the sand on the beach." Everyone's hearts trembled slightly when they heard Fang Jie's words.  "So, how big is the real world?" Xiang Qingniu asked with a pale face.  "I don't know." Fang Jie raised his head and looked at the sky, but he couldn't see the sky at this time because he was underground.  But in his eyes, it was as if he really saw something.  "Every star you see at night may be a world where people live. Those stars look small just because they are too far away. It's like you look at a big mountain. You can see the mountain from a distance  The whole picture, but only a small area can be seen close up. If the mountain is placed at a farther distance, we can see it.If so, the mountains will become as small as grains of sand and cannot even be seen.  " Listening to Fang Jie's words, Xiang Qingniu went on to say: "In other words, we can see the stars in the sky from this small world. If we stand on the farthest star that we can see, we will still be able to see the sky.  You can see the sky full of stars.  And so on The small world is endless, and the big world is boundless?  " Fang Jie nodded: "Maybe yes.  " Wu Yiyi suddenly sighed: "Humans are so insignificant.  "     Fang Jie looked at the things in his hand that could be transferred in space, and then thought of the notes he saw before and concluded: "Those people must have been helpless in their choices at that time. The kind that can transfer three hundred and twenty  Human instruments should still be in the imperfect stage.  It cannot be converted at will like this small instrument, and it may only be used once.  So it couldn't be used repeatedly to take everyone away, and this time there was a killing.  " "Not necessarily" The soldier spoke calmly, without a trace of fluctuation in his tone: "Their target is a base in the extreme south. If the living environment there is extremely harsh, the scale of this base will not be very large.  Moreover, the survival conditions of this base depend on supplies from the country. If the country is destroyed, who will continue to supply them?  If too many people go there at once, the base will collapse immediately.  " He said: "This is a choice, a helpless but necessary choice.  " Fang Jie didn't know what to say. Although the words of the warrior revealed a particularly dark side of people's hearts, they were most likely the truth. The senior officials in this underground base must know the scale of the scientific research base in the far south, so there may not be any  This kind of consideration what Han Zu said: "I think I have seen the end.  Xiang Qingniu said. Wu Daodao and others nodded, they also saw the doomsday. This doomsday is not only the doomsday for everyone in the era of Li Qin, the owner of the note, but also the doomsday for Xiang Qingniu and the others. Because this may  It is an inevitable outcome after the world reaches a certain level. The only thing people can do is to try their best to prolong the arrival of the end. However, not everyone is a normal person, and there are also lunatics among humans.  Moreover, judging from Li Qin's notes, the person who finally released the world-destroying weapon was not a human being at all, but an emotionless robot. The robot's duty was to protect the safety of the head of state. When the head of state died, he immediately  launched a revenge. This is just a procedure. A normal person may not make such a decision. But, who knows? In such an environment and at such a moment, no one may be able to maintain the so-called.  Wake up. Our country is finished, all our relatives and friends are dead, why should I think about the living enemy? Once this thought appears, it may be more terrifying than the robot. After gradually recovering from the shock of the note, Fang Jie.  They continued to explore the base. They stayed here for a whole day, but they did not go through the entire base. It can be imagined how huge the siege was when building this base. ¡°Some people made mistakes.  " Fang Jie said as he walked: "Looking at the scale of this underground palace, it is by no means a simple research institution.  It is more like a huge shelter, just to give people a place to hide and survive when encountering a crisis of annihilation.  But there is no food reserve in this place Either someone is derelict in their duties, or the place has just been built and they did not reserve food as soon as possible, and disaster will come.  " "But, after all, someone still made a mistake.  If reserves were started at the first time, this place could provide shelter for at least tens of thousands of people.  " Wu Yiyi nodded: "We can always foresee that a crisis will come, but we live slowly in preparation for the crisis.  We always think that there is plenty of time in the world, but the world will never stop and wait for us.  "    "what is that?  "Xiang Qingniu suddenly discovered a crack in the corner. Because the light was not good, it would be difficult to detect the existence of this crack without looking carefully. "There is something behind the wall.  " After everyone came over and took a closer look, they found that the cracks in the wall should have been caused by some kind of force or the precipitation of time. This wall was obviously a fake wall. The wall was not as strong as what Fang Jie and the others had seen before.  It is made of cement, but a masonry wall. ¡°This is a mechanism. There is something hidden behind this wall.  " Fang Jie quickly walked over and pulled apart the bricks and stones. Because it was a long time ago, the wall was already very loose. Fang Jie and the others did notAfter a while, the wall was cleared away, revealing an iron door.  The strange thing is that there are no particularly complex and strong high-tech precautions on this iron door, and there is not even a lock.  This is a paradox. Since it is hidden behind the wall, it may be extremely important.  But there is no lock, which means there is nothing to guard against here.  Fang Jie and the others looked at each other, then took a few steps back.  Shi Wan stood behind Fang Jie and arranged a layer of bone shield in front of him.  Fang Jie nodded to everyone, inhaled, and then pushed hard.  It¡¯s not open, it seems very heavy.  Unexpectedly heavy.  Fang Jie was stunned for a moment, then smiled coyly: "That's right" The oppressive and tense atmosphere was instantly destroyed by him.  The people who had been so energetic felt as if a stopper had been pulled out, and their anger was deflated.  Xiang Qingniu glared at Fang Jie: "Can you be more reliable?" He pulled out and the door opened.  This is an independent room, but there is a lot of space inside.  It looks like there are thousands of square meters.  And what¡¯s surprising is that the room is very bright.  Fang Jie looked up and found the familiar electric lamp.  This was something that was difficult to explain, but Fang Jie was not surprised at all.  The lights in this place actually still work.  Inside the room, there was a big thing placed in the middle.  In Fang Jie's impression, it was like the equipment of a radio station.  On the opposite wall, there is a wall made of huge equipment. It is very huge.  It seems to be still working, with green and red lights flashing.  Just when everyone was extremely curious, a sizzling sound suddenly came from somewhere.  Immediately afterwards, someone spoke.  "Call, call, does anyone hear it? If you hear it, please answer. If you hear it, please answer." The voice was particularly strange, without any fluctuation in tone.  Fang Jie knew that this was not a human voice.  It's a synthesized voice, so there's no emotion at all.  Fang Jie saw it. There was something like a microphone on the table.  He walked over, subconsciously pressed the button, and then asked tentatively: "Who are you?" Silence There was at least two minutes of silence, but to everyone it was as long as two centuries.  "Finally someone answered, but I believe it was just a coincidence. Maybe you discovered this place accidentally?" The voice appeared again, seemingly with some human emotions: "I actually heard someone answer me No matter  Who are you, you can come to me at Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain and I can tell you a story, a story about survival and destruction.¡±
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