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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1234 Notes

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    Chapter 1,234 Notes "Back then, Su Tu Gou squatted here skinning dogs every day." Fang Jie pointed to the door of the small courtyard and said: "Most of the dog meat eaten in Yunji Dog Meat Shop is hunted from the mountains.  Dog. In fact, I have always felt that that thing is not much different from a wolf. It is slightly smaller than a prairie wolf, but has a more violent and violent personality. However, unlike wolves, it does not like to live in groups. Hunters in Fangu City often come in.  Shan, beat these mountain dogs and sell them to the proprietress." Fang Jie walked into the courtyard gate, and the dust in the courtyard was as thick as snow.  "Who would have thought that such an ordinary couple could be masters?" Fang Jie sighed with emotion.  Wu Yiyi looked at the surrounding environment, then opened the curtain and walked into the house.  It's cold in the northwest, so the house is dry and doesn't smell like mold.  The smell of dust filled the nose, making people want to cough.  The front room is not very big and can barely accommodate six or seven tables.  As soon as you enter the door, you are facing the counter, but the shelves have collapsed.  Fang Jie and his party passed through the front hall and back kitchen and arrived at the backyard.  I saw the well at a glance.  Xiang Qingniu went over and casually pushed away the millstone covering the edge of the well.  He lowered his head and looked down, but it was too deep and dark to see anything.  "Mr. Jiu from Yueyingtang has gone down there more than once, so there shouldn't be any danger. Our people have also gone down to get things, so it seems there shouldn't be any danger inside." Xiang Qingniu said.  Fang Jie nodded: "I'll go down first, and you guys will follow." After saying that, Fang Jie jumped down while holding on to the edge of the well.  There was darkness in front of him. Fang opened his blood eyes and could see many small holes on the well wall. They should have been dug by Song Zihui's people when they took things out. The traces were still obvious.  The sound of wind was whistling in his ears, while Fang Jie silently counted the time.  The depth of the well can be roughly estimated based on the time when the object falls downwards in free fall.  After feeling something different in the air flow below, Fang Jie stretched out his hands and grabbed at the well wall.  His two hands seemed to be made of steel, leaving two marks on the well wall.  After landing, a puff of smoke flew up under the pressure of the soles of his feet.  It feels very irritating to the nose.  Fang Jie took a handkerchief from his cuffs and wrapped it around his face, then took out a whistle from his arms and flicked it up.  The spoon flew straight into the sky and made a sharp sound.  Wu Yiyi and others who were above heard the whistle and jumped down immediately.  Fang Jie took out the fire seal and shook it, and found something familiar to him on the wall next to him.  That's a wall lamp. It looks very complete, but it should be no longer usable.  There are still extinguished torches on the wall, which were placed by Song Zihui's people.  Fang Jie went over and lit the torches one by one.  As the light gradually appeared here, the general outline also appeared in front of Fang Jie's eyes.  With a bang, the first one to fall was indeed Xiang Qingniu.  "Holy shitit's so big!" Xiang Qingniu couldn't help but exclaimed after taking one look at it.  This place is already shockingly big within the range of light, and it will obviously be even bigger in places that cannot be covered by light.  Fang Jie squatted down and knocked on the ground and found that it was cement, and it was definitely not ordinary cement.  He poked it with his finger, and it was difficult to poke. Therefore, the strength of this cement may not be inferior to natural rocks at all, and it may be much stronger than rocks in some functions.  Everyone got busy and lit all the places with torches first.  ??At first glance, the size of this underground palace is larger than that of Fangu City above.  Fangu City is a small square city, no more than three and a half miles from east to west, north to south.  But for an underground palace, this scale is staggering enough.  What's more, after walking for a while, I found that this place is bigger than Fan Gucheng!  "Did you find it?" Wu Yiyi said in a deep voice: "Although the building materials used here are things I don't know, but after observation, I can see that there is almost no damage except for the place where there was an explosion. In that kind of horror  After the weapon exploded, it was shocking that this place was still intact Moreover, it seems that not many people died here." Fang Jie nodded.  An underground building of this scale must be important if it is built so solidly.  There weren't many people here at the beginning, but it seems like not many people died here.  Although some traces of corpses can be found in some places, there are really too few people who died compared to the size of the underground palace.  "Mr. Jiu once said that the lower part is sealed." Wu Yiyi frowned and thought: "But the sealing is not very good. It is obviously not to prevent the kind of terrifying weapons that can destroy the world. I doubt that it is here.After the war ended, a large part of the people evacuated, leaving only a small number of people to continue to hold on.  And these people died of hunger.  " Fang Jie nodded. He took a rough turn just now and found no trace of food. "Maybe" He thought for a while and said: "Maybe the people here have to go out to find ways to survive after the war is over.  They left a group of people to hold on to the place and food, while most people went out to look for it.  But for some unknown reason, those who left did not come back.  "    "Pitiful.  " Shi Wan looked at a place that seemed to be the traces of a corpse and sighed: "These people may have been waiting for their companions to come back before they died, but in the end they waited for nothing.  " "Why don't they leave?  " Ye Zhuhan asked. Wu Daodao shook his head: "Maybe they can't get out, or maybe they No, the places where there are traces of corpses are not concentrated here, but very scattered.  " He seemed to have discovered something. After observing carefully for a while, he said: "These people may not have stayed to hold on, but were killed.  Xiang Qingniu said: "If they were killed, according to Fang Jie, the weapons they used were similar to muskets and should have bullets."  Even if many years have passed, the remains of the bullet should still be there.  " "It was not shot with a gun, but with a knife or other weapons.  " Wu Yiyi continued to speculate: "If something happened and some people wanted to kill other people, would they use muskets?  This place is relatively closed, the echo will be very loud, and it will be exposed once a shot is fired.  There may have been internal strife, and a group of people suddenly attacked and killed these people in a sneak attack with knives.  " Fang Jie nodded. He basically thought about the same thing as Wu Yiyi guessed. " The traces of corpses in this place are very scattered. If food was cut off at that time, according to human nature, most people should gather together to comfort each other.  . So the traces of the corpses should all be together. Such dispersion is obviously the traces left by abnormal death. Xiang Qingniu shook his head: "I don't understand why I have to survive after such a disaster.  Massacre?  " Fang Jie sighed: "Humans are the most difficult creatures to understand.  "     Because Fang Jie's previous military order stated that Song Zihui's people did not dare to do any damage here. So Fang Jie and the others saw the relatively freshest corpse here  In other words  , is a pile of corpses. This should be the locksmith's apprentice that Mr. Jiu mentioned, the young man who had high hopes for him. But no other bodies were found here. Apparently the locksmith and his other apprentices left later.  As for whether he was alive or dead, he couldn't tell. Fang Jie took a look and found that there was basically nothing left in the house. The explosion was powerful enough, but the cement was very lightly damaged.  The walls and cabinets were damaged by the blast, but the walls were almost intact, which shows the strength of this cement, which is beyond imagination. ¡°We found what you asked us to look for here.  " Su Dingbang's voice was still trembling when he spoke. He was carried by Wu Daodao and jumped down. The mouth of the well was not wide to begin with. You can imagine the excitement of two people jumping down. The last time he came down, he was prepared.  After a long time, Su Dingbang pointed to a room and the door was still open. Fang Jie and others walked in and found that the layout of this room should be similar to the one that was bombed.  There were many books and other things on the wooden shelf, but Fang Jie knew that these things would completely turn into powder if he touched them. He just thought that Xiang Qingniu had already picked up a book.  It turned into fine powder and fell down. Xiang Qingniu smiled awkwardly, indicating that it was an unintentional mistake. Fang Jie looked at the writing on the covers of these books, which were very obscure. "Those things are here."  found.  " Su Dingbang pointed to a metal cabinet: "There is a lock, so it is difficult to open it.  I called every locksmith I could find, but nothing could be done.  In the end, I used the treasured sword of a golden account general from Meng Yuan to poke open the place and reach in to find it out.  " Fang Jie looked at the hole. It was indeed the weakest point. It should be an electronic screen. It had been damaged. The iron sheet behind it was relatively thin. Fang Jie stretched out his hand and pressed the cabinet door. After a while, the golden fire came out.  The iron sheet burned red, and after a few minutes, a hole was burned out of the thick iron door. Fang Jie didn't wait for it to cool down, so he reached in and broke the lock inside, and then pulled the cabinet door open, revealing the contents.  & in front of everyone.nbsp; The cabinets are divided into three rows, and because they are well sealed, the contents inside still look new.  Firearms, grenades.  ¡°Maybe the technological level at that time was so powerful that the weapons in the sealed cabinet can still be used after so many years.  In addition to these weapons, there is also a box wrapped in plastic.  Fang Jie took out the box, tore off the plastic, opened it and took a look.  The contents of the box are very ordinary.  A photo frame, the photos inside are still clear.  The photo shows a family of three standing in front of a very beautiful house.  The man is tall and handsome, and looks to be in his thirties.  His wife is very beautiful, wearing a long dress that fits her well, and she smiles happily and contentedly.  There was a little boy standing between the two people, he looked to be six or seven years old.  They all have black hair and yellow skin, and they look no different from Fang Jie and the others.  In addition to the photos, there are several pieces of clothing, which look like military uniforms.  Fang Jie looked at the collar badge on his clothes, but found that it was different from the military rank designation in his memory.  There is also a pistol. Fang Jie speculates that it is not an ordinary pistol. It looks very weird. His first reaction is something like a laser gun.  There is no trigger or magazine on the pistol, so I'm not sure how to use it.  Fang Jie suspected that it might be this person's special weapon, and it required matching fingerprints before it could be used.  ?Then a book.  To be precise, it¡¯s a notebook.
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