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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1223 One Sword and Half Chang'an

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    Chapter 1,223 One Sword and Half Chang'an Cui Zhongzhen felt a bit like a clown.  Really like a clown.  In the past six or seven years, he has always appeared in front of everyone as Fang Jie's best friend.  Because of this, his status in the Black Flag Army has always been special.  Because of this, when Fang Jie left Chang'an City, no one raised any objections when he handed over the army and even Chang'an City to him.  In the past few years, he has been playing the two roles of Fang Jie's good friend and loyal subordinate seriously.  And there is no doubt that he has become deeply involved in the drama over the years.  Even for such a long period of time, he thought that he had really forgotten the conspiracy behind it, and really felt that he was Fang Jie's good friend.  But when the chair was placed in front of him and he had the chance to sit on it.  Everything has changed.  He was beyond recognition at this time.  He felt that he must look ugly.  Then he saw Liu Enjing, and he found that Liu Enjing looked uglier than himself.  When Wu Yiyi, the Hou of Sanjin, started to beat him, Liu Enjing was the only one who didn't react and stood there stupidly.  When everyone entered the Tai Chi Hall, Liu Enjing was still standing outside in despair.  Because he knew that he had also been exposed.  But no one hit him.  No one even paid attention to him.  It was as if he was a person who had nothing to do with this matter and was thrown aside.  At this moment, Liu Enjing knew what it meant to feel despair.  By this time, Liu Enjing actually knew one thing very well: he had been eliminated before completing his task.  In other words, he became an abandoned son in advance.  His mission was to assist Cui Zhongzhen in controlling the army after Fang Jie was killed.  But this link will obviously not happen anymore, because after Cui Zhongzhen was discovered, he also appeared.  What happens after that will have nothing to do with him anymore. ??????????? No matter whether the Controlling Heaven Society succeeds or Fang Jie succeeds.  He has become a person with no existence value.  He looked at Cui Zhongzhen and found that the other person was also looking at him.  Relatively speechless.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡°I know you are stalling for time. Do you think you can wait until Zhang Yiyang and Xiao Yijiu resolve the matter at Changchun Garden before coming to help you?¡± Xu Xi was a little angry.  He has not been angry for many, many years.  Having lived for such a long time, and having lived under huge pressure for such a long time, it stands to reason that he has become very open-minded about everything.  In fact, he has always thought that he has an open mind about everything.  Even though there is always a voice in his heart reminding him, you are a coward After living in the shadow of thousands of stars for so many years, living underground all day long and not daring to see the light of day, if a normal person lives like this for three to five days  I can still persist. If it had been three to five months, a normal person would have gone crazy.  But as for him, it was not three to five months, nor three to five years, but more than two hundred years.  Even though he later found out that Wan Xingchen¡¯s cultivation level had been greatly reduced, he still didn¡¯t dare to go out.  Because he was not sure whether he could defeat Wan Xingchen, who had lost almost half of his cultivation.  He could never forget that sword strike more than two hundred years ago.  Precisely because he also used a sword, he knew how terrifying Wan Xingchen's sword was.  It was a sword without any flashiness at all, not even grand.  But he knew that even him now, the two of him, might not be able to block that sword.  Fang Jie looked at him and shrugged without any pressure.  This made Xu Xi even more angry.  However, Xu Xi always felt that there was some power behind Fang Jie that made him act so unscrupulously.  He didn't believe that people like Fang Jie would take risks for no reason.  Having reached the current height and position, Fang Jie has no need to take risks.  If Fang Jie, Zhang Yiyang and Xiao Yijiu were together, Xu Xi knew that he might not be able to kill Fang Jie directly if he took action.  Although Xu Xi doesn¡¯t know what the cultivation level of Zhang Yiyang and Xiao Yijiu is.  To him, Zhang Yiyang is still a junior, let alone Xiao Yijiu?  When he was famous all over the world, there was no such person as Zhang Yiyang.  However, Xu Xi knew that there was never any fairness in this world.  Because when he was famous all over the world, Wan Xingchen was just a rookie in the world.  At that time, who would have thought that Wan Xingchen could easily defeat him, the number one in the world?  Because of this, Xu Xi began to redefine himself.  Later, he got to know people like Sang LuanNow.  He was extremely shocked and frightened, because he was not even as good as Wan Xingchen, and Wan Xingchen was obviously no match for Sang Luan.  After all, Sang Luan has a thousand years of cultivation.  He began to face himself, and he no longer dared to think that he had once been the best in the world.  He felt that he should be ranked third after Sang Luan and Wan Xingchen third in the world.  "How long has it been since you traveled around the world?" Fang Jie suddenly asked: "Two hundred years? Two hundred fifty years? Two hundred and eighty years?" Fang Jie's words brought Xu Xi back from his thoughts.  "Mr. Wan once said that he used to be in this world. But in his later years, when his cultivation became more and more powerful, he said that he could not get out of this world. Because Mr. Wan knows that the world is not static. In your mind, you  Your opponent may always be just Wan Xingchen. Your remaining life is just to survive under the pressure of Wan Xingchen. How can you achieve anything if you are so humble and cowardly?" "Fang Jie's words are like a knife.  It also hurt Xu Xi's heart.  "Of course you can think that you can kill me casually." Fang Jie said with a smile: "You are an old monster who has been practicing for hundreds of years, and it has been less than ten years since I started practicing.  . Even if there is no fairness in this world, you still don¡¯t need to regard me as an opponent you can face. But you haven¡¯t taken action until now. Why?¡± Fang Jie asked.  Of course Xu Xi would not tell him, because Xu Xi was worried that Fang Jie still had some hidden strength that he had not yet shown.  If Xu Xi said this, he would be showing weakness to a junior.  With Xu Xi's status and seniority, could he do such a thing?  "Because you are suspicious." Fang Jie said with a smile: "You clearly think that I am just stalling for time, and there is always a voice in your heart telling you to kill me as soon as possible, but you still don't take action. Why are you suspicious? Because you think  I'm hiding something that might threaten your power. Why do you think so?" Fang Jie raised his hand and pointed at Xu Xi's nose: "Because you are not confident. Since you were beaten by Mr. Wan more than two hundred years ago,  After being defeated by the sword, you no longer have confidence. All your pride and achievements have become so humble under that sword. Even if you are facing at least one junior, you still have no confidence.  "Fang Jie shook his head: "You are so patheticso pitiful." A few hundred meters away from the three-story wooden building in Changchun Garden, two old Taoists, Zhang Yiyang and Xiao Yijiu, stood side by side.  In front of them, there was an old woman who looked like she might die at any time.  This old woman has reached a point where her age is completely indistinguishable. Even someone like Zhang Yiyang cannot infer anything from her face.  Some people say that the wrinkles on a person's face are the growth rings of a big tree, representing the vicissitudes of life experienced.  "Obviously, when the tree's annual rings have enough rings, the tree will be strong enough to accommodate it.  And this old woman's face cannot get bigger with age, so wrinkles and other things are really uncomfortable.  "Junior, get out of the way." The old woman was holding a crested crutch in her hand. The shape was very unique and exquisite. It looked like it was made of pure gold, and it should be very heavy.  "It's interesting." Zhang Yiyang looked at Xiao Yijiu: "Junior, she is talking about you." Xiao Yijiu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, with an expression that said I was indeed still very young: "If my cultivation can make me live  At her age, I may not have the courage to live It's not that I don't respect the elderly. Is it really interesting now? " "Do you still think that you still care about appearance at this age? "  Zhang Yiyang curled his lips: "But I do care" The wrinkles on the old woman's face became heavier.  "I haven't been in the world for many years. It turns out that the juniors have become so disrespectful and have no rules. Don't you think that your cultivation is pretty good now? It's really chilling that the world of you is withering now. You two can barely do this.  People who have glimpsed the secret are already so arrogant. I really don¡¯t know if the world will be even more miserable if you two die. " "Don't be ridiculousmother-in-law" Xiao Yijiu couldn't help laughing:  "Can you bear the words "horrible"? "Seeking death!" The old woman was furious and then moved violently.  The Taoist robe on Xiao Yijiu immediately bulged, and a pure Taoist energy filled the air.  But the next second, the old woman rushed towards the three-story wooden building like lightning.    "That's all!" Zhang Yiyang snorted coldly and disappeared in a flash.  Xiao Yijiu clasped his hands round, and then pushed forward!  A burst of mad energy swept past the old woman's back.  That true energy is so powerful that it has reached a very high level in martial arts in this world.  Therefore, even this old woman did not dare to ignore it.  She could only turn around and withdraw her inner strength with both hands to resist.  At this time, Zhang Yiyang had already arrived outside the three-story wooden building. When he stepped on it, a crack opened in the ground, and the crack circled around the wooden building.  The crack was not extremely wide, only about a foot, and it didn't look deep.  But after the crack appeared, the wooden building seemed to be no longer in this world.  "Let's see if you can break through my two-yi formation." He stood at the center of the formation, his face solemn.  ¡­¡­ ¡­¡­ ¡°Let¡¯s do it, even I don¡¯t think it¡¯s interesting anymore.¡± Fang Jie stretched his body and looked around: ¡°It¡¯s a pity that this place was destroyed. I have to allocate funds to rebuild it. How about this, you and I find another place  A one-on-one battle? Of course, I may have taken advantage of this because you are an old man and you will be tired from running around. " "If I don't beat you to ashes today, I won't be able to come back. "  Xu Xi raised his hand and pointed forward.  A burst of sword intent emerged!  So fast, beyond imagination.  The sword intent directly penetrated a large hole in the Taiji Palace, and then the sword intent did not diminish at all, breaking through countless houses and walls along the way, and everything it passed was pierced.  The sword's intention was like a straight line, cutting directly from Tai Chi Hall to the northern wall of Chang'an City!  With one sword move, we passed half of Chang'an City!  A sword can cover dozens of miles!  With a bang, a deep crack appeared on the tall and towering city wall.
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