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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1216 What a Wei Xiting

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    Chapter 1,216 What a Wei Xiting "Now based on the analysis of the information we already know, we can draw at least a few conclusions." Wu Daodao counted on his fingers and said: "First, these people feel that they have the ability to do their best.  They tried their best to kill the lord, but the cost was too high, so they didn't dare to try. They could only force the lord to disperse the people around him, and the most effective way was of course to besiege the lord's family. " He stretched out his second finger:  "Second, this is a paradox. If they want to disperse the people around the lord, they must invest huge power in the lord's family. Then even if the lord disperses the people around him, he can still cope with it."  Chen Xiaoru said: "So there is only one conclusion that is, the offensive against the lord's family is all a bluff?" "It's true and false, this initiative is in the hands of the opponent." Wu Yiyi said helplessly: "Although we have speculated on this,  But they still have to be on guard. Because they have two choices. If the strength of the guards around the lord's family is low, then they will succeed. If the strength of the guards around the lord's family is high, they will still succeed. " Chen Xiaoru frowned, it was true.  That's what happened.  "Then the lord will preside over court affairs in Changchun Garden from now on, and will not be separated from his family, so they will not find an opportunity to attack." Chen Xiaoru said.  "Impossible." Wu Yiyi shook his head: "My lord has a lot to do, and it is impossible to stay in Changchun Garden just because of this worry. It is also impossible to keep his family with him all the time because of this matter.  Moreover, there is an opportunity that they must seize. At that time, the master and his family must be separated. " Chen Xiaoru suddenly reacted: "Dachao meeting!" Wu Yiyi nodded: "Everyone knows that after a while.  The lord is going to hold a court meeting and entrust the generals of the Black Flag Army. The lord must be in the Taiji Hall at this time, because there are many things that the lord must do in person, and on this occasion, it is obvious that he cannot bring his family with him.  I am one of those people, and I will choose to take action at this time." After thinking for a while, Chen Xiaoru said, "Yes, this is the most suitable occasion. No matter whether they succeed in assassinating the lord on this occasion, they will cause a big chaos.  At that time, Cui Zhongzhen used this as an excuse to lead troops to seal the city, and then took advantage of the chaos to control the courtiers" Fang Jie listened to their discussion quietly without interrupting.  Wei Xiting, who had just been in Beijing for about a month, did not expect that things had reached such a difficult point, and it was not only difficult, but also dangerous.  It seems that the world is about to be peaceful. Who knew there were so many enemies hidden that are difficult to detect?  These enemies are obviously waiting for this moment of peace in the world, so that they can take away the country that Fang Jie and the Black Flag Army have worked so hard to defeat.  ¡°It must be said that these are a group of guys with great strength and extremely ruthless deeds.  Wei Xiting¡¯s background was not very good, so it was difficult for him to imagine that such a group of people existed in this world.  He originally thought that Tonggu Academy's ability was already very powerful, but now he realized that Tonggu Academy's style of doing things was much more childish than these people.  There is one thing in common between what these people do and what people at Tonggu Academy do, and that is control.  The difference is that Tonggu Academy has always been committed to controlling the royal family. This kind of control seems to be very stable, but in fact it is very contradictory. Once problems arise, it will collapse.  For example, in the Sui Dynasty, Tonggu Academy could no longer control the Yang family because of Wan Xingchen's existence.  And these people control the middle and lower classes.  More direct middle and lower levels.  "I thought" Wei Xiting thought carefully for a while and then said: "The purpose of these people is to seize the country that the lord conquered. This should be the principle they have always followed, that is, not to directly participate in the war, but to  To seize the victory after the war. Since their interest groups have existed for a long time, they have already formed a routine for doing these things. " "Now the strength of Xiaoqiu School is very strong.  In such a battle, the strength of the Knight Riding School lies in its size and numbers, but they cannot compete with those super strong ones. In other words, the role of the Knight Riding School is being eliminated by the enemy invisibly, but it is not at all powerful.  I can't get involved. But as I said just now, since there is a routine, there must be traces The Knight Riding School cannot play a role in direct confrontation, so we can pursue these traces. " " Please tell me carefully.  looked at him and said.  Wei Xiting nodded and continued: "For example, if you want to control the Ministry of Revenue, you don't need to control the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, but the Yuanwailang who holds the real power below."?Little official.  Then, once they want to steal the country, it will be obvious where their subordinates want to control.  " "The Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of War.  " Wei Xiting said: "If nothing else, those people in these three places must have a lot of cronies installed.  I guessed based on their success.  If they succeed, how will they stabilize the soldiers of the Black Flag Army?  First, they need a scapegoat This scapegoat must have a high enough status that the officers and men of the Black Flag Army can believe it.  I suspect that this candidate is Dugu Wenxiu.  "Second, if they want to appease the Black Flag Army soldiers, they must have an authoritative aspect."  For example, the Ministry of War immediately came forward and announced some appointments.  In order to avenge the Lord and track down the enemies, he assigned some official positions to the generals of the Black Flag Army. This way, the generals of the Black Flag Army could temporarily settle down.  But before that, we have to get rid of the Minister of War Well, now there are a few people who can judge that to get rid of the Minister of War, it must be someone close to the Minister of War, and only these people are easy to do it.  " "Then, once the Minister of War dies, we must immediately appease the officers and soldiers of the Black Flag Army.  At this time, a new Minister of the Ministry of War is naturally needed to do things. Who is the most suitable?  Naturally, he is the Minister of War, because the name of Minister of War is justifiable.  Therefore the people around the Minister of War and the Minister of War nine times out of ten are the enemy's people.  "The thought changed too quickly, which shows that Wei Xiting's mind is too agile." Fang Jie nodded: "It makes sense."  " Wei Xiting continued: "Then the power of the Xiao Riding School can be unleashed. No matter how powerful these people are, it is impossible to arrange masters around these pawns, right?  If they have such strength, they can start fighting directly.  So it's not difficult to catch these people.  The Knight Riding School can suddenly launch an attack at a certain time and capture these people at the same time, then the arrangement of those people will be completely messed up.  " Wei Xiting smiled: "Isn't it the way they always control the middle and lower classes? Then let's start directly from the middle and lower classes to catch them off guard.  "     I have to say that Wei Xiting is an extremely smart person. He does not understand the current situation. Fang Jie thought that this person was a little frivolous at first, so he kept him in Yunnan Road. In the past three years, he has  Yunnan Dao was managed in an orderly manner. The cooperation with Chen Dingnan not only cleaned up the original mess in Nanyan, but also made the He people docile. Originally, Fang Jie had high hopes for Wei Xiting.  , so Wei Xiting was transferred back at this critical moment. ¡°This is the direction.  Fang Jie looked at Chen Xiaoru and said, "Just follow Wei Xiting's method. Following this direction, you can at least identify a large number of people."  These people are waiting to do something at that critical moment. When that critical moment comes, these people will be unable to do anything.  " "Here" Chen Xiaoru leaned over and responded. "I feel that since the opponent this time is so vicious and cunning, we cannot leave any trouble in the future" Wei Xiting waited for Fang Jie to finish his instructions and continued: "My lord, do your best to be benevolent and righteous.  But we cannot be kind and righteous to these people. Before I went to Yunnan Road to work, I advised my lord that there is really no other way to deal with these people.  If the lord treats them better, they feel that the lord is afraid of their power.  I have been able to stabilize the situation in Yunnan Dao in the past few years, and it is nothing more than killing They are indeed domineering, and that is what they have been accustomed to over hundreds of thousands of years.  " "They have no awe in their hearts.  " Wei Xiting's voice was very soft but extremely serious: "I remember that a person who started a war once said something Someone asked him, since you want a peaceful world so much, why do you keep launching wars?  He replied that if I talk to those hostile people for peaceful purposes, they will not care about me at all.  Because they feel that they are the center of the world.  But if you hurt him and make him afraid at the thought of starting a war, then they will not dare to start a war casually.  " "I think these people just don't know what fear is.  For thousands of years, they have secretly controlled the succession of dynasties and the structure of the world. They have everyone in the palm of their hands, so they are not afraid.  They have also forgotten what it feels like to feel pain I invite you, my lord" Wei Xiting lifted his robe and knelt down on the ground: "Be a tyrant.  " As soon as these five words were spoken, it was shocking! Everyone in the room was stunned. No one thought that Wei Xiting's words could extend to this. Chen Xiaoru and the others were frozen and at a loss. Only Wu Yiyi's expression changed.  After the change, he subconsciously looked at Fang Jie, as if Wei Xiting's words touched some of his memories.???There are indeed some memories.  On the way back from Dongjiang, Wu Daodao had a long talk with Fang Jie more than once.  He once explained to the other party that if he did that, it would be a disaster, like a war breaking out, and many people would die in such a violent situation.  And once this kind of chaos starts, I'm afraid no one can control it except Fang Jie.  Even Fang Jie couldn't control it.  Wei Xiting¡¯s words seemed to be in line with Wu Yitong¡¯s worries.  "If that's the case, don't talk about it again in the future." Fang Jie seemed not to want to dwell on this topic, so he waved his hand and stopped continuing.  "Chen" Wei Xiting opened his mouth, but finally endured it.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡°You are too smart. When my lord went south, you were the one who implemented the system of dividing land into households and you were the one who implemented it most thoroughly. Some people say you are flattering and flattering. But my lord has said that you are a far-sighted person.  People can see further than others. Not long ago, the Lord said that compared with Dugu Wenxiu Dugu Wenxiu can see the next three years, at most five years, and you can see at least ten years in the future.  " Wu Yiyi walked side by side with Wei Xiting, and said slowly as they walked: "My lord knows that you are not just flattering, but really see the benefits of doing so, so you will implement it thoroughly, but my lord did not immediately reuse you.  , I didn¡¯t raise your position until after defeating Nanyan, and you stayed there for three years. "Why?" he asked.  Wei Xiting smiled bitterly: "Sometimes I worry about itthis temper is too impatient." "Yes, you are too impatient." Wu Daodao patted him on the shoulder: "Believe me, if your temper can be calmed down,  ¡­it will be of great benefit to you.¡±
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