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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1213 Visiting an Old Friend

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    Chapter 1,213 Visiting an Old Friend Fang Jie stretched out and didn't seem to be very worried.  Therefore, Chen Xiaoru felt a little calmer. He was really afraid of seeing Fang Jie helpless.  As long as the backbone remains so indifferent, Chen Xiaoru will know that there is hope for this invisible war.  When he recently noticed that Dugu Wenxiu and Cui Zhongzhen, who seemed particularly at odds on the surface, were showing signs of getting together, he was extremely shocked and frightened.  Because this was far beyond his ability to control, he knew that he could not stabilize the situation.  Even though Fang Jie gave him a lot of rights.  He hopes that Fang Jie will come back soon, because every day he is aware that the crisis in Chang'an City is approaching the edge of eruption step by step.  If Fang Jie never comes back, he is afraid that he will not be able to bear the pressure in his heart.  "These days, the Knight Riding School has been investigating several things." Chen Xiaoru took a deep breath and let his mood gradually calm down.  "The first is the matter of Dugu Wenxiu and Cui Zhongzhen. If the previous discord between the two of them and the signs of getting together now were all intentional I have the responsibility to remind the lord that there may be someone behind these two people.  What kind of plot is extremely detrimental to you?" Chen Xiaoru said solemnly: "Secondly, where are the sources of the rumors in the city? My subordinates have been secretly sending people to investigate, but they obviously started to spread among the people at the bottom, and the people involved are too many.  Guang, there is no way to find out where the source is. However, my subordinates have recently secretly sent people to investigate places such as restaurants, gambling houses, and brothels. ""Third, the Knight Riding School has begun a self-examination, because I am in the dark, inside the Knight Riding School.  Most people didn't know that I was watching them, so some people started to behave unreasonably. Although these people were not high-status, their positions were very sensitive. " Chen Xiaoru said: "I suspect that those people's methods are the beginning.  People who control the middle and lower levels but have real power in their hands. ""This has always been the most effective way." Wu Yiyi was silent for a while and then said: "This is why these people are so powerfulfor example.  In the previous dynasty of Dazheng, the royal family started to conquer the world and sat in the highest position. However, being the highest did not mean being the most effective. The emperor seemed to control the overall situation, but the most effective control he had was actually the ministers in the court.  Even the local officials can¡¯t control it.¡± ¡°And these people, they are not taking the highest path, but taking another path. They have accumulated huge wealth for hundreds of years or even thousands of years.  Wealth and strength. Then they began to infiltrate and gradually control those with low status but real power. For example, if they want to control a county magistrate, it may cost ten thousand taels of silver to bribe him. But if the headhunter is one of theirs.  There is no need to spend a pen of money. When the county magistrate orders certain things, the real manpower is in the hands of the chief." Wu Yiyi continued: "For another example, the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance knows the Ministry of Finance.  , is definitely not as good as a small official in charge of policies. If you ask the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue how much food is available in the treasury, he will not be able to answer the specific number, but you will have to go back and ask. But if you ask this small official, he will know everything.  Chu. Let me give you another simple and vulgar example If you want to secretly date a girl in a brothel, it is obviously too difficult to bribe the mother of the brothel, but it is very easy to bribe a turtle man " Fang Jie nodded, he knew Wu Daodao.  The analysis is correct.  But obviously, Chen Xiaoru did not think of this level.  He just noticed these signs, but didn't think about it deeper.  "So, our opponent this time is very scary." Fang Jie still smiled, as if he was trying to calm down Chen Xiaoru.  "It seems difficult to control a royal family, but Tonggu Academy did it. Before, we knew that Tonggu Academy had been trying to control the world by controlling the royal family, but now the opponents they face are following a more thorough path.  Road. They do not control the royal family, but control a large number of middle- and lower-level officials. So relatively speaking Tonggu Academy is inferior to these people." Wu Daodao asked Fang Jie: "Tonggu Academy is not Sang.  Was it established by Sang Luan? If Tonggu Academy had not noticed the existence of these people before, it was obviously impossible.  Knowing Sang Luan, I can't figure out his thoughts. His purpose of establishing Tonggu Academy was to test whether the direction of a country's development could be changed by human power, but later he obviously lost interest in Tonggu Academy, otherwise he wouldn't.  Sit back and watch Yang Jian destroy Tonggu Academy. "These current opponents must also be afraid of Sang chaos, so Tonggu Academy can't be established."With an extremely powerful person like Sang Luan here, these people might have destroyed Tonggu Academy long ago.  Just like the Yanwu Academy, they all knew that the Yanwu Academy was actually established by the Sui royal family. If they wanted to get rid of the path of selecting generals from aristocratic families, they wanted to select talents from poor families.  If it weren't for someone as powerful as Wan Xingchen, the Martial Arts Academy wouldn't be able to survive at all.  " "That is to say" Wu Daodao thought for a while and said: "These people do not have the strength to fight directly with Sang Luan and Wan Xingchen.  Therefore, they chose to endure and deceive at certain times.  " "They can't defeat Wan Xingchen, they can't defeat Sang Luan.  " Chen Xiaoru suddenly thought: "Then they might use Wan Xingchen and Sang Luan?  "    " That's right!  " Wu Yiyi's thinking gradually became clear: "They are afraid of Sang Chaos, so they can only watch the rise of Tonggu Academy and are helpless, so that they have to hide their strength deeper.  However, their control was really strong, and they later discovered that the people in Tonggu Academy were completely different from each other.  Therefore, while they could safely continue to control the middle and lower-level officials, they began to place their people in Tonggu Academy.  " " And Sang Luan, in the end, he had no interest in Tonggu Academy at all.  " Wu Daodao, Fang Jie, knows Sang Luan better than Chen Xiaoru. After all, long ago, Huotong Tianxiaxing and Sang Luan were inseparable from each other. Without the strong support of Tonggu Academy, Huotong Tianxiaxing may not have been able to  Being able to become the largest commercial bank in the world in just twenty years made Chen Xiaoru feel better because he found that these hidden enemies were not invincible in a certain sense.  In general, they are far inferior to Sang Luan, and even far inferior to Wan Xingchen. "How to deal with it next?"  " he asked. After Fang Jie came back, Chen Xiaoru felt that the pressure had been relieved too much. Even though the situation was still so unclear, even though it was still unclear who the enemy was until now. But with the backbone of the team back, he felt that there was nothing  It¡¯s invincible. ¡°It¡¯s up to you.  Fang Jie smiled and said, "If you need to check something, you can continue to check it."  If I change your thinking, those people will also be able to detect your change.  " Chen Xiaoru nodded. He seemed a little passive. "Actually, the situation has changed.  Fang explained: "Now, they don't know what I want to do."  " After saying this, Fang Jie suddenly said another thing: "Go and make arrangements. I heard that Cui Zhongzhen's father is here, and I want to visit his home.  When I left Fan Gu, I met Cui Zhongzhen by chance and had a relationship with his father.  At first, his father sent some people to protect me along the road and gave me a good horse.  " Chen Xiaoru responded. "I will make arrangements right now.  Fang Jie stood up and stretched his body: "By the way, let's make some arrangements. After leaving Cui Zhongzhen's house, I want to go directly to Dugu's house."  Dugu's mother is a sensible person, and I also asked to visit her.  " "Here" Chen Xiaoru was a little confused. He didn't know what Fang Jie was planning to do.   Cui Mansion Cui You's face was a little gloomy. He looked at his son. He had never thought that this could become a weapon, but now  He once thought that the status of the Cui family would be over in Cui Zhongzhen's generation. Because of Cui Zhongzhen's incompetence, he could not hand over the huge benefits he secretly controlled to him, because once it was handed over to him, his family's status would be over.  The end result is death. It is impossible for those people not to take action. If you hand over everything from the Cui family to Cui Zhongzhen, it is tantamount to putting a gold ingot in the hands of a three-year-old child, and the child will still be there.  It is impossible to survive in a place controlled by gangsters Even if the child is just walking on the street holding a gold ingot, it is impossible for him to be safe. But now, he has to put all his bets on his son.  "Did you reveal any flaws?  " He asked. Cui Zhongzhen thought about it carefully, then shook his head: "Don't worry, father, in the East Nuan Pavilion of Tai Chi Hall, I didn't say anything about sending people to infiltrate places in Gyeonggi Province.  It was Dugu Wenxiu who started it. I didn't interrupt or express anything.  As for why Fang Jie objected to me sending people to assist Dugu Wenxiu, his explanation seemed to make sense.  "    "not that simple!  ¡± Cui You responded impatiently.??Wave your hands.  He is really tired of his son's naivety.  Cui Zhongzhen is now fully capable of taking charge of his own business, but in his opinion, Cui Zhongzhen is still the ineffective son.  Or perhaps, the hope he gave was too high.  Now that Cui Zhongzhen has matured, his previous disappointments have turned into greater hopes, so it is inevitable that the requirements will be higher.  "Fang Jie is not a person who does things casually. Since he wants to do this, there must be some purpose. Even if he is not targeting you or us, he must be guarding against something." "What should I do?" Cui Zhongzhen asked.  "Nothing to do." Cui You said: "You do whatever you want to do. The success or failure of this matter is not on you. You are just the person who stands up at the most critical moment. So you don't need to go too deep into anything.  , so that even if Fang Jie notices something, he will not suspect you. So what you have to do is to wait for us and wait for us to pave the way for you" "My child understands."  Cui Zhongzhen nodded.  When he lowered his head, his eyes looked a little sad.  Because he knows that his father still has no love for him. This arrangement is indeed to prevent him from being hurt, but the premise is for the sake of the family, not because he is Cui You's son.  At this moment, the housekeeper¡¯s footsteps outside were heard running over quickly.  "Master!" The housekeeper said outside: "The Knight Riding School sent someone to deliver a letter before, saying that the prince knew that you were in the capital and wanted to visit!" Cui You was startled, and suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.
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