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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1190 Unexpected

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    Chapter 1190 Unexpectedly The soldiers of the Black Flag Army were sweating profusely and pushing the trenches forward.  This kind of advancement is not digging straight forward, but zigzag advancement.  Amidst the flying dust, not to mention the soldiers of the Black Flag Army who were in a deep ditch, the Opulu soldiers were unable to aim. Even if they were not in the deep ditch, the sky-wide smoke and dust blocked their sight.  "Attack" Lyman put down his clairvoyance and coldly issued a military order.  If the previous attack was just to suppress the Black Flag Army and protect the siege beasts from arriving at the battlefield smoothly and safely, then from now on, the Oprus attack will be unreserved.  Because Lehmann knew very well that if the Black Flag Army was allowed to dig trenches and advance forward, the Aupulus' advantage in weapons would be lost.  The bullet will not turn, and if you shoot diagonally upward, the bullet will not fall along the parabola to the Black Flag Army's position to kill the soldiers.  Butbows and arrows do.  The archers of the Black Flag Army continued to throw arrows in the deep ditch.  Although they are also unable to aim, their arrows are densely packed, which is enough.  "Let the firearms battalion go up and cooperate with the archers to defend." Fang Jie watched the battle situation from a high position on the wall of Phoenix Tower, and all the changes on the battlefield were under his gaze.  As the big flag on the city wall waved, Andrew, who had been unable to hold himself back for a long time, screamed and rushed forward along the trench with the soldiers from the firearms battalion.  With the cooperation of archers and musketeers, the Oprus offensive looked fierce but could not get close at all.  The Opulus artillery kept spitting fire snakes, but the artillery shells were unable to cause large-scale damage to the Black Flag Army soldiers in the deep ditch.  The Black Flag Army's advance was extremely slow, but the Oprus could not find any way to stop it.  "The Han people often say that if you want to win, you must calculate the right time, place, and people I calculated the right time, and also wanted to use siege beasts to change the situation, but I did not expect that the enemy's general would have a mind with such a soul. This kind of tactic  ¡­It¡¯s a bit rogue, but it¡¯s really effective.¡± Lyman, who couldn¡¯t sit still anymore, muttered to himself. Fang Jie¡¯s tactics made him feel a little helpless.  If no other solution can be found, the Black Flag Army can continue to advance like this until dark.  "Your Majesty, let me take the people to charge." The giant Augusta said loudly: "These hateful Han people are too cunning, they must be stopped." "I know they must be stopped." Lyman's voice was a little bit  Chills.  "Let the siege beasts speed up!" After a moment of silence, Lyman's expression changed again, because he suddenly understood what Fang Jie's true intention was.  The speed of digging trenches and advancing in this way is too slow. Fang Jie probably did not expect this attack to reach the Opulus camp.  Fang Jie wants to stop the siege beast!  If we dig like this, the siege beasts will not be able to get close to the Black Flag Army's camp.  If they cannot get within shooting range, even if there is a favorable wind, the Opulus will not be able to send fire to the Black Flag Army camp.  "Fang Jie actually guessed that I was going to attack with fire!" Lyman was shocked!  He is indeed an opponent worthy of attention and respect.  Lyman had to admire in his heart, and then pointed forward and loudly ordered: "Tell Buick to move forward a hundred meters, and then start digging trenches too!" Augusta obviously did not understand what Lyman meant, but he  I know that I am stupid and cannot keep up with His Majesty the Emperor's thinking.  Lyman raised his clairvoyance and calculated the distance of the Black Flag Army's advance.  If Buick pushed forward another hundred meters and dug a trench horizontally regardless of the cost, it would be able to block the Black Flag Army.  After advancing a hundred meters, holding this trench will ensure that the siege beasts are within range.  After receiving the order, Buicko went crazy and roared loudly, urging the soldiers to charge forward.  The dark crowd rushed forward despite the obstruction of arrows and bullets. People kept falling down and people kept coming up.  The distance of one hundred meters does not mean bringing the two sides closer to one hundred meters, but pushing forward one hundred meters from the same place Faced with the strength of the Black Flag Army's defense, how many people will die at a distance of one hundred meters?  By now, the corpses on the ground have covered the color of the earth.  "Haha" Fang Jie sneered: "The enemy has attacked. Tell Nalan Dingdong to let the reserve team rush out and counterattack! At this time, the enemy's artillery fire does not dare to open, so it will be much fairer and we will fight face to face.  , The Black Flag Army has never lost to anyone!" The sound of the cannon stopped, and the sound of the horn on the city wall could be heard farther.  Hearing the sound of the row of giant horns on the city wall, Nalan Dingdong immediately ordered a counterattack.  Morning?The spearmen who had been prepared jumped out of the trenches and charged forward towards the Opulus.  Because the Black Flag Army deliberately placed the Opulus closer, the pikemen could reduce the chance of death.  As a unit of the army that moves second only to cavalry in speed, pikemen often play a leading role in wars, although their defense is very low.  During the Sui Dynasty, infantry basically used infantry guns. However, the manufacturing process of this weapon was too complicated and the process was too slow. Therefore, the Black Flag Army abandoned this weapon and instead used low-cost long guns.  The two sides clashed and soon collided.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Where are the cavalry of the Black Flag Army?  This is a question that Lyman has been thinking about. Since the war has not yet seen the most elite light cavalry of the Black Flag Army, Lyman cannot be at ease.  He was well aware of the power of light cavalry in field battles, and the number of light cavalry in Fang Jie's Black Flag Army was so astonishing.  It is impossible to solve the problem by leaving such a powerful army alone.  Lyman just doesn¡¯t know where Fang Jie will use the cavalry.  The war has been intense since the beginning, but it is still in the exploratory stage.  Fang Jie and Lehman kept making moves after blows, both trying to force out each other's strength bit by bit.  Lyman knew that Fang Jie must also be waiting, waiting for his side to reveal a flaw, and then the light cavalry would come out and give him a fatal blow.  In fact, he ordered the construction of huge siege beasts not just to set fire to the wind.  It is also to resist Fang Jie's light cavalry. The soldiers on the siege beast can shoot the cavalry from a high position without being hurt by the cavalry.  But now that Fang Jie¡¯s cavalry does not appear, it is obvious that Fang Jie has guessed what those giant beast-like instruments are used for, so he wants to destroy those siege beasts first.  The two of them seemed to be playing a game face to face, constantly speculating and calculating where the other party's ultimate move would be.  Little by little layout, little by little breakthrough.  Thirty miles away from the battlefield, Yan Kuang wiped the sweat from his forehead. This once foolish boy had already grown into a qualified general. The battles over the years had also tempered his state of mind.  "Speed ??up!" he ordered loudly.  He seemed to have smelled the battlefield.  At this moment, a group of cavalry flew in from a distance in front of them. Soon the group of cavalry was approaching, and the leader was recognized by Yan Kuang.  It¡¯s none other than Chen Dingnan.  "General Chen, did the Lord send you to urge me?" Yan Kuang asked anxiously.  Chen Dingnan shook his head: "My lord has ordered that this thing should not be sent to the battlefield, but sent directly to Phoenix Taipei City. My lord has sent people to dismantle the Phoenix Taipei Gate and widen it. The meteorite must enter the city before dawn tomorrow." "Into the city?  "Yan Kuang was stunned: "Aren't you going to be dragged to the battlefield?" Chen Dingnan shook his head: "I don't know what your lord is planning. He just sent me to help you. The battle is fierce now, and your lord is worried about the foreign scouts finding out.  You, that¡¯s why I was sent here to tell you not to go south of Phoenix Tower." Yan Kuang nodded and quickly ordered to change direction.  "General Chen, do you know what the lord is planning to do with this thing?" Yan Kuang and Chen Dingnan rode side by side and asked while urging their horses forward.  Chen Dingnan shook his head and said with a smile: "When my lord discovered this thing in the north mountain of Chang'an City, I was already halfway. To be honest, my lord just told me that this thing is called a meteorite. I don't know what it looks like, let alone this thing."  What role can the thing play? But seeing that the Lord attaches so much importance to it, it is obvious that this thing is not trivial." Yan Kuang didn't say anything, so he had to suppress his curiosity.  He carefully delivered the things along the way, not daring to slack off at all.  But he really couldn't imagine what kind of change this thing could bring to the war. Judging from the importance that the Lord attached to it, it seemed that this thing was the most critical.  Even if this thing is very powerful, can it kill hundreds of thousands of foreigners?  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Xiang Qingniu paced back and forth on the city wall anxiously, obviously he couldn¡¯t bear it any longer.  He walked to Fang Jie, opened his mouth but held back, and turned around again. After turning around seven or eight times, he couldn't bear it any longer: "When are you going to let me take people up there and kill them happily?" "  Not yet." Fang Jie shook his head: "Let all the Jianghu people under you go back and rest. You will not be needed in this battle today." "Why?" Xiang Qingniu said, "As long as we go up to it, I promise.  The situation of the battle can be turned around in half an hour.??Take the people in front and press forward, and you let the army follow behind. I can lead the people to kill the foreign camp before dark!  " "Because I don't know my opponent yet.  " Fang Jie shook his head again: "But the opponent knows us Leman knows that I have Qingqi in my hands, and knows that there are practitioners like you, so there is no way he will not make preparations.  I had to whet Lyman's appetite first and make him anxious to wait.  If he can't figure out my thoughts, he will change his own thoughts.  If I don't use my killing move, he won't be able to use his killing move.  " "But if the fight continues like this, it's hard to tell the winner!  " Xiang Qingniu said. Fang Jie snorted: "I know you want to defeat the foreigners in the first battle and end this war in one day I want it more than you do, but if you rashly use all your means,  , once you encounter a setback, it will be difficult to recover.  Look" Fang Jie pointed to the Aupulus team in the distance: "The foreigners attacking now are the troops that have been at Phoenix Tower before, not the troops brought by Leman.  None of his direct men have moved until now.  " Xiang Qingniu doesn't understand military affairs, he is just anxious. "Don't worry, you will have a chance to kill happily.  " Fang Jie withdrew his gaze from the distance and pointed at the city: "Go and rest. From now on, all Jianghu guests will rest without my order.  " Xiang Qingniu stamped his feet anxiously, sighed long and turned away. Fang Jie raised his clairvoyance again and looked at the high platform in the distance. He could see the person standing on the high platform, although it was very blurry.  But he knew it was Lyman. ¡°What are you hiding?  " Fang Jie murmured to himself. On the high platform, Lyman held up his clairvoyance and slowly scanned the wall of Phoenix Terrace. He couldn't see Fang Jie, and even if he saw him, he couldn't confirm it. But he knew that Fang Jie must be watching.  Looking at myself "You must be thinking, what am I hiding?  " Lyman said to himself: "I'm also wondering what you are hiding You can't think of it, and neither can I.  "
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