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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1183 All I Need is a Cup

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    Chapter 1183: All I Need is a Cup Chang'an City is as calm as ever No matter whether this big city has experienced war or not, it seems difficult to break its long-established atmosphere.  If this big city had its own soul, it would be a very dull one.  There are more and more pedestrians on the street. The war in the Central Plains is almost over, so whether it is Chang'an City or other Taoist authorities, order is gradually being restored.  When the first batch of merchants walked into the gate of Chang'an City, the people waiting on both sides of the road to greet them burst into cheers.  This shocked the merchants. They thought they were followed by some big shot, but they looked left, right, front and back, and then they were sure that it was them who was being greeted.  Such courtesy is unique for low-status merchants.  Perhaps, when they grow old, they will not forget what they experienced on this day.  Those people in Chang'an City finally gave this big city some vitality.  When Dugu Wenxiu returned home from the court, the sky was already dark.  In less than half an hour, lights will be lit on the main streets of Chang'an City.  This is the moment that Chang'an City set after calling itself the capital of the Sui Dynasty, and it cannot be shaken.  Even when Chang'an City was besieged and supplies were most scarce, the lights on the streets were not completely extinguished.  ¡°I don¡¯t know why, Dugu Wenxiu didn¡¯t choose to take the carriage.  He walked home.  Walking on the street, looking at the soft light emanating from the shops that were not closed yet, Dugu Wenxiu smiled, and the pain and depression in his heart also eased a little.  In the past, he never imagined that he could climb to the height he is now.  This big city, which symbolizes the center of power, is now under his control.  These people benefited from him maintaining the stability of the court.  The food and cloth used by the people in the city came from the large number of merchants who poured into Chang'an City.  And these businessmen were organized by the state governments he ordered.  He needed this big city to regain its vitality as soon as possible, and he needed the people in the city to stabilize as soon as possible.  He walked on the street, feeling his accomplishment.  Dozens of guards kept a certain distance from him and followed him slowly.  Although the streetscape of Chang'an City looks the same, it is precisely this sameness that makes countless people want to conquer and control this place.  Walking on a street like this always gives people an indescribable sense of accomplishment.  Dugu Wenxiu walked very slowly, as if he wanted to take in every detail.  Qianhu Yichong of the Xiaoqiu School was specially assigned to him.  This man, who had been pretending to be a snack seller in Chang'an City for so many years that he couldn't even remember, had completely withdrawn from his past experiences.  At this time, the brocade clothes on his body were telling others that he was one of the most powerful yamen in this big city one of the powerful people in the Xiaoqiu School.  "Sir, it's better to speed up." Yi Chong walked to Dugu Wenxiu and lowered his voice to remind him: "The Xiao Riding School has received news that there has been some unrest in Chang'an City recently." "Okay" Dugu Wenxiu was not stubborn or put on airs, but just nodded.  He nodded: "Then let's get in the carriage." The carriage arrived soon. After Dugu Wenxiu got on the carriage, he asked Yi Chong to follow.  "What is the Xiao Riding School investigating recently?" Dugu Wenxiu asked.  Yi Chong shook his head subconsciously: "I don't know about Bei Zhi. Bei Zhi has not returned to the Yamen for a long time. Since the Lord assigned me to protect the safety of the Lord, Bei Zhi no longer participates in other matters. Bei Zhi only received a call from the Xiaoqi School Yamen  A special reminder was sent to tell me that there are many people of unknown origin in Chang'an City recently. ""Oh" This may be the answer Dugu Wenxiu expected, so he said oh without any emotion, and he was not disappointed.  , and there is no dissatisfaction.  "I heard that before you entered the Riding School, you sold snacks in Chang'an City for many years?" "Yes" "How is your craftsmanship?" "It's okay, at least no diners have slapped the table and cursed." Yi Chong  Dugu Wenxiu's answer made Dugu Wenxiu laugh, and he seemed to feel more relaxed.  But Yi Chong could tell that Dugu Wenxiu had something on his mind, something very, very heavy.  Moreover, this kind of worry is something that no one can tell, and can only be kept in Dugu Wenxiu's heart.  Although Yi Chong wanted to know what these worries were, he knew that he must not ask.  "When you go back, cook me a bowl of hot noodle soup." Dugu Wenxiu said.  Until now, Dugu Wenxiu has not married a wife.  With his current status, no matter it isIt would not be difficult to acquire the daughter of that famous family.  Even since he entered Chang'an City, countless people wanted to betroth their most outstanding women to him.  Because he is the head of the civil service of the Black Flag Army.  Now, he is the most powerful person in the court.  Although the arrangements when Fang Jie left Chang'an City were a bit confusing, the fact that Fang Jie did not move Dugu Wenxiu's position shows that he is still trusted.  Before leaving, Fang Jie emphasized the separation of military and political affairs. Cui Zhongzhen led the troops and could not interfere in the government affairs, while Dugu Wenxiu was in charge of the government affairs but had no military power.  There was a time when some people thought that Dugu Wenxiu was about to lose power.  But such doubts gradually disappeared as Dugu Wenxiu still sat firmly in the court.  "Yes" Yi Chong nodded.  He knew that when Dugu Wenxiu asked him to get on the carriage, he definitely didn¡¯t just want him to make him a bowl of hot noodle soup.  "Do you have any other orders, sir?" After a moment of silence, Yi Chong chose to ask directly.  He couldn't ask Dugu Wenxiu what was on his mind, but he could ask him what he wanted.  "No" Dugu Wenxiu shook his head: "There is nothing you need to do, just go back and forth every day. I am always myself in this carriage, and it is only me when I get home, so occasionally I feel a little too deserted  You sit across from me, you don¡¯t have to say anything, just sit there and it¡¯s enough.¡± Yi Chong was startled. He really couldn¡¯t figure out how much pressure this powerful man was under, and where this pressure came from.  of?  Who gave it to him?  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ General¡¯s Mansion Cui Zhongzhen put down the book in his hand and rubbed the corners of his sore eyebrows.  He seemed to have nothing to do, except for his daily routine inspections in the camp, whereupon he would stay in the study and read all day long.  He was a nerd at first, and when he entered Chang'an City with Fang Jie, he never thought that one day he would reach his current status.  The status of the Cui family in Longyou has become higher and higher because of the emergence of such a big shot like him.  His father, who was once extremely disappointed in him, now whenever he mentioned his son, the pride on his lips and in his eyes was so obvious.  The Cui family is not even a big family in Longyou, but now, every move of the Cui family can affect the movements of other families in Longyou.  This is a person's achievement, this is the benefit of status.  "There seems to be some unrest in Chang'an City recently?" He seemed to be talking to himself.  The person who answered him stood behind him.  The window was open, and the speaker had just come in.  This window has never been closed since Fang Jie left Chang'an City. No one knows the purpose of opening this window. It is actually just a passage.  However, this channel is too important.  "It is indeed not peaceful. Many people have come from outside. These Jianghu guests are all new faces. When the lord held the martial arts conference, on the surface it seemed that he wanted to integrate the Dao Sect and gain the support of the Jianghu forces. But the lord  The purpose is actually to make those hidden people show up. What a great opportunity is such a martial arts conference? Those people should not give up. As long as they send people to participate, they can break into the Black Flag Army  Unfortunately, these people are far from that simple. They gave up. "The person who answered Cui Zhongzhen came out of the darkness.  It is Chen Xiaoru.  "The dignified commander of the Riding School can't walk in the light now." Cui Zhongzhen shook his head: "In fact, how many people are walking in the light, but have darkness in their hearts?" "What's going on?" Chen Xiaoru sat down: "  Are you really resentful?" Cui Zhongzhen rolled his eyes at him: "I know my lord better than you." Chen Xiaoru smiled, thinking of the two people who first followed the lord into Chang'an.  One is Cui Zhongzhen, who experienced ups and downs later, but eventually became one of the core members of the Black Flag Army power group.  One is Xiang Qingniu. The status of Dao Zun does not lie in power, but in his relationship with his lord.  "It seems that I really can't sit still." Chen Xiaoru said: "They have been patient and waiting." "They need a time and a suitable person." Cui Zhongzhen said.  Chen Xiaoru nodded, picked up Cui Zhongzhen's tea cup and drank water. Cui Zhongzhen frowned slightly: "Aren't you afraid that I will be sick?" After Chen Xiaoru finished drinking, he wiped the cup clean and put it in his sleeve.  Cui Zhongzhen immediately understood what he meant.  "If nothing unexpected happens,??, their first move was not in Chang'an City.  Although they found the right time and the right people, they needed to clear up the hidden dangers first.  Don't think that their first step is to kill you, even though you are extremely important.  " Chen Xiaoru stood up and prepared to leave: "The first one to face danger is Wei Xiting.  " Cui Zhongzhen was startled for a moment, then nodded: "Dugu I don't want Wei Xiting to come back.  " Chen Xiaoru hummed and wanted to say something, but finally endured it. "Shout." Chen Xiaoru rushed out of the window. "Here comes someone!  " Cui Zhongzhen shouted loudly, and then several knights from the riding school rushed in from outside. A minute later, several nurses from the mansion also rushed over. " I lost a cup.  Cui Zhongzhen said angrily: "There is actually a cup missing from my study!"  This shows that someone can easily enter the house and the study. What if the person who comes wants to kill me?  You guys have been telling me all day that the house is heavily guarded, so who will tell me, did the cup fly away on its own?  " The knights and guards in the mansion looked at each other, and no one dared to speak. "No" Cui Zhongzhen said angrily: "You guys go back to the knights and tell the people in charge that a cup was lost in my mansion!  " "Here!  " The first one to come in, the Knight Riding School, immediately nodded: "Don't worry, General, we will go back and report to Master Qianhu, who will immediately send elite manpower to supplement. The Knight Riding School has an unshirkable responsibility for this matter.  "    "go!  Go quickly!  " Cui Zhongzhen was furious, and the veins on his forehead were stretched.   Chen Xiaoru threw the quilt in his hand aside and looked at Ma Lilian, who was becoming more and more calm. This is the Grand Master's Mansion. It's a very deserted Grand Master's Mansion. "I  You need a reason, otherwise you can't just add guards around Cui Zhongzhen at will.  If those people want to take action, the first thing to do is to kill Wei Xiting, who was transferred back from Yunnan Road, and the second thing is Cui Zhongzhen.  They were afraid that Wei Xiting would come back to replace Dugu Wenxiu, and they did not want the military power to remain in Cui Zhongzhen's hands.  " "So you stole a cup?  " Ma Lilian smiled: "That's a terrible excuse.  " Chen Xiaoru also laughed: "Although the excuse is bad, those people will panic.  They must be wondering, who would steal a cup from Cui Zhongzhen's study?  If it were you, what would you think?  " "To think about it in a simple way, it is Cui Zhongzhen who is making things up.  " Ma Lilian said: "If you think about it more deeply, they will think that someone wants to remind Cui Zhongzhen of something.  So you will suspect that there is a mole among your own people.  " Chen Xiaoru smiled more and more cheerfully: "I only need a cup.  "
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