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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1144 Confusion

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    Chapter 1,144: Confused The rain is dripping down from the eaves. The beauty of this bead curtain is more perfect than any handmade bead curtain.  The house is a bit old, so the once bright red tiles have turned gray and black.  Judging from the architecture, the owner of this house should be from a wealthy family, but he is definitely not an official.  When the water droplets connected into a line, the sky turned completely dark.  Under the eaves, on both sides of the steps, there are small shallow puddles on the bluestone paving, which shows that this house has been built for some years.  There were bursts of white smoke coming out of the open window. Under the weak light in the house on a rainy night, the white smoke looked particularly thick.  Yang Shun, who felt more and more old, would sit on the earthen kang in the house, puffing on his pipe.  Then he deliberately raised his head and blew the smoke out of the window.  This is a dilapidated small village. As for where the people in the village have gone now, only the devil knows.  Foreigners crossing the border are more ruthless than locusts sweeping the fields. Those foreigners who regard the Han people as an inferior race will not begrudge human life.  In their eyes, there is no difference between the status of Han people and cattle, sheep and pigs.  No, the difference is that foreign soldiers will not rape a pig, but they will never let go of a beautiful girl.  Yang Shun stretched hard and stretched his arms, but found that his spine could not be straightened no matter what.  He attributed this to the ruthlessness of time and did not think about it elsewhere.  The rain outside the window has been lingering for a day, and it is not something to worry about that it has blocked the army's journey. On the contrary, he is a little relieved.  The foreigners forced him to send troops. For him, whether he sent troops or not, he was already burdened with infamy. Even if he took a bath with boiling water and scalded a layer of his skin, he could not get rid of it.  He smoked a cigarette, and his thoughts were as ethereal as the smoke.  In order to avoid Yang Jian, he fled to Eastern Xinjiang.  Mu Guangling, who had a close friendship with him, gave Muping City to him. Whether it was out of good intentions or malice was no longer important, because it was in Muping City that he turned Yang Shunhui into a man that the Han people had cursed for eight generations.  traitor.  So Yang Shunhui even hated Mu Guangling.  If Mu Guangling refused to take her in, where should she be?  He doesn¡¯t know, but what he knows is that he will definitely not be used as a knife by foreigners.  He felt guilty after receiving real money. In fact, Yang Shun would know that sooner or later, he would become like this one day.  But sometimes he is confused, why do he need so much gold and silver?  He stretched his head out from the Tukang and glanced at his son sleeping on the long table in the room outside.  Finally, I have some reasons to feel at ease.  He never wanted his son to be exposed to what he was doing. When he was fighting for the Sui Dynasty, he didn't want his son to carry a sword or armor, because he only had one son.  , he only wants his son to be alive and well.  He also did not allow his son to participate in the transactions with foreigners. He did not even tell his son how much benefits he received.  But this time, he must take his son on the expedition.  He didn¡¯t dare to leave his son in Muping City, even if it meant leaving 10,000 elite soldiers, or even half of the troops.  As soon as he left, the place would burn with fire, the fire of angry hatred.  The people of Mouping City, who had been oppressed by foreigners, did not dare to do anything to him, but after he left with his troops, no one could guarantee what kind of beasts those people would become.  His guess was correct. After he left, the big house he lived in had been burned to the ground.  His son Yang Caiping slept deeply. Because he had never experienced the pain of marching, he was so tired that he started snoring not long after he lay down.  For Yang Caiping, Yang Shunhui has doted on him beyond measure.  He felt that the most correct thing he had done in his life was to escape Chang'an.  Because he heard that everyone with the blood of the Yang family is basically dead.  Although the relationship between him and the royal family is already very weak.  "Father, why aren't you sleeping yet?" In his daze, Yang Shunhui didn't notice that his son had gotten up. He entered the back room with an oil lamp and sat down on the edge of the Kang: "It's already late at night. It will be early tomorrow morning."  Are you still on your way?" "You're not in a hurry." Yang Shunhui smiled kindly at his son: "Even if the rain stops in the middle of the night, there's no way to hit the road tomorrow. The road is muddy, let alone walking.  It's hard to push out the large vehicles in the transport camp if they get stuck in the mud. It's very difficult for you to go out with your father. Except this time, it was the last time you left Chang'an City.; "Father, why do you pack everything in the house and take it with you? We don't know how to do it anymore?" Yang Caiping asked, although he was almost thirty years old, but he was doted on so much that he still saw things in a simple way.  He didn't know or think about it. Muping City was already a thing of the past for their father and son.  "Not necessarily, but I probably won't go back for a long time." "Oh, father, who are we going to fight this time? Foreigners?" "No one is going to fight this time, just a routine change of defense. Have you forgotten, we are starting from Chang'an  The city has not been moved for several years. We are here to guard the border, so naturally we cannot always stay in one place. According to the practice of the Sui Dynasty, the border troops have to change their defenses every few years." He lied.  He also knew that his son would not doubt him.  "I thought they were attacking foreigners." Yang Caiping yawned: "When I was in Muping City, I went out to play. The people didn't seem to like foreigners, and they didn't seem to like me. Wherever I went, the people there  Then they all dispersed. I asked He Kui, and He Kui said that I don¡¯t like people being afraid of me, and I¡¯m not a ferocious beast.¡± Yang Shunhui rubbed his son¡¯s forehead.  If it doesn't stop raining tomorrow, we'll have a barbecue in this room." He Kui gently closed the door of the back room, lest he wake up Yang Caiping, who fell asleep again.  As one of Yang Shunhui's cronies, he knew very well where Yang Shunhui's enemies were.  "General, do you have something to say?" He came over and stood close to the edge of the Kang, respectfully.  "I plan to give you a task, a task that is more important than anything else. He Kui, you have been with me for a long time, right? I used to let you lead the Beizi Camp, and then I transferred you back to be the special general of the private camp, and then let you  You have been protecting Huiji for at least ten years, right?" "Twenty years," He Kui replied respectfully: "It has been seventeen years since I was with the young master. Counting the previous ones, it is twenty years.  "It will be a little more years." "Hui Ji and you are the best," Yang Shunhui said in a low voice.  "Huiji" is Yang Caiping's name.  "That's because the young master looks up to the humble position and is willing to be friends with the young master. Speaking of which, he has learned a lot from being with the young master these years." "Lies" Yang Shunhui shook his head: "Huiji is simple and even a little stupid. He  What can I teach you? But I have seen your care for him all these years and it is precisely because of your carelessness and Huiji's trust in you that I will save you tonight.  "Find them." He was silent for a while, and then said: "Early tomorrow morning, you will take people to the supply camp. There are ten carriages that I specially ordered to distinguish, and they contain more than half of my savings over the years.  I will allocate a thousand men from the military camp to you. Tomorrow night, you will escort Huiji and the ten carriages to Gaoning to wait for me." "Gaoning?" He Kui was stunned for a moment, subconsciously.  He glanced at the map spread on the earthen bed.  The lights were dim, but the red dot marked on the map was particularly eye-catching.  "Well, Gao Ning." Yang Shunhui pointed to the position of the red dot: "I can't leave the team. There are foreign spies everywhere. If I go with you, I'm afraid the foreigners will know about it immediately. So I will continue.  Lead the team to Phoenix Terrace. Once there, I will find an opportunity to leave. You go directly to Gaoning. Once you arrive in Gaoning, go directly to the sea. There is a small island called Zhenshan about four hundred miles away from Gaoning. Wait for me there.  "General!" He Kui's face turned pale: "You want to abandon the team?" "Abandon!" Yang Shunhui nodded seriously: "We can't fight this battle now."  They haven't turned against me yet, and when we get to Phoenix Tower, I'm sure not many people will take up arms and attack the Black Flag Army in Phoenix Tower. If I fight this battle, I will still be a sinner.  If you don¡¯t fight, at least I can still live with my conscience. Wait for me when you arrive at Zhenshan Island, and then we will go directly to Bohai Country.¡± He pointed to a place on the map.  "The Bohai Kingdom was once a vassal state of the Sui Dynasty, but contact was cut off after the Sui Dynasty's military rebellion. The Bohai Kingdom once had an army stationed by the Sui Dynasty. The leader of the army was named Gao Mengxiang. I was kind to him at the time, and I promoted him single-handedly.  Although Bohai Country is bitter and cold, it is peaceful there. I no longer have the heart to fight for the world, let alone think about the Ninth Five-Year Plan. I only want to give Hui Ji a good life, and I can't let my Yang family die.  "Okay!" He Kui bit his lip: "No matter what you decide, General, I will follow you to the death."p; "Yeah!" Yang Shunhui nodded: "I still trust you. In fact, there is no need for us to participate in this war now. I have taken advantage of the foreigners, and the Han people can no longer tolerate me. I will not use troops against the Han people.  Foreigners can't tolerate me. We will live the rest of our lives well in Bohai Country, with no shortage of wealth and comfort." "The general has great foresight." "But, how can I explain it to the young master?" "  He Kui sighed and said, "The general has worked hard for the young master." "But once the foreigners become suspicious, will they pursue him?"  ?¡± He Kui suddenly asked: ¡°Will Jiang Hu Ke chase us once we lose our team?¡± Yang Shunhui¡¯s eyes changed, but when he looked at He Kui, he didn¡¯t notice the complicated meaning in his eyes.  Worry, fear, and confusion.  There was something else, but He Kui carefully hid it.  Maybe everyone has something on their mind, but these worries cannot be brought out in the sun.  What¡¯s more, it¡¯s raining really hard today.
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