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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1095 The Inseparable Enemy

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    Chapter 1095: The Inseparable Enemy Brother Meng was still describing what he knew, but Fang Jie's thoughts had already flown to the sky.  What he was thinking would be difficult to understand if Meng Ge knew it.  If it weren't for Fang's explanation, it would be difficult for anyone in this world to understand.  Of course, understanding is only a matter of time.  Brother Meng told Fang Jie exactly what happened when he was guided by that thing to the mountain and saw the world-destroying scene when he went to Dalun Temple for the last time.  Maybe it's because Sang Luan told him that Fang Jie is the best person to get rid of that thing, or maybe it's because he has no one to rely on now and Fang Jie is the last resort.  So, his narrative is very detailed.  After hearing these words, Fang Jie gradually brought his thoughts back.  Because the so-called world-destroying scene that Meng Ge saw confirmed his speculation.  Someone must have survived that catastrophe, and perhaps it took thousands of years to repopulate.  The past events that destroyed the world gradually turned into unknown secrets.  That thing in Dalun Temple must have watched all this happen.  Then it observes the development of mankind with the help of the remaining things it can still control, which is what it calls its so-called eyes of heaven.  When it discovered that human physique had mutated after being affected by radiation, it came up with a very bizarre idea.  A thing that has no soul and is not a human being has an idea.  "It is undeniable that the scenes I saw were indeed scary and shocking. There was such a terrifying thing in this world, but the white light shone and the people disappeared like paper that was burned to ashes.  Everything is melting, even steel. " Meng Ge took a long breath, and he was still a little suffocated when he recalled those scenes in his mind.  With his knowledge, it is difficult to understand this thing.  "Then why, that thing in Dalun Temple is targeting me?" Fang Jie asked.  "It's not so much aimed at you as it is aimed at your firearms. When that thing knew that you started to build a firearms camp, it seemed to be afraid. It had personally experienced the world-destroying battle, so it knew that there was  How terrifying. It is afraid that the development of weapons will reach that level again, so that it will not be able to escape again." Meng Ge tentatively answered.  I have to say that Brother Meng is a very smart person.  With his understanding, it was extremely difficult to guess this step.  Fang Jie nodded, this answer seemed to make sense.  Or maybe, this super-intelligent thing really feels that it is different?  Fang Jie couldn¡¯t help but think, are there gods in this world?  If not, then what happened to his resurrection from the dead?  Why did he come to this world after his death in his previous life, and why was it such a world that had a development process that he was familiar with?  This is definitely not something that science can explain.  "What's the use of killing me." Fang Jie smiled, as if he felt ridiculous for the self-deception of the thing in Dalun Temple: "Even if it tries to change the direction of human development and create a group of practitioners, which leads to people  Relying too much on the development of practitioners rather than tools, but what he can control is not the entire world. Even if I don't develop firearms, the foreigners on the other side of the ocean have already been developing firearms. Even if the grasslands and the Central Plains continue to develop like this, foreigners come over.  It will happen sooner or later. "This is really an unstoppable development process, and no one can stop it.  "By the way" Meng Ge suddenly thought of something: "What's going on with the Sky Eye? It says that he has the Sky Eye and can see everything that happens on the grassland." "A very magical tool that can fly very high  Look down at the world from the sky, and then change what you see into an image and send it to the receiving place. " Fang Jie didn't know whether Meng Ge could understand his explanation, but if he explained it too detailedly, Meng Ge would definitely not understand it.  "It said that it doesn't have many celestial eyes left to use, so it can't control the area east of Langru Mountain." Even the knowledge learned in the previous life cannot explain such a thing.  After all, he was just an ordinary person who barely went to a second university and was idle for several years. How could he have the mind to study satellites?  At that time, Fang had never experienced such freedom. Apart from playing games with a group of friends every day, he was also busy crushing on girls.  How can a trivial matter like a satellite be as important as dating a girl.  Therefore, Fang Jie had special respect for those scientific and technological talents in his previous life. Because they experienced a youth different from most people, they became the most important group of people in the development of the times.  They all sayLife is equal, but Fang Jie had the realization in his previous life that there was really no comparison between himself and those people.  "There used to be many so-called eyes in the sky. These things were sent to high altitudes by different countries. Once countries went to war, these eyes were what the enemy must kill first, because the eyes can detect the actions of the enemy.  ." Fang Jie tried his best to explain it to Brother Meng in the most common terms.  "Understood." Brother Meng nodded: "So, all that thing can use is the remaining Sky Eye." Fang Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and finally did not need to continue explaining.  "But why can it be connected to the Sky Eye high in the sky? Why can it be controlled even though it is so far away?" Meng Ge shook his head: "I can't figure it out." Fang Jie was stunned for a moment: "Let's talk about it.  Are you willing to lend me the 200,000 wolf riders on the other side of the river? Although the war in Eastern Xinjiang is still far away from the grassland, if the foreigners cannot be defeated, there is no doubt that after the fall of the Central Plains, there will be grassland.  In a place where there is no danger at all, the weapons advantage of foreigners will be greater than that in the Central Plains. The emperor of the Opuru Empire is called Lyman, and he is a guy who is so ambitious that he wants to occupy all the land. " Fang Jiekan.  He glanced at Brother Meng: "Compared to his ambition, your ambition is really nothing." These words made Brother Meng feel a little uncomfortable.  Because he is also an emperor. "I have already read the century-old secret book." Fang explained: "It is recorded in the notes of the Great Self that the thing will completely disappear for almost two hours every three months. I  I can probably understand why this is the case." He thought for a moment and said, "If you agree to my request and lend me the two hundred thousand wolf cavalry on the west side of Yishui, I will help you get rid of Da Zizai.  Get rid of Gaishe, or even help you get rid of Meng Lie, help you return to the grassland, and help you get rid of that thing in Dalun Temple. However, although Da Zizai's handwriting clearly recorded every three.  "That thing disappeared about a month ago, but he didn't remember what day it was." "You want me to find a way to find out?" Brother Meng asked.  The handwriting of the Great Self records many things, and they are all very detailed.  As one of the most helpful understandings to get rid of that thing, the Great Self will naturally remember things like disappearing for two hours every three months more clearly.  He remembered the day he first discovered this phenomenon, and then every three months thereafter.  Logically speaking, it is easy to guess the day when that thing disappears next time, but the Self-Contained Being did not record the day when he first discovered this phenomenon. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out and and and and before Meng Ge felt that he was completely wrong in guessing how long it would take for the thing to disappear. He had preconceived the idea that the day he saw the note was the day that the thing disappeared, so the answer he derived after guessing it was simply wrong.  After reacting, Brother Meng immediately became a little depressed.  The calendar recording method of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty is different from that of the Central Plains, and even the months of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty are different from those of the Central Plains.  The Central Plains people use month names like January, February, and March, while the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty uses names like Winter Moon, Grass Moon, Flower Moon, which do not correspond to the months of the Central Plains people.  Now think about it, the way that thing came up with to record calendars might have something to do with hiding oneself.  The records of the Mongolian people have always been very confusing.  As something that must strictly abide by time regulations, the so-called god created an extremely vague way of recording calendars, so that the Mengyuan people did not have any specific and precise concept of time.  Although this may not seem like a big deal, it has something to do with the fact that it consciously makes people stupid.  "So?" Brother Meng suddenly realized Fang Jie's implication: "You want to tell me that Da Zi Zai can't die yet?" "Yes" Fang Jie nodded: "He must return to Dalun Temple first.  Go without dying, and then try to find out the specific day when that thing disappeared. This is very important. You should know that even real masters like Sang Luan died in Dalun Temple. With my cultivation, I want to get rid of it.  That thing is impossible. As for the firearm in my hand, it may not be much different from a firecracker. " "The terrain of Dalun Temple is too dangerous. Not to mention transporting the firearm up, it is difficult for a large group of people to enter.  "You have attacked Dalun Temple more than once, and you should know that the terrain there makes it impossible for the team to move up. If you want to enter Dalun Temple, you have to go up the hanging ladder, but firearms cannot go up." After listening to Fang's explanation,  Brother Meng's face looked a little ugly.  "But if Da Zizui doesn't die, there's no guarantee he won't kill me." "I can let him kill me."Got you.  " "What can you do?  " Hope appeared in Brother Meng's eyes again. He looked at Fang Jie without blinking, waiting for the answer: "I want to borrow your 200,000 wolf cavalry, but if you don't go with me, how will I command the 200,000 wolves?  ride?  Therefore, after getting rid of Gaishe, I will leave the battle in the northwest to my men to continue, and I will lead the troops to the eastern Xinjiang. You, Khan, will go with me.  "Hearing this, Brother Meng stood up immediately. "No!  " He said slightly angrily: "If I can't return to the royal court immediately, how will I know when I will come back?  Who is sweating profusely when you come back?  " "I said it" Fang Jie shrugged his shoulders: "The transaction between you and me is based on mutual trust. You don't believe me, so you are afraid of this. If you believe me, you must know that after returning from Eastern Xinjiang,  Only then can I deal with that thing in Dalun Temple wholeheartedly.  And we just need this time to let Da ZiZi find out something.  ¡± ¡° Da Zizi may not agree!  "Brother Meng became more and more angry because he found that he seemed to have been swiped by Fang Jie. "He will.  " Fang Jie smiled: "Because he, like you, knows the right choice to make at any moment.  Think about it, after you personally lead the troops to the east, people all over the world will praise you because you put aside national and national prejudices and led the troops to help the Central Plains people resist the invasion of the Aupulu Empire.  As for Great Freedom, he only needs to endure the humiliation and bear the burden for a while, and he may become the supreme being of Buddhism.  " Fang explained: "You all have the possibility of realizing your beautiful hopes, but the premise is that you can't do without me.  "    "impossible!  " Brother Meng roared: "Da Zizi is a mad dog, he will not listen to you.  " "Yes" Fang Jie smiled: "Because I happen to have a helper who has a dog leash and can make dogs obedient.  "    "who!  "Brother Meng asked. "I" The door curtain opened, and an old man wearing a very old but clean starched robe walked in slowly. When he said the word "I", he was so confident.
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