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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1074 Some secrets are invisible to light

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    Chapter 1074 Some Secrets Invisible to Light Chen Zhenyu was a little impatient in waiting. A whole day and night had passed, and nothing seemed to have happened in that mountain.  The disciples of the Shadow Hall who were captured within a few months never showed up again, and the person who took action also never showed up again.  It was as if they had never been there and everything that had happened before was an illusion.  At this moment, Chen Zhenyu¡¯s eyes suddenly darkened, and he lost vision immediately.  "Ah" he whispered subconsciously, and then rolled down the high slope.  Liao Sheng, who was under the high slope, quickly rushed over to save him. He saw Chen Zhenyu covering his eyes with a look of pain on his face: "Qianhu I can't see anything anymore!" "I stared at the snow for too long.  "" Liao Sheng was far more experienced than Chen Zhenyu. He just went out to contact the people from the Xiao Riding School and immediately guessed the reason.  Chen Zhenyu has a stubborn temper and is unwilling to let go of one thing.  You don't need to ask to know that he must be unwilling to let others change, and other people are not familiar with this environment.  "Don't move around. I'm going to take you back for treatment now." He turned around and ordered the others: "Take turns and keep an eye on each person for no more than half an hour. When changing people, move slowly. Adjust one person every half an hour.  The position has been too long and the snow has been pushed down. If someone familiar with the environment here observes carefully, they may be noticed. " "Here" his subordinates responded.  Liao Sheng picked up Chen Zhenyu, looked back and saw nothing unusual, and then rushed out.  They have gone very far into the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and it will not take them a while to rush back to find a support point.  The supply point was set at the place where the Northern Liao people lived, which was at least nearly 80 miles away.  Walking on such a road is much slower than walking on flat ground.  Liao Sheng and Chen Zhenyu had been gone for less than half an hour. When he was staring at the Xiao Riding School in that direction and about to get up and change people, he suddenly felt that his eyes were in a trance. Before he could react, he felt the clothes on his back.  Immediately afterwards, his body was lifted up, and then there was a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. The next second, he was thrown out and landed far away. When he landed, a piece of snow was thrown up.  "Let's go!" The knight from the Riding School endured the severe pain and shouted. By the time the others reacted, it was already too late.  A man wearing a white bear fur coat stood on a high slope and looked at them with cold eyes: "When they came yesterday, I felt like someone was peeping, and sure enough, you guys have great perseverance.  I endured this for a day and a night in the ice and snow." Several other riders in the school exchanged glances and made an immediate decision without saying a word. The person standing at the back with the best light skills immediately turned around and left, while the others in front started to smoke.  The knife rushed towards the man in the leather jacket.  The people in the Riding School are all carefully selected elites, either from the world or selected from the army, and everyone is extremely brave.  But in front of this person, they are as vulnerable as weak children.  I didn¡¯t see how the man took action, he just waved his hand casually, and the few knights from the riding school were knocked away one after another, and they all lost the power to resist in an instant.  However, this person obviously left some room for action and did not directly kill anyone.  At this time, the Knight Riding School who was the first to escape was not even 200 meters away. He looked back and was shocked to see that all his comrades had been thrown to the ground.  He gritted his teeth and prepared to leave with all his strength, only to find that the man in the leather jacket was waiting for him in front of him.  "My foot strength is pretty good." The man in the leather jacket waved casually, and the body of the heroic riding school flew out like a kite with a broken string, and the body smashed heavily into a pile of snow.  You must know that the snow that has not melted for many years is not soft, and the damage caused by crashing into it can be imagined.  Just like yesterday, this man pulled out a rope from nowhere, swung it, wrapped it around the ankle of the riding school, and then dragged him back.  It didn't take long for him to tie up five or six young riders with ropes around their ankles, tie them into a bunch and drag them back on the snow.  He was holding the rope with one hand, seemingly effortlessly.  The first to be knocked down, the Riding School, struggled for a while but couldn't break free. The man seemed extremely confident, knowing that they were all restrained and unable to escape, and didn't even look at them.  The brave riding school took the opportunity to take out a signal firework from his arms, and then twisted it violently.  With a bang, a ball of flame exploded in the sky.  The man in the leather jacket paused, glanced at the knight riding school and frowned: "Why bother hurting your companions? It's really unwise of you to do this. Not only do you let the people around you suffer together, but you are here to save you."  People will also fall into it together. When?Idiot.  " After he said these words, his wrist shook slightly, and the end of the rope immediately moved like a snake, and then it got into the belly of the riding school. The rope was passed back and forth. After a while, it was pulled  Those knights were sewn up! Some were pierced through the thighs, some were pierced through the chest, and some were pierced through the lower abdomen. The blood immediately dyed the snow red. The man continued to drag.  The Knight Riding School moved forward and said in a calm tone as he walked: "With these blood marks left behind, I guess your companions who came to rescue you will become more and more anxious after seeing this.  The more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes. If they die, it will be your fault.  " After he said this, he stopped talking and looked at his back from a distance, like a big white bear dragging the food he had just hunted back to the cave. Just as he was dragging those few  When the Xiaoqiao Riding School returned to the humble position, Liao Sheng also came back from where he had been. He chose a more private place and looked over there. He resisted the urge to rush over and rescue his subordinates and was silent for a while.  Then he turned around and left. Chang'an City Martial Arts Academy. The original hiding place is still there. The war did not burn out the inside of Chang'an City, so the Martial Arts Academy was not destroyed. The sadness was just because people went to the building.  Because there are still so many books in the building, but no one comes to read them anymore. It has been many years since the Yanwu Academy has been so empty. The big tree in front of the Zangmen has begun to lose its leaves. It is as if there is a person inside it.  It was like a set clock. It was time to change the season, which made the courtyard look even more desolate. Zhou Banchuan sat on the stone bench in front of the Tibetan Gate, looking at the nineteen chess game on the stone table in front of him.  The chessboard is carved on the stone table. There are always people who ignore the lines on the chessboard. If you look closely, you will find that they are not chiseled at all. They are very round and look like they were drawn by fingers.  Bai Zi was obviously at a disadvantage. And the person holding Bai Zi was none other than Zhou Banchuan. "I have been in the martial arts academy for so many years, but I didn't know that you, a cook, had an extraordinary background. I didn't know that you were so good at making mistakes.  So fierce.  I want to know, after you have been a cook in the yard for so many years, who did you play chess with before?  "Sitting opposite him is the cook who claims to have never had a fight. With such a majestic figure and rough face, if someone were to walk on the street and take one look at him, they would arbitrarily think that he is probably a butcher.  . In fact, there is not much difference between a cook and a butcher. In the cook¡¯s own words, killing a pig is killing a living thing, and pulling a coriander tree out of the ground is also killing a living thing.  When Qingge was here, I tried to teach him, but his mind was not on this at all, and his ideas were too straight and could not be rounded, so it was difficult to improve.  After playing with him for three years, he didn't make any progress at all, so I simply continued to play against myself.  " "A person who pushes himself so hard on the chess track really doesn't know how to fight?  " Zhou Banchuan abandoned his son and admitted defeat. " The white man has no way to save himself. The cook's black man's offensive is fierce and leaves no room for anything. If he usually only plays chess with himself, then Zhou Banchuan's words are naturally correct. A person who is so cruel even when playing chess with himself, really  Who can¡¯t fight? ¡°Watching chess is not watching people.  "The cook shook his head: "Your chess game is gentle but contains murderous intent, but you have never been a person who can use murderous intent.  The students in the martial arts academy were trained by you one by one, and they were decisive in killing life and death on the battlefield.  But what about you?  The indecisiveness in your temper cannot be removed no matter what.  " Zhou Banchuan nodded: "Even so, I still don't believe you can't fight.  The cook smiled: "You want to fight with me?"  " Zhou Banchuan did not answer. The cook smiled and said: "If you fight with me, you will definitely not be able to defeat me, and I will not be able to defeat you.  Even though I can see through thousands of flaws in you, I don't dare to take action when I think that someone will die if I take action.  This is a matter of temperament and cannot be changed.  Maybe you are right, it's not that I don't know how to fight, I just don't dare.  " "Why don't you dare?  " Zhou Banchuan asked: "With your level of cultivation, you have never killed anyone?  The cook asked back: "How many people have you killed?"  " Zhou Banchuan hesitated for a long time: "Not many.  " The cook picked up the chess pieces one by one, very slowly and carefully: "If it weren't for the chaos, I would still be cooking my dishes in the kitchen. If I'm in a good mood, I'll steal a bottle of wine from you.  If I'm in a bad mood, I'll steal a bottle of wine from you again.  Those days were pleasant and comfortable, how could it beI feel so unhappy being questioned by you now.  " Zhou Banchuan frowned: "I said someone must have stolen my wine!  "The cook chuckled and said, "You are the director of the Yanwu Academy. At that time, the queue of people who brought you good wine could reach outside the city gate.  Do you know how much wine you have?  You said you thought someone stole your wine just because you were suspicious.  " These words seem to have some profound meaning. Zhou Banchuan said: "But after all, I still don't believe that there is no story behind someone like you.  " "Yes" The cook nodded: "Everyone in this world has his or her own story, some are ordinary and some are magnificent.  I belong to the former.  I just said, if the world hadn't been in chaos, would you have known that I knew how to practice?  Similarly, everyone in this world has their own secrets that cannot be told No matter whether they are noble or low, everyone has them.  " He said slowly: "How do you know if a hard-working and honest farmer who doesn't even dare to kill a chicken has anything to say to the cute little daughter-in-law next door?  His wife would not believe that a coward like him dared to have sex with others in broad daylight in the wild Can such a secret be told?  Of course not, because when it comes to it, the two families are the ones who are bad.  So don¡¯t ask any more questions. If you know too much, you will feel uncomfortable.  " "Who has a secret?  Zhou Banchuan murmured and repeated it thoughtfully. "Yes." The cook put away all the chess pieces, stood up and stretched: "Especially in this martial arts academy, there are more secrets."  You have yours and I have mine.  When Mr. Wan was here, he was there.  Some secrets have seen the light of day, and some secrets will never see the light of day What's for dinner?  " "Hot noodle soup" "Okay" "Put two poached eggs" "No" The cook said seriously: "Put one egg in a bowl of noodles, no more."  "
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