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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1072 What to Do for Yourself

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    Chapter 1072: What to do for yourself? There were four Da Zizi in the room, looking at each other. "It seems that things are changing very quickly It seems that people with high power and status have a hard time supporting them."  It¡¯s hard to be a loyal believer in God if you don¡¯t believe in anything. It seems that Brother Meng is about to withdraw, and the reason for withdrawing is just a lie that everyone knows is a lie." The second Da Zizi nodded: "The Han people.  As expected, they are the race that knows how to use conspiracy and tactics best in the world. Sometimes it is not a powerful army or a great practitioner that determines the outcome of a war, but a very smart liar can do this.  Even though everyone knows it is fake, it directly pokes into the hearts of some people, and there is no explanation." The third Da Zizai sighed: "So we are also faced with a choice now, if Brother Meng doesn't.  What should I do if I obey? Kill him? But after killing him, won¡¯t the lie become true?¡± The fourth one frowned: ¡°There is no solution.¡± The first one was silent for a while.  : "Perhaps we have thought this matter simply from the beginning. We will do whatever God asks us to do, and we have never asked why. Because of this, we will always face many difficulties. It is also because  In this way, many of us will die." "Will we die?" asked the third Da Zizi.  The first Da Zi Zi shook his head: "I don't know, but as far as I know, our body is already dead. So if we die again, Da Zi Zai may really disappear. God originally created  We are born because there is a perfect body, and you and I are not perfect, so neither you nor I can become the body After thinking about this, why am I suddenly afraid? "The fourth one?  Da ZiZi's words were still very simple: "I have been afraid." The second Da ZiZi suddenly asked a question: "How big is the scope of God's control?" The other three Da ZiZi looked at him involuntarily, their eyes filled with excitement.  Somewhat surprised.  "What are you thinking about?" asked the third one.  "We are all split from the same body. On the surface, we all look the same. Whether it is appearance or voice, we are all the same What is different is our thoughts. So the four of us are not a complete one at all.  "Great freedom, but four different great freedoms." The second great freedom thought for a while and said, "I don't know if you have thought about it, and I don't know if you have thought about it before."  .Why should we obey God absolutely? Is it because of God¡¯s invincibility, or because we feel that obeying God is our mission?¡± The first person opened his mouth, and finally found a fact helplessly: ¡°Maybe  No, it¡¯s just a habit?¡± ¡°Yes¡± The second one said: ¡°Just now when you said that Brother Meng is not loyal enough to the gods, I couldn¡¯t help but ask myself, what am I doing?  Are gods loyal enough? I have never asked myself this question before, because I always thought it was something that I didn¡¯t need to think about. But when you start to think about it like this, you will be surprised to find that the habit is really true.  "It's a terrible thing." "We are used to obeying and doing things according to God's will. We never ask why, why should I do it, why can't I say no?"  Several others glanced at Da Zizi: "So just now, I thought of the second question. The main body is dead, and we can't become the main body, which meansthe gods may choose someone else.  Doing what we are doing is called small freedom? Or is it called super freedom?" The expression of the third great freedom changed obviously: "Then you and I will be forgotten in the gaps of history, as if we never appeared.  , not even a residue is left. After a few years, or more than ten years later, people will never think that we have ever appeared. " "This is not terrible, but what is the meaning of our existence?" "  The big man sighed: "You may have just thought about such a question today, but I have been thinking about it. Everyone has their own meaning of survival, but there is no doubt that most of the time, this meaning is for themselves.  But we are not doing it for ourselves, we are always doing it for others." The fourth one looked at him: "So you are going to betray the gods?" The second one looked at him: "What about you?  Tell the truth?" The fourth Da ZiZi shook his head: "No, I just said, I have been afraid." He looked at the other three Da ZiZi: "If I?With only one person left, he will definitely be stronger, so don¡¯t we need to be afraid?  "After saying this, the other three Da Zizi all stood up and looked at the fourth Da Zi Zi warily. "There is no need to look at me like this. Although our thoughts are different, our cultivation is the same.  So I don't have the ability to kill you three, I just can't help but think that way.  Do you dare to say that you didn't think about it?  It's just that you don't dare to say it.  " He stood up: "Now, we have to make a decision.  " He pointed outside: "To kill Meng Ge, and then find a replacement to continue completing the mission given to us by God.  Or think about it, how do we live our lives?  "      There were footsteps outside the door, and the four great freedoms looked at each other. " Gai She asked to see the four gods.  " The voice sounded outside, and the tone was full of respect, but the four great freedoms could tell that the respect was only superficial. Everyone knows that Gai She has no respect for anyone in his heart. People on the grassland believe in Buddhism.  The tribes in Montenegro also believe in Buddhism on the surface, but in fact, they are the most straightforward when raising knives against Buddhist disciples, without any hesitation. Perhaps it is because they have lived in a difficult place like Montenegro all year round.  , The people of that tribe only believe in their own strength. This is one of the reasons why Meng Ge took great risks to bring back the Black Mountain Army. Even the ascetic Buddhist disciples are not willing to go to that barren place in Montenegro.  . In the Buddhist scriptures, Black Mountain is described as a place where demons are imprisoned. In fact, Gai She¡¯s tribe opened the door and walked in. ¡°General, what¡¯s the matter?  " The first Da Zizi asked. The four Da Zizi stood in four directions. If they wanted to take action, they would be able to block Gai She's retreat as soon as possible. Naturally, people like Gai She would not fail to see it, but he  But he didn¡¯t say anything: ¡°I need help.  " He said these five words very directly. The simplicity is surprising, but full of sincerity. "Why?  "The second Da Zizi asked. Gai She walked to a chair and sat down. His sitting posture was very upright. Even when he was sitting, his waist and spine were straight. No matter who it was, as long as they saw him, the first thing they saw was  It can be confirmed that he is a soldier. "There are rumors outside that Kuoketai Menglie, who led the troops in the north, rebelled and led his troops back to the royal court to seize the throne.  On the surface, this rumor seems to have nothing to do with me, but in fact, it has the most to do with me.  If Brother Meng believed this rumor, he would definitely rush back to deal with it.  And he didn't feel relieved to leave because he didn't trust our Montenegrin Army.  Therefore, he has been urging our Montenegrin army to attack fiercely in the past few days, just to let me consume my troops, and of course to confuse the Han army on the other side.  " "If I were Brother Meng, my heart would not be peaceful.  The rumor was not a stone thrown into the calm lake, but a dragon swimming in.  Throwing a stone in will only create a temporary wave, which will soon become silent.  But the dragon won't. It will keep swimming in the lake.  If Brother Meng wants to go back, the first thing he may do is kill me.  " Gaishe's eyes swept across the four great freedoms: "I don't want to die.  " The fourth one asked after being silent for a while: "Brother Meng doesn't have any real great practitioners around him. It's not easy to kill you.  " Gaishe nodded: "That's why I came to see the four Heavenly Lords If Brother Meng wants to kill me, he will definitely deceive you with a lie and let you kill me.  He might say that the Black Mountain Army is out of control. If he wants to conquer Yishui as soon as possible, he must kill me so that he can control the 300,000 Black Flag Army.  " "Of course, he didn't dare to let my subordinates know that he sent people to kill me.  Maybe the blame will be placed onthe Han people on the other side.  In this way, my subordinates must be full of hatred for the Han people.  "    "you mean?  "The third one asked. "I don't want to kill Brother Meng.  " Gai She said slowly: "If Brother Meng dies, Meng Yuan's army will be in chaos, and those generals from Wang Ting will rush back to seize the throne.  One of my subordinates previously advised me to kill Meng Ge to seize the throne. This is a joke.  Even if I kill Brother Meng, or even kill everyone in the Kuoketai Meng family, I will not be the Great Khan of Meng Yuan.  Those Mongolian nobles will unite to deal with me. If I fail, my tribe will be destroyed.  " "So I hope Brother Meng is alive.  " The first one asked: "So what do you want from us?  ¡±  "You just need to do nothing." Gai She said seriously: "I will order my army to get out of the way and let Brother Meng go back. As for how the Meng Yuan people fight with each other, that is not me  Things to care about." "Then what?" The second Da Zizi asked: "What are you going to do next?" Gai She stood up: "That is my business, and you don't need to know about this war.  If my prediction is correct, the Han counterattack will come soon. In this place that we are not familiar with, there is a lack of clothes and food, and we seem to have no choice but to defeat. You should take care of yourself, Brother Meng has already.  I am no longer your companion." After saying this, Gai She was ready to leave.  "Perhapsyou need us to do something else." The second Da Zizi was silent for a while and then said with a smile: "The Black Mountain Fantasy Land is too hard, and there are other places on the grassland besides Meng Yuan.  The threat is more terrifying than Meng Yuan. Have you ever thought about creating a new home for your tribe? " "What do you want to say?" Gai She stopped and asked.  "You said just now that you don't want to kill Brother Meng, otherwise there will be chaos on the grassland. But what does this have to do with you? If Brother Meng dies, then let the grassland be in chaos. With the elite soldiers in your hands, you are enough  With the help of the Buddha Sect, you will soon become the new king of the grassland. You just said that you are worried about other grassland nobles retaliating against you, so that's okay The Kuoke Taimeng family is the Buddha Sect.  If you hold me up, we can hold you up too. The master of Wang Ting is never fixed. Have you really not thought about this?¡± The second Da Zizi said: ¡°Buddha Sect, it can be yours.¡±  Rely on." The other three great freedoms looked at each other, but they didn't understand what the second great freedom meant.  They had already talked about leaving the Buddhist sect before, so why would the second great freedom seduce Gai She?  The second Da ZiZi looked back at the three of them: "Will God hear the conversation you and I had before?" The other three Da ZiZi hesitated for a moment, then shook their heads.  They all know that the god's control area is to the west of Langru Mountain.  ¡°Since he doesn¡¯t know, can we try to do something for ourselves?¡± he said.
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