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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1034: It¡¯s all about the eagle

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    Chapter 1034: It¡¯s all about the eagle Mu San kept laughing, he was laughing when he was standing, sitting or walking with his head lowered and his head raised.  From time to time, he would tidy up his new clothes and smile from ear to ear.  This was a fourth-grade military attach¨¦ robe, and every stripe on it made Mu San feel overwhelmed with joy.  After putting on this dress, Mu San felt that he could no longer walk.  ¡°I¡¯m afraid that since the beginning of historical records, there has never been a eunuch who has put on the robes of a fourth-grade military attach¨¦, not to mention that he is still a eunuch with mediocre martial arts.  According to the current military system of the Black Flag Army, Qianhu of the Xiaoqi Cavalry School is a fifth-grade military attache, but his salary is higher than that of the generals in the army.  Yi Chong, who had put on the robe of a genuine fifth-grade Qianhu, was also laughing, so it looked a bit funny when the two of them walked together.  ??Yi Chong was a member of Baihu when he was in the Dauchi Guards Department, but he was a secret guard and was not a regular member of the Dauchi Guards Department.  The status of these secret guards is actually very embarrassing. Although each of them has been issued a flying fish robe since the day they entered the Ouchi Guards Department, they may never have the opportunity to wear it in their lifetime.  Once they perform a task that cannot be revealed to others, or if something goes wrong, even if they die, the Ouchi Guards Department will not recognize them as members of the Ouchi Guards Department.  His official position in a hundred households is far worse than that of a hundred households in the Ming Dynasty.  Now, he is a real Qianhu.  Qian Hu of the Xiao Riding School does not have a ridiculously high official position, but he has great authority.  You must know that the responsibilities and authority given by Fang Jie to the Knight Riding School are not only to assist the army in combat, but also to inspect crimes within the administration. They also have the authority to openly and covertly investigate whether officials have violated laws and disciplines.  In terms of authority, it is more than the Ouchi Guards Department. After all, the people in the Ouchi Guards Department have never been able to interfere in military affairs. Luo Weiran and Hou Wenji planned this matter a lot, and they did not succeed in the end.  .  Fang Jie glanced at these two people and smiled infectedly.  "You two are most familiar with things in Chang'an City, so you have to work harder for a few more days." Fang Jie turned to Chen Xiaoru and said, "In the future, all the brothers brought by Yi Chong will be put into the file and their positions will be arranged according to the rules. In addition, these few  They have not been able to get any money from their work in Chang'an City, and they have to support their families. It is difficult for them. Their salary has been tripled in recent years, and they have to make up for it." "Here" Chen Xiaoru nodded.  "Yi Chong's people are still following him, and you can make up for the insufficient manpower. From now on, there will be thirteen thousand families in the Xiaoqiu School. Zuo Mingchan cannot come back in Eastern Xinjiang, and Yi Tianze follows Nalan Dingdong in the army.  Among them, Sun Zhuofang has many things to do in Yunnan Province, Zhou Xiaoer is in Jiangnan, Li Baiyi is in the Zhuque Mountain camp, Ren Xing, and the two brothers Ren Dao, one of whom is Chen Dingnan's army and the other is in Cui Zhongzhen's army, the seven of them cannot come back for the time being.  Fang Jie said: "After entering Chang'an City, the Sui Army's Qianqi School will assign responsibilities to each thousand households. In Chang'an City, there are many things to do in the Qiaoqi School. Chen Xiaoru, please gather them later."  Let¡¯s discuss it.¡± Fang Jie pointed to the person standing on the left: ¡°His name is Kuro Ze.¡± Kuro Ze then hugged Yi Chong, and Yi Chong quickly returned the greeting.  "And Liao Sheng, you've seen it." Fang explained: "Besides you, there are twelve thousand households in the Xiaoqiu School, each with their own responsibilities. Except for you and Kurosawa, the other thousand households are now all  In the army, let Chen Xiaoru introduce it to you. When you first came here, you didn¡¯t know the importance of the Xiao Riding School or why it was established. You need someone to tell you and keep it in your mind.  Yi Chong stood up straight and answered.  While they were talking, someone outside asked to come in. Fang Jie let the people in, it was several other thousands of households.  The one walking at the front immediately made Yi Chong widen his eyes.  He knew this person, but because he knew him, he didn't expect to see him here again, and he was already a Qianhu from the Xiaoqi Riding School.  The first person to come in was Ma Lilian.  Wearing a well-tailored riding school uniform and a bright red cape, she looks heroic.  As a secret guard, Yi Chong naturally knew something about those talented people in the Yanwu Academy.  This Ma Lilian's father is General Yunhui of the Chang'an City garrison. He is quite famous in the army and is a pioneer.  She died in battle during the rebellion of King Yi Yang Yin. Later, she accompanied Emperor Tianyou Emperor Yang Yi of the Sui Dynasty to conquer the northwest. Then she returned to Chang'an City and was adopted as an adopted daughter by the great scholar Niu Huilun.  Yi Chong knew when Niu Huilun and the others left the city, and he arranged it, so they were surprised.  What he didn¡¯t know was that Ma Lilian joined the Xiaoqi Riding School after arriving at the Zhuque Mountain Camp, and was promoted to Qianhu after accumulating merit, and was not taken care of at all.  This is an extremely strong woman. When leading troops in the northwest, she would rather die than retreat. You can see her temperament.  There were two people following Ma Lilian,There was a man in his fifties, with deep wrinkles on his face, as if carved by an ax or a chisel. It was obvious that this man must have experienced many unusual things.  He has two names, representing his two identities.  One is named Bai Xi, whose identity is Qianhu of the Xiaoqiu School.  The other one is Taoist Master Bainiao, because he used to be a Taoist priest in Yiqi Temple in Qingle Mountain. After following Xiang Qingniu to Fang Jiejun, he felt more and more that he liked this kind of military life, so he asked Xiang Qingniu to take off his Taoist robe.  Put on military uniform.  The last person to walk in was a young man with handsome features.  Yi Chong looked carefully, but found that he couldn't tell his age at all.  You can say he is twenty years old, or you can say he is forty years old. This is a very contradictory thing, but it just looks so natural on his face. No matter you say he is twenty years old or forty years old, it will not matter.  Someone objected.  He has a nickname called Thousand-Hand Demon, and his real name is Lan Qian-Shou.  In fact, his full name is Thousand Faces and Thousand Hands Demon.     Chen Xiaoru said to Yichong as he walked: "Our Riding School is a very special place. You and I are both from the Dauchi Guards Department, so it is easier for you to understand. Why was the Dauchi Guards Department established? Because of the Great Sui Dynasty  The emperor needs it. The people in the Ouchi Guards are only responsible to the emperor, and no yamen have the right to interfere.  Just do whatever the Lord can tell you, we must do it. Whatever the Lord cannot tell you but must do, we must do it. No matter what the people of the Riding School do, there is only one premisefor the Lord.  "Unlike the Imperial Guard, our most important task now is to assist the army." "I understand," Yi Chong nodded.  Chen Xiaoru smiled and said: "There were three people who came out from the Imperial Guards with me to follow the lord. I am now in charge of the Xiao Riding School, and there is another one named Nie Xiaoju who leads the Jingbu Camp. The other one is named Yan Kuang, who also leads the Jingbu Camp.  "Working in the military." "There is one more thing you have to remember." Chen Xiaoru pointed at his nose: "I am the commander of the Riding School, but there are two people who can take away my position at any time, needless to say, my lord.  The other one is an amazing woman. If she returns to Xiao Riding School, I will give up my position immediately. Remember, her name is Mu Xiaoyao, and she is also our mistress. "Yi Chong remembered this name in his heart.  .  "Du Tong, I heard that many talented people and strangers in the Knight Riding School are not all practitioners." "Yeah" Chen Xiaoru looked at Kurosawa in the distance: "I can't tell you what abilities he has, but you have to remember  Live, as long as he wants to, it is not difficult to kill you. In the same room, even if he tells you that he wants to kill you, you still can't escape. His cultivation is not that high, but if you underestimate him.  You are an idiot." "His name is Shiratori." Chen Xiaoru looked at Qianhu Shiratori, who was born in Yiqiguan: "He may not even be in the top twenty in Yiqiguan, but he is in Yiqiguan.  Chuuya is hated to the core but no one can do anything to him. You will see him next to the lord in the future. He is the only one among the thirteen thousand families in the Riding School who is always with the lord.  I still can¡¯t tell you what he can do.¡± ¡°The Thousand Faces and Thousand Hands Demon.¡± Chen Xiaoru said: ¡°I can tell you what he is capable of, because he relies on his cultivation rather than his talent.  "You may not have heard of the Thousand Faces and Thousand Hands Demon. If you haven't heard of it, I plan to ask you to clean the stables first." "I have." Yi Chong nodded: "There is a legend in the world, Thousand Faces and Thousand Hands."  If the devil walks in front of you and slaps you, you chase him, turn around and pass you in an alley, and you will never recognize him again. His Yi Chong is fast and amazing, so he is called Qian.  As for Thousand Hands, it means that his method of receiving hidden weapons is like giving birth to a thousand hands." "Do you know his origin?" Chen Xiaoru asked.  "I don't know." Yi Chong shook his head.  "Before you came, only two of the thousands of families in the Xiaoqiu Academy were from Chang'an City. One was Ma Lilian, whom you are very familiar with. The other was Lan Qianshou He was from the Yanwu Academy and was Professor Yan Qing's most proud disciple.  . There are two students from the Martial Arts Academy in the lord's time. One is Xie Fuyao, who has become a professor at the Martial Arts Academy. It is said that he has obtained the true biography of Master Zhang in Wudang Mountain and he is the most disliked person in the Martial Arts Academy.  A student that people remember is because he can show up with a new face every day. "Yi Chong was startled, and then he realized that he was actually the most ordinary one among the thousands of families in the Xiaoqiu School.  ¡°Xiao Riding School is a magical placeThe place.  " Chen Xiaoru took a deep breath, and his eyes were full of pride when he said this: "When I was in the imperial guard's office, I used to be extremely proud, because wearing a flying fish robe in Chang'an City does have the qualification to be proud.  But that is a kind of fake powera somewhat deformed power.  But not the Knight Riding School. In the future, the Knight Riding School will definitely leave a lot more weight in the history books than the Ouchi Guards Department.  Moreover, the reputation is much better than that of the Ouchi Guards Department.  " "Your wife is also from the Ouchi Guards Department. Come in and become a hundred households first.  " Chen Xiaoru said. Yi Chong was silent for a while and then shook his head: "Let's forget it. It's good to let her be a woman at home waiting for her man to come back.  " Chen Xiaoru was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, that's good.  "     Chang'an City Government Office Liao Sheng glanced at the crowds of people standing in the courtyard. These people were all government officials and police officers from Chang'an Government, as well as people from the Ministry of Punishment and people from Dali Temple. These people belonged to different government offices.  But some of the responsibilities are the same. Everyone's face is a little uneasy, because they don't know what will happen to them. "You may not know what it means."  Riding school.  " Liao Sheng cleared his throat and said: "Before I came, the Duke of Guo told me what the Riding School should do after entering Chang'an City. The Duke said that the Riding School must know nothing and do nothing.  Do you know the meaning of these eight words?  If you know, you can go back now and tell your subordinate disciples to spread the news starting tomorrow.  The day after tomorrow, the Duke of Guoguo comes to the city. If I see anyone who doesn't understand the rules, I will start with you people.  The Duke doesn¡¯t care if I replace you people, and I don¡¯t mind if I have a few more lives in my hands. Anyway, I already have enough. If I go to hell, I won¡¯t be able to escape the punishment I deserve, so you all  Remember, whether it¡¯s Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, or Chang¡¯an Mansion, I don¡¯t care how you know about any troubles in the city, but if you know that I, the Riding School, don¡¯t know about it think about the consequences for yourself.  " "It's too domineering!  " A punishment officer from the Ministry of Punishment stood up and said: "Even when the imperial guards were there, they were not so overbearing!  Each government office performs its own duties. Is it possible that your riding school will be the only one doing things in the city from now on?  !  " "No" Liao Sheng sneered and shook his head: "In the future, the yamen in the city will definitely perform their own duties, but not now.  Now you only need to remember one thing The Duke of the State has granted me the privileges of the Riding School, which are so great that you can't imagine them.  Let me say it again, if you are all trying to make a fool of yourself, don¡¯t use those tricks. Tomorrow I will see the gangsters in the underworld in Chang¡¯an City kill one by one, and whoever hurts I can only endure it!  In the days when the Duke of Guo has just entered the city, you all have to listen to a government office called Xiao Riding School!  "
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