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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1025 Eat a hot meal after defeating the enemy

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    Chapter 1025 Eat a hot meal after defeating the enemy. Ping'an County is not safe. Song Zihui, the governor of Ping'an County, is a very popular official. Even if the northwest becomes such a chaotic situation, Ping'an County does not have large-scale deaths and injuries.  The phenomenon of mass exodus.  Since the chaos broke out on Shandong Road, Song Zihui decisively withheld the taxes, money and food that should be paid to the court, and then borrowed money and food from the famous families in Ping'an County in his own name, forming a team with the same number of people.  With about 5,000 civilian warriors and county soldiers, Ping'an County has 8,000 capable soldiers.  It was thanks to these eight thousand warriors that peace was preserved.  No matter whether it was the rogue bandits lured from the north or the defeated soldiers who fled, they could not disturb the soil and water of this area.  Even when Yin Poshan, one of Li Yuanshan's tiger generals, passed by with his troops, Yin Poshan did not dare to be too presumptuous because of the decisive morale of these eight thousand dead soldiers.  These eight thousand people were trained by Song Zihui himself.  Although he is a scholar, he likes to read military books freely.  Since childhood, Song Zihui felt that it was too restrictive for scholars to only worship warriors in the court and military personnel.  Literary men despise martial arts, so military generals look down on literati.  But running a country cannot be separated from both literati and military generals. Therefore, if you can cultivate both civil and military skills, you will be able to achieve great successes in the future.  But his family background is average. When Emperor Zhenzong was in power, he was seventh in the imperial examination and had been serving as the governor of Ping'an County for many years.  Firstly, his family cannot give him much support, and secondly, he is not the kind of person who wants to fawn over, so it is extremely difficult to move up to the next level.  In fact, the officials who have achieved the four products in the local area are actually not small.  Although Song Zihui didn¡¯t like to fawn over, he was not a stubborn person. Otherwise, during the Taiping Period of the Sui Dynasty, it would have been difficult for him to pass the annual assessment of officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs.  Every year when officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs came down, the amount of money Song Zihui sent was neither too much nor too little, at least it was above average.  A few years ago, a large number of rogues came from the north, and Song Zihui's eight thousand people's bravery played a role.  In fact, rogues are refugees. When refugees pick up weapons and start beating, smashing, and robbing, they become rogues.  The largest group of bandits numbered no less than 100,000 people, led by a man named Wang Laizi, who wanted to plunder Ping'an County, the richest county in Shanjiang Road.  Song Zihui personally led 8,000 people into battle and fought in the wild. In one battle, he killed 17,000 enemies and captured more than 20,000 alive. The rest fled.  Song Zihui ignored the objections of the squire and beheaded all the more than 20,000 prisoners in one go.  From then on, no rogue bandits dared to come to Ping'an County anymore.  Song Zihui also got a nickname because of this, called Song Beheading.  "I can lead you to defeat the rogue bandits, and even hold off Yin Poshan's army. But this time I'm afraid it will be more dangerous. If the rogue bandits come, we can fight out and defeat them outside Ping'an County. This time  There are hundreds of thousands of Mongolian Yuan Langqi, and the only thing I can do is to lead you to try to protect the elders in the city every day." Song Zihui stood on the city wall, looking at the endless darkness outside.  Yuan Daying let out a long sigh.  Zheng Hen, the general of the people's bravery, said: "Sir, the people in the city all know that you love the people like your own children, and they are all willing to live and die with you. We brothers have been with you for six or seven years, and we have beaten dozens of people, big and small.  We have never lost a battle before. We will not lose this time Even if the city is destroyed and people are killed, we will not lose." Song Zihui, who was originally a little disappointed, was aroused by this sentence, and he suddenly felt ambitious.  He raised his head and said: "Well said! Even if our city is destroyed and people are killed, we have not lost!" He turned back to look at the civilian heroes who were holding their weapons tightly, and those men were also looking at him.  "I know, you still hope that I can lead you to victory. Just like in the past, defeat the enemies who dare to come to our Ping'an County, and come back singing a song of triumph to embrace the fellow villagers. But this time I can't give you the promise of victory.  I can only tell you that I will always stand with you." "I am willing to fight side by side, sir!" A citizen raised his arms and shouted: "Don't worry, sir, even if we die, we will die in the city.  Front. As long as we are here, we will not allow the enemy to harm our family!" "Yes!" Zheng Hen said loudly: "The men of Ping'an County are never afraid of the enemy's strength. If we are destined to do this.  We are all going to die this time, so we have to die standing up instead of living on our knees! What's more, this time we are facing the Meng Yuan Langqi, and they will not give you a chance to survive on your knees." "  There is a fight to the death!" Song Zihui said: "Show me the courage of a safe man!" The horn of the wolf cavalry attack sounded outside the city. Song Zihui turned and looked outside: "Let those Mongolian and Yuan Tatars see that we are safe!  How did the county men fight?"   He strode not far away and beat the war drum himself.  The sound of the drum was like thunder, which actually suppressed the sound of the trumpet outside the city.  In the city, the streets and alleys were full of people. They came out of their homes one after another. They looked up at the place where the drums were beating.  Old and young, men and women, they all looked over there quietly, with no fear in their eyes, only a determination that had appeared in their eyes many times.  This is not the first time Ping'an County has faced danger, and the people have become accustomed to being brave.  "Master Song said that we may all die this time." A young woman holding a child said.  "Fuck him!" Her husband is a well-known ruthless man in the city, and no one dares to provoke him easily.  He was the only one who bullied others, no one ever bullied him.  "Don't be afraid!" The bearded man turned back, took out the boning knife he used to sell meat from the house and put it on his belt: "Isn't he a Mongolian? How can he have a bigger penis than me?!  Damn, there are so many spirited men in this city who are going to the city with me. Mr. Song is just a weak scholar and he dares to fight to the death. Can you and I just watch the civilian brave who has protected us countless times go?  Fighting? They are all men with a dick and two balls, who is afraid of whom?" He strode towards the city wall, and many young and strong men came out of the crowd.  "Wait a minute." His wife stopped him from behind, quickly came over and handed the child to him: "Hold the child again." Tears were shed from the corners of her eyes, but she did not say that you were not allowed to go.  Because she knows what kind of man her husband is. No matter how fierce and rebellious he is on weekdays, he is still a man who dares to act!  The bearded man was startled for a moment, then he took the child over and raised it above his head and said in a hoarse voice: "My son! If you can survive, don't forget that your father is a good man. When you mention your father to others in the future,  , you have to puff up your fucking chest and say it! "     The fingers of the archers on the city wall were numb with pain. Every time they opened their arms to fully draw the bow, it was a torture, but no one stopped.  There were densely packed enemies below the city, howling like wild wolves and climbing up the city wall.  And they are like hunters, blocking the approach of these wild beasts that threaten their loved ones.  "Shoot at the man carrying the ladder!" Song Zihui didn't have the strength to draw the bow string, but he had endless courage. As long as he was still running back and forth on the city wall, the soldiers seemed to have endless strength.  A convincing leader has this ability.  "Don't waste arrows, try to aim at the enemies carrying ladders. Don't mess up the formation of the city defenders. The people behind the archers should concentrate. When they see a ladder coming up, they will overturn it!" Song Zirui's  His voice was hoarse, but his voice was still as inspiring as a war drum.  Whoosh A cold arrow flew over and shot through the neck of a soldier beside Song Zihui.  Blood spurted out immediately, splashing Song Zihui's face.  The slightly hot blood made Song Zihui's body tremble violently. He looked at the fallen soldier without stopping.  "Pull out the arrows from his body and carry him down for burial after the war!" He gritted his teeth and shouted, his eyes so red.  A ladder was set up on the city wall despite the rain of arrows, and the wolf cavalry who had been piled up under the city immediately climbed up with howls.  Song Zihui rushed over, and together with a Min Yong, the two held a long hook against the ladder and pushed it out. More people came over and worked together to push the ladder out.  The ladder slowly left the city wall, stayed vertical for a moment, then accelerated and fell down.  The wolf cavalry on the ladder howled, and some people began to jump down, breaking their legs and feet when they landed.  The ladder slammed down hard, killing a few people who fell into the dense crowd.  "Stop throwing stones at the city!" Song Zihui shouted hoarsely. The city wall in Ping'an County is not particularly high. Although the stones thrown at the city can kill and injure the enemy, they may also become stepping stones for the enemy to climb up.  Once the enemy gathers the stones under the city, they may be able to build a high slope.  "Use boiling oil!" He shouted while running: "If there is no kerosene, use boiling water!" Behind him, two people carried a large iron pot and ran towards the city wall. When they reached the city wall, they worked together to lift the iron pot.  Lift the pot and pour the boiling water inside.  But then he raised it up, and three feather arrows hit one of them one after another. The man screamed in pain, and his hand instantly lost strength. The iron pot fell down, and almost all the boiling water poured on him.  That is a kind ofWhat kind of pain?  He kept rolling on the ground in pain, and every time he rolled, a layer of skin would be rubbed off by the city bricks.  "I'm going to die" He gritted his teeth and stood up. His companions wanted to help him but didn't dare to touch him.  He looked back at the city, smiled sadly, and suddenly jumped off the city wall, knocking down three or four wolf cavalry with a bang.  When the wolf cavalry below saw someone falling, regardless of whether they were alive or dead, they rushed up and chopped them with scimitars. Even the wolf cavalry underneath the man was not spared. It didn't take long for him to become a  A puddle of meat.  "Put the nails in!" Song Zihui held up a shield to block himself and then looked down the city. He found that there were already a lot of wolf cavalry gathered at the base of the city and immediately gave the order.  The civilian heroes immediately let go of the ropes, and the heavy nail slaps fell down with a roar, killing all the wolf riders under the city wall.  The mace nails, which are more than a foot long, can easily pierce a person's skull under the action of gravity and inertia.  "Pull!" Min Yongbie and Zheng Ruan worked hard together with the soldiers to pull up the nail racket. There was also a corpse of a wolf cavalry hanging on the nail racket. It was hanging there swaying as the nail racket was lifted up.  There was a horn sound in the distance, and the wolf cavalry, which had been attacking for more than an hour but failed to reach the city, began to retreat slowly.  Behind them, a neat team of ten thousand people drove over.  Their attire seemed different from those of the wolf riders, and their formation was extremely strict.  Song Zihui took this rare opportunity to breathe for a while, and then looked around at the casualties.  He looked towards the city, where his family and fellow villagers were.  Maybe his wife is standing somewhere looking here, and there are other wives waiting for her husband to return.  Song Zihui felt a little bitter, and the image of his wife and children could not help but appear in his mind.  He suddenly wanted to go home.  At this moment, he saw the smoke rising from the city.  One by one, one after another, so soft and kind.  The people in the city are cooking for the warriors on the city wall.  "Get ready to fight!" Song Zihui picked up a horizontal knife from the ground and stood up straight: "Kill the enemy back and have a hot meal!"
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