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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 1018 The Bottom Line!

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    Chapter 1018 Bottom line!  After the fleet left Luoshui, it turned eastward. It naturally went much faster when it switched from going upstream to going downstream.  When we arrived at the Yangtze River, the waterway seemed a lot busier. We had already started to encounter merchant ships. Looking at the signs on these merchant ships, six or seven out of ten of them were carrying goods from all over the world.  In the shallow water are fishing boats. Fishermen living on both sides of the Yangtze River have made a living on this for generations. Even during the war, they had to stay here.  Because they only use their boats to fish and don¡¯t do anything else.  When the ship arrived on the Yangtze River, Fang Jie received an urgent letter from Gyeonggi Province, which was written by Wu Daodao himself.  The letter told Fang Jie that an assassination had occurred in the camp, and General Li Tai was assassinated.  Fortunately, Dao Zun stayed with him, so the assassin was unable to continue killing.  We also seized a very special thing from the assassin, which can make people disappear instantly.  Fang Jie immediately thought of what Sang Sasa told him about the old man wearing a moon-white Confucian shirt who disappeared instantly when he was in Niujiatun.  There is no doubt that Yueyingtang has more than one such thing in his hands this time.  For this era, what Yueyingtang holds is extremely unsettling.  On the same day, Fang Jie also received another intensification of military information.  Chen Dingnan sent someone to deliver it as quickly as possible through the Xiao Riding School.  It was originally going to be sent to Gyeonggi Province, but the courier found out on the way that it would be sent back to the southwest, so he turned south again.  The trip was about ten days later than expected, so Fang Jie's heart immediately became heavy when he saw this letter.  "What happened?" Wu Yinyu couldn't help but ask when he saw the difference in his expression. Fangjie didn't even notice the pear that had been passed over.  "Meng Yuan is marching to the northwest." Fang Jie took a deep breath, but there was still some panic in his chest and abdomen.  It's not that he didn't expect the Meng Yuan people to come back, but he didn't expect that the person coming was actually Brother Kuoketai Meng himself!  The Great Khan of Meng Yuan went on a personal expedition. It seemed that this time he was not just trying to cause chaos in the Sui Dynasty.  "When Chen Dingnan got the news, nearly a month had passed since the Mongolians entered the customs. After Jin Shixiong marched from Shandong Road in the northwest to Gyeonggi Road, the northwest was almost a vacuum. Although some small forces were playing games with private soldiers, those  Private soldiers have almost no effect in front of the Meng Yuan Langqi. " Fang Jie's eyes were a little worried: "The northwest is now an undefended place. The reason why the emperor of the Sui Dynasty insisted on maintaining the northwest was that he was worried about the invasion of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty one day.  , the northwest is the best battlefield, because it is exhausted enough. The Central Plains cannot bear such destruction. "Sang Sasha said: "But the Central Plains has already suffered a lot of war." Fang Jie shook his head.  : "That's different. The chaos in the Central Plains is still under control now, because the people fighting each other are all Han people, and each other knows that once the damage is too serious, it will be difficult to clean up in the future even if they win. So no matter how chaotic it is, it's not the end yet.  The situation of burning the city and slaughtering the land was different when the Meng Yuan people came in. This time, Brother Meng personally brought an army of nearly one million. Such a huge army needed even more supplies. After all, they only brought a small number!  , they still rely on plundering. The northwest is exhausted, and they can't plunder anything in the northwest, so they need to march eastward as soon as possible. But now, there is no one in front of them. "" Chen Dingnan wants to fight?  at this point.  "Well," Fang explained: "Chen Dingnan has 150,000 horses in his hands, and they have not yet crossed Yishui on Hexi Road. Originally, according to the itinerary, they should have entered Hedong Road, preventing Gao Kaitai from returning and echoing with the men and horses on Gyeonggi Road.  But just because the Meng Yuan people are coming, Chen Dingnan decided to stay on Hexi Road for the time being. ""Millions of Wolf Cavalry" Sang Sasa frowned: "Why does Brother Kuoktai still have so many troops?" Fang Jie said.  : "It's not just the Wolf Cavalry. There was civil strife in the Yuan Dynasty. Although the Kuok Tai Meng family and the Buddha Sect won the war, the Wolf Cavalry suffered heavy losses. This time, the Wolf Cavalry brought by Brother Meng was only 200,000 people, but it was the most powerful one in his hands.  There are elite Wangting wolf cavalry and a cavalry called the Black Mountain Army. I don't know much about the rest. They are all herdsmen recruited from various tribes, but those herdsmen are very strong in horseback riding and archery.  " "The Black Mountain Army" Sang Sa Sa's expression changed: "That is the most terrifying army in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. Even the Golden Family has always been afraid of the Black Mountain Army and kept them at the northernmost point of the empire.  If it were not for the civil strife in the Meng Yuan Dynasty and Meng Ge's troops were already stretched thin, he would not have transferred the Black Mountain Army." She briefly explained the origin of the Black Mountain Army to Fang Jie, and Fang Jie's expression became more solemn after hearing this.  "You can't fight on Hexi Road."  After pondering for a while, Fang Jie made his decision: "Most of Chen Dingnan's team are new recruits who have never experienced battles. Although the other half are veterans, they have come all the way from Yunnan Road and are already tired. Again.  Plus fighting against the odds There is almost no chance of winning against the army led by Brother Meng, because Brother Meng must win this first battle." "Come here," Fang Jie turned around and ordered, "Qianli, hurry up and tell me.  Chen Dingnan immediately crossed the Yishui River to the Hedong Road and set up defenses along the river. It was not easy for the Meng Yuan people to cross the Yishui River without boats. He asked him to destroy all the boats he could find on the Hexi Road and leave nothing to the Meng Yuan people.  " "Order, Duan Zheng's navy immediately goes north to meet Chen Dingnan's troops. After Chen Dingnan's troops cross the Yishui River, the navy sets up defenses on the river to assist Chen Dingnan in preventing the Mongolian people from advancing eastward. " "Order, Gyeonggi Road.  The camp is divided into 100,000 troops, with Cui Zhongzhen as the leader, rushing to reinforce Hedong Road. The Gyeonggi Camp will not attack for the time being and stop fighting Gao Kaitai. "Fang Jie issued three military orders. The Xiaoqi Colonel wrote them down and handed them to Fang Jie.  He took off the square seal he carried with him and stamped it on the military order.  ¡°Remember, deliver military orders as quickly as possible without any mistakes!¡± ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Fifty miles south of Chang¡¯an City ¡­ With a bang, a cup fell to the ground and shattered. The fragments stirred up and splashed everywhere.  The furious Gao Kaitai turned livid and looked at the man wearing a moon-white Confucian shirt sitting on the chair and roared loudly: "This is different from what you told me before! You only said at that time that you would find someone from the Buddhist Sect to do it.  Helper, never mention Brother Meng¡¯s personal expedition! Now that millions of wolf cavalry are entering the border, what should I do?¡± ¡°You?¡± The middle-aged man in Confucian shirt said with a smile: ¡°Just do it, Fourth Brother.  Didn¡¯t I make it clear to you when I came here? If you want me, Yueyingtang, to help, you will have to pay something. What¡¯s more, it¡¯s not the point where you have to pay anything, but I¡¯ve found you a big help.¡±  His face was gloomy, and there was something very coquettish between his eyebrows, which looked strange and disgusting.  He was the one who killed the sect leader named Liu. If anyone saw how the sect leader surnamed Liu died, they would be even more disgusted. They would be so disgusted that they would not be able to eat anything for several days.  "Now that Meng Yuan Langqi has entered the pass, Kuoketai Mengge is marching in person. One million troops have passed through Shannan Road, Shandong Road, and are about to reach Hexi Road. The hundreds of thousands of troops liberated by the Black Flag Army are on Hexi Road.  , ready to block your way back and give you a fatal blow. Now that the Meng Yuanlang Cavalry has arrived, how can those hundreds of thousands of black flag troops have the intention to deal with you?" He pointed at Gao Kaitai: "Don't you?  Say thank you?" "Thank you!" The furious Gao Kaitai kicked the table in front of him: "If the wolf rides into the barrier, everyone will be in trouble! Even if it takes several decades, I will be the sinner of the people of the Central Plains!  , people only scold me when they mention me!" "You think too much." Mr. Wu shook his head and glanced at Gao Kaitai with his narrow eyes with many layers of eyelids: "Yin Meng Yuanren.  You were not the first to enter the customs. It was Li Yuanshan who was the first to do it. Even if there is anything left in the history books, it is Li Yuanshan who is the most important, not you. Besides, it is only a few years ago.  In the past, would anyone still scold Li Yuanshan? People have long forgotten about Li Yuanshan. " "Why don't you think so" Mr. Wu gestured and said, "You will be the emperor in the future.  Yours. When you sit on the chair that symbolizes supreme power, who will dare to scold you? Even if someone scolds you behind your back, isn't that the most important thing? "  He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say: "In short, it won't work! If only people from the Buddhist sect come in, I can accept it. After all, it is mostly a matter of the Jianghu. But if a million wolves ride into the pass, then it is not a Jianghu matter.  It's the world's business! Don't try to lie to me anymore. You are still saying that I will be the emperor in the future!  " "Then" Mr. Wu shrugged: "What can you do now?" He glanced at Gao Kaitai with some contempt: "With your current strength, yes, you can stand together.  But are you worthy of fighting for the world? Without the support of my Yueyingtang, you will be destroyed by Fang Jie¡¯s Black Flag Army in a blink of an eye. At that time, what else do you think about the moral integrity of the country? "  "There are actually only two ways before you." Mr. Wu held out a finger: "First, continue to cooperate with Yueyingtang. Yueyingtang can give you a guarantee that even if Wolf Cavalry enters the border??They will not compete with you for the world. They have their own goals, and they will naturally retreat after achieving their goals.  Yueyingtang will spare no effort to support you as a god. If you don't believe it, it's okay, because you can choose the second pathyou will no longer cooperate with Yueyingtang, and then you will die.  " He leaned back and said nothing more, waiting for Gao Kaitai's reply. Gao Kaitai's breathing was particularly heavy, and the blood vessels on his temples bulged. His fists were clenched extremely tightly, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed. "  Looking at Mr. Wu, Gao Kaitai seemed to have murderous intent in his breath. "That's right!"  " Gao Kaitai suddenly said loudly: "I, Gao Kaitai, want to be the emperor!  I want to become the most powerful man in the world!  However, I also have my own bottom line, and I am not willing to sell anything or agree to anything for this goal!  What's more, with you people here, I won't be able to sit still even if I become emperor!  In order to achieve this goal, I will do whatever it takes, as long as I don't become a sinner of history!  " He patted his chest hard: "I fought with Meng Yuan's wolf cavalry in the northwest!  Now what Brother Meng is here to grab is the world I want, and I won¡¯t agree!  You can kill me now. As long as I don¡¯t die, I won¡¯t be with the Mengyuan people!  "Mr. Wu's expression kept changing. He looked at Gao Kaitai and was silent for a long time. "Master Jiu will give you an answer.  Mr. Wu stood up and glanced at Gao Kaitai coldly: "Don't tell me the bottom line. The so-called bottom line is that the benefits to you are not enough."  Whatever you want, you can tell yourself after Master Jiu comes.  If Lord Jiu agrees to you, I would like to see how much your bottom line is worth.  " "Spit" He spat a mouthful of thick phlegm before leaving, showing such disdain.
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