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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 994 Defense and Attack

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    Chapter 994: Defense and Attack Qin He Before the corpses from the last fight had time to restrain themselves, the next offensive came over like a tidal wave.  Gao Jun, who had lost his position on the shore, became fierce. Under Zheng Ziyu's personal command, he stormed the Black Flag Army's front line again and again, without any regard for casualties.  Xiahou Baichuan's face looked a little tired. Zheng Ziyu's team had been attacking fiercely since last night, and it had been more than six hours now.  The soldiers on the front line didn't even have time to take a bite, because the enemy bit them so hard that the reserve team had to go up in batches to replace them. Otherwise, if there was a gap in the line, Zheng Ziyu's men would swarm up.  There is no strategy at all.  It¡¯s just trying your best.  On the day Gao Jun was repelled by the Black Flag Army and crossed the river, Xiang Qingniu led a group of Jianghu people with good cultivation into Gao Jun's camp and destroyed most of Gao Jun's trebuchets and ballistae, hastily  He was attacked, and then caught off guard by Xiahou Baichuan, and then the defense line on the river was lost.  But even so, the Black Flag Army still paid at least 2,000 lives to cross the river.  "Xu Ding!"  Don't hold back. Remember, we have the means to deal with the heavy armored infantry, don't mess up the position!" General Xu Ding shouted loudly and led two troops from the camp to make up for it.  The Black Flag Army's left defense line Gao Jun initially charged into the formation with a small number of light cavalry, but was easily destroyed by the Black Flag Army's light cavalry.  Speaking of the combat effectiveness of cavalry, the light cavalry of the Black Flag Army has not yet found an opponent in the Central Plains.  But Zheng Ziyu wanted to move the Black Flag Army's cavalry away, and then concentrate all his heavy armored infantry to attack the left flank.  Although the artillery of the Black Flag Army caused huge damage to the enemy, Zheng Ziyu, who was already half-mad, did not care at all about killing people. He first attacked with light infantry to attract the firepower of the Black Flag Army's artillery battalion, and then the heavy armored infantry followed the light infantry.  , using the lives of the light infantry as a barrier to protect the heavy armored infantry before they reached the Black Flag Army formation.  The power of muskets is limited to heavy armored infantry, and feather arrows cannot break through the thick layer of chain armor at all.  For infantry to defend against feather arrows, chain armor is the most effective means.  The dense iron rings are woven together to effectively block the arrows from drilling in.  "Why did the ballista stop?" Zhao Yisi, the general of the Black Flag Army, turned around and roared hoarsely. As the enemy got closer and closer, the ballista could hardly keep up with the speed.  To deal with those heavy armored infantry who are armed to the teeth, the ballista is the best weapon at this moment.  Artillery can't hit so close, feather arrows have no lethality, and repeating crossbows are meaningless for heavy armored infantry.  "The heavy crossbows have been used up, and the auxiliary troops are being transported here!" His personal troops were running over to inquire and then came back to report.  "Pikemen!" Zhao Yisi personally waved the command flag: "I have pushed all the pikemen forward, and arranged them in at least four rows. It's up to you whether you can withstand the heavy armor!" A Zhechong camp general started with the pikemen.  Form a formation and replace the archers.  Thousands of pikemen formed a rectangular array with multiple rows in front of the formation. The thickness of the pikemen formation was the key to determining whether it could block the enemy's onslaught.  But under the enemy's continuous attacks, the formation was not very smooth.  "The cavalry hasn't come back yet!" Zhao Yisi asked loudly!  "General Xiahou has transferred all the cavalry!" "Then we can only rely on ourselves!" Zhao Yisi waved and asked the soldiers to hand over his long spear: "Brothers from each battalion in this battle today.  We are all working hard. We are under the greatest pressure, and the heavy armored infantry are all here, but this is not the reason why we can't stand it! I always tell you that when you are a soldier, you must be the best soldier, even if the strongest enemy is here.  By the way, we can't let the brothers in other battalions say that we are cowards! I am standing in the front row. If anyone sees me retreating, I will be stabbed from behind! If I am still alive in this battle,  Even if I go back and violate the military regulations, I will have a big drink with you. If I die, remember to burn more paper money for me next year, and I will invite the dead brothers to drink in the underground!" "  Kill!" the soldiers roared and waited.  The heavy armored infantrymen holding Mo Dao pressed forward neatly, like a moving mountain.  The arrows scattered over and wiped out a string of sparks in the heavy armored infantry formation, but almost no one fell.  The crossbow vehicles of the Black Flag Army have not yet been replenished with heavy crossbows, and the artillery cannot exert its power.    After losing thousands of people, the enemy finally sent heavy armor to the front of the Black Flag Army.  "Don't be a coward!" Zhao Yisi yelled, standing in the first row of the queue, holding the Changshan in his hand tightly: "Even if you die, in the future, when people mention the brothers in our camp, they will have to pick one over the other.  Thumbs up, we are all real men, good men!¡± ¡°I would rather die than retreat!¡± The shouts were so uniform, and everyone¡¯s face was filled with determination.  Maybe these are the last words of many people before they die, but at this moment, none of them regret it.  No matter what the purpose of this war was, as soldiers, they never forgot their duties.  The battlefield belongs to the world of soldiers.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡°General, I will protect you and retreat!¡± The soldiers rushed up to support the shaky Zhao Yisi, trying to carry him back from the front.  Zhao Yisi shook his shoulders and pushed the soldier away, and raised his hand to wipe away the blood that blurred his eyes.  Too many comrades had fallen beside him, and the land was covered with corpses without any trace of soil.  "My soldiers are fighting to the death, I will not retreat." Zhao Yisi tried his best to poke the long spear out, but he was exhausted and could not accurately poke the long spear into the face of the enemy again. His martial arts skills were good.  Already killed at least a dozen enemy heavy infantry.  Facing those soldiers wearing heavy chain armor, it seemed that only the face and neck were the weakest points.  The face armor is very thin, and the chain armor on the neck is relatively thin.  "Dang" sound.  The heavy armored infantry on the opposite side used Mo Dao to split Zhao Yisi's long spear. The huge shock force made Zhao Yisi unable to hold the long spear tightly.  His body staggered and he could no longer stand still, and a Mo Dao from the opposite side slashed down hard.  The soldiers beside him roared and pounced forward on Zhao Yisi.  The heavy and sharp Mo Dao cut the soldiers in half without any mercy, and the blade struck Zhao Yisi again due to the inertia.  The Mo Dao got stuck on his armor, and blood kept flowing out along the opening.  The pain of this knife made Zhao Yisi wake up again. He struggled to stand up, clamped the enemy's Mo Dao under his arm with his arm, and then rushed over and slammed his iron helmet into the enemy's face.  At this time, Zhao Yisi used his last strength, and the iron helmet hit the enemy's faceplate, and blood immediately flowed out along the hole in the faceplate.  Perhaps because he was blinded, the heavy armored infantry wailed and retreated, covering his face, and kept digging at the iron sheet embedded in his face with his hands.  "Comrade, die you will not live alone." Zhao Yisi crawled over, held the heavy armored infantry with both hands and pulled him down, then jumped on the heavy armored infantry, took out the dagger hanging on his waist, held it with both hands, and stabbed it fiercely.  With the next thrust, the dagger penetrated along the hollow of the visor and entered deeply into the heavy armored infantry's eye socket.  Poof!  Another Mo knife fell down, and Zhao Yisi's head was removed with half of his shoulders, slowly sliding down.  "Support is coming!" At this moment, a burst of cheers came from the Black Flag Army's defense line.  Xu Ding came over with two Zhechong battalions for support, each holding a white wax pole as thick as a wrist.  This kind of wood is extremely tough and does not necessarily break even when it is bent in half.  The pewter poles in their hands were two meters long, far longer than the pikemen's spears.  "Brothers, go down and have a rest. It's our turn!" Xu Ding roared and rushed forward first: "The general said that as long as we persist for another half hour, the enemy will be defeated!" He held the pewter pole in both hands and moved forward.  A sharp stab hit the chest of a heavily armored infantryman. Even if there was a gun tip, it would not be able to penetrate that layer of armor, let alone without a gun tip.  But Xu Ding's intention was not to stab the enemy to death, but to knock the enemy down!  The toughness of the pewter rod came into play, and it almost reached ninety degrees without breaking. He pushed it forward, and the elastic force pushed the heavy armored infantryman back.  The soldier was unsteady on his feet and tripped over the corpse, falling to the ground with a plop.  Wearing such heavy armor, it is not easy to stand up after falling!  Seeing that the soldier fell, Xu Ding held the white wax stick in both hands and raised it and smashed it down hard. The roll rolled in an arc in mid-air, and then hit the soldier's body with a loud bang.  The cheek can block swords, spears, feathers and arrows, but it cannot offset the blow to the stick.  As soon as the stick went down, the heavily armored soldier immediately let out a muffled groan and became even more unable to stand up.  In a dense offensive formation, once the heavy armored infantry falls to the ground, it is actually a dead end.  His comrades behind him kept pushing forward, and he was stepped on first, and then??It means being trampled into a pulp.  The two fresh troops from the Zhechong Battalion came up and used the special weapons in their hands to temporarily block the heavy armored infantry.  Pieces of sticks thrust forward, knocking down the front row of heavy armored infantry.  The heavy armored infantry had to change their strategies and use Mo Dao to chop the sticks.  But in this way, their physical exertion accelerated a lot.  You must know that ordinary people cannot dance that Mo Dao!  Even though they are all burly and strong men, wearing heavy armor and holding Mo Dao, every step consumes their physical strength, so the heavy armored infantry will choose heavy weapons like Mo Dao in pursuit of killing with one hit.  But now, they have to chop down those long pewter poles with their swords!  This unreasonable defensive method completely messed up the formation of the heavy armored infantry.  The soldiers in the first row fell down, and the people behind them were tripped one after another. The heavy armored infantry behind them had no idea what was happening, and they continued to advance at the speed they were used to.  The horn sounded, and the enemy's heavy armor began to slowly retreat and reorganize their formation.  At this moment, the drums of counterattack sounded from the Chinese army.  "Our light cavalry went behind the enemy and captured their rear group! The enemy is in chaos!" "Brothers, move forward!" "Kill!" The generals of each battalion saw the opportunity and led their soldiers to launch an attack in an instant  counterattacked.  The offensive was blocked, and Gao Jun, who was about to adjust and prepare for the next attack, was caught off guard. The time of this counterattack was just perfect!  Xiahou Baichuan got on his horse, took off his long spear and pointed forward: "Black Flag Army! Break through the enemy camp!" "Kill!" The Black Flag Army, which had been defending for more than seven hours, finally had time to feel proud and proud.  The offensive was like a mountain torrent that burst a bank, instantly swamping the enemy's front line.  In the distance, two black lines, one on the left and one on the right, were inserted into the back of Zheng Ziyu's army. They were the elite cavalry of the Black Flag Army who had gone around to make a surprise attack.  The war may be stalemate for a long time, but the victory is often decided at that moment.
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