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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 992 Chen Xiaoru¡¯s Method

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    Chapter 992 Chen Xiaoru¡¯s Method When Fang Jie was walking back carrying the swordsman in black who had been captured alive, bursts of war drums could be heard from the side of Qinhe. In such a wilderness, the sound of soldiers  The sound of shouts and war drums can float far, far away.  Fang Jie knew that Xiang Qingniu had also succeeded. As long as Zheng Ziyu's ballista and catapult were destroyed, the soldiers would be much less damaged when crossing the river.  Although the sound was not very loud, the sound coming one after another made Fang Jie feel a little more relaxed.  The sound of drums and cannons.  The battle has begun, and Fang Jie doesn¡¯t have to worry about anything else.  Xiahou Baichuan is a general who has experienced many battles, and he knows how to win this battle successfully.  This kind of fight without tricks relies on the quality and courage of the soldiers on both sides. The one who is discouraged first will lose.  After Fang Jie captured the man, he shattered several of his key air points. The man was as if he was useless. If he took off the man's lower jaw, he would not be able to commit suicide even if he wanted to.  Usually this kind of killer has poison hidden in his teeth, and once he is captured, he will bite the poison pills he had hidden before.  After Fang Jie returned to the camp, Xiang Qingniu also happened to return.  "How is the battle situation?" Fang Jie asked.  "The situation of the battle?" Xiang Qingniu was stunned for a moment: "I didn't look at it You know that I have no interest in military affairs. Seeing too many dead people is disturbing, and I am afraid of nightmares at night. You know that I have such a  Beauty is such a depressing thing, and not sleeping well is a very disfiguring thing" Fang Jie sighed: "You are hopeless" Xiang Qingniu said to himself: "Even you can't help it"  That being said, it seems that I am really hopeless. I know that I am so handsome that I have no rivals, and now I am so handsome that I have no friends" Fang Jie didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and carried the captured swordsman into the tent.  Chen Xiaoru came back after seeing Fang Xie, took the swordsman over, carefully dug out the hidden poison pills from the swordsman's mouth, then searched the man's body, and tied the swordsman tightly with a tendon rope.  Then he stopped.  Those who came from the Ouchi Guards Department are the most skilled at doing this kind of thing.  Fang Jie sat down on the chair and glanced at Chen Xiaoru, who then nodded.  He squatted down next to the swordsman and smiled and said: "I used to be from a hundred households in the Ouchi Guards Department. You should have heard of the name of the Ouchi Guards Department, so I don't plan to say anything more. Threats are for  It's of no use to people like you, but it's not easy for you to die in my hands." The swordsman in black just looked at Chen Xiaoru with cold eyes, without any expression.  Chen Xiaoru turned back to look at Fang Jie: "Lord, please take him away. The method of extracting a confession is a little uncomfortable, so it would be better for me to take him back for questioning." Fang Jie nodded.  Xiang Qingniu was more curious and followed Chen Xiaoru to take a look.  Within half an hour, the fat man came back vomiting and shaking.  "Does it look good?" Fang Jie asked.  After Xiang Qingniu sat down, he poured a cup of herbal tea and rinsed his mouth. His face was as white as paper: "Although I am not a cruel person, I have seen people killing pigs, cows and people. But your subordinate Chen Xiaoru  When extorting a confession, even those who have been killing pigs for decades will vomit all kinds of meat Damn it, Master Dao, I have seen the methods of the people in the Ouchi Guards Department. No wonder there was a saying in the world.  , I would rather go to the Palace of Hell than mess with Fei Yupao. " "What is Chen Xiaoru doing?" Fang Jie asked.  "Here" Xiang Qingniu swallowed and spat out, and couldn't help but spat out again: "Here's the skinning Mr. Dao, this is the first time I've seen people being skinned, and they were skinned alive  "     Chen Xiaoru's hand is very steady, to a terrifying degree.  The knife in his hand was very small, as if it had been sharpened specifically for skinning people.  The knife didn't tremble at all when it slid forward in his hand, as smoothly as if it was running on a laid track.  The swordsman opened his eyes, which were bloodshot.  He just watched helplessly as he was being skinned.  "I told you it won't hurt, but skinning is never about pain to make people surrender." Chen Xiaoru spoke to the swordsman in a calm tone while working: "I was at the Ouchi Guards back then.  I often do this kind of thing, but I haven¡¯t done it for a long time and my hands are a bit raw, but don¡¯t be afraid, I still remember the steps clearly. The powder I sprinkled on your legs just now is a secret anesthetic. I sprinkled it on before peeling your skin.  You won't feel any pain. Of course I don't know. I used to ask people this when I was skinning them, and they all?It doesn¡¯t hurt. Do you feel any pain?  "The swordsman's face was as white as paper, and the sweat on his face had gathered into a sheet. His eyelids were sewn on by Chen Xiaoru with needle and thread, and he couldn't close his eyes even if he wanted to. He was tied to a special stool.  He couldn't even twist his neck, so he could only watch the man with a gentle face peeling his skin so gently. "I know that you people have undergone particularly cruel training, just to prepare for the sunset."  It will not be able to withstand it in the hands of the enemy.  But it just so happens that I have been trained to deal with people like you. We are natural opponents.  I don¡¯t know how you feel about being skinned. To me, it¡¯s like completing a piece of art Don¡¯t you think it¡¯s incredible that you can peel off a complete human skin and still be alive?  "Although the swordsman couldn't move, his whole body was shaking with fear. The muscles in his neck had tensed up, and you can imagine how strong the fear was. "Don't shake, just shake my knife.  It will also move around.  If the peeled skin is incomplete, it is a failed work.  When I was at the Ouchi escort office, I was responsible for slow peeling, and there was a person who was responsible for quick peeling.  Sometimes we would switch between each other, I would peel him off quickly and he would peel him off slowly.  At his fastest, he can peel off a particularly complete piece in less than half an hour. At my slowest, it took me eighteen days to peel off a piece of skin.  "The human skin has been peeled off to the knees." Chen Xiaoru stopped with the knife, pushed aside the thin layer of flesh with blood, and carefully looked at the swordsman's knees: "It's not easy to do here, the skin is too thin  , too close to the bone.  You can watch it yourself for a while. If my knife is crooked, can you remind me?  "The swordsman suddenly stiffened and passed out." Chen Xiaoru picked up a towel and wiped his hands, and called to his men: "Wake him up This is really physical work. I haven't done it in a long time."  , really tired.  " He sat down opposite, looked at the unconscious swordsman and shook his head with a smile: "When a person is so scared, you don't ask him anything, just talk to him about skinning,  It was a double torture for him.  Because he doesn't want to say it but he hopes you will ask him. As long as you ask him, he might really do it.  Or maybe he's deliberately trying to piss you off in the hope that you'll kill him.  " "So, skinning also requires a good temper.  "     When the swordsman woke up, he found Chen Xiaoru looking at him and smiling. "You are so lucky. I had already peeled off the skin of your knees when you were unconscious.  Look at this red knee, there is only a layer of muscle-like stuff. I don¡¯t know if you have ever killed a pig. If you haven¡¯t killed a pig, you should have cut pork. There is a film on the pork that is very annoying. This is what you have on your knee.  Do you have a desire to take it off?  But no, if you take it off, you will see the white bones.  "The swordsman's jaw has not yet been hung up, and he cannot speak. He shook his head violently, but his head was fixed on the wooden stake attached to the stool and could not move at all. The wooden stake was swung back and forth by him,  You can imagine how strong it was. The more he struggled, the tighter the tendon rope had become, tightening his flesh, and the area where it was being strangled had turned purple. ¡°Don¡¯t you like it?  " Chen Xiaoru smiled and said: "I have the best temper among the Ouchi guards. When I execute, I will also ask the prisoners how they feel. If they don't like to peel them off from the feet, then I will peel them off from the beginning.  It doesn't matter, I listen to you.  " There was a clicking sound in the swordsman's throat, but he couldn't express what he meant. His eyes were so round, and the blood in them was about to burst, as if blood would flow from his eyes in the next second.  Flow out. This man is on the verge of collapse. He can't imagine such a cruel punishment in this world, even if he doesn't feel any pain at all. "I guess" Chen Xiaoru stopped and looked at the swordsman.  The eyes said: "You must be thinking at this time, if I hang your jaw now, you will bite off your tongue.  So you can relax because you're useless and I'm going to kill you, right?  This is what I'm worried about, what if you bite off your tongue So, usually I stop in the middle of doing something and ask, would you rather talk or bite your tongue?  If you are willing to talk, I will glue your skin back now and sprinkle it with the secret medicine prepared by the Ouchi Guards. You will be fine in a short time.  If you're willing to bite your tongue, I'll have to go on.  " Blood dripping from the corners of the swordsman's eyes. It was because he opened his eyes too wide and tore the corners of his eyes. "Bring a mirror.  " Chen Xiaoru ordered. A brave knightHe took a bronze mirror and fixed it in front of the swordsman.  Chen Xiaoru moved his stool and sat down next to the swordsman: "I'm going to peel it off from your face now. In order to make it easier for you to see, I put a bronze mirror in front of you. You will see yourself.  The face was peeled off little by little, and the red flesh inside and the black and white eyeballs" The swordsman struggled like crazy for a few times, and passed out again.  When he woke up again, his legs had been wrapped, and the severe pain made him feel like crying. He would rather feel the pain than endure the peeling that didn't hurt at all.  "Now, are you willing to say something?" Chen Xiaoru sat next to the bed, holding a bronze mirror in his hand.  "I say!" The swordsman almost yelled with all his strength, and then he was shocked to realize that his jaw had been hung up.  "Well" Chen Xiaoru leaned back and waved for someone to come over and record: "Sometimes the right decision is always made after paying a heavy price. However, after all, it is not wrong in the end. Tell me, if you can  Be as detailed as possible, and I can send someone to the northwest to find a place with no one to live in seclusion. "I saidwhat do you want to know? Ask me quickly." The swordsman's voice was heavy.  Trembling, so hoarse.
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