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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 984 It has to be made beautiful

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    Chapter 984 It has to be beautiful Western Region Daxue Mountain Dalun Temple The old monk walked tremblingly to the Dalun Mingwang Hall and took a look at the huge lotus throne that was still high but had long lost its meaning.  When the man named Maharinmyo sat here, the Buddhist sect could become the supreme being over the imperial power for more than a thousand years.  Now that Maharaja Maharaja is gone, the meaning of Buddhism is actually gone.  No matter how disdainful he is for Maharaja, he cannot deny that over the past thousand years, Maharaja has succeeded in doing one thing, which is to make everyone on the grassland think that Maharaja is the Buddha, and the Buddha is the Great Sect.  King Lun Ming.  One side of the hall has collapsed, but the other side is still magnificent.  He looked at the fragmented side, recalling the huge red light that flashed by that day.  That kind of power is definitely not something that anyone can contend with, not even the only practitioner in the world like Sang Luan.  "Do you really think that letting Brother Meng lead his troops eastward will solve everything?" he asked.  The old monk knew that he was always there.  "You have to do something, otherwise my efforts over the years would be in vain?" He replied with an indifferent voice.  "But the area you can control is up to Langru Mountain. You can't control the east of Langru Mountain. Even if you let Meng Ge lead troops eastward, there are still too many unpredictable things happening. It was also right when Sang came here.  You said that at the edge of the eastern sea, foreigners using firearms have invaded the Central Plains. Even if the balance you have worked hard to achieve over the years has not been broken by internal forces, it may be broken by external forces. " The old monk seemed a little distracted and walked slowly.  Sit down on the stone steps below the lotus throne.  "I have always firmly believed that you are right. Although I also know that the reason why you want to maintain the appearance of this world is because you are also afraid, but no matter what, you are thinking for the majority of people. If the world was really like that before  Horrible, then there is nothing wrong with you in preventing such a world from happening. " "Am I afraid?" There was some dissatisfaction in the voice, but soon the voice came again: "Yes, you are right, I am.  I am afraid. If you have experienced that, you will be afraid. It is an unstoppable destruction. I am the only survivor, so I must prevent this from happening again. " "You are very selfish.  He couldn't help but smile: "Cold and cold selfishness is very interesting." The voice paused for a long time, and then seemed to sigh: "It seems that I really can't let a person live too long.  You will know a lot of things that you shouldn't know. It seems that you have discovered something. Should I kill you immediately?" "Whatever" The old monk moved his body. It seemed that the cold stone steps made him feel uncomfortable.  Comfortable.  But he was too old to sit down and move.  "You are right. Although you have always remained mysterious, I have lived in this mountain and this temple for so long, and it is inevitable that I can see through something. I didn't say it before because I didn't dare to say it before, for fear of death  I can almost count how many days I have left to live, so I¡¯m not afraid.¡± ¡°I want to know, what are you?¡± The old monk raised his head and searched the corner: ¡°You were in this hall the day Sang Luan came.  Something was destroyed in it, so your voice sounded more ethereal. I was thinking that there must be something in this hall that could send your voice out. The moment Sang Luan destroyed him, he understood.  You are not alone, and I understand. Just as my last curiosity before dying, can you tell me what you are?" The voice was silent again for a long time.  It took so long that the old monk was almost asleep before it rang again: "After that disaster, there was no one alive in the world, not just people, not even a mouse or even a bug. You have  I have seen such violent destructive power, but you can't relate to it. If the mountain was not high enough and the temperature at the top was not low enough, then I would not have survived. Fortunately, I chose to be here because it was enough.  Safe. No one has noticed that there is still such a space in the mountain. " "Yes, I am not a person, but you don't need to know what I am. If you can't treat me as a person, then this is it.  It¡¯s the failure of my hard work over the years.¡± ¡°Since you still don¡¯t want to say it, I won¡¯t ask.¡± The old monk smiled and seemed not to be disappointed.  "However, I have a more curious question, which is not about you, but about people." "What?" the voice asked.  ? ?"Physique" The old monk sat up straight and his expression became solemn: "People can practice. People with different physiques practice in different ways and have different realms.  If people are equal, why do they have different physiques?  If you tell me that these different physiques are caused by you, I will believe it.  " "It's not me." The voice answered simply: "It's the sequelae of the war.  "    " The sequelae of the war?  " The old monk did not understand this sentence, and his knowledge did not allow him to understand the meaning behind it. In this temple in this mountain, the old monk is the person closest to "him", and he also knows something beyond this world.  The person who has done the most things, but there are some things that the old monk still can¡¯t understand. ¡°I can¡¯t explain it to you.  " There was some impatience in the voice: "To put it simply, after those absolutely powerful weapons in the war destroyed the world, they would have an impact on everything. The lights you see, the waves that spread, all of them  With a very special substance, something in this world has been changed.  "The old monk didn't understand, but he didn't plan to ask anymore, because he really couldn't understand these words, not at all. "So, what is the vitality of heaven and earth?  " The old monk asked: "You said that no one in that world practiced cultivation, and there was no vitality of heaven and earth in the world.  Although that disaster destroyed people and all living things, and not even a tree was left, the place was still this place.  Why does the vitality of heaven and earth appear after the disaster has passed?  " "It's still because of the war.  "The voice replied: "After the war, this place was reset to zero.  This means that everything here is gone and you have to start over.  The earth and sky have also suffered great trauma. No one can repair them, only they themselves can repair themselves.  Over the long years, the earth and sky began to expel those things that could harm them, and used the purest air to make up for the wounds.  " "After many, many years have passed, those poisonous and harmful things remaining in the earth and air have finally been eliminated. At this time, the earth and sky are completely new.  There is no residual poison left by the previous human society, and the purest things contain the power of nature.  " "This is the vitality of heaven and earth.  " "Then why didn't it exist in the previous world?  "The old monk asked again. "Yes." The voice answered affirmatively: "But it is exhausted There are no longer known how many reincarnations there are on this land. It may take tens of thousands of years or only a few thousand years for human beings to appear and die.  .  When humans first appeared, the earth was pure and the air was pure, just like it is now.  But as people began to become smarter and smarter, and created more and more things that were good for mankind but destroyed the earth, the pure vitality of heaven and earth was gradually corroded and then disappeared.  " "I still remember" The voice paused and continued: "When the previous world existed, when humans did not have firearms like they do now, there were practitioners.  The more ancient and primitive the society, the greater the abilities of the practitioners.  Thousands of years before the destruction of mankind in the previous world, it was called the Age of Myth.  At that time, there were a large number of practitioners with extremely powerful cultivation.  They even have the huge ability to move mountains and reclaim seas, and are called gods.  " "Perhaps, they are the same as people today. It is the leftover things after the destruction of the previous world that have changed people's physiques, so there are practitioners who are beyond normal people.  But as people rely more and more on weapons and tools, they gradually become lazier and lazier, and fewer and fewer people are willing to practice. In the end, it is impossible to practice because there is no vitality of heaven and earth.  " "Since the last three hundred years or so before the destruction of the world, there have been no more practitioners.  " After hearing this, the old monk nodded thoughtfully: "You mean, if you don't stop it, it won't be long before firearms begin to be commonly used, and there will be no vitality in the world?  " "Yes" There was a bit of fatigue in his voice. "His" various tone changes were not stiff, but it just made people feel unnatural. The old monk suddenly thought of a word. He didn't know if it was right, but he thought it was more appropriate.  . Imitation He felt that all the emotions in that voice were not his own, but were imitated. ¡°I understand.  " The old monk breathed a sigh of relief slowly and sorted out the thoughts in his mind: "You mean, because of development, people begin to rely more and more on tools instead of themselves, so that people's physique becomes more and more fragile.  Difference.  When this development reached its extreme, the warSoon comes destruction.  Then everything is reset to zero and starts over.  People began to appear again and learned to practice in the pure heaven and earth, and then many years later people were destroyed again, and so on.  " "Maybe yes.  "The answer in the voice was somewhat uncertain. "Why are you not sure?  The old monk asked: "There is no such uncertainty in what you just said."  " "Because the world has changed now. I changed it instead of letting the world develop freely.  I facilitated the emergence of practitioners and blocked the emergence of firearms.  So, I don¡¯t know if reincarnation will happen again.  " "You are very tired.  " The old monk smiled, and then asked: "The last curiosity am I the original me?  " He actually already knew the answer to this question, but he was just unwilling to accept it. "No" the voice answered quickly, without giving the old monk an extra second of fantasy time. "Originally, you and Lord Dalun Ming were from the same period.  When Sang Luan began to conquer the world, he had a few special people under his command. One of them was King Dalun Ming, and the other was the ancestor of the Golden Family. And you were also one of Sang Luan's first subordinates.  " "But he didn't recognize me.  "The old monk doesn't understand. "I changed your appearance because you were really ugly.  Although you have a very unique and wonderful physique, your appearance is really ugly.  When I separated your physique and made another you, I changed it slightly and made you beautiful.  Your physique can ensure that each separated you maintains the particularity of your physique, that is, the person who is separated will have a certain degree of strength and will continue to evolve.  " "I really can't think of it" The old monk sighed. "What can't be expected?  "The voice asked. "You are not a human being, why do you care so much about your face?  "The voice paused for a moment and suddenly smiled: "Because I regard you as my body and as a human body, and I have to make it more beautiful.  "
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