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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 979 The Lord is Coming

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    Chapter 979: The Lord is Coming Mu San gets up very early every day. The place he rents is quite remote. If you want to buy some vegetables and meat, you have to walk for an hour and a half.  However, meat has been unavailable in Chang'an City since half a year ago. As for vegetables, you can buy them, but the price of a piece of Chinese cabbage is staggering.  ¡°If it were another city that had been trapped for several years, I¡¯m afraid people in the city would have started cannibalism.  The city of Chang'an is big enough, with a radius of hundreds of miles, and you can always find a place to grow some food and vegetables.  It's not funny at all. Scenes that you would never see before are happening naturally in Chang'an City.  For example, a person who owns a vegetable field in Chang'an City will hire more than a dozen skilled bodyguards.  The cost of these bodyguards is not too high, as long as they have enough to take care of them every day.  If the army in Chang'an City could not guarantee public security, it would not be possible for the bodyguard to kill the employer and take the vegetable garden as his own.  Because there is more than one granary in Chang'an City, the supply of food is not stretched.  No matter who is in power in the court, at this time, as long as he is not stupid and pushed to the extreme, he will not do something stupid like not providing food to the people.  The enemies outside are blocked by Chang'an City's unparalleled high wall. If the people in the city are annoyed, the enemies outside will probably be happy.  The granary reserves in Chang'an City have always been abundant. Even if the population in the city is so large, the two granaries in the city plus the official granary of the Ministry of Revenue can still feed the people every day for twenty or thirty years.  However, the abundance of food only diluted some people's panic, and did not allow the people to live a quiet and practical life as before.  After all, there are cries of siege outside the city almost every day, and even people who seem to be calm on the surface will occasionally be afraid of the imaginary city being destroyed and people being killed.  Mu San has stopped eating out for a long time. To be honest, he doesn¡¯t know if he has any companions by his side.  Every day he would hope for someone to come out of nowhere and tell him that he was here to pick him up. He thought about it day after day, so much so that his mind was now a little abnormal.  When he walks on the street, he always looks around the corner to see if someone has left a mark.  In the past, what he was most afraid of was traveling at night, but now he has become accustomed to wandering on the streets every night like a ghost. He has been able to accurately avoid the officers and soldiers patrolling the streets, and he is even bored enough to count the officers and soldiers who pass by each group.  What's the difference in quantity?  He thought that someone would appear in the dark night, grab him and exchange a code word with him.  It¡¯s a pity that it has been two years.     Nothing at all.  He lived a dull but oppressed life like this. He didn't even dare to look in the mirror because he knew that he would be aging at an alarming rate in the past two years.  He doesn't go out to eat because he knows that his voice and walking posture will attract other people's attention sooner or later, and he doesn't dare to let people know him.  He can now make a bowl of noodle soup very delicious. Sometimes he even wonders if one day when his money is almost spent, he can go out and set up a food stall on the street. The business will be good.  When a person is alone for a long time, his thoughts are his only companion.  When lying in bed, he would construct stories in his mind.  Sometimes when he thinks of particularly exciting plots, he will laugh or even cry.  Every boring day and night, what he didn't dare to do was stare at the ground. He was afraid that the ground would suddenly open up and swallow him up.  He thought more than once that it might be a relief for someone to catch him.  He would look at the sky and giggle, look at the birds in the trees and giggle at the bugs on the wall.  Every morning when he wakes up, he smiles.  Then I said to myself, it¡¯s great that I haven¡¯t been driven crazy yet.  The hundred noodles are almost finished, and he must go out to buy some.  He didn't go to the place where the government distributed food to receive it, so he didn't dare.  Fortunately, Fang Jie gave him enough money at the beginning, and the banknotes could be exchanged in Chang'an City, but they had to go to a bank with a government background, and a banknote of one thousand taels could only be redeemed for 400 taels in cash.  He still didn¡¯t dare to go, he only dared to take the jewelry to the pawn shop to pawn it.  A while ago, he took an East Pearl worth ten thousand gold in peacetime and exchanged it for one thousand two hundred taels of silver in a pawn shop, which was already a sky-high price.  At that time, the pawnshop owner looked at him strangely and must have suspected that he had stolen the item.  So Mu San didn't stay even for a second, and left quickly after carrying the money.  ¡°If he hadn¡¯t been clever enough, he would have been killed by the pawnbroker on the way back.  He didn¡¯t dare to go to the same shop every time to pawn, and even took a cross-city carriage to pawn on the other side of the city.  Even if he was buying noodles or oil, he would not go to a nearby shop.  When I wake up in the morningThe star in the west that was the last to set but also the brightest at dawn was still there. Mu San got up, quickly cleaned himself up, washed up and took a punch in the yard.  He played in a disorganized manner and didn't seem to have much power.  He figured out this boxing technique by himself. He knew it wouldn't work, but he forced himself to practice it every day and run around the yard for half an hour. He had to make himself able to run away at any time, and he had to run.  It's very fast, so you need a good body.  When we went out, the light had just turned on, so Mu San wanted to go out when there was no one around.  In the past two years, he has become more and more aware that his androgynous body is very troublesome. If a caring person takes a closer look at him, he can see his flaws.  He is no longer the little eunuch who first talked to Master Xiao Fang when he was trying to find a way out for himself in the Tai Chi Palace. He is almost twenty years old.  At this age, he should have had a beard and Adam's apple, but he didn't have either.  There weren't even any large pores on his smooth lower jaw, and no one would believe him when he said he had just shaved.  You can only avoid people.  Try not to see people.  He doesn't need a map. Although Chang'an City is very big, he has traveled to too many places in these two extremely boring years, and he has a map of Chang'an City in his mind.  The price of a carriage across the city has been ten times its original price, and not many people can afford it.  But the driver did not dare to lower the price, because the money now is not as good as it was a few years ago.  In the past, one tael of silver could order a good table of noodles at the best restaurant, but now one tael of silver was only enough to feed his mule a few full meals.  People are listless, and so are mules.  Mu San paid the money and got into the car. After giving an address, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.  The carriage was moving slowly, and he was in no hurry, so he didn't rush it.  After a full hour, Mu San opened his eyes.  Counting the time, we have arrived at East 23rd Street.  Sure enough, the carriage stopped, almost at the same time as Mu San opened his eyes.  He is used to going here every day to see if there is any harvest. If it is not to buy rice and noodles, he will not take the carriage.  Because he was carrying a bag of silver, the security in Chang'an City was now only controlled by the military to the point where there would be no riots.  As for small-time robbery on the street, the Chang'an Prefecture, which has long been unable to pay wages, will not care about it, and the military people are even less bothered to care about it.  He was actually ready when he got off the bus, but he still got nothing today.  But, he was wrong.  Today there is an additional stall selling snacks in front of the shop in Dong Ersantiao.  They were a couple. The man seemed honest and honest, and the woman was a bit profit-oriented but kind-hearted.  When Mu San saw the man smiling at him vaguely, he suddenly wanted to cry.  I really want to cry.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡°I thought I was starting to stink.¡± Mu San sat down and ordered a basket of steamed buns.  "Would you like a bowl of hot noodle soup?" the boss asked.  Mu San shook his head: "Not to mention eating noodles, now I feel like vomiting just by mentioning the word noodles. In the past two years, I have eaten all the noodles that others have eaten in their entire lives. Sometimes I just cook them without salt and oil.  At that time, I couldn¡¯t help but think that maybe eating shit would taste better than eating noodles like that.¡± The stall owner smiled and said, ¡°You don¡¯t need to tell me, just because you can¡¯t see it, doesn¡¯t mean you don¡¯t have it.¡±  , you have never been without people around you in the past two years, I can tell you this, you feel that your life in the past two years is worse than death, then those people who have protected you in the dark for two years have lived a worse life than you.  It¡¯s a lot harder.¡± Mu Sanyi was stunned. He really didn¡¯t expect that there would be someone protecting him these past two years.  "At least you still have food to eat." The boss sighed very softly: "But what about the brothers under me Do you know what one of my brothers said about you? He said that he sees you like this every day.  You look so nervous that he can't wait to slap you seventeen or eight times. " "If he slaps me, I will thank him" Mu San put a bun into his mouth and found that it was only the size of a fingertip.  So a piece of meat.  ¡°Your business is getting more and more deceptive.¡± He said.  "Bah" the boss spat: "Go and eat at other places. The size of my meat fillings is already twice that of other people's, and the money charged is the same." "How much does a basket of buns like this cost now?" Mu San asked  .  "Three taels of silver" The boss was a little dissatisfied: "There are fewer and fewer people who can afford to eat. Even the middle-class families in the past are already too poor to take the blame. If it weren't for the government's decision?I don¡¯t know how many people starved to death despite the grain distribution.  A few days ago, I saw a businessman who was once well-known in Chang'an City, queuing up with the people to receive food. It was said that he had sold all his previous houses.  " "Sometimes this fate is unimaginable. Those who do big business can't do business if they can't leave the city. On the contrary, we who do small business live better.  " Mu San sighed: "You appear in front of me, don't you just want to show off your life?  " "There is a key in the cage in front of you. It belongs to the shop behind me. I dug under the second floor tile after entering the door. There are a lot of banknotes. Although now in Chang'an City, you have to get a half discount when you go to the bank to cash it out, but  It's no problem to get tens of thousands of taels of silver. I will arrange for you to go to a few more banks to exchange it.  Then go to the wealthy family¡¯s home to collect jewelry" "Doing business?  "Mu San couldn't help but ask: "I've been waiting for this for a long time, is this what I'm waiting for?  " "Why haven't you calmed down yet?  The boss rolled his eyes at him: "From tomorrow on, you will be the envoy of the Black Flag Army in Chang'an City."  You don't need to bring gifts when you go to the homes of courtiers and adults. They are eager to treat you well.  But when you go to meet powerful generals in the Forbidden Army or other armies, you still need to bring some gifts.  " Mu San's eyes lit up: "My lord is here?  "The boss smiled and said: "Here we are, we have reached Gyeonggi Province now.  Gao Kaitai's soldiers can't stop the lord's army, and it won't be long before the lord's troops arrive at the city.  How much credit you will have at that time will depend on your performance during this period.  "The boss sat down and ate with Mu San. "You ate it yourself, what else are you selling?  " Mu San asked. " What a bullshit!  " The boss stretched his body and looked back at his wife: "We will go to the clothing store to buy some good clothes to wear in a while. From now on, the two of us will be your personal bodyguards.  You don¡¯t have to hide yourself to meet those people. Those big shots don¡¯t dare to expose you.  Just avoid the Iron Armored Army people After all these years, I finally got over it. If you feel like vomiting when you smell the noodle soup, why don't I cook the noodles until I feel like vomiting?  "
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