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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 970 Do you know who he is?

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    Chapter 970: Do you know who he is? Fang Jie glanced at the undamaged granary on the other side of the hillside, and then looked at Yan Zeng, who was standing opposite with a frightening pale face.  "It is not your fault that you led the troops to resist, it is your merit that you did not burn down the granary, so I will not kill you. If you are willing to stay and work in my Black Flag Army, I will arrange a suitable position for you. If you are not willing to stay,  Leave with you." "Is Yan Li really dead?" Yan Zeng asked again.  "Yes" Fang Jie nodded: "He and Mu Guangling's only son Mu Xianjun led five thousand soldiers and horses to guard Penglai Island. They were besieged by the foreign navy and were unable to break out. The sea route was cut off by the foreign navy. The reinforcements from the Mu Mansion on land  The two of them fought with the soldiers for more than a month. I heard that they all died in the battle and no one survived. " Yan Zeng smiled bitterly: "I always thought that I was more responsible than him and would be more successful than him. That's why.  I will stay away from Dongjiang. What¡¯s the point of his death even if I achieve success in the future? His death at such a high place can only make me look up.  After a hard fight, why did you lead the troops north? " "I have already divided one hundred thousand troops to rush to the eastern Xinjiang to aid Mu Guangling. The reason why I did not lead all the troops to the east is because you also understand how much impact the mobilization of the Black Flag Army will have.  If I take all the troops of the Black Flag Army to the east, I am afraid that the southwest that I have worked so hard to stabilize will be occupied by others. Moreover, wherever I lead my troops to the east, those people will confidently let me go dozens of times.  Wan Dajun is coming?" Yan Zeng was silent for a while and then his expression suddenly changed: "Do you think Dongjiang can't be defended?" Fang Jie didn't answer, just looked at Yan Zeng.  "I understand. Duke Zhen expected that Eastern Xinjiang could not be defended, so you led troops to attack Chang'an." "Chang'an City has no meaning for the Sui Dynasty now. Even if no one has attacked it yet, Chang'an City has long been  It is not the Chang'an City of the Yang family. It would be best if the foreigners can be blocked in Eastern Xinjiang. If they cannot be blocked, Chang'an City will be the last line of defense. In a sense, the Han people will lose their country.  I can't trust others, so I have to guard Chang'an myself." Fang Jie said slowly.  Yan Zeng thought for a while and said, "Can you return the troops in Liyin City to me? I want to go back to Eastern Xinjiang." "With ten thousand people like you, there is no way you can reach Eastern Xinjiang." Fang Jie shook his head:  "Even if you really go back to Eastern Xinjiang to fight against foreign enemies, how many people will treat your team of 10,000 people as a piece of fat on the way back? Not everyone is willing to use their strength to fight against foreign enemies.  , the number of bystanders may be more than those who are willing to throw their lives and blood." "Central Plains people" Yan Zeng shook his head: "Why can't we all have the same mind at this time?" "It's not just us?  " Fang Jie said: "This is not just true for the Han people in this world, it is true for every nation. Some people are willing to die to protect their homeland without regrets. Some people think that no matter who is in power, it is enough for him to be an obedient citizen.  The common people may not all be content with the situation, and those with powerful families may not necessarily understand the justice of the nation. If we were to invade a foreign country, some would resist and some would surrender. " Yan Zeng asked: "Gong Zhenguo.  If you don't let me go, do you want me to lead troops to help you attack Chang'an? " "I don't lack troops like you, nor do you lack people like you." Fang Jie glanced at Yan Zeng: "A person like you is worthy.  It's a pity to let you go because you are a general, but I can't take away my ambition. There is no point in me forcing you to stay. I will naturally be happy if you are missing.  " "Okay" After being silent for a while, Yan Zeng nodded: "I can help the Duke go north. The guards in the three passes and sixteen cities in the north will be familiar with me. If I write a letter to persuade them to surrender, they should be there.  "How many people will agree?" Fang Jie nodded: "If so, it is not only a great achievement, but also a great merit."   Western Region Prairie Dalun Temple Kuoketai Meng has boarded it many times.  When he came to this magnificent temple, monks would stand on both sides of the road to welcome him, some would play beautiful music, and some would scatter bright flowers.  But this time, he seemed a little lonely when he walked to Dalun Temple.  There is no one on both sides of the road. It looks like a temple that has been abandoned for a long time.  A huge scar runs through Dalun Temple. IfDalunji Temple is regarded as a huge sand sculpture, so this scar was caused by a naughty person hitting the sand sculpture with a wooden stick, destroying the appearance of this perfect and magnificent building.  This was once an irreplaceable holy place in the hearts of hundreds of millions of herdsmen on the grasslands. If they can enter the Dalun Temple, they will never forget it.  The war did not destroy this temple, but it more or less destroyed the faith of some people.  "I know you will come sooner or later." The voice came from nowhere, as if it was far away in the sky, but also seemed to be right next to my ears.  When Brother Kuoktaimeng heard this voice, his body trembled involuntarily.  At the beginning, he was extremely ambitious to destroy the Buddha Sect and bring the Golden Family's dominance to an unprecedented height.  However, when the war seemed to be over, he learned some secrets, so that now he still has no ambition, like a shell that has lost his spirit.  "I don't know who you are, but I don't believe you are a god." Meng Ge paused, raised his head and looked up at Dalun Temple: "God is ruthless, but you seem to be mocking me now. You seem to  Waiting for me to appear in front of you as frustrated as a defeated person and accept your ridicule. ""If I am not a god, then who dares to say that I am a god?"  A little angry.  This was the second time Brother Meng heard this voice. The first time was the day he thought he was about to break through Dalun Temple.  "What is your understanding of God?" the voice asked.  "Almighty" Meng Ge replied.  The voice disappeared for a while, and then he said with some emotion: "I am not omnipotent. After all, there are some things in this world that I cannot do. You said that God is omnipotent, which is actually a wrong understanding. God is not omnipotent. If it is  If so, then I won¡¯t deliberately change this world but it won¡¯t do anything.¡± ¡°What exactly do you want to do?¡± asked Meng Ge.  ¡°I want the world to develop in the right direction instead of experiencing mistakes again.¡± ¡°Again?¡± Brother Meng didn¡¯t understand.  "Yes, once again the things I have experienced are things you will never imagine. Try your best to imagine what hell will look like. What you can come up with is not as good as one ten thousandth of the real hell."  "If you have seen that kind of hell, you won't doubt my decision." "You don't need to know what your decision is." "If I don't.  "Where's the obedience?" Brother Meng asked seriously.  The sound disappeared for a long time and did not appear again.  At this time, the door of the temple was pushed open from the inside with a creak, and an old monk who looked so old that he might die at any time slowly walked out with a cane.  That threshold, which is not too high, is like a mountain that is extremely difficult to climb for him.  "Come in." It took the old monk a long time to step out of the threshold. After only saying a word, he actually walked back. Then he raised his foot with difficulty again, and after a long time of preparation, he stepped forward with the other foot.  "It's so difficult to come out and just say a word and then go back, why do you have to come out?" Brother Meng asked.  "Some things cannot be avoided." The old monk looked back at him and said: "There is a threshold in front of everyone. You don't think there is any need to cross it because you see the scenery outside the door and feel that you can't get out.  Same. You think you can see clearly when the door is open, but you can't see clearly because the door is very big." What he said seemed to be inconsistent, and then he smiled: "This is the last one.  When people told me this, I always thought it was bullshit" "The last person?" Brother Meng felt that Buddhism was becoming more and more mysterious.  "Who was the last person?" "Who was the last person?" The old monk seemed to think carefully, and then answered naturally: "The last person is the last me, and the next person is the next me.  Ah why are you so stupid? " "Do you know why I want to cross that threshold?" the old monk asked Brother Meng.  "I don't know. You explained it for a long time, but I didn't understand it." Brother Meng replied.  "As I said just now, the words I said were the answers given by the last person when I asked him why he was so eager to cross that threshold. That's what he said, and I didn't understand it at the time. But  I am different from him??, the reason why I crossed that threshold is because I want to know how long I can live When I can't even cross a threshold, I guess death is not far away.  But I'm not afraid or sad There are so many people in the world, how many of them die of old age and truly have no desires or desires?  " Brother Meng wants to say that you are really boring, but he is too lazy to say anything because he is in a bad mood. " Let me ask you another question.  " The old monk squinted his eyes and glanced at Brother Meng. He didn't seem to care about Brother Meng's thoughts: "Do you know why the Buddha Sect exists?  "    "Why?  " Brother Meng repeated it, and then thought about it carefully: "To control the people?  " "Well, that's a pretty standard answer.  "The old monk nodded: "Actually, if there had not been King Maharaja more than a thousand years ago, the Buddhist sect would still have appeared.  I heard that there is a country called Nanyan in the Central Plains, and its capital is called Dali City. There is a great monk in Dali City whose name I have forgotten.  Perhaps, that great monk¡¯s Buddha is the real Buddha.  And the Buddha of the Buddhist sect is not a real Buddha even I can't fully explain what it is exactly.  " "He asked you to come out to pick me up?  " Brother Meng is not interested in the old monk's topic. " Him?  The old monk thought for a while: "Really do you know who he is?"  " "Can you stop asking questions all the time? Can you answer my questions?  "Brother Meng said impatiently. "No way.  " The old monk shook his head and said seriously: "I have lived for so many years. I can't imagine how many more questions I can't find answers to than you. I may be dying of old age, so I am more urgent than you.  Want to know the answer.  To put it simplywho am I to answer you?  " Then he asked: "Do you know what Buddhism is?  do you know who he is?  " "You are really confused.  "Brother Meng shook his head and stopped talking. "He" The old monk murmured in a very soft tone: "It's a demona demon who wants to dominate the world.  "
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